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Y is considered as a semi-vowel. Like W.

1 answer

All words have to have a vowel in them. The five orthodox ones are a,e,i,o,u. However in words such as 'why' and 'sky', the 'y' can be taken to be the vowel.

Y is considered a semi-vowel.

3 answers

Yes, "y" can be a vowel in the word "ruby." In this case, it functions as a semi-vowel or a vowel sound.

1 answer

The letter "Y" is considered a consonant in many cases, but it can also function as a vowel when it produces a vowel sound, such as in the word "yes" or "beyond."

2 answers

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Yes, it is considered a vowel. It has a long E sound. The letter Y is called a semi-vowel, and when it precedes a vowel, it has the "yuh" sound and that makes it a consonant (e.g. yam, yes, you, young).

1 answer

Yes, it has the sound of another vowel (long E). Only when it has the "yuh" sound is Y considered a consonant. The letter Y is often referred to as a "semi-vowel" for this reason.

1 answer

They are the five "classic" vowels in English. Y is sometimes a consonant, and may be called a semi-vowel. In Welsh, W can also be a vowel (cwm, crwth).

1 answer

There have 5 type of vowel most of 2 letter is common that is x& y...............

1 answer

The letter Y is called a semi-vowel. Except where it has the YUH sound as in yell or yes, it is usually a vowel. It is seen in the digraphs AY, EY, OY, and UY , or as a standalone vowel (short or long I sound) as in by, myth, and rhythm.

In Welsh, the W is used as a vowel with a long OO (long U) sound.

1 answer

Nicknames are typically a shortened form of the full name; however, names that begin with a vowel or semi-vowel often have a consonant substituted for the first letter, rendering the nickname easier to pronounce. The "W" in "William" is a semi-vowel; the shortened form, "Will" still (obviously) begins with a semi-vowel; the "W" is replaced by a consonant, "B", to make it easier to say.

Here's my say:

Since the modern-day English language came from the German language, it may be that William, when pronounced in German is "Villiam". So, if the nickname for "Villiam" is "Vill", then it follows that "Vill" transformed to the easier-to-pronounce "Bill" when it reached the English-speaking countries.

1 answer

No. In the word "you" the y is a consonant.


I do not think so it is a pos.adjective The strict answer (you might say the pedantic answer) is that Y is a semi-vowel.

1 answer

In 'copy', there are two vowels, the O and the Y. The Y is sometimes called a semi-vowel because it can be a vowel or a consonant. It forms vowel pairs such as AY, EY, and UY.

However, 'Y' is NOT counted when it is used as a consonant with the "yuh" sound, in words such as yak, yellow, yes, and yogurt.

1 answer




bool is_vowel(const char c)


static const std::string vowels = "AEIOU";

return( vowels.find(toupper(c))<vowels.size() );


int main()


std::string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

for(size_t i=0; i<alphabet.size(); ++i)


std::cout<<'\''<<alphabet[i]<<"\' is ";

if( !is_vowel( alphabet[i] ))

std::cout<<"not ";

std::cout<<"a vowel."<<std::endl;




'a' is a vowel.

'b' is not a vowel.

'c' is not a vowel.

'd' is not a vowel.

'e' is a vowel.

'f' is not a vowel.

'g' is not a vowel.

'h' is not a vowel.

'i' is a vowel.

'j' is not a vowel.

'k' is not a vowel.

'l' is not a vowel.

'm' is not a vowel.

'n' is not a vowel.

'o' is a vowel.

'p' is not a vowel.

'q' is not a vowel.

'r' is not a vowel.

's' is not a vowel.

't' is not a vowel.

'u' is a vowel.

'v' is not a vowel.

'w' is not a vowel.

'x' is not a vowel.

'y' is not a vowel.

'z' is not a vowel.

'A' is a vowel.

'B' is not a vowel.

'C' is not a vowel.

'D' is not a vowel.

'E' is a vowel.

'F' is not a vowel.

'G' is not a vowel.

'H' is not a vowel.

'I' is a vowel.

'J' is not a vowel.

'K' is not a vowel.

'L' is not a vowel.

'M' is not a vowel.

'N' is not a vowel.

'O' is a vowel.

'P' is not a vowel.

'Q' is not a vowel.

'R' is not a vowel.

'S' is not a vowel.

'T' is not a vowel.

'U' is a vowel.

'V' is not a vowel.

'W' is not a vowel.

'X' is not a vowel.

'Y' is not a vowel.

'Z' is not a vowel.

1 answer

Yes, "vowel" is a vowel.

1 answer

There are many semi-vowels in English. Most obviously, y and w are sometimes vowels ( as in hay and how), but most of the voiced consonants may also be vocalic, for example the l in bubble or the r in Brrr!

2 answers

On a letter wheel with all 26 English letters equally represented, you have a greater chance of spinning a consonant. There are 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and the semi-vowel Y, and the remaining 20 letters (except in Welsh) are consonants.

1 answer

The standard vowels are A, E, I , O, and U.

The semi-vowels are Y and W. The Y takes the place of a vowel, typically I as in the words by, myth, and rhythm. The W forms the diphthong sound ou/ow in words such as how and cow, where the O loses its O sound. In other ow words, the W can be considered silent (blow, show).

(In Welsh, the W is a semi-vowel with the sound of a long U or OO.)

1 answer

No, "can" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel 'a' in "can" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

2 answers

The letter Y is so unique in the English Alphabet because Y is the only semi-vowel, which is the only letter that's a versatile speech sound and can be both a vowel and a consonant. The rest of the letters usually can only be either one of the speech sounds and can't usually be both of them.

When we talk about vowels, we say: The vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y.

We added that phrase about the Y thing because Y can sometimes behave like a vowel, but not always.

When we talk about speech sounds, we usually say this: 5 vowels, 21 consonants

Since Y is a semi-vowel, if include this Y thing, we can say this: 6 vowels, 21 consonants

To eliminate the consonant Y point, we can say this: 6 vowels, 20 consonants

To show the overlapping point, we can say this: 5 vowels, 1 semi-vowel, 20 consonants

To completely eliminate the Y semi-vowel thing, we can say this: 5 vowels, 20 consonants

To show the average point with the semi-vowel Y, we can say this: 5.5 vowels, 20.5 consonants

This is a discrete data, therefore it's quite unsuitable to use decimals because we can't break the numbers down into decimals by counting them. When you count something, things can come in different sizes. If it's a quantitative data, then it's more quite suitable to use decimals because we can't break the numbers down into decimals when measuring. However, this is just for showing average, so using a decimal in this discrete data is still fine.

To answer the question, the letter Y is so unique in the English Alphabet because it's the only semi-vowel, which is the only letter that can be both of the speech sounds.

1 answer

Yes. The vowels are aeiou and sometimes y and w.

Y is not a vowel. In some words it substitutes a vowel (like "why,") but it's not considered a vowel. In "city," the only vowel is I.

9 answers

Yes, "pal" is a short vowel word because the vowel "a" is pronounced as /æ/, which is a short vowel sound.

2 answers

Vowel teams are a word with two vowel's

1 answer

The short vowel in the word "which" is the letter i.

2 answers

It has a long I vowel sound and a schwa (unstressed vowel sound).

1 answer

No, "pat" does not contain a long vowel. The vowel "a" in "pat" is a short vowel sound.

1 answer

No, "feet" does not contain a long vowel. The vowel in "feet" is a short vowel sound.

1 answer

A bar over a vowel, also known as a macron, typically indicates a long vowel sound in phonetics. It shows that the vowel is pronounced for a longer duration than a short vowel.

2 answers

The e is a short vowel, while the o is more of a long vowel.

3 answers

Since "dock" only has one vowel, the vowel is "o" and it is a short vowel.

2 answers

The i is a long vowel; the e is a short vowel.

2 answers

No, "plain" does not have a long vowel sound. The vowel "a" in "plain" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.

2 answers

The "w" sound is created by rounding the lips and producing a voiced bilabial glide. It is a semi-vowel sound that is commonly found in words like "well" and "went."

1 answer

It has a long vowel sound.

1 answer

No, the vowel "i" in the word "mimic" is a long vowel.

1 answer

The o in moment is a long vowel while the e is a short vowel.

1 answer

The vowel 'a' in 'hat' is considered a short vowel sound.

2 answers

The e is a short vowel, while the o is more of a long vowel.

1 answer

The vowel in "has" is a short vowel. It is pronounced as /æ/ which is a short 'a' sound.

6 answers

Sh (2 consonants) u (1 vowel) ttl (3 consonants) e (1 vowel)


Consonants: bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz

Vowels: aeiou

1 answer

The e is a short vowel, while the o is more of a long vowel.

2 answers

What you call a semi ring is a breve, if the curve of the ring is 'pointing' downward (the open part is up). This mark is one of the diacritics. There are several different diacritical marks. This one (ă) indicates that the a is pronounced as a short vowel, as in bat, rather than its long counterpart, as in mate.

1 answer

"Give" and "oddball" are not vowel words. Vowel words are words that contain a vowel as one of their main sounds. In "give," the main vowel sound is "i," a vowel; in "oddball," the main vowel sounds are "o" and "a," both vowels.

2 answers

input (alphabets)

output(vowel or not vowel)




case 'a'



print"not vowel"



case 'i'


case 'o'




1 answer

|Am" has a short vowel. If the "A" was a long vowel it would sound like "Aim"

3 answers

"Ruby" has a long u sound (long vowel), while "Spanish" has a short a sound (short vowel).

1 answer

No, "smell" is not a long vowel word. A long vowel is a vowel sound that is pronounced the same way as the name of the vowel itself. In "smell," the "e" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.

1 answer

It has a long O vowel sound, and a schwa -er (ur).

3 answers

The e is a short vowel, while the o is more of a long vowel.

2 answers

The word "finish" has a short vowel sound for both "i" and "a."

4 answers

The word "face" has a long vowel sound because the vowel 'a' says its name.

1 answer