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At the Rebbe's Table was created on 2002-01-11.

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Adventures With Rebbe Mendel was created in 2002.

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The term rebbe is used to refer to the rabbi who is a leader of a Hassidic sect. So, there is the Bobover Rebbe, the Bostoner Rebbe, the Chernobler Rebbe etc. It is very common that the sects are named after the town where they originated. The Rebbe of Borsche would then be the Hassidic leader of the town of Borsche and might also be known as the Borscher Rebbe. The name Borsche is a family name, though not a common one, suggesting that there may be a place by that name, but I have not been able to find it.

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The guy who leads services at synagogue.

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Bluzhever Rebbe was one of the important recent rabbis of Judaism. His full names were Rav Yisroel Spira and was born in 1889 and died in 1989.

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Walter Rebbe has written:

'Der Lotusfall vor dem Weltgerichtshof' -- subject(s): Conflict of laws, Lotus (Steamship)

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Rebbe is in fact Hebrew for Rabbi, but it has been adopted in Yiddish for lack of a better word.

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"Rebbe" is a Yiddish term for a Jewish religious leader or teacher, often associated with Hasidic Judaism. "Borsche" refers to a type of Jewish soup made from a broth base. Together, "rebbe of borsche" is a playful or humorous way of referring to a Hasidic leader who is particularly renowned for their knowledge, piety, or wisdom.

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Yes! He was also the one who wrote down the major teachings of Rebbe Shimon, the Zohar talks a lot about him and about the main event that was on Lag B'omer when Rebbe Shimon passed away.

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the Hasidic master, Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk

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David Zeller has written:

'Stories of Rebbe Nachman'

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Yoel Kahn is a senior Chabad rabbi, who served as the leading Choizer and Meiniach for the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. He served in this role from the beginning of the Rebbe's leadership in 1950 until his passing in 1994.

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In Yiddish, rabbi is said as "רבי" which is pronounced as "rah-bee".

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Well it was his sister so he loved her and she loved him... she is the oldest of the 9 siblings so Michael probebly looked up to her

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A Hasidic Dynasty is the passing-on of spiritual leadership from one Chasidic Rebbe to the next. Usually such passing-on occurs between a father-son relationship.

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A male teacher . . . "LEHR-air"

A female teacher . . . "LEHR-air-in"

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The Ashkenazic Jews, call him a Rabbi or Rebbe. While the Sephardic jews call him a Chacham (lit. a wise person). Rabbi and Chacham are their titles as well.

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The Lubavitcher Chasidim (a group of ultra-orthodox Jews) has something called a Rebbe which is the leader of their movement. But that is exclusive to Chabad and none of the major movements have anything similar.

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A large Jewish community lived in Uman in the 18th and 19th centuries. During

the Second World War, in 1941, the Battle of Uman took place in the vicinity of

the town, where the German army encircled Soviet positions. The Germans

deported the entire Jewish community, murdering some 17,000 Jews, and

completely destroyed the Jewish cemetery, burial place of the martyrs of the

1768 Massacre of Uman as well as Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. (After the war,

a Breslov Hasid managed to locate the Rebbe's grave and preserved it when

the Soviets turned the entire area into a housing project.)

Since the mid of the 90's there is a small, but growing, Jewish population in Uman,

concentrated around Rebbe Nachman of Breslov tomb in Pushkina street. The local

Jews are mostly involved in Pilgrimage of Jewish tourists that arrive to the town.

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Themes in My Name Is Asher Lev include alienation, art, family, Asher's gift, hatred, loyalty to the Rebbe, persecution, rebellion, religion, travel, and the most important the conflict between religion and art.

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one major difference is that they have a 'Rebbe' a spiritual leader that guides them. Hassidic Jews also study chassidus, a more mystical and deep explanation on the Torah. see chabad.org for more details.

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read the book "the rebbe's army" by sue fishkoff, it'll give you all the answers.

It's headquarters are in crown heights, Brooklyn new york.

Answer 2

They are a stream within Chassidic Judaism, noteworthy for their failed attempt to bring the messiah.

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Yosef Israel has written:

'Rescuing the Rebbe of Belz' -- subject- s -: Biography, Jews, Holocaust survivors, Rabbis, World War, 1939-1945, Holocaust, Jewish - 1939-1945 -, Belz Hasidim, Rescue

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The cast of Shnei Kuni Leml - 1970 includes: Mordecai Arnon Hanan Goldblatt Romolo Grony Raphael Klatchkin as Matchmaker Oshik Levi Shmuel Rodensky as Rebbe Pinchas

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Hassidism was created by the Ba'al Shem Tov Pernounced (Bol Shaym Tove). Hassidism is a group of people called Chabad Lubavitch, created by the first Lubavitcher Rebbe. Chabad Lubavitch is an organazation of Hassidim who are Orthodox. Lubavitchers make stuff more joyful.

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Each Hasidic Community is different and follows the interpretation of Halakha (or Jewish law) by the lead Rabbi and/or Rebbe of that community. Research Halakha for an idea of these laws (there is no real way to write an exhaustive list without spending eighty hours typing this up).

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He was a Jewish orthodox leader of the Chabad-Chassidic movement during the late 1900. His headquarters are 770 Eastern Parkway, Crown Heights, NY. He is responsible for the many "Chabad Houses" found throughout the globe, which function as outreach centers and synagogues for the Jewish community. Lived 1902-1994

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There is no universal spiritual leader of the Jewish people.

However, certain Chassidic sects follow a Rebbe, which is a kind of spiritual leader.

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One example of a Jewish leader whose name starts with "R" is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. He was the leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement and is considered by his followers to be the seventh and final Rebbe. He played a significant role in revitalizing Jewish life and education worldwide.

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A Maggid (preacher) would give shiurim (lectures) in Jewish theology and ethical teachings. A Rabbi, usually one who has rabbinical ordination, would give shiurim (lectures) in Jewish Law. A more generic term for a male teacher is Rebbe (although Rabbi is sometimes also used) and Morah for a female teacher.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -E-BE. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter E and 4th letter B and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --BBE. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter B and 4th letter B and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern R-B-E. That is, five letter words with 1st letter R and 3rd letter B and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern R-BB-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter R and 3rd letter B and 4th letter B. In alphabetical order, they are:





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Fivish Mordechai Dalfin has written numerous books on Chabad-Lubavitch history and leadership, including "To Rise Above" and "The Rebbe's Innovator." He is known for his research on various Jewish topics, particularly those related to the Chabad movement.

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The cast of Advice and Dissent - 2002 includes: Sean Conant as Accident Bystander James DeVoy as Police Officer Susan Gross as Accident Bystander John Pankow as Jeffrey Goldman Rebecca Pidgeon as Ellen Goldman Reuven Russell as Rabbi Weintraub Benjamin Small as Fireman Eric Waldo as Accident Bystander Eli Wallach as The Rebbe

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern REB-E. That is, five letter words with 1st letter R and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter B and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:


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Hasidic refers to a branch of Orthodox Judaism that emphasizes spirituality, prayer, and joyful worship. Hasidic Jews often follow the teachings of a particular rebbe (spiritual leader) and live in close-knit communities.

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Chassidim (plural of chassid) are a subset of Orthodox Jews. They are the ones who wear a long black coat all the time, a fur hat on festivals, and follow a rabbi whom they call a rebbe. Very many chassidim speak Yiddish.

Within chassidut itself, there are extant over twenty groups, ranging up to a few tens of thousands of members.

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B"H Let me ask you a question, is the sky red? The answer is no. So no he did not convert to Islam. He's the holly Reb Yisroel Baal Shem, why would he convert? I don't think we would be studying his Chassidus if he converted to any religion and I don't think the Magid of Mezeritch would promote his Chassidus as well. Therefore the Baal Shem Tov definitely did not convert. FYI the Alter Rebbe is a great Tzaddik!

Moshiach now!!

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Hasidic Judaism, also known as Chasidism, originated in what is now Ukraine during the 18th Century when Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer sought to revive the religion, which he felt had developed in a way that placed too much emphasis on scholarship and academic study at the cost of the simple enjoyment of worship and spirituality. In doing so, he hoped to increase the sense of participation felt by uneducated and poor Jews - who in many cases were unable to devote so much time and energy to Torah (Jewish Bible) study and discussion of Jewish philosophy as those from more affluent and educated backgrounds - and as a result attract Jews who may have been feeling distant or cut off from Judaism back to the religion. Hasidism was remarkably successful in this aim, and spread throughout Europe very rapidly - by 1830, the vast majority of Jews in central Poland, Ukraine and Galicia (a region currently divided between Poland and Ukraine) were Hasidim.

One chief difference between the Hasidim and other branches of Orthodox Judaism is in the way that they view the rabbi who, in Hasidism, is usually known as the rebbe (outside of Hadsidic circles, the rebbe is sometimes known as a Grand Rabbi). While a rabbi must be an expert on many aspects of Judaism, a rebbe is seen in a far more spiritual way as a conduit to G-d. As a tzaddik (exceptionally righteous person), the rebbe has perfected his personal service to G-d to such a degree that he attains physical awareness of G-d's presence in daily life and an awareness or perception that transcends the normal boundaries of existence. This is believed to give him such a powerful insight into life that he is virtually able to see into the future, and in many cases he is believed to be able to affect divine providence allowing the working of "miracles."

Hasidism also places great emphasis on the importance of the Kabbalah and believes that it can be taught to all through prayer - in many of Judaism's other denominations, Kabbalah is commonly considered of less importance or excessively esoteric and mystical for widespread study by all.

Hasidic prayers are accompanied by nigunim (singular nigun), melodious hummed tunes, which in some cases are based on very old East European folk tunes that have been adapted to give them a spiritual aspect or on sections of Torah text. Nigunim have been adopted by other Jewish groups, but it was the Hasidim who used them first. The tune of each nigun - some of which are specific to particular Hasidic communties - reflects the emotional tone of each prayer. Mental concentration during prayer is essential within all of those Jewish denominations that pray (Humanistic Jews do not), but this is taken to an altogether higher level by Hasidim who often devote a very great deal of time to each prayer - some groups spend seven seconds contemplating each and every word of the Amidah, a long prayer consisting on 19 blessings. Hasidim also place great importance on the mikvah, a pool of water within which Jews ritually immerse themselves to achieve spiritual cleanliness. Whereas many Orthodox Jews will visit a mikvah before religious holidays, many Hasidim will do so daily.

Followers of Hasidic Judaism may join groups known as Hasidic Dynasties, a sort of study and prayer group that has a rebbe as its spiritual leader, with leadership passing on after the rebbe's death - usually to one of the rebbe's family. In most cases, the dynasty will be named after the town in Eastern Europe where the rebbe or his family originated or where the movement began, such as the well-known Chabad-Lubavitch which, for over a century, was based in the Russian town Lyubavichi. Chabad-Lubavitch, which maintains "Chabad houses" on many university campuses to offer support to both Jewish and non-Jewish students, is notably different to other forms of Judaism and Hasidism in that it conducts outreach campaigns intended to draw non-observant and non-Orthodox Jews back to the faith and encourage them to adopt Orthodox observance - a practice known as kiruv which, in the words of the last Chabad Rebbe Menachem Schneerson, will "accelerate the coming of the Messiah." Outreaching is exceedingly rare in Judaism, which often actively seeks to discourage converts, but has led to Chabad becoming one of the largest Hasidic dynasties with around 200,000 adherents worldwide.

8 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern RE--E. That is, five letter words with 1st letter R and 2nd letter E and 5th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:



















1 answer

Eliyahu Touger has written:

'What we believe' -- subject(s): Hasidism, Faith (Judaism)

'Keeping in touch : Torah thoughts inspired by the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson' -- subject(s): Bible, Festival-day sermons, Jewish, Habad, Hasidism, Hebrew Jewish sermons, Jewish sermons, Hebrew, Sermons


'As a new day breaks' -- subject(s): Judaism, Messiah, Messianic era (Judaism), Redemption, Habad

'Keeping In Touch With Your Jewish Roots'

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"Exodus" (1960). Directed by Otto Preminger. Stars Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Ralph Richardson, Peter Lawford, Lee J. Cobb, Sal Mineo. About the founding of Israel.

"A Stranger Among Us" (1992). Stars Melanie Griffith, John Pankow, Tracy Pollan, Mia Sara. A non-Jewish police officer lives among Hasidic Jews to solve a murder. She finds she has more in common with Rebbe (rabbi) than one would think.

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Jewish spiritual leaders are called rabbis.

Judaism has thousands of rabbis. While each of them has an informal level of status among the wider Jewish community based upon Torah-expertise, piety, and perhaps other factors, there is today no single highest spiritual leader.

7 answers

The cast of A Secret Space - 1977 includes: Howard Berger as Ben Robert Fields as Eli Michael Gorrin as Hershel Virginia Graham as Grandma Berkeley Harris as Rabbi Hillman Mel Howard as Psychiatrist Robert Klein as Rebbe Janet League as Michelle Madeline Lee as Fran Leib Lensky as Shamos Phyllis Newman as Ann Lester Rawlins as Kevin King Sam Schacht as Ted John Seidman as Jonah Lin Shaye as Amy Jon Shear as David

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Simon Schochet is a scholar known for his research on Jewish history and literature. He has written extensively on topics related to Jewish mysticism, the Holocaust, and Jewish philosophy. Some of his notable works include "Mystical Concepts in Chassidism" and "The Rebbe's Army."

3 answers

The cast of Weak Species - 2009 includes: Lyn Alicia Henderson as Counselor Hugo Armstrong as Tom Brendan Bradley as Steve Katie Brady as Classmate Marjory Collado as Classmate Brock DeShane as Teacher Quincy Gray as Athlete Zane Helberg as Jock 1 Ingrid Palomo as Teacher Raquel Rebbe as Classmate Brian Ruppenkamp as Punk Kid Nikko Ruvolo as Theatre Boy Paul Tigue as Phillip Vito Trabucco as Cruiser Justin Vasquez as Asian Boy Reed Windle as Cliff Leonard Wu as Jock 2

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The Lulav represents a Jew that learns Torah but lacks the practice of mitzvot. Thus, since the Lulav is the tallest 'min' it bounds all other minim together and serves as a foundation of life, which is the study of Torah as being the key to a most perfected life, as it shapes your view and conduct on life. This change must be rooted in the soul in order to have a real change, as the Lubavicher Rebbe explained, real success of learning is when it influences a person to behave according to his learnings.

Another point, since the Lulav is straight and is the tallest type, it resembles the soul as it always yearns to rise upward to heaven. Thus the shake represents the soul shaking and striving to connect to its root.

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