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No ! But i think there is a mod that lets you do it.

1 answer

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magnify glass

The sum of the data divided by the number of pieces of data

1 answer

On most, just lock the driver's door with the key.

1 answer







2 answers

The horror of WW1 made both countries reluctant to rearm.

1 answer

You can remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notification by using a command script. Enter the command, SLMGR/REARM and then restart your computer.

1 answer

The Japanese were in Indochina...but they were surrendering to the allies...the French re-entered Vietnam (and Indochina) in 1945...the British were involved with Malaysia and those regions.

1 answer

It violated the Treaty of Versailles. Arguments could be made that it was legal or illegal, with the former being that Germany was still a sovereign state in spite of the treaty.

1 answer

That question is best summed up by "Too little, too late". In the mid late Thirties Chamberlain started to rearm Great Britain but it was quite literally "Too little , too late" as Hitler had the jump on Great Britain by about 5 to 10 years both in gearing up for production but also technologically as well. granted the Brit's did invent radar to help fend off air bombardments , but the Germans were way ahead with jet and nuclear technology as well as better designs in almost every category when it came to weaponry. For example the German were able to aerial bombard London and other strategic sites at will with Rockets where as Great Britain barley had planes enough to semi-defend herself. had it not been for the U.S. intervention Great Britain would be speaking German today as would the whole of Europe.

1 answer

It was involved, but only on the fringes. It had begun to rearm and to build up its troop strength and it had created the lend lease program to provide critical war material for the Allies.

1 answer

You can install it, but only one of them will be activated. The others can last up to 120 days, using the rearm method.

1 answer

the treaty of Versailles was a server blow to the German reputation, it was this shame and dishonor at the loss of the war to the allies that gave Germany the reason to rearm and show the world it was not a lost cause.

1 answer

At approximately the same time, yes, but the German Army always took precedence. Hitler admitted to being a coward at sea, and I personally think that he did not fully appreciate the importance of air power.

1 answer

April 1935 - According to Britannica:

Stresa Front, coalition of France, Britain, and Italy formed in April 1935 at Stresa, Italy, to oppose Adolf Hitler's announced intention to rearm Germany, which violated terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

2 answers

alarm arm charm disarm farm firearm forearm gendarme

harm rearm schoolmarm sidearm swarm unarm yardarm

6 answers

Enunciation of the Truman Doctrine marked the beginning of a US ... his vision of a post-war Germany did not include the ability to rearm or pose any .... Among other effects, the Korean War galvanised NATO to develop a military structure

1 answer

"In air recovery" refers to the ability of an aircraft to refuel or rearm while in flight. This capability allows the aircraft to stay in the air for longer periods of time, increasing its operational range and effectiveness. Overall, in air recovery enhances the aircraft's performance by improving its endurance and mission capabilities.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern -EA-M. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter A and 5th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -E-RM. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter E and 4th letter R and 5th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

Many things. Firstly, Kill the Jews (Holocaust) Secondly, Rearm Germany through conscription, building weapon factories and making weapons. Thirdly, propaganda his citizens so that they will be loyal to him. (He even had a Ministry of Propaganda &Enlightment for this) Lastly, established secret police so that people would fear of him and listen to everything that he says.

1 answer

In the years leading up to World War II, Great Britain (as well as France) indulged in an appeasement policy toward Germany and other aggressor-nations. One negative result was that it encouraged Germany, in particular, to continue making demands and engaging in aggressive policies. On the other hand, it undeniably bought time for the nation to rearm and otherwise prepare for the war that increasingly seemed to be a certainty.

1 answer

In the years leading up to World War II, Great Britain (as well as France) indulged in an appeasement policy toward Germany and other aggressor-nations. One negative result was that it encouraged Germany, in particular, to continue making demands and engaging in aggressive policies. On the other hand, it undeniably bought time for the nation to rearm and otherwise prepare for the war that increasingly seemed to be a certainty.

1 answer

From the Scrabble dictionary - with a minimum word length of four letters:





























1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -REARM. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 4th letter A and 5th letter R and 6th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern REARM-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter R and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter A and 4th letter R and 5th letter M. In alphabetical order, they are:


1 answer

During the Great Depression Britain 'sheltered' within the Empire and this policy of trying to strengthen the Empire (mainly economically) continued throughout the period. This preoccupation with the Empire encouraged a quasi-isolatist attitude towards Europe - with unfortunate results. In particular, in 1933-39 Britain never managed to take the initiative in Europe, but simply reacted to Hitler and other dictators. Having said this, Britain did rearm on a significant scale in the 1930s.

1 answer

The United states may be in a bad war,but they have the best technology ever, and they train there soilders to be on top so dont sleep on them,when the U.S finishes this fake War (win or so call lose) and starts to rearm with next generation weaponry,I would start minding your own business if I was China or Russia,Why do you think Russia,china and so many other countries try to steal American technology?!!!

1 answer

To bypass Windows Vista Activation, first select the option of 'Access your computer with reduced functionality' then on the Internet Explorer browser, select 'File', 'Open' and then type on the URL C:WindowsExplorer.exe and click 'OK'. Go to the command prompt and type in 'CMD', right click and select 'Run as Administrator'. You then type 'slmgr.vbs-rearm' on the command prompt and 'Enter'. Finally you should re-start your computer and copy all your data and buy a Windows Vista License.

2 answers

One- and two-syllable End Rhymes of charm: alarm arm disarm farm firearm forearm gendarme harm lukewarm prewarm rearm schoolmarm sidearm swarm unarm yardarm from: rhymer.com alarm


































yardarm alarm


































yardarm alarm


































farm, harm, alarm

4 answers

In 1933, Hitler began rearming Germany while other countries are unaware of the rearmament. He handled it cleverly by convincing people with his public display. The public display did about him having no desire to rearm due to the objections of other countries to disarm. Surely, no one was prepared to disarm. The reason he did this was to carefully rearm Germany without any country realize this act of disobedient.

Rearmament began in secret at first. Unemployed workers were drafted into army. It also reduce unemployment.

8 answers

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

Hand down the best Ace Combat. I've played every Ace Combat game since Air Combat. Five is by far the best. It has an amazing story, a myriad of plane choices, and you actually get attached to your squad mates.

ACZ is equally good. AC5 has more planes, but ACZ allows to rearm on certain missions, and has multiple secondary weapon options (It also gives you the ADF-02 MORGAN which has a weak beam, an ecmp, and burst missiles (used by Scinfaxi and Hrimfaxi)).

It all depends on your fighting style, but AC04 is the worst between the three.

1 answer

  1. March 1939 - Invaded what was left of Bohemia and Moravia after the Munich agreement.

  2. August 1939 - Agreement with the Soviet Union (Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact).

  3. September 1939 - Invaded Poland.

4 answers

In February 1933, days after Hitler came to power, Hitler instructed the German general, von Fritsch to end German disarmament and to 'create an army of the greatest possible strength'. Germany began a remarkable increase in its level of weaponry that was to gather momentum during the mid-1930's. By July 1933, tanks were being produced and by 1934 Germany was making aircrafts and warships. The production of military aircraft rose from 36 planes in 1932 to 1,938 planes in 1934 and 5,112 planes in 1936. In 1935, Hitler introduced conscription and began to increase massively the number of soldiers in the German army.

Hope this helps =]]

1 answer

Hitler took Germany out of the League of Nations in 1933 primarily because he wanted to pursue his aggressive foreign policy objectives without interference or opposition from the international community. By leaving the League, Hitler sought to assert Germany's independence and sovereignty, enabling him to rearm the country and expand its territory without facing sanctions or constraints imposed by the League. Additionally, Hitler believed the League was ineffective and biased against Germany, making its membership irrelevant to his plans for expansion and domination in Europe.

3 answers

Chamberlain was seen as a 'modern', technocratic Conservative. Churchill, a dyed-in-the-wool imperalist, was widely seen as a backward-looking relic from the days of Queen Victoria ... He had made himself very unpopular in 1935 by speaking and voting against legislation to give India some modest measure of self-government. In the very unusual circumstances of the times, it so happened that Churchill with his views of the moral qualities need for national and imperial greatness was more in keeping with the needs of the time.

8 answers

In Germany, the President was (and still is) the commander in chief of the military. After President Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler did not hold elections to choose a new President; instead, he had the President's political powers added to his own as Chancellor. He renamed the position "Führer und Reichskanzler" ("Leader and National Chancellor"), or "Führer" ("Leader") for short.

So, as Führer, he was automatically in control of the German military.

4 answers

The Allies, notably Great Britain, had little choice but to appease: Britain had a strong fleet but no land army that was any match for Germany's at the time. France was divided on the subject and anyway focused on defence against Germany, not on offense. The USA was firmly isolationist: public and Congress were totally against any further involvement in European wars and would remain so until well into WW 2. The other European countries were either poorly armed, keen to stay out of trouble or had Fascist regimes themselves.

Britain and France were indeed buying time: France to further strengthen its defences, Britain expecting that Germany's mostly eastward annexations would finally get them into armed conflict with the USSR, which would weaken both parties.

1 answer

I don't understand fully your question. I assume your talking about when it collapsed in 1991. The Soviet Union was comprised of about 15 republics hence the name USSR (Union Of The Soviet Socialist Republics) around 10 of them declared they wanted independence during the collapse and they were granted it, they all became independent countries for example Ukraine, Belorussia, Lithuania, etc...only 5 republics stayed in the USSR until it became the Russian Federation.

2 answers

In 1933, Germany completely stopped paying reparations, and began to rearm. In 1934, they began to build their air force -- the Luftwaffe. In 1935, conscription was reintroduced in Germany, and the armed forces increased to five times the size it was before. The re-militarisation of the Rhineland happened in 1936, which was a major breach of the treaty. The Allies didn't do anything about these breaches of the treaty because they were following a policy of appeasement, and giving in to his demands in the hope that he wouldn't start a war.

2 answers

The letters can be used to spell the 8 letter word carmaker and the 7 letter words barrack, chamber, charmer, earmark and marcher. They also spell the 6 letter words archer, backer, barker, breach, camera, embark, hacker, harmer, marker, remark and rerack. They spell the 5 letter words amber, arear, baker, beach, brace, brake, break, charm, creak, cream, maker, march, racer, reach, rearm, rebar and rehab. They spell the 4 letter words ache, acme, acre, arch, area, back, bake, bare, bark, beam, bear, cake, came, carb, care, crab, cram, each, hare, hark, harm, hear, herb, mace, make, mare, mark, race, rack, rake, rare and rear.

1 answer

The disarmament conference: 1932-1934. Before Hitler became chancellor, Germany had left the disarmament conference because the other nations failed to disarm to the level that Germany had been punished with. Hitler rejoined the conference in may 1933, promising not to rearm if "in 5 years time, all other nations destroyed their arms". when they failed to do so, he left the conference in october 1933, and soon after, the league of nations.

rearmament: in 1935, he organised a military rally openly celebrating the German armed forces. in the same year, he reintroduced conscription, and announced a peacetime army of 550,000. a new air military was to train pilots and build 1,000 aircraft.

disarmament was one of the main clauses of the treaty and so i think that this was all that was done by 1935 in order to reverse the treaty. i hope it helps :)

1 answer

From1933 to 1939, Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement. In 1933 Hitler wanted to rearm, although forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. At a conference, Hitler said, "I will unarm if you do so too." He was allowed to by Britain as the treaty was said to be 'unfair'. They also ignored the remilitarisation of the Rhineland as Britain, France and the League of Nations were dealing with the Abyssinian crisis. They ignored his Anschluss with Austria and helped him gain the Sudetenland in order to appease him. Britain may have done this to give them time to rearm after the great depression and WW1, or Neville Chamberlain may not have realised that Hitler was not to be trusted, and that each demand was not his last one, as he kept promising. However in 1939 when he invaded the whole of Czechoslovakia, they realised, and ended appeasement.

6 answers

Yes, rearmament during the 1930's was avoidable.

During the disarmament conference at Geneva, the League of Nations, along with the US and the Sovier Union could have agreed to the limits of weapon to disarm and ignore their country's external sercurity.

In October 1933, Hitler had pulled Germany out of the Disarmament Conference because he wanted military equality. Hitler then annouced he was going to rearm. By 1935 he had increased the size of his army from 100 000 men to 550 000 men and had introduced conscription for all male citizens. Even though Hitler had broken the Treaty of Versailles no one was prepared to go against him and enforce the terms in the treaty. Hence, Hitler was abe to keep his army. His armament and military performance in the Spanish civil war had brought Europe's attention. They had seen how powerful and strong Germany were, and thus, countries near Germany starting rearming. Therefore

1 answer

Sunday Jumble 3/11/18:

To raise money quickly, the athlete sold his Olympic gold by putting the...


Clue words: helmet, drafty, emblem, nobody, plural, attend

A late flight can cause this to build up.


Clue words: visor, rearm, abacus, pitied

6 answers

There are many reasons which do justify appeasement and also many reasons that don't justify appeasement.

Firstly, appeasement was justified because many military experts in Britain calculated that there would be over 1 million deaths in the first 60 days of war if war broke out in September 1938. This meant that many people wanted to have a negotiated peace because Britain was not ready for war.

Furthermore, appeasement was justified because Britain wanted to play for time so she could rearm and massively increase the number of men in the army (through conscription) and the number of RAF planes. This also links to the calculations made by the military experts as Britain knew that if they did not rearm then many civilians would die in air raids. Instead, politicians knew that buying time would decrease that risk.

However, appeasement was not justified because only 7% of the British population believed that Hitler would not demand to take over any other European countries. This meant that 93% of the population thought Hitler would take land that was not rightfully German which would inevitably result in war.

Furthermore, appeasement was not justified because giving in to Hitler's demands at the Munich Conference meant that Hitler would have more confidence and perhaps take a gamble to demand more land in the future. This also links to the fact that Germany would become much stronger through appeasement which would make it much harder to defeat a stronger Germany in the future.

In my overall opinion, I don't think appeasement was justified because it gave Hitler the confidence to demand more land. This was evident when Hitler demanded the Polish Corridor and Danzig in August 1939, which eventually resulted in war. The public opinion in Britain also was a reason to abandon appeasement because many thought Hitler would demand further, which did happen, and this links to the point I said about Hitler growing more confident and stronger. However, the possible death toll in the first 60 days of a war was incredibly high if Britain did not play for time and rearm.

6 answers

Well, isn't that just a happy little question! Farm and barn do indeed rhyme, just like two little birds singing a sweet melody together. It's like nature's way of creating harmony in our language. Just say those words out loud and let the soothing sound of their rhyme bring a smile to your face.

7 answers

Hitler probably wanted to see how far he could go. France and Britain were to afraid to confront him about anything he did and were avoiding conflict at all costs. They appeased to Hitler, and he no longer thought that they were going to confront him about anything. He probably wanted to see what they would do when he did something that they had forbidden him to do in the treaty of Versilles.

9 answers