It means: you know what? I love you. you're on my mind.
1 answer
Sabes= Do you know
Que= What
Ese= Dude, man (slang)
Sabes Que Ese means: "Do you know what dude?"
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"Que linda tu sabes" translates to "How cute you know" in English.
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In English, "sabes entonces" translates to "you know then."
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Translation: ¿Sabes Ingles?
(Or ¿Sabes hablar Ingles?= Do you know how to speak English)
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The duration of Achas que Sabes Dançar? is -10800.0 seconds.
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Firstly 'berdad' is spelt 'Verdad' and it means truth. ...Verdad que sabes espanol... means 'it's true/ you really do know spanish'. 'Sabes' comes from the verb saber 'to know'. Hope that helps.
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"Sabes el español" translates to "Do you know Spanish?" in English.
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"¿Cuántos idiomas sabes? ¿Cuáles son?" means "What languages do you know? What are they?"
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Si sabes espanol verdaderamente = if you really know Spanish
'verda' is not a word.
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The cast of Nunca sabes - 2006 includes: Kristen Ortiz as Alexandra
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"Sabes la respuesta" in past tense is "Sabías la respuesta," which means "You knew the answer."
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yo se is "i know". or for short you say "se" then theres saber, saben, sabes.. tu sabes means " you know", but often the "tu" is left off and you say "sabes" for short which still means "you know".
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Maybe you meant the question "You know I missed you?"
It would be "¿Sabes que te he extrañado?" or ¿Sabes que te extrañé?
You can also say:"¿Sabes que te he echado de menos?"
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"Ya tu sabes" means "you already know" and is often used in mostly spanish songs which means as much as "ya'll know how I do" in this context.
Actually, "ya tu sabes" is getto-latino-slang meaning "now you know". A lot of Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Cubans use this phrase.
9 answers
"Tu sabes que estoy deseando" in Spanish means "You know that I am longing" in English.
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"Verdad, si sabes un poco de español." means "True, if you know a little Spanish."
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It means do you know how to cook a Mexican dish? Sabes (do you know) cocinar (cook) algun Plato mexicano ( a Mexican dish)
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¿Tiene / tienen / tienes / tenéis idea de cómo se habla el español?
¿Sabe / saben / sabes / sabéis cómo se habla el español?
¿Sabe / saben / sabes / sabéis hablar español?
5 answers
The word "sabes" in Spanish is the conjugated form of the verb "saber" which means "to know."
The verb has been conjugated in the 2nd person, singular. In Spanish it is not customary to use pronouns like "I, you, he" because this information is encoded in the verb conjugation itself.
Accordingly the best translation of "sabes" is probably "thou knowest" but since thou is archaic in English, I would suggest "you know" as a good alternative. If it comes paired with the word "tú" like "tú sabes" that would translate as "you do know..." since, as I stated above, it is not customary to use pronouns in Spanish except for emphasis.
¿Sabes a qué hora llega el tren? (Do you know what time the train arrives?)
Como tú sabes ella está casada. (As you well know, she is married.)
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I assume it's attempting to say 'You don't know how much I love/like you.' It should be more like: no sabes cuánto te quiero.'
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The statement above could be one of the two sentences below:
Porque no sabes. = Because you don't know.
¿Por qué no sabes? = Why don't you know?
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