She had no boyfriend. She was non-affected by Aphrodite's love spells so she remined independent.
1 answer
He saved her because when he saw her pain from a vampire bite,it remined him of his mother when she was bitten by a vampire,and when she was in pain
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Jesus told peter he would dinal him 3 times befor the clock hit 12
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There are a number of pig like creatures around. One point to remined those who do not like pigs is the repeatable scientific fact that of all the animals on this planet pigs show more inteligence
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The Moon's surface has remained relatively unchanged because it lacks the atmosphere and geological processes that constantly reshape Earth's surface. The sparse atmosphere provides little protection against impacting objects, and the lack of tectonic activity means there are no processes like erosion to reshape the surface over time.
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In a shrine, you may find items such as candles, incense, flowers, statues or images of deities, sacred texts, and offerings like fruits or sweets. These items are placed in a shrine as symbols of reverence, devotion, and connection to the divine or spiritual realm. They are used as focal points for prayer, meditation, and rituals to cultivate a sacred space and facilitate spiritual connection.
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1977 American eagle outfitters got its name by a man who started making clothes and some of his friends saw , more and more friends saw and were amazed.the man got an idea to make a company, but one of his friends remined him that his company will need a name but the man could not think of a name know matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of a name so he asked his friend to go for a walk in the woods so they could think in the quiet surrounded by nature.well they were walking they saw an eagle flying above them, the man figured since we live in America I'm going to call it American eagle his friend agreed that it will be an amazing because the eagle is the national sybol for America.and from that day on it is now in Canada and other placespassing on its stylesh clothes that is a very popular brandso they went for a walk mark and jerry siverman
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There would be a lot of things to give in order that your lover will be reminded of you. Think of something that your recipient might use everyday. If they have a car, then a key chain would be perfect. If they are an athlete, a towel would be great. If they love reading, then a book will do. If you want it to be romantic, for me I think accessories is a decent choice but it doesn't have to be expensive. Remember, giving gifts to someone should not be measured by its price. Its about the deeper message of love your trying to show. If you have already given them a variety of accessories and jewelries, from rings to necklace to earrings to watches, you can never go wrong with customized gifts like a picture of both of you in frame, in a shirt, in a mug, in a pillow, or even in a lighter. If your sick of cheesy gifts, try something erotic. A lingerie, a striptease video of you, sex toys or anything not in your tradition. Explore the Amore!
Its all about creativity. If they truly love you, no matter what kind of a gift you give will always be appreciated.
Take care!
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Carlisles story: his father was a vampire hunter and one day his dad died and told carlisle to keep on hunting and one day he found a vampire and got bit and next thing he knew he was a vampire too and his power was to be able to work with humans without craving their blood.
Edwards story: he was dieing of spanish influenza and carlisle found him and saved him by changing him into a vampire to and his power is to read minds of others around him and he is faster than the others.
rosalies story: she was very beautiful in human form and she was supposed to get married but her fiance and his friends got drunk and raped her and left her on the street to die and carlisle saved her then her power was beauty(she also killed her X-fiance and his buddies that hert her afterwards)
Esmes story: she had a baby and it died so she jumped off a cliff and they thought she was dead and when carlisle went to the mourge her found out her heart was still beating and so he changed her and her power was to be loving and caring.
Emmetts story: he was mauled by a bear and rosalie saved him cuz he remined her of her friends baby and his power is that he is stronger than the others.
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Lincoln did believe that slavery was morally wrong, but there was one big problem: it was sanctioned by the highest law in the land, the Constitution. The founding fathers didn't explicitly write the word "slavery" but they did include key clauses protecting the institution.
However, he did not believe that white and black people should have the same rights. In the fourth debate with Stephen A Douglas at Charleston, Illinois in September 18, 1958, Lincoln said this:
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor o f bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races -- that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together in terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."
Lincoln's position on social and political equality for black people evolved over the course of his presidency. In his last speech, he argued for limited black suffrage, saying that any black man who served the Union during the Civil Wat should have the right to vote.
5 answers
The fuel was critically low in the Lunar Module, but there was enough to leave. When the time came, the astronauts detached the top of the module from the bottom, and the bottom served as a launch pad.
7 answers