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"relie les montres et les heures" means that you have to "connect the watches and the hours".

1 answer

Hydro Electricity jobs

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Aurelia Riley goes by Relie Riley.

1 answer

i dont know but you shouldnt relie on the internet for these things

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magnify glass

Connect the images with the right words.

1 answer

well all i know on is that animals make the earth different because we relie on them for food because cows are hamburgers and pig is pork and ham and some people even relie on animals to stay warm with there fuzzy fur!

1 answer

the aim is to offer a full service of good value and also relie

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I think it is, but you don't have to relie on us it's your opinion. Get if you want.

1 answer

connect each verb with the rest of its sentence

1 answer

because some cards relie on the graveyard for their effects like Marie the fallen one or sinister serpent.

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Just in case there is a sudden major draught across the whole world, you would have to relie heavily on it

1 answer

If you can be accountable to one person and prove you can do what ever is asked( within reason) shows that other people can relie on you in other situations.

1 answer

people could count on you people could relie on you and they could trust you

1 answer

They provide help to any of those people that are most needed of it and also donate and just make people feel that they can relie on this organisation.

1 answer

Family.. b/c they are the ones you can trust, relie on and they'll be there for you when no one else is... if that's not the case then love yourselve b/c of those exact sane reasons..

1 answer

Chuck Norris. Only he could be his own sidekick.

2 answers


But only In the Two front legs and the heaad has only a bit so try not to relie on that too mucch . A doog has four legs one head and many toe nails.

2 answers

There are many types of treatments for herpes. The primary ones are antiviral drugs and topical solutions. The antiviral drugs are usually either aciclovir, valaciclovir or famivir. I've attached more information on herpes treatments in the link below.

1 answer

Such can be from such minor things as a yeast infection, or rigorous sex, to more major concerns such as a sexually transmitted disease.

As with all medical concerns, one should consult with a medical professional so as to get appropriate advice for your specific case. In the case of Female Troubles, there are usually free clinics to assist.

3 answers

An image or design that has been raised from or carved into a flat background.

1 answer

If in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy try drinking raspberry leaf tea, it is a natural uterine relaxant and could help if drank 3 times a day.

1 answer

The relief of a coin refers to how high the devices (figures and lettering) stand above the field (flat part of the coin surface).

1 answer

western mountains are drained by Warsak dam as well somehow kurram dam is also source of irrigation . bannu hill on these mountains are drained by small streams and vale of Peshawar is drained by river KabUl

2 answers

she was born in England where her mother met a English guy and he was christian but her mom was Muslim.

Katrina currently 23 is one of the msot popular actress

she was born in England where her mother met a English guy and he was christian but her mom was Muslim.

Katrina currently 23 is one of the msot popular actress

1 answer

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve the joint and muscle aches that might occur when withdrawing from Prednisone. To reduce the side effects from Prednisone withdrawal doctors recommend tapering off the drug slowly.

1 answer

Yes, but the drop must only be two club lengths away from where the ball stopped, and it cannot be any closer to the hole.

1 answer

please apply amruntanjan balm on the pain area..you will get immediate relief..

1 answer

A.R.Rahman, basically a Hindu but After His Father Sekar's Dead Their total family converted to Muslim.......................

1 answer

Squeeze the juice out of a clove of Garlic and rub it on ,, keep your T-Shirt off and let the Battle Commence, its a bit dramatic for a while but the garlic will cleanse the blood around bite and fight it

1 answer

Take pain reliever like nimesulide

1 answer

He felt relief after getting home safe.

1 answer

This is not accurate. Relief refers to the differences in elevation within a landscape or terrain. The number of microbes in soil is related to soil health and fertility, which is influenced by various factors including moisture, temperature, and organic matter content.

1 answer

Relief holes are provided for easy handling of sine bar and for reducing the weight of the sine bar.

1 answer

yes if it is man made, drop it to the nearest point of reliefe

1 answer

At the end of a long, hard day at work, your feet are most likely screaming at you for some form of relief. There are several effective and simple things that you can do at home to relieve foot pain. Try soaking your feet alternately in hot and cold water. You can also rub your feet with peppermint oil after a soak to get further relief. The cooling sensation is quite refreshing and will help relieve pain.

1 answer

Migraines seem to come on during the worst times. Maybe you suddenly get pummeled with one in the middle of work, or when your kids are at their rowdiest. Migraines are definitely no fun, but you can help battle them by taking advantage of one useful tip. As soon as you feel the migraine coming on or as soon as possible, move somewhere dark and quiet. Light and sound can intensify a migraine easily, so it's best to combat and relieve the migraine by moving away from what is causing it.

1 answer

A Danish study looked at 44 consecutive patients who experienced sudden low back pain after bending forward and turning. Examinations by orthopedic surgeons revealed no pathology and a diagnosis of acute sciatica was given in all cases. All 44 patients received chiropractic care, either in the orthopedic department of the hospital or in private chiropractic clinics. Chiropractic care reduced average sick leave by two thirds when compared with previous patients who only received conventional medical treatment.

8 answers

If you have fallen behind on student loan payments due to unemployment or health expenses, relief is available. Federal student loan payment assistance programs include consolidation of multiple loans into one affordable payment, as well as income-based repayment (IBR) restructuring of loan payments. An economic hardship deferral is also available which enables a financially distressed borrower to defer paying all or part of her Federal student loan payment for a given period. However, interest still accrues during the deferral period and this is meant only as an emergency measure. These programs only apply to loans that are in good standing.

1 answer

Menstrual cramps are a natural but painful part of life for a woman. There are a number of ways to alleviate cramps and some methods work better than others for each woman. Experiment with several methods to find the best way to have a less painful period.

What Are Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps occur during a woman's period and cause pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area. During the month, the lining of a woman's uterus builds up in preparation for a pregnancy. If a pregnancy does not occur, the uterine lining is no longer needed and the uterus contracts to shed this layer. The uterine contractions may cause painful menstrual cramps. While some women experience mild cramping with little to no pain, up to fifty percent of adult women experience painful menstrual cramps. Cramps also tend to be worse in adolescence and up to ninety percent of teenage girls are affected my menstrual cramps.

How Can I Relieve Menstrual Cramp Pain?

There are several things you can do to both prevent and alleviate menstrual cramps. First, it helps to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Studies have shown that exercise and getting enough sleep can aid in cramping. Even gentle exercises like walking or light yoga can make a big difference. Sexual activity that leads to orgasm is another way to relieve menstrual cramps. Also, over-the-counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen provide fast pain relief.

Is There Anything I Can Do For Severe Cramps?

If menstrual cramps are affecting your daily life, you may have a doctor prescribe you a birth control pill for lighter periods and less painful cramps. An IUD is another form of birth control that reduces menstrual cramps by about fifty percent. Other surgical procedures are offered, but only in very severe cases. A dilation and curettage, or D&C, is the removal of part of the uterine lining. There is another similar procedure that uses heat to eliminate the uterine lining and is often used in patients with endometriosis.

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During the summer months, one of the biggest nuisances is ants. While ants are generally more of a nuisance because they can infiltrate your pantry and cupboards, some breeds of ants bit humans. These bites can cause a significant amount of swelling, redness, and itching, and can even become infected if they are not properly treated for. Luckily, if you are bitten by an ant, there are several things that you can do to reduce or even avoid the pain, swelling, and itching sensation.

The best way to alleviate an ant bite would be to clean the area immediately. If you feel a bite from an ant, the first thing that you should do is rush to the washroom and clean the area. Be sure to use plenty of hot water and soap, which could kill the bacteria before it spread. Also, if it is available, rubbing alcohol applied liberally to the area could also help to kill off the infection.

Another tip to alleviate an ant bite would be to create and apply a baking soda spread. By combining baking soda and water, you can create a paste that can be applied onto the wound. The application of this paste will help to prevent the itching sensation. Another way to alleviate the itching sensation would be to use an antihistamine. These ointments can be applied generously to temporarily relieve itching.

Overall, the best way for an ant bite to heal would be to avoid scratching it. If you end up scratching the bite too long, it will never have a chance to scab over, which will delay the final recovery. Also, scratching can cause the wound to become infected. If it does become infected, be sure to contact your doctor at the first sign of infection. Typical signs of infection are extreme redness, a lot of swelling, and even discharge of a yellow puss. The doctor will be able to provide you with antibiotics to fight the infection and prevent it from spreading any more.

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It is important that you are able to get the debts that you have off your back. If you are able to do this, then you are going to be in great shape to get your financial life in order. The best thing that you can do in order to get some debt relief is to make sure that you are able to talk to a professional who works in this area. There are plenty of people who work in this area, and you can get their advice any time that you may need it. Get to work finding your professional today.

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Do you frequently suffer from irritating canker sores? Many people do, but they often try to ignore the problem until it worsens. Salt water or straight salt can help relieve painful canker sores by cleaning them out. Simply mix table salt with a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with the solution. For larger sores, place a small amount of table salt directly onto the affected area and rinse with warm water.

5 answers

Do you seemingly suffer from heartburn on a regular basis? If so, you're not alone. Heartburn is a pretty common after effect from eating spicy foods or drinking alcoholic beverages. If you're in need of some fast relief for your heartburn symptoms, try gulping down a glass of milk to soothe the burn. It should instantly help lighten the pain and provide long-lasting relief. On a more serious note, if you suffer from heartburn regularly, it would be a good idea to contact your physician to work out a treatment plan.

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An extortion lawyer is a person who works in a highly specialized field of criminal law. While most attorneys handle more mundane issues, an extortion attorney routinely deals with some of the most exciting cases to hit the docket. Many people know the word extortion, but they aren't really sure what it entails. There are different degrees of extortion and all of them are very serious. Here is a rundown on what this kind of attorney might handle for clients with such a specific set of needs.

What is extortion?

Generally speaking, extortion is extracting money or property from another person using means of coercion. This might mean threatening violence against another person if they don't give up some form of property. The threat does not have to be direct and it doesn't have to be of violence, either. You might threaten to illegally distribute pictures of a person if they don't agree to sell you a slot of land. This is one of the most common types of crime and it happens every day. An extortion lawyer can work to make sure the extortion stops and that you are protected in the aftermath of the incident.

Additionally, many experience extortion in regard to their families. Good attorneys see this every day, especially in the business world. One person puts pressure on another by threatening a family member. Additionally, the threatened party sometimes does not come forward because of the fear of further action against another family member. This begins a delicate cycle where you would have to give in to all of the demands of the extorting criminal. This type of thing can be very dangerous, which is why good extortion lawyers are out there.

Handling the other side of the case

Like with all good lawyers, extortion attorneys aren't just on one side of the line. There are skilled attorneys that provide defenses to extortion, as well. Most of these cases arise when a person is just trying to put normal business pressure on a competitor or someone else in the marketplace. They may not be trying to extort anything. When this kind of charge comes down, the trial period can be very difficult and confusing. A good extortion defense lawyer will have experience working with these distinct types of cases and he will be able to provide the best possible representation for people with these struggles.

1 answer

Individuals who haven't worked out in a while or those that push themselves to extremes, often pay the price in terms of muscle soreness. In fact, some people exercise so hard and fiercely that they are in such agony that they have to discontinue exercising or simply lose interest due to the pain. The good news is that no one has to suffer any longer. Muscle soreness can be prevented and dealt with so that it doesn't cause as much pain and discomfort at all. In this article, readers will learn how to relieve post workout muscle soreness for good.

First of all, to combat it, individuals must know what muscle soreness is. Contrary to what most people think, muscle soreness isn't the product of having a great workout. Instead, it means that something is wrong. Muscle soreness occurs when one's muscle fibers break down so much that they become inflamed. This inflammation causes pain due to the irritated and broken down nerve fibers.

Second, one must realize that muscle soreness is real and the best way to cure it is to prevent it in the first place. Therefore, it is very important that exercisers take frequent breaks and not push themselves to extremes when working out. On the same token, individuals should always stretch out before and after any workout. They should also start slowly and work their way up but never to the point of muscle fatigue. In addition, individuals should drink plenty of water before, during and after their work out.

Third, if individuals experience muscle soreness there are several things that they can do which are as follows:

Get some rest. The absolute best way to relieve soreness is to rest your muscles. Most medical professionals suggest that you rest them for at least 48 hours that will give them adequate time to heal.

Use heat or ice. Another option is to apply heat to the painful area or some ice, depending on the injury. Ice is typically used within the first 48 hours and heat thereafter. Ice minimizes swelling and heat helps with inflammation.

Get a massage: Either have a professional massage or have someone gently massage the sore areas so that they can get the blood flowing and ease the pain away.

Take a hot bath or hot and cold shower- Individuals can soak in a hot bath to increase circulation and ease the pain. An alternate to this is to take a hot shower and then turn the water to cold. Researchers believe that this opens and closes the blood vessels and will alleviate soreness.

Engage in gentle stretches. Another way to alleviate the pain is to engage in yoga moves or gentle stretches. If stretches are too painful, you can go for a short walk.

In conclusion, dealing with muscle soreness is never fun but most athletes have to deal with it from time to time. The best way to deal with it is to not deal with it and to prevent it whenever you can. However, if that is not possible, individuals should rest, use heat or ice, get a massage, take a hot or cold batch and engage in stretches. In time, the soreness will go away.

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If suffering from kidney stones be sure to drink plenty of water or cranberry juice. Do not drink anything with caffeine as it make make it worse. Warm comoresses may also help. If the pain is severe see your doctor.

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