We don't know as of now how Sakura feels about Naruto or Sasuke, as Kishimoto intented that way to keep the readers guessing, as we know, Sakura loves/loved Sasuke since part 1, but it should be obvious to anyone who isn't biased that Sakura gained feelings for Naruto too, the real question is how strong is her feelings for each guy, which it appears Sakura herself doesn't even know, it's only a matter of time when she does figure it out, but it will likely be Naruto since Naruto loves Sakura & always had, while the chances of Sasuke being alive in the end is slim, Sasuke loving Sakura is even slimmer, so SasuSaku is unlikely to happen.
3 answers
Sakura (桜) is the Japanese word for the cherry blossom tree. It's also a fairly common name for Japanese girls.
1 answer
The characters Sakura and Naruto are the main characters in the Japanese anime series Naruto. More detail about this Japanese cartoon can be found on Wikipedia.
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yes skaura foem cardcaptors and skaura foem narto are tied up by who and what epsidoe it was epsiode 46 for cardcaptor sakura and the frist movie of cardcaptors and for nrato sakura it was the nrato movie if you want pics if sakura tied up i can til you how to get there jsut emil me at dxwwwe3@yahoo.com and if there any epsidoe i say o may no soon so jsut emil me plsese sdo i can lut you no how to get there and if there any draw fi sakura atied up i wood so want to see them so i fyou aev a web site that wood be good
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Sakura's soldier pills are a type of medication used by Sakura Haruno in the anime and manga series Naruto. These pills enhance a shinobi's physical abilities for a short period of time, allowing them to perform at a higher level during intense battles. However, there are side effects and risks associated with prolonged use of these pills, such as physical strain and potential damage to the body.
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No. They have them at the white house. The Japanese Government gave them to the US.
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Ever since the show started Naruto has always loved her and the first minute Rock Lee see's her he asks her out and starts to love her also people call her pretty but I freaking hate her
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Hell yes
According to my opinion I am a girl after all so I'll just say that sakura is the prettiest girl (in shippuden and is a chunin) in konoha...except for adults though...
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Yes they are. If you type their names in the ask section you'll see their age.
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I think she dies in shippuden.Rumors are not clear. she almost died cuz of sasori but dey say she will die when konoha will B attack by kyuubi
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She will always love Sasuke. She just have to lie to Naruto so that Naruto will stop following Sasuke so that he wont get hurt any more and to lessen his burden.
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Sakura is still in love with Sasuke as confirmed in the manga. She has no romantic interest in Naruto, nor has she ever.
It has been very slightly implied that Kishimoto might have taken their relationship in that direction at one point, but at this point in the manga, it is clear that she is only interested in Naruto as a comrade and a friend, nothing more.
Any notions as to otherwise is merely the fancies of a NaruSaku fan who cannot accept that the ship is sunk.
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I would think so because she still his comrad
plus he cares about her in a brother or sister way! I would think so because she still his comrad
plus he cares about her in a brother or sister way!
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Sakura Sakura - visual novel - happened in 2009.
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There is no evil Sakura. You're probably talking about inner Sakura. Sakura isn't evil.
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Sakura Sakura - visual novel - was created on 2009-06-26.
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if your talking about sakura from naruto her name is Haruno Sakura
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Sakura Kinimoto is an anime character from a manga/anime called cardcaptor sakura
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Misty, because Sakura just sucks. At life. Sakura, Sakura can kill misty Neither. They both suck leaky butthole.
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Sakura and Naruto are the best couple in Naruto's story.Even Sakura accepts it.
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Yes, naruto has had a crush on sakura since the beggining. No offense Naruto and Sakura fans but I think Naruto should be with Hinata and Sakura with Sasuke.
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of course not. he doesn't even like sakura. that's why there's no reason for him to marry sakura.
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I know that Naruto loves Sakura and Hinata does NOT deserving to be his wife!
i vote sakura and naruto
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you mean the stupid sakura project. the stupid sakura project is a series of flash parodys of naruto openings, with them being hilarious and sakura being incredibly fat.
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'Sakura' means 'cherry blossom' in Japanese. Every year, Japan has a Sakura Festival.
It means Cherry Blossom. It is a Japanese name. Sakura in English means Sara which is my name!!!!!
i think sakura mean flower in japaneas
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A "Sakura" is a Japanese cherryblossom tree that sprouts pink flowers around the spring
time. you often here the name sakura for Japanese manga characters such as sakura from
tsubasa or naruto. when used as a name, sakura just means cherryblossom.
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