sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS sorry, you cant thats why their called SCARS
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Clearasil will not get rid of chickenpox scars.
2 answers
Children get physical scars and emotional scars when they are abused. The emotional scars usually stay with them for life and affect their personality and who they become as adults.
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Most scars from acne are atrophic. Ice-pick, rolling, and box-car scars are the three primary categories into which atrophic scars can be divided. The most prevalent kind of atrophic acne scars (60–70%) are known as "ice-pick scars."
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There is no definitive evidence that onions help with scars on the human body, although I have read that they do help with scars on rabbits.
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You can get liposuction scars by having liposuction surgery. Liposuction scars are not generally a concern for people as they are usually always minimal. If you get scars from the procedure they are usually so small that they will go unnoticed by most people.
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Neosporin can help scars heal by preventing infection, but it may not make scars go away completely. It can help reduce the appearance of scars over time.
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The Luhya translation of the English word Scars is "Amapala".
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Scars are basically long lasting cuts on the surface of the skin. Normally minor scars can wear off as your skin 'sheds' its layers. But more traumatic scars like those from operations are almost always permanent.
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There are few ways to get rid of scars including ant scars. One way is to apply cremes designed to remove scars from the skin. In most cases any scar will lighten over time.
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I had a lower eyelift about 2 months ago and the scars are quite visable, what can I use to help dimish the scars?
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If the scars a very bad then plastic surgery is very successful of getting rid of scar tissue. There are no creams, etc., that will totally get rid of scars. If the scars are flat to the surface then see a good beauty technician that can show you how to cover up those scars if you prefer or can't afford plastic surgery.
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Actually believe it or not scars can go away from tiger balm! AMAZING!
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