quelles sortes de sandwichs avez-vous ? or (more informal) qu'est-ce que vous avez comme sandwichs ?'
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potato orange sandwichs
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MEN as long the women is in the kitchen making it
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'des sandwichs' or 'des sandwiches' (the foreign plurals being acceptable in French)
'une salade, des salades'
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50 sandwichs for 50 people easy and im a 5th grader
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lets eat sandwichs and cornflakes
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Sandwiches and fries for everybody.
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Quantity will vary from one product to another. Each Arby's has a printed list with this info on it.
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The following words are masculine:
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You can use white or brown breads, whole grain breads, or sliced buns for a sandwich.
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I just ate 2.3 sandwichs.
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if there young crisps sandwichs (without crusts) cake bisciuts crackers cheese cubes
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Not near as many as they sell this year I'm sure!
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"Sandwich" in French is masculine, so it would be "le sandwich".
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buy 5 health potions and 3 sandwichs to help stay alive through the level.
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Hi! The Joe's favourite things are chicken sandwichs and he says that his top secret is that he is Superman! xDDDD Kisses! I LOVE NICK! (L)
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it is produced by people by eating egg sandwichs and slurping chunky beef slushies It is produced by looking it up in your textbook.
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The adjectives in your sentence are: last, summer, bean, cheese, and, depending how old your dictionary is, that.
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The molar mass of salt (NaCl) is 58.44 grams per mole. Therefore, there are 58.44 grams in 1 mole of salt.
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To take sandwiches to school is "emmener des sandwichs à l'école" in French.
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well Jacob is just like any ordinary human. He Loves the natural human food. Chicken, Sandwichs, etc, Good Question thow!
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Yes, you can freeze packets of cooked ham. If the packet has been opened, you should put the ham in an airtight container suitable for freezing or a freezer bag.
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J'aimerai un sandwich avec du boeuf, du fromage et du poulet.
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Ice Cream (sometimes)
Food and Beverages
Full English if you are a builder
Good service
Breakfast muffins
Orange juice
I hope that helped
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# take 2 slices of bread # put jam/jelly on 1 and penut butter on the other # take 1 of those slices and put it face down on the face of another # put it on your plate/napkin # enjoy
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Like a panini sandwich, when it is pressed the cheese melts and the sandwich is warm. The sandwich is easier to eat because not everything is falling out the side.
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Usually it's 'sandwich' (plural - les sandwichs) but a ham sandwich is also called 'un jambon beurre'.
3 answers
you can make sandwichs, banna split , or you can have a school and pick some fruit and vegtables and make anything you want or just a salad like chiken, pasta or what ever.
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They are small, yellowish peppers that are bottled with a vinegar solution. They are not hot. They have a mildish sweetish taste. They can be found in the same aisle that olives, pickles, and condiments are found. They can be used in salads on sandwichs or just crunch on them right out of the bottle for a low carb, low fat, low calorie snack.
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"if its whole it will take a real long time in slow cooker, id say all day and all night. Depending on your cooker. Mine would take that long on high."
and I'm guessing...just assuming...you're not too good of a cook, eh?
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because girls are made to make sandwichs for men who play videogames... it reminds them werer they stand in society..
Not funny. If you were really being serious, well then good luck finding a girlfriend. You'll need it. Btw, if you hate women so much.. You might as well just date a man.
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To make a cucumber sandwich, remove the peel from the cucumber and slice the cucumber into approximately 1/4-inch thick slices. Spread mayonnaise (optional) on one or both slices of bread and place the cucumber slices on one piece of bread. Salt the cucumber a little if desired. Place the other piece of bread on top and you have a cucumber sandwich.
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Deli sandwiches typically start with a particular form of meat, be it some form of ham, roast beef, pastrami, corned beef or the like. This is followed with a selection of bread and added items such as cheese, vegetables, and dressings.
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Isaac Newton is often noted for his exceptional intelligence and contributions to mathematics and physics, particularly his laws of motion and law of universal gravitation. Some accounts mention his intense focus and unconventional habits, such as his reclusive nature and interest in alchemy and mysticism alongside his scientific work. However, these aspects are within the range of behaviors seen in many historical figures known for their intellectual pursuits.
2 answers