Manazuru is often Romanised as Manatsuru so, the answer is, yes it is.
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'ゴヨウ' romanised as 'Goyo' or 'Goyou', simply appears to be a name, it has no meaning behind it.
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In Pinyin (China's official romanised spelling), it is Huang He. It was previously written Hwang Ho
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Xing Zhen Hu is a romanised form of Xīn Zhēn Hú, which is Chinese for 'Jar of Soul Suppression'.
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Rome captured Dacia on the western coast of the Black sea in the 2nd Century CE and romanised its culture. It was then called Romania after them.
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The Romans were the ones who were involved in Roman activities the most. Other people where peoples who became romanised and took on many of their ways.
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"Futo ago hige tokage" It would of course be written in Japanese characters, I have written it in Romanised characters so anyone can read it.
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Deserted, it was repopulated with migrants directed by the Roman emperors. It was therefore Romanised and adopted the normal gods and goddesses of Greece and Rome.
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The Etruscans came under increasing Roman influence and becamse so thoroughly Romanised that their civlilsation and even their language disappeared.
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== == The Republic of China was established in 1912 with Dr Sun Yat-sen as the provisional president.
The first leader of the People's Republic of China was Mao ZeDong (previously Romanised as Mao Tse Tung)
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I can't seem to find any with the English translation, but I've added a website with the written Japanese and also romanised Japanese to the related links below.
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In Pinyin (China's official romanised spelling), it is Huang He. It was previously written Hwang Ho
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There were two groups of Franks: the Ripuarian Franks who lived around the area of present day Frankfurt and the Salian Franks, who lived at the mouth of the river Rhine. The former carried out many raids into northern Gaul, devastating its economy. However, like all the peoples who lived on or near the frontier of the Roman Empire, they also traded with he Romans and become romanised to some extent. The latter were allowed to settle in Toxandria, an area of the Roman Empire south of the river Rhine and in northern Belgium, became Roman allies and fought alongside them and provided mercenaries to the Romans. Therefore, they became thoroughly romanised.
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It is relatively easy to learn this language if you're a dedicated student and starting with English as your first language. The written form is romanised and uses the English alphabet, it is also closely linked to the Malay language which is also very simple to pick up as it uses simplistic grammar and sentence structures.
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After the Romans withdrew their legions from Britain in 407 BCE, the Romanised kings fought each other. They brought in Germanic mercenaries, and these brought in friends and relatives, and so became powerful enough to defeat their erstwhile employers.
The main peoples were Angles, Saxons and Jutes (from which the modern phrase Anglo-Saxons).
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Apollo is one of the few Greek Gods not to have his name Romanised following the conquering of Greece by Roman forces. As Apollo's oracle at Delphi was one of the most important in the Ancient world to change it would have caused.
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Cumbria is in England actually. It used to be comprised two counties: Cumberland and Westmorland. The English National Park - The Lake District - is in this area of north west England.
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No reverence there, however many were grateful that they were protected from predation from the Scots and Picts, and that war between rival war band leaders posing as kings were not tolerated. The Pax Romanum was appreciated by everyone who wanted to get on peacefully with their life. It was also appreciated by the Britons who had Romanised. It was not appreciated by those seeking to gain personal power at the expense of their fellows.
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The culture of the Byzantine Empire was predominantly Greek. The Greeks had already been exerting a strong influence over the eastern Mediterranean for centuries. The populations of the Balkan Peninsula north of Greek had been romanised and had a strong Latin influence.
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Chinese romanized spelling refers to the system of using the Latin alphabet to represent Chinese words and characters. One common romanization system used for Mandarin Chinese is called Pinyin, which uses Latin letters and diacritical marks to indicate pronunciation. Pinyin is widely used in China and internationally for language learning, typing Chinese characters, and as a reference for pronunciation.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern ROM------. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter R and 2nd letter O and 3rd letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern -OMA----D. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 3rd letter M and 4th letter A and 9th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The USSR used the Cyrillic script, as does Russia. The character "X" in Cyrllic is tranlsated into the Roman alphabet as "KH" and is pronounced as the "CH" in "loch" (as in the Scottish Loch Ness). There is a discernable difference between "CH" and "K", but I cannot pick up on it myself. There is no character in Cyrillic that represents the sound "X" (as in English). Should the need to express the sound "X" arise, it would be represented by "EKS", or in Cyrillic "ЭКС". Example - the English word "tour (or excursion)" in Russian is "ekskursiya" in Romanised form or, "ЭКСКУРСИЯ" in Cyrillic.
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Most of Romania was conquered by the Romans and became he Roman province of Dacia. The area was heavily settled by Romans and other peoples form the empire and became Romanised. After the Balkan Peninsula, except for much of Romania, was taken over by the Slavs, the Romanians called themselves Roman (with the stress on the a) and claimed that they were the descendants of the Romans.
The earliest surviving document written in the Romanian is a 1521 letter in which the term Țeara Rumânească (Romanian Land) is found. Romanian is a Romance language; that is, one of the languages derived from Latin.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 22 words with the pattern --MA--S--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter M and 4th letter A and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The inhabitants of Britain were Celts. With the Roman presence some of them must have become Romanised. In 215 the emperor caracalla extended Roman citizenship to all freeborn males in the Roman Empire. Therefore, the Celts of England and Wales became Roman citizens.
The majority of them must have worshipped their religion and their gods and followed Celtic customs. Some of them probably also adopted Roman gods and customs. Their farming was deeply shaped by the Romans, who revolutionised British agriculture by introducing many new vegetables and herbs, new and more productive types of wheat and new farming techniques.
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In the Classical mythology of the ancient Greeks, from the late bronze age well into the iron age of Archaeology, Hermes was the original messenger of the Gods. Myths can be vague, by definition but from about 400BC, Hundreds of years later, the Greek gods started to become popular in Rome and were "Romanised" and so it became popular to worship their idols and statues and devote temples to them with Roman equivalent names. Thus Hermes became Mercurius or mercury. Hermes was also popular in Egyptian civilisation and from the time when Egypt became a Greek colony before Christ, he became associated with the Egyptian God Thoth or Djehuty.
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It is more of a case of how the Romans treated the Britons as it was the Romans who conquered Britain.The Celts in England were integrated into the empire and most likely became Romanised. Those in Wales resisted the Roman advance for a long time and then became integrated. The Picts, the Celts of Scotland continually fought the Romans, who gave up the conquest of Scotland. They also raided northern England.
Present day Britons did not exist in the Roman days. They are the descendants of the Angle and the Saxons who migrated to Britain in the 4th and 5th century and took over from the Romans. During this process they raided Roman towns
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It is a Japanese word and in the phonetics of that language there is a sound that is described in English as the sound of "TS". The T is very subtle and is a short sound just before the s sound. It is formed by placing your tongue at the front of the roof of your mouth while you begin to say the "S" sound.
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Although there were a lot of changes after the Norman conquest in 1066, some parts of England stayed the same. Here are some of the examples:
Villagers grow crops whether their Lord was Norman/Saxon.
The Normans had the same cures and treatments.
They kept how people farm the same.
They use the same type of money to pay their taxes.
Yes the Normans were ruthless and brutal to the Saxons, however, King William also agreed to keep these things the same in order for England to like him
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No it did not. The theology of Latin or Western Christianity (this was the original name of Catholicism) was quite fully developed by the time of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. If there had been a Gallic influence it would have been during the days if the Romans. Do not forget that Gaul was part of the Roman empire. The Gauls were under the Romans for nearly five centuries and became thoroughly Romanised.
In Gaul there was a Gallic-Roman aristocracy.
The growth of Catholicism beyond the area of the western part of the Roman Empire after its fall was due to missionaries sent by the pope and to the Franks, who took over Gaul and conquered an area which was similar to that of what used to be West Germany.
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Especially in the 4th and 5th centuries CE (or, AD), various "barbarian" tribes moved into the Roman Empire in search of material riches and even new lands in which to settle. A number of these tribes had been pushed out of their original home-lands by equally aggressive tribes from farther north or east; some of them were simply attracted by the richness of Rome itself.
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The Etruscan civilisation decayed by the 2nd century BC. The Etruscans became romanised and Latin replaced their language. Very little writing in the Etruscan language has survived. Only two unified texts in Etruscan have survived and they are fragmentary. One of them has 1,200 legible words and the other has 300 legible words. Other inscriptions range from 200 to 40 words. Most of the texts are religious.
Because of this very little is known about Etruscan history or systems of government. Moreover, the Etruscans did not have a unified state one ruler. Etruria (and of the Etruscans) was a collection of independent city-states. Twelve city-states were the prominent states of Etruria. Generally, these states were ruled by kings.
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The Franks had been allowed to settle in the Toxandria (northern Belgium and Holland south of the River Rhine) area of the Roman Empire in 358, 141 years before the beginning of the reign of Clovis. They had been allies of the Romans until the demise of the western part of the Roman Empire. They had had a tradition of fighting alongside the Romans as allied troops and supplying the Roman army with soldiers. In the last decades of the western part of the Roman Empire some of the commanders-in-chief of the Roman army were Franks. Therefore, the Franks were quite romanised. The only issue Clovis had was religion. For some time he resisted his wife's call to convert to Catholicism, preferring to remain a pagan. However, in the end he did convert.
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彼女はかわいいです (kanojyo ha kawaii desu)
Small note: while the particle "は" is written with the hiragana character for "ha", in spoken Japanese it is always pronounced "wa", and should be romanised as such for clarity.
It would therefore become:
"kanojyo wa kawaii desu"
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There are of course Japanese words for 'black', 'rose' and 'dragon', but the Yu-Gi-Oh monster 'Black Rose Dragon's Japanese name is actually in English.
They gave it a name using English words which can be first romanised into Japanese phonetics - 'Burakku Rōzu Doragon', and then into Japanese kana - 'ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン'
You could say something like 'Kurorōzu no Ryu' but that isn't the name Black Rose Dragon would be known by in Japan.
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The Middle Eastern civilisation which has influenced North Africa is the Arab one. The Arab invasion converted the locals to Islam and Arabised them apart from the Berbers who have preserved their language and culture. The Arabs wiped out Roman influence in the whole of the area and, in Egypt, ancient Egyptian and Greek culture. In Egypt the remaining ancient Egyptian influence is the monuments and art they have behind and a sense of having an ancient heritage. The remaining Greek influence in Egypt is the Coptic Christians who are about 10% of the population. Coptic Christianity developed among the Greeks who lived in Egypt when it was part of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
In Libya there are some Libyans who consider themselves as descendants of Romanised Berbers. Gadhafi was one of them.
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Rome's conquests brought vast wealth and freelabour to the society, changing the frugal soldier-farmer into the leisurely rhetor
The sacking of Rome in 410, 446, and 455 by Germans was bad for Roman morale, but Rome had been dwindling as an important city for centuries.
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The emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, Zeno, sent Theodoric the Great (the king of the Ostrogoths) to invade Italy to depose a usurper there on his behalf.
Theodoric did not want to be a Roman. The Ostrogoths had been allowed to settle inside the Roman Empire and had became romanised, but they were also proud of being Ostrogoths. Theodoric ruled a kingdom of the Ostrogoths which covered Italy and most of the former Yugoslavia. He did not interfere with the Latins of Italy and let them to administer themselves. He wanted to revive the western part of the Roman Empire and carried out important public works, but did not want to become a Roman. He was an Arian Christian, a Christian denomination which was around at the time, and refused to convert to Catholicism. This also shows that he did not want to become a Roman.
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Octavian, later titled Augustus, was a major figure in the history of ancient Rome and in ancient history as a whole. Given the task of the question to provide the single most important aspect of this man places any answer in the area of subjectivity. It certainly can be argued that at a very young age he was the force that unified the empire and kept it out of civil wars for many years.
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Eren's family name, in Japanese, is written 'Yeegaa',which can be romanised as either 'Yeager' or 'Jaegar'. When it comes to western names transcribed into Japanese phonetics, it's often very hard to reverse that back into english characters without knowing which the author intended it to be, especially when there are multiple variants that all sound 'right'.
Luckily in this case on the official Shingekikyojin twitter, Hajime Isayama wrote Eren's name out in English as Eren Yeager, as well as writing the English for a few other character names.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 49 words with the pattern -O-AN----. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter O and 4th letter A and 5th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Sawatdee khap!
sweet dreams? well you can say 'fun Dee' which is more accurately 'good dreams' (Dee meaning good) and you would add 'na' on the end to soften it a little as in to a friend, if you wanted to be polite as well you could say 'fun Dee na Khap/Ka' (khap if you are male and ka if you are female)
sweet is 'waan' as in 'baak waan' or sweet mouth which is what you will be called if someone thinks you are sweet-talking them.
not sure if the term 'fun waan' is used or not. Also please bear in mind that writing Thai words in romanised letters does not give an accurate description of the correct pronunciation. For that you really need to learn Thai script as it has all the tone marks to show you how the word should be pronounced and which tone to use with each word.
Therefore there may be some who will disagree with how I've written the Thai words here :-)
sawatdee khap, fun Dee na khap ;-)
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Sawatdee khap!
sweet dreams? well you can say 'fun Dee' which is more accurately 'good dreams' (Dee meaning good) and you would add 'na' on the end to soften it a little as in to a friend, if you wanted to be polite as well you could say 'fun Dee na Khap/Ka' (khap if you are male and ka if you are female)
sweet is 'waan' as in 'baak waan' or sweet mouth which is what you will be called if someone thinks you are sweet-talking them.
not sure if the term 'fun waan' is used or not. Also please bear in mind that writing Thai words in romanised letters does not give an accurate description of the correct pronunciation. For that you really need to learn Thai script as it has all the tone marks to show you how the word should be pronounced and which tone to use with each word.
Therefore there may be some who will disagree with how I've written the Thai words here :-)
sawatdee khap, fun Dee na khap ;-)
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Another answer from our community:
In the 4th century, it is likely that the religion of the British Isles would have been a mixture of both Christianity, and indigenous and Roman paganism.
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False. The Spanish have always been racially white Europeans and are ethnically a mix of ancient Celtic, Iberian and Romanised Celtic populations. Their modern language is derived directly from Latin; prior to Roman influence they spoke a Palaeohispanic language which became extinct by the 2nd century AD.
All native Americans from the Arctic Circle to the southern tip of South America are racially classed as Eurasian (until recently they were termed "Mongoloid"), with specific evidence for their origins in central Asia. They have no Celtic, Iberian or Latin racial characteristics, their languages are all unrelated to Spanish or its predecessors and they have no European elements in their cultures.
Anyone suggesting a Spanish origin for native American people must demonstrate, with concrete and irrefutable scientific evidence, a direct link between their languages and cultures, as well as proving the means and dates for the migrations. Don't hold your breath . . .
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真綿で首を絞めるような言い方をしないで お願いだから もっとはっきり言ってくれない would be read as "mawata de kubi o shimeru you na iikata o shi nai de onegai da kara motto hakkiri itte kure nai".
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 63 words with the pattern --M--IS--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter M and 6th letter I and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are:
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The Romanised aristocracies continued to rule the various tribes and petty kingdoms. In the warfare between them, they imported mercenaries from Germania, who became so numerous and powerful that they progressively took control, bringing in more of their ilk in the process. This was the Angles, Saxons and Jutes takeover from the Britons, eventually establishing the Germainc petty kingdoms which came to make up England (Angle-land). The Picts, Scots, Welsh and Irish maintained their own areas, but Viking intrusions also impacted on them and particularly the eastern Germanic kingdoms bordering the North Sea.
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The south of England was to some extent romanised before the Roman invasion, because, being close to Gaul and the Roman Empire, many tribal kings and nobles engaged in trade with the Romans and had diplomatic relations with Rome. Kings deposed by other tribes sometimes took refuge in Rome. It was the exile of a Briton king by another tribe which gave Claudius the pretext to invade Britannia, claiming that it was aimed at restoring this king. Claudius wanted the glory and prestige of conquest to bolster his weak political position in Rome.
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