There are:
The Amazon
The Amazon Forest occupies the northern region of Brazil, covering about 47% of the country. It is the largest forest formation of the planet, conditioned by the humid equatorial climate. This has a variety of different vegetation types, from dense forests to fields. Dense forests are represented by the upland forests, floodplain forests, periodically flooded forests and wetland, permanently flooded and occur throughout much of central Amazonia. Fields of Roraima occur on poor soils in the northern reaches of the basin of Rio Branco. The campinaranas grow on sandy soils, spreading in patches along the Rio Negro basin. Humans also isolated areas of Savannah of the Cerrado ecosystem of the Brazilian central plateau.
The Semi-arid (Caatinga)
The nuclear area of the Semi-Arid comprises all states of northeast Brazil and northern Minas Gerais State, occupying about 11% of the country. Inside, the backwoods of northeastern Brazil, is characterized by the occurrence of vegetation more sparse in the Semi-arid Caatinga. The higher areas subject to less intense droughts, located closer to the coast, are called Wasteland. The transition area between the Savanna and Amazon is known as the Mid-North Zone or of coca crops. Much of the Northeast suffers high risk of desertification due to degradation of vegetation and soil.
The Cerrado
The Cerrado occupies the area of the Brazilian Central Plateau. The ongoing nuclear area of the Cerrado is about 22% of the country, and there are large patches of physiognomy in the Amazon and some smaller Caatinga and Atlantic Forest. Its climate is particularly striking, with two well defined seasons. The Cerrado has faces varied, ranging from grasslands devoid of woody vegetation in savanna, a dense tree formation. This region is permeated by woods and trails that follow the water courses.
The Atlantic
The Atlantic Forest, including the semideciduous forests, was originally a forest with the largest latitudinal extent of the planet, ranging from about 6 to 32nd. This has covered about 11% of the country. Today, though the Atlantic has only 4% of the original cover. Climate variability throughout its range is wide, ranging from super-humid temperate climates in the south to tropical humid and semi-arid northeast. The rugged coastal zone adds even more variability to this ecosystem. In the valleys the trees generally grow a lot, forming a dense forest. In this hillside forest is less dense, due to the frequent falling of trees. On mountain tops, usually appear in areas lands. In the southern Atlantic forest gradually merges with the forest of Araucaria.
The Pantanal of Mato Grosso
The Pantanal is the largest flood plain solid planet, covered by vegetation predominantly open and which occupies 1.8% of the country. This ecosystem is made up largely sandy terrain, covered with different faces due to variety of microrelief and flood regimes. As a transitional area between the Cerrado and the Amazon, the Pantanal boasts a mosaic of terrestrial ecosystems with particular affinities with the savanna.
Other Formations
Fields South (Pampas)
In the temperate climate of the south of the country develop in the fields or the southern pampas, which already accounted for 2.4% of the vegetation of the country. The flat terrain of plains and plateaus and the Gauchos coxilhas of soft-wavy relief, are colonized by pioneer species that form a grassland vegetation type open savanna. There are still areas of seasonal forests and fields of grassy-woody cover.
The Araucaria Forest (Region of Pine Trees)
In the Brazilian Southern Plateau, with altitudes greater than 500m, there is the dispersal area of Parana pine, Araucaria angustifolia, which has occupied about 2.6% of the country. In these forests coexist representatives of tropical and temperate flora of Brazil, being dominated, however, the pine-Parana. The forests vary in tree density and height of vegetation and can be classified according to aspects of soil, such as flood, along rivers, submontane, once nonexistent, and montane, which dominated the landscape. The vegetation of open grassy fields-timber occurs on shallow soils. Due to its high economic value to the Araucaria Forest come under strong pressure from deforestation.
Coastal and island ecosystems
Coastal ecosystems are typically associated with the Atlantic due to its proximity. In the sandy soils of dunes and beach ridges, develop the coastal strips, which may occur from the way trees creeping up the form. The mangroves and the salt fields of fluvio-marine origin grow on saline soils. On the flat sandy or muddy Continental Shelf develop benthic ecosystems. In the tidal zone there are the beaches and cliffs, these colonized by algae. The islands and reefs constitute striking geographical features of the landscape surface
3 answers
The Amazon region is the largest and probably the oldest forest area in the world, it also ascends the slopes of the Andes until it merges with subtropical and temperate regions. On its southern border it mixes with the woodlands of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, with galleries of trees extending along the rivers. Consisting of enormous trees, some exceeding a height of 300 feet, the rain forest is composed of an almost incredible number of species growing side by side in the greatest profusion and arranged in different strata. There are about 2,500 species of Amazonian trees. The Brazilian highland is covered mostly with vegetation Atlantic Plateau, extending all along the eastern coast of Brazil. It was once almost completely covered by the Atlantic Rainforest, one of the richest areas of biodiversity in the world, of which only 7.3% remains. Southern Plateau, advancing inland in the southern and southern-central portions of the country. Large portions of this region were also covered by the Atlantic Rainforest, while araucaria highland forest and cerrado grasslands took up much of the rest. Central Plateau, occupying the central portions of Brazil. Approximately 85% was once covered by cerrado vegetation, of which only a small portion remains intact.
4 answers