The name was given to Mario by his creator shortly after the realis of the first game.
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Michael Alberti has written:
'D. Michaelis Alberti ... Tentamen lexici realis observationum medicarum' -- subject(s): Medicine, Indexes
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Gabriel Wagner has written:
'Nachricht von Realis de Vienna' -- subject(s): Enlightenment, Relations, Sources, Intellectual life, Criticism and interpretation, History
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I've never personally known anyone that hit 850, but there are lots of folks with FICO scores above 800.
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In the United States you spell it with a Z, but in other countries it is spelled with an S.
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Realism is a literary school of thought in which the writer aimed to depict the everyday life of characters without idealization or subjective bias.
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Yes, Radioshack sold them from somewhere around 1969 till somewhere around 1972.
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Under that set of circumstances, probably probation. But don't bank on it. Never
overlook the possibility of the downside.
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Two really fun websites are Furrypaws.com and Howrse.com. Furrypaws is a dog website and Howrse is a horse breeding website!
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The real world. Up until this time painting and art centered on subjects that were myths or religious. Realism revolutionized painting by expanding perceptions of what was art and replaced the idealistic images with real life events. This art was an early avant-garde desire to merge art and life and it is the start of modern art.
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When you ride a bicycle you use your muscles. When you use your muscles they generate heat. When they've become warm enough you will start to sweat, doesn't really matter how fit you are.
The only way to ride w/o becoming sweaty is to ride at a really low level of effort, when it's cool outside, and preferably while wearing very light clothing. That way, maybe the little heat generated by your riding can be dissipated w/o you having to sweat.
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This process is an example of biological pest control. By releasing sterile male insects into the environment, the population of that species is reduced as they are unable to reproduce effectively, leading to a decline in their numbers over time.
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To see more of these haunting nightmare fuel cartoon characters, click here.
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Unlike traditional diet plans, the ali vincent diet does not focus on rigidly structuring food intake and daily behaviors. This allows practitioners to incorporate a healthier lifestyle into their existing routine in order to maximize success rates and decrease rebound weight gain. More than anything, this particular diet focuses on the mental aspects of dieting, and how dieters can manage a healthier overall lifestyle while avoiding the pitfalls of everyday life that traditionally derail more conventional diet plans.
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As a trainer of many years, I have encountered many reasons for having weight loss goals ranging from the bizarre: "My husband says if I can't lose at least 50 lb. he will divorce me," to the unrealistic: "I am at a size 22 now and would like to be down to a size 8 within a year." My answers to them are the same: weight loss is successful when it is both realistic and desired. So what does that mean, exactly?
Being RealisticAs in the example above, that of a goal to be able to go from a size 22 to a size 8 within a year, our goals must primarily be simple and attainable. I am not saying that it is impossible to go from a size 22 to a size 8 in a year, and I am not saying that there is not a possible way that it can be done in a year; but generally speaking, healthy weight loss takes time. A good estimate of a healthy weight loss is roughly 2 lb. per week.
With a realistic goal, one aims for a healthy lifestyle change combined with a healthy weight loss goal, not the goal of a particular pant size. Keep in mind that not every body type and bone structure is meant to conform to a certain pant size. A healthy body is what matters.
Having the DesireAs in the example above, the woman wanted to lose weight at the demands of her husband. The desire to lose weight has to come from the person not enforced by someone else. Chances of success are slim if you are losing weight to please someone else. The desire to lose weight must be your desire - a desire for your body, your health and your own reasons.
By making a list of reasons that you wish to lose weight, you can have a better chance of coming up with realistic goals and realistic milestones. Be patient - weight loss does get accomplished overnight. It requires lifestyle change, commitment and persistence.
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Il ya des gens qui boivent du sang. Je crois qu'il ya sont des vampires qui vivent encore parmi nous.
non pas vraiment non si les vempire existerait encore de nous jours limmortaliter serai recherche par out lmonde evidement faut etre realis sans dessins
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The word 'Real' in Real Estate stems from the Spanish word meaning Royal as in 'Real Madrid' and pertains to the historic era in which immovable property was only owned by Royalty. Over the centuries property has become available for purchase by anyone but retains the former root word as identification.
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. Realias are real objects that exist in a given environment. According to the dictionary definitions, realia is a culture-specific word or phrase which is often difficult, if not impossible to translate into target language (Latin realis - actual, true, and material). Such words and set phrases that name these objects are called realias in linguistics and in theory of translation.
As a linguistic phenomenon realia refers to the culture-specific vocabulary. This term was coined by E. M. Vereshchagin and V. G. Kostomarov. The culture specific vocabulary is composed of words expressing notions which are unfamiliar to another culture and language; words referring to the particular cultural elements, which are typical for culture A and absent in culture B, and unrenderable words, which have no equivalents in target languages. They are the part of background knowledge and of great interest for linguistic and cultural interaction studies. The main challenge that a translator faces in the process of referential meanings translation expressed in SL is mismatching of meanings in two languages. In cases when there is no equivalent of lexical unit of one language in the vocabulary of another language, it is referred to as culture-specific vocabulary.
The problem of the ST national and ethnic uniqueness, text coloring related to its national environment, is one of the principal problems of the translation theory, constituting the notion of translatability.
Distinctive feature of realia is nature of its content (connection of the determine object with a certain country, nation, social community) and the link to a certain period of time. On the basis of these features, S. Vlahov and S. Florin proposed detailed classification of cultural realia.
a) geographic realia:
1) physical geography and meteorology (steppe, tornado, tsunami);
2) endemic species (sequia, iguana, cheryomucha).
b) ethnographic realia:
1) everyday life (spaghetti, koumiss, sauna);
2) work (rancho, kolkhoz, consierge);
3) art and culture (kazachok, balalaika, chastushki);
4) ethic objects (Cossack, cockney, yankee);
5) measures and money (arshin, pud, peseta).
c) political and social realia:
1) reginal administrative agencies (county, hutor, aul);
2) offices (duma, forum, khan)
3) social and political life (Bolshevik, samurai, madame);
4) military realia (katyusha, marshal, ataman).
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