Jon Pierre Ratte's birth name is Jon-Pierre Rattie.
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In my openion there are 122.3 mg in one ratte for rattans and approximetly 180 mg for about others.
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The cast of Prinz Ratte - 2011 includes: Gerald Cronauer as Rat
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The cast of Eine tolle Ratte - 1918 includes: Ilse Bois as Ilse Kulicke
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The cast of Blocked Call - 2011 includes: Adam Klymkiw as Guy Courtney Paige Ratte as Girl Courtney Ratte as Girl
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The cast of Die Ratte - 1918 includes: Leo Burg as Grauhofer Heinrich Schroth as Joe Deebs, Detektiv Mechthildis Thein as Baronin Orlowska Stefan Vacano as Baron Bassano
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A little ratt (attic) would be "ein kleiner Dachboden"
The little ratt = der kleine Dachboden
A little rat (the cute pet) is "eine kleine Ratte"
The little rat = die kleine Ratte
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Karlheinz Heldt has written:
'Der Mann, der eine Ratte laufen liess'
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Albert Speer, the minister of armament and war production in Nazi Germany, stopped the production of the Landkreuzer P 1000 Ratte because he deemed it impractical and a waste of resources. The massive tank was too large and would have required tremendous amounts of materials and manpower to construct, which would have been better utilized for more effective weapons in the war effort.
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Greg Hollingshead has written:
'The roaring girl' -- subject(s): Fiction, Social life and customs, Suburban life
'Ratte mit Mandarine'
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Daniel Graf has: Played Apotheker in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Ratte in "Polizeiruf 110" in 1971. Played Ralf Kramer in "Wolkenstein" in 1996. Played Juri in "Der Clown" in 1998. Played Wurm in "Kabale und Liebe" in 2009.
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the German maus tank is the biggest tank of world war 2 even though only 2 were ever made but there is a bigger tank that was never made but had plans to be made it was the p. 1000 ratte tank and even bigger the p. 1500 monster tank.
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The cast of Deadlock - 1970 includes: Mario Adorf as Charles Dump, die Ratte Marquard Bohm as Kid, der junge Killer Anthony Dawson as Anthony Sunshine, der alte Killer Arnold Marquis as Sunshine Betty Segal as Corinna, die abgetakelte Schachtel
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The cast of Tom Turbo - 2013 includes: Thomas Brezina as Thomas Andrea Eckert as Freda Fantom Brigitte Kren as Lotte Nepomuk Krisper as Klaro Klaus Ofczarek as Hr. Finstergroll Michael Pink as Rudi Ratte Simon Schober as Fritz Fantom Manuel Witting as Klaus
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The German Maus was a super-heavy tank that was designed for armored superiority, fielding a 128 mm gun. But it was impractically slow (8 mph). The Maus was never completed.
The T30 was only finished after the end of World War II but could have inflicted damage on a Maus with its oversized 155 mm gun. The T30 had lighter armor but was considerably faster at up to 22 mph.
The T30 today is considered a "tank destroyer" and the Maus was not the largest tank that Nazi Germany designed. The biggest tank was called the Ratte (Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte) , five times the weight of the Maus at over 1000 metric tons. This proposed Super Tank would have mounted twin 280mm naval guns, as well as adopting marine diesel engines for its motive power.
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The cast of Het mes - 1961 includes: Hetty Beck as Marie Paul Cammermans as Oscar John Kuipers Leo Pijls Reitze van der Linden as Thomas Piet van der Meulen Ellen Van Stekelenburg as Waarzegster Janine van Wely Cor Witschge as Ratte, de soldaat
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Der Rat means advice or council.
rufen means to call.
regnen means to rain.
Der Regen means rain.
Die Ratte means rat.
reich means rich.
Das Reich means empire or realm.
Die Rente means pension.
reisen means to travel.
rauchen means to smoke.
rennen means to run.
Die Religion means religion.
Der Roman means novel.
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Tanja Raunig has: Played Claudia Eisner in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Rita Ratte in "Tom Turbo" in 1993. Played Steffi Lipinski in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Sophie Wimberger in "Schnell ermittelt" in 2008. Played Feli Fuhrmann in "Aufschneider" in 2010. Played Lilli in "One Way Trip" in 2011. Performed in "Diamantenfieber" in 2012.
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The largest gun ever put on a tank is the 152 mm gun on the Soviet ISU-152 tank destroyer. It was designed during World War II and was known for its ability to destroy heavily fortified targets and enemy tanks with its powerful gun.
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The cast of Falsche Liebe - 1997 includes: Menuela Adejumo Andreas Bisowski as Ratte Isabelle Ertmann Anette Hellwig Wolfgang Hosfeld Tania Hron Irina Iwas Jonas Kipp Dieter Landuris as Jonas Lutz Lansemann Rainer Laupichler Peter Lerchbaumer as Kolping Weijian Liu Andrea Sawatzki as Yvonne Jacobi Klaus Tilsner as Rene Udo Weinberger Christiane Zeiske
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Stefan Vacano has: Played Baron Bassano in "Die Ratte" in 1918. Performed in "Das rollende Hotel" in 1918. Performed in "Der Muff" in 1919. Performed in "Der Reiter ohne Kopf, 3. Teil - Harry Piels schwerster Sieg" in 1921. Played Milford in "Kameraden" in 1921. Performed in "Der Reiter ohne Kopf, 2. Teil - Die geheimnisvolle Macht" in 1921.
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The Panzerkampfwagen VIII, codenamed Maus("mouse" ... who says the Nazis didn't have a sense of humor?), was the largest tank ever built (as a prototype ... an additional hull without turret was also completed).
Larger tanks such as the Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte ("rat"), about five times larger than the Maus, have been designed but never actually built. Even the Maus was really too large and unwieldy to be of any real practical use.
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Ilse Bois has: Played Ilse Verstraaten in "Der geheimnisvolle Klub" in 1913. Performed in "Der Flug in die Sonne" in 1914. Performed in "Titanenkampf" in 1916. Performed in "Abenteuer im Warenhaus" in 1917. Performed in "Ehestiftung mit Hindernissen" in 1917. Performed in "Das unruhige Hotel" in 1917. Performed in "Bobby als Amor" in 1917. Played Ilse Kulicke in "Eine tolle Ratte" in 1918. Played Miss Bourne in "Der Geisterzug" in 1927.
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Germany made plans and designs for 5 super tanks but only 2 would of been ultimate super tanks. These tanks were massive, size of over 2 store buildings which both weighs other 1,000 Tonnes.
These 2 tanks the Nazis decide were called Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster and Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte.
In 1942 Hitler approved the design and construction of the Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster but the project was cancelled in 1943 before any actual construction had begun. The tank was supposed to be more than fifteen times as big as a normal tank and it should have been armed with a 800 mm Krupp cannon (the main cannon on a normal tank like the M1 Abrams is 105 mm). The tank was suppose to have an 100 man crew and weighed at 1,500 Tons
The 800 mm Krupp cannon is the largest artillery weapon ever built. Each projectile weighted 7 tons and it could be fired up to 37 km (23 miles). I haven't seen any pictures of the Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster, so you must make do with a picture of the Krupp cannon (check out the soldier in front of the cannon).
The Ratte was very similar to the Monster. It was also designed in 1942 and it was also cancelled within little more than a year. Unlike the Monster, the Ratte were supposed to be armed with a warship turret with two 280 mm cannons. Other armaments on the Ratte would have included a 128 mm cannon, eight 20 mm anti-aircraft guns and a few 15 mm machine guns. This tank would of weighed 1,000 tons and would of have an 20 man crew.Also, it is only 63% the size of the Monster.
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Andrea Heuer has: Played Librarian in "Lola" in 1981. Played Romy Gordon in "Occhio alla penna" in 1981. Played Lilo Diederich in "Ich heirate eine Familie..." in 1983. Played Krankenschwester im Hamburger Unfallkrankenhaus in "Die Schwarzwaldklinik" in 1985. Played Lisei in "Gewitter im Mai" in 1987. Played Hanna Mohr in "Polis polis potatismos" in 1993. Played Barfrau in "Die Ratte" in 1993. Played Maria Albrecht in "Die Tote von Amelung" in 1995. Performed in "Gnadenlos - Zur Prostitution gezwungen" in 1996.
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Andreas Bisowski has: Played Kai Larsen in "Der Landarzt" in 1987. Played Lukas Pertes in "Balko" in 1995. Played Marco in "Boomtown Berlin" in 1996. Played Tobias Baumgart in "SK Babies" in 1996. Played Ratte in "Falsche Liebe" in 1997. Played Jack Bender in "Todesengel" in 1999. Played Sunny in "Downhill City" in 1999. Played Wachmann in "Salamander" in 2000. Played Junger Leutnant in Krampnitz in "Stauffenberg" in 2004. Played Brinkmann Sprecher 4 in "Brinkmanns Zorn" in 2006. Played Peter Meisner in "Klinik am Alex" in 2009.
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The cast of Der Einbruch - 1991 includes: Anna Carina Schulz as Baby Helms George Carlo as Waiter, France Nicole Hartmann as Ratte Sabine Helmut as Ground Hostess Peter Hick as Body guard Laurent Le Doyen as Mario Heinz Lieven as Von Schmitt Claudia Nolte as Barmaid Joachim Schafer as Steward Brigitte Schubert as Stewardess Walter Spiske as Taxi Driver Angela Stresemann as Mrs. Helms Herbert Tennigkeit as Mr. Helms Adalbert Tiegelkamp as Estate Agent Ingrid van Bergen as Helene Dietrich Voigtlaender as Watchman
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Mechthildis Thein has: Played Margot in "Homunculus, 1. Teil" in 1916. Played Margot in "Homunculus, 5. Teil - Die Vernichtung der Menschheit" in 1916. Played Margot in "Homunculus, 2. Teil - Das geheimnisvolle Buch" in 1916. Played Margot in "Homunculus, 4. Teil - Die Rache des Homunculus" in 1916. Played Margot in "Homunculus, 6. Teil - Das Ende des Homunculus" in 1916. Performed in "Furcht" in 1917. Played Jettchen Gebert in "Jettchen Geberts Geschichte 1 - Jettchen Gebert" in 1918. Played Baronin Orlowska in "Die Ratte" in 1918. Played Jettchen Gebert in "Henriette Jacoby" in 1918.
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Martin Oberhauser has: Performed in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Rudi Ratte in "Tom Turbo" in 1993. Played Hubert Gmeiner in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Erwin in "Oben ohne" in 2007. Played Streifenpolizist in "Schnell ermittelt" in 2008. Played Kripobeamter in "Lautlose Morde" in 2010. Played Polizist in "Anfang 80" in 2011. Played Arbeitsloser in "AMS - Mutris Welt" in 2011. Performed in "Schlawiner" in 2011. Played Norbert in "Schlawiner" in 2011. Played Gestapo-Kommissar in "Der Kardinal" in 2011. Played Martin Hirsch in "AMS - Mutris Welt" in 2011. Performed in "Der Eisenhans" in 2011. Played Er in "Hyundai Kabarett-Tage" in 2012. Performed in "Novemberlichter" in 2012. Played Florian in "Oma wider Willen" in 2012. Played Bond in "The Indian" in 2012. Played Viktor in "The Yellow Sky" in 2014.
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The cast of Engel im Fegefeuer - 1964 includes: Elisabeth Boden Annemarie Collin Eleonore Dancker Fred Delmare as Stelzebein Oswald Foerderer Horst Friedrich as Wachtmeister Wolf Goetke Herbert Grass Wolfgang Grunz as Bischof Erich Heimbach Karl Heuer Jutta Hoffmann as Nelly Walter Hunger Wilfried Jahns Heinrich Junge Peter Kalisch Volkmar Kleinert Agnes Kraus Joachim Krause as Ratte Heidi Liesegang as Renate Hermann Marquart Friedrich Mokross Michael Pan Jutta Peters as Frau Wolters Elisabeth Pommer Ursula Reise Johanna Reiter Peter Reusse Ena Ritter Eberhard Schaletzky as Achim Wolters Helmut Schellhardt Helga Scherff Marthe Schild Heinz Suhr as Pfarrer Sabine Thalbach as Gouvernante Peter Trogisch Nico Turoff Hans Winzer Else Wolz
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The cast of 1. Mai - 2008 includes: Sinan Akdeniz as Turkish Gang Member Annette Baar as Hospital Receptionist Sarah Baumann as Performance Girl Alex Bechberger as Performance Besucher Milot Berisha as Turkish Gang Member Peter Berning as Arzt Firat Besleyen as Cem Dirk Borchardt as Horsti Leonie Brandis as Ingrid Hassan Chahrour as Orhan Youssef Chahrour as Turkish Gang Member Sebastian Dasse as DJ im Club Godehard Giese as Policeman Mackie Heilmann as Ramona Sigo Heinisch as Sveni Randy Herbst as Schinken-Raddatz Jr. Hannah Herzsprung as Ratte Jacob Matschenz as Jacob Tore Mert as Turkish Gang Member Torsten Michaelis as Martin Jonas Pappe as DJ im Club Anna Parkina as Performance Girl Fabian Schubert as Performance Besucher Maria Schumanski as Frau in U-Bahn Frank Seppeler as Buddy Mehmet Subasi as Fikret Cemal Subasi as Yavuz Theo Vadersen as Busfahrer Burak Yigit as Performance Besucher Murat Yilmaz as Adolf Performance
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Bill Allen has: Played Carson (the butler) in "The Ransom" in 1977. Played Roger Sloate in "Family Ties" in 1982. Played Peter Campbell in "And They Are Off" in 1982. Played Lt. Townsend in "Streamers" in 1983. Played Alex in "Hotel" in 1983. Played Cliff Ratte in "Amazing Stories" in 1985. Played Cru in "Rad" in 1986. Played Mark in "Outlaws" in 1986. Played Terry in "Ohara" in 1987. Played Roy in "A Stoning in Fulham County" in 1988. Played Blevins in "China Beach" in 1988. Played Platoon - Vietnam in "Born on the Fourth of July" in 1989. Played Ruthra in "Alien Nation" in 1989. Performed in "Hard Time Romance" in 1991. Played Slim in "Dangerous Touch" in 1994. Played Dan Larkin in "Sioux City" in 1994. Played Clerk in "Wildfire" in 2005. Played Scientist in "Breaking Bad" in 2008. Played Drunk Driver in "Felon" in 2008. Played himself in "Tosh.0" in 2009. Played Medic in "My One and Only" in 2009. Played The Priest in "The Quiet Ones" in 2010. Played Jonny Rivers in "The Vigilante" in 2010. Played Tucker (segment "The Weed") in "Monsterpiece Theatre Volume 1" in 2011. Played Tim Cooper in "Heroes of Dirt" in 2013.
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Georg Uecker has: Played Bargast in "Familie Heinz Becker" in 1992. Played Edgar Palm in "Die Wache" in 1994. Played himself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 1995. Played himself in "Domian" in 1995. Played Joachim Jung in "Verbotene Liebe" in 1995. Played Ronald die Ratte in "Lukas" in 1996. Played himself in "Die Johannes B. Kerner Show" in 1998. Played himself in "Beckmann" in 1999. Played Himself - Host in "Anders Trend" in 1999. Played Martin Persch in "Zwei Profis" in 2002. Played Georg Uecker in "Mutti - Der Film" in 2003. Played himself in "Genial daneben" in 2003. Played himself in "Red Nose Day" in 2003. Played himself in "Die 100 nervigsten..." in 2004. Played himself in "Leute am Donnerstag" in 2004. Played himself in "Sarah Kuttner - Die Show" in 2004. Played himself in "Anke Late Night" in 2004. Played himself in "Das perfekte Promi-Dinner" in 2005. Played Georg Uecker in "Pastewka" in 2005. Played himself in "Kult am Sonntag" in 2006. Played himself in "Extreme Activity" in 2006. Played himself in "Der Gameshow-Marathon" in 2007. Played himself in "Grand Prix Vorentscheid 2007" in 2007.
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Lilo Wanders has: Played Lilo in "Tatort" in 1969. Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Played Lilo Wanders in "Schmidt - Die Mitternachtsshow" in 1990. Played Oma Neumann in "Der kleene Punker" in 1992. Played Herself - Host in "Wa(h)re Liebe" in 1993. Played Lollo in "Die Ratte" in 1993. Played Lilo Wanders in "Angesichts ihrer fatalen Veranlagung scheidet Lilo Wanders freiwillig aus dem Leben" in 1994. Played herself in "Nachtstudio" in 1997. Played herself in "Talk 2000" in 1997. Played himself in "Volle Kanne" in 1999. Played himself in "Blond am Freitag" in 2001. Played herself in "Blondes Gift" in 2001. Played Countess Orlovska in "Wa(h)re Liebe im Fronteinsatz" in 2001. Played herself in "Blond am Freitag" in 2001. Played himself in "Hamburg damals" in 2002. Played himself in "Die ultimative Chartshow" in 2003. Played himself in "Das perfekte Promi-Dinner" in 2005. Played herself in "Kult am Sonntag" in 2006. Played himself in "Das wahre Leben" in 2007. Played Clara Corn in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played herself in "Das Schlagzeilenquiz" in 2009. Played herself in "Detlef - 60 Jahre schwul" in 2012. Played herself in "Gefragt - Gejagt" in 2012. Played herself in "Cover me - Das Konzert" in 2012.
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Michael Pink has: Played Barkeeper in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Benjamin Wolters in "Tatort" in 1969. Played Sergej Lipkov in "Unter uns" in 1994. Played Andreas in "Kommissar Rex" in 1994. Played Polizist in "Ein starkes Team" in 1994. Played Kuno in "Verbotene Liebe" in 1995. Played Narrator in "Metropolis" in 1997. Played Felix Graf von Luckner 1901-1924 in "Die Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands" in 1999. Played Fritz in "Welcome Home" in 2004. Played Colgate-George in "Rendezvous 17M" in 2005. Played Scotti in "SOKO Donau" in 2005. Played Moderator in "Bis in die Spitzen" in 2005. Played Sunny in "Moabit Vice" in 2006. Played Doctor in "Digimon Data Squad" in 2006. Played Jugendrichter in "Verfolgt" in 2006. Played Martin Berger in "Trust.Wohltat" in 2007. Played Valerian in "A Full Circle" in 2007. Played Olaf Rennert in "Notruf Hafenkante" in 2007. Played Polizist Schelling in "Einmal Dieb, immer Dieb" in 2007. Played Franz Dueller in "Torpedos im Morgengrauen - Das letzte Schlachtschiff des Kaiser" in 2008. Played Fred in "Putzfrau Undercover" in 2008. Played Benny Berg in "Able" in 2008. Played Tobias Lenk in "Schnell ermittelt" in 2008. Played Walter Vanderbuilt in "Dirty Split" in 2008. Played Friedrich II. in "Die Deutschen" in 2008. Played Martin in "Engel sucht Liebe" in 2009. Played Manfred Kreiser in "Crashpoint - 90 Minuten bis zum Absturz" in 2009. Played Akira in "Snowchild" in 2011. Played Security in "Dr. Ketel" in 2011. Played Actor 1 in "Discobanane - Ein Jahr nach Luise" in 2013. Played Rudi Ratte in "Tom Turbo" in 2013. Played Doc Nehberger in "Im Kreis der Anderen" in 2013.
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Campino has: Played Die toten Hosen in "Tatort" in 1969. Played himself in "III nach neun" in 1974. Played himself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Played himself in "Menschen" in 1982. Played Ratte in "Der Fahnder" in 1984. Performed in "Verlierer" in 1987. Performed in "Dandy" in 1988. Performed in "Die Beute" in 1988. Played Anton in "Langer Samstag" in 1992. Played himself in "Voll normaaal" in 1994. Played himself in "Exclusiv - Das Star-Magazin" in 1994. Played Themselves in "Monte Video" in 1994. Played himself in "Die Harald Schmidt Show" in 1995. Performed in "Sabine Christiansen" in 1998. Played himself in "Die Johannes B. Kerner Show" in 1998. Played himself in "Beckmann" in 1999. Played Himself - Die Toten Hosen in "Pop 2000: 50 Jahre Popmusik und Jugendkultur in Deutschland" in 1999. Played himself in "Berlin Mitte" in 1999. Played himself in "TV total" in 1999. Played himself in "Pop 2000: 50 Jahre Popmusik und Jugendkultur in Deutschland" in 1999. Played himself in "Mein Leben" in 2001. Played himself in "Durch die Nacht mit..." in 2002. Played Himself - Interviewee in "Get Up, Stand Up" in 2003. Played himself in "Menschen bei Maischberger" in 2003. Played himself in "Unsere Besten" in 2003. Played himself in "Thadeusz" in 2005. Played Himself - Die Toten Hosen in "Popsplits" in 2005. Played himself in "Mulatschag" in 2006. Played himself in "8" in 2008. Played himself in "Shooting Palermo" in 2008. Played Finn in "Palermo Shooting" in 2008. Played himself in "Mein Deutschland" in 2009. Played himself in "Nichts als die Wahrheit - 30 Jahre Die Toten Hosen" in 2012. Played himself in "Fortunas Legenden: Tradition kann man nicht kaufen" in 2013.
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Hannah Herzsprung has: Played Marie Steiger in "SOKO 5113" in 1978. Played herself in "NDR Talk Show" in 1979. Played Yvonne Blanbach in "Im Namen des Gesetzes" in 1994. Played Miriam Pauly in "Aus heiterem Himmel" in 1995. Played Britta (jung) in "Ein Fleisch und Blut" in 1998. Played herself in "Volle Kanne" in 1999. Played Antonia in "Donna Leon" in 2000. Played Jessica Gerold in "SOKO Leipzig" in 2001. Played Christy Altenberg in "Das Duo" in 2002. Played Sabine Schenk in "Zwei Profis" in 2002. Performed in "Unter Verdacht" in 2002. Played Hannah in "The Penelation Show" in 2004. Played Lore in "In einem anderen Leben" in 2005. Played Martina in "Emilia - Die zweite Chance" in 2005. Played Martin Diehl in "Stolberg" in 2006. Played Jenny von Loeben in "Vier Minuten" in 2006. Played Liesl Karlstadt, bis 40 Jahren in "Liesl Karlstadt und Karl Valentin" in 2008. Played Lotte in "Werther" in 2008. Played Herself - Presenter in "The 2008 European Film Awards" in 2008. Played Ratte in "1. Mai" in 2008. Played Susanne Albrecht in "Der Baader Meinhof Komplex" in 2008. Played Daniela in "10 Sekunden" in 2008. Played Julia in "The Reader" in 2008. Played Richardis von Stade in "Vision - Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen" in 2009. Played Marie in "Lila, Lila" in 2009. Played Anna Letenska in "Andula - Besuch in einem anderen Leben" in 2009. Performed in "Weissensee" in 2010. Played Jana Habermann in "Habermann" in 2010. Played Julia Hausmann in "Weissensee" in 2010. Played Herself - Winner in "Bambi Verleihung 2010" in 2010. Played Marie in "Hell" in 2011. Played Kaiserin Elisabeth in "Ludwig II" in 2012. Played Helena in "Schutzengel" in 2012. Played Johanna in "Wie zwischen Himmel und Erde" in 2012. Played Iris in "Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen" in 2013. Played Luise in "The Fox" in 2014. Played Marie in "WhoAmI" in 2014. Played Caroline von Lengefeld in "Die geliebten Schwestern" in 2014.
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The cast of Black Bridge - 2006 includes: Brain Alder as Hellrat Mary Bala as Vanessa Miles Boisselle as Bush Party Kid Tony Braga as Bush Party Kid Gloria Brincheski as Gloria Orlando Carriera as Sammy Rhoades Chris Chickley as Hellrat Dan Chouinard as Bush Party Kid Cody Clay as Bush Party Kid David DeGrow as Bush Party Kid Daniel Demski as Hellrat Wes Devleaux as Hellrat Jaimie Duggan as Bush Party Kid Andrea Dziadek as Bush Party Kid Darren Felbel as Principal Neil Kirk Ferland as Bush Party Kid Katherine Foster as Bush Party Kid Yves Gagnon as Bush Party Kid Carly Gallant as Bush Party Kid Raimey Gallant as Kathy Osbourne Andrew Halliek as Bush Party Kid Allen Heppner as Anton Brett Howe as Hellrat Zenon Hudyma as Blackie Chris Jeanson as Deli Store Customer Bob Jeanson as Deli Store Customer Marcel Jeanson as Deli Store Customer Kierin Kocourek as Mikey Gay Mitch Kowalyschan as Deli Store Customer Jeremy Koz as Hellrat Natalia Ksiazkiewicz as Bush Party Kid Brad Lahaie as Hellrat Rydell Lasko as Second 7-11 Dude Mac MacAnderson as Bush Party Kid Alan MacKenzie as Neil Ward Jason Malloy as Clive DuBrow Terry Mathes as Hellrat Spencer Maybee as Vinny Gay Kelly McCrae as Bush Party Kid Cadence McIlwain as Bush Party Kid Jesse Mitchell as Hellrat Scotty Newlands as Video Customer Sarah Panton as Newslady Matt Plouffe as David Jennifer Pudavick as Tracey Roth Devon Randall as Hellrat Dave Ratte as 7-11 Dude Cora Romanow as Bush Party Kid Michel Roziere as Church Singer Collette Roziere as Church Singer Andrew Shield as Bush Party Kid Phil Sinnock as Hellrat Adam Smoluk as Adrian Downing David Stuart Evans as Mr. Simmons Ben Wieler as Hellrat Kelly Wolfman as Patricia Butler Will Woytowich as Mr Downing Priscilla Yakielashek as Banger chick
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The cast of Lukas - 1996 includes: Norbert Alich as Herr Winkelmann Martin Armknecht Patrick Bach as Gary Dirk Bach as Lukas Lenz Dirk Bach as Lukas Lenz alias Flora die Fledermaus Dirk Bach as Lukas Lenz alias Lisa Lenz Patrick Bach as Sportlehrer Gary Ortrud Beginnen as Renate Dohse Katja Bellinghausen as Coco Katja Bellinghausen as Coco Weber Eric Benz Eric Benz as Martin Metzger Mirja Boes as Politesse Nadine Kiepert Charlotte Bohning Charlotte Bohning as Lisa Lenz Oliver Bootz as Manfred die Made Franziska Brekenfelder as Scarlet Meylan Caho as Leah Ilona Christen as Herself - TV-Stimme Cornelia Corba as Kiki Elke Czischek as Gudrun Ciro de Chiara as Bodo Scheelhase Ciro de Chiara as Kostas Yorck Dippe as Herr Schanz Christoph Eichhorn as Klaus Busemann Sanne Ertbirk as Dorthe Gritt Ertbirk as Grit Susanne Evers as Elektrikerin Mickey Susanne Evers as Mickey Ulrich Faulhaber as Ladendieb Thorsten Feller as Benedikt Ulrike Folkerts as Sieglinde Ulrike Folkerts as Siggi Guido Frauenrath as Nils Maren Gilzer as Maren Gilzer Dieter Gossow as Kameramann Alexander Grill as Fritz Metzger Wolfgang Grindemann as Helmut Gerhard Haag as Ingo Michael Habeck as Peter Semmel Ulrike Hamacher Ulrike Hamacher as Frau Hamacher Ulrike Hamacher as Uli Hamacher Ulrike Hamacher as Ulrike Hamacher Ben Hecker as Adolf Schulz Janina Hensel as Scarlet Ursula Heyer as Annemarie Hummel geb. Ross Manfred Idem as Kellner Siegfried Claus Janzen as Bernd alias Olga Monika Kaufmann as Angelika Sandmann geb. Meissner Monika Kaufmann as Angie Sandmann Axel Kellner as Junge Ellen Kessler as Herself - Stargast Alice Kessler as Herself - Stargast Markus Kiepe as Axel Markus Kiepe as Henning Heister Hans Kieseier as Fidel Thomas Hansjoachim Krietsch as Ludwig Hansjoachim Krietsch as Ludwig Lenz Hansjoachim Krietsch as Ludwig Lenz alias Marilyn Monroe Maren Kroymann as Heidi Hamacher alias Heidi Bergheim Maren Kroymann as Hera Hartlieb Thessy Kuhls as Tante Charlotte Christiane Lemm as Dietlinde Volker Lippmann as Friedhelm Michael Markfort as Telekom Evelyn Meyka as Frau Niebel Ralph Morgenstern as Benno die Bazille Kathrin Namrodzki as Punk Christel Niederstenschee as Heidi Samy Orfgen as Gerda Christoph Ortmann as Marcel Laura Papouschek as Patricia Winkelmann Josef Quadflieg as Eierlieferant Josef Quadflieg as Herr Blaschfier Josef Quadflieg as Monteur Josef Quadflieg as Prof. Dr. Jochen Dohm Gertrud Roll as Frau Heller Stephan Runge as Peter Anton Schieffer as Peter Mandel Anton Schieffer as Prof. Dr. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Mandel Nikolaus Schilling as Eugen Andreja Schneider as Gabi Langer Libby Shapiro as Rezeptionistin Alfredo Smaldini as Salvatore Karsten Speck as Franz Keyser Sandra Steffl as Greta Ingrid Stein as Margot Lenz Dagmar Stievermann as Kursleiterin Dagmar Stievermann as Mara Martin Susanne Tremper as Leonore Meier-Rosenstock Georg Uecker as Ronald die Ratte Isabel Varell as Dr. Maria Retzer Petra Welteroth as Dr. Karin Stein Petra Welteroth as Frau Kaufmann Petra Welteroth as Hausfrau Hildegard Wensch as Frau Wirtz Gerlis Zillgens as Bernadette Gerlis Zillgens as Bernie Gerlis Zillgens as Reformhauselfe Anka Zink as Moderatorin
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Préambule Par Emmanuel Delahaye
Les noms spécifiques donnés aux femelles et aux petits de certains animaux dèpend de quel animal il s'agit. Beaucoup de femelles ou de petits d'animaux n'ont pas de nom spécifique.
Ce sont surtout les petits d'animaux domestiques (maison, ferme) qui ont bénéficié de tels noms ...
Par exemple, il n'y a pas de nom spécifique pour les reptiles femelles
- L'âne - l'anesse - l'ânon
- Le bélier - la brebis - l'agneau - l'agnelle. [Nom générique pour la viande: mouton]
- Le Bouc - La chèvre - le chevreau
- Le canard - la canne - le caneton
- Le chat - la chatte - le chaton
- Le cheval (ou l'étalon) - La jument - Le poulain - La pouliche
- Le chien - La chienne - Le chiot
- Le cerf - La Biche - Le faon
- La cigogne - la cigogne - le cigogneau
- Le coyote - La femelle coyote - Les petits (pas de noms spécifiques)
- Le coq - la poule - le poussin
- Le crabe - le crabe femelle - le bébé crabe
- Le dindon - la dinde - le dindonneau (le dindon glougloute)
- L'éléphant - l'éléphante - l'éléphanteau
- Le faisan - la faisane (ou poule faisane) - faisandeau
- La girafe - la girafe femelle - le girafon (ou girafeau)
- Le gorille - la gorille femelle - le bébé gorille
- Le hamster - le hamster femelle - Le petit
- Le héron - la héronne - le héronneau
- le hibou (pas de nom spécifique pour la femelle et les petits)
- Le jars - l'oie - l'oison (pour l'oie domestique)
- Le kangourou - la femelle kangourou - le petit kangourou
- Le koala - La femelle koala - le cub
- Le lapin - la lapine - le lapereau
- Le lion - La lionne - Le lionceau
- L'oie sauvage - femelle - l'oison
- Le pingouing - pingouin femelle - Les petits (pas de noms spécifiques)
- Le porc (le cochon) - la truie - le porcelet
- Le tigre - la tigresse - le tigreau
- La panthère - la femelle panthère - les petits (pas de nom spécifique)
- Le lièvre - la hase - le lèvreau
- La Moufette (ou mouffette) - Moufette femelle - le petit
- L'Ours - l'ourse - l'ourson
- Le jaguar - La femelle jaguar - le petit jaguar
- l'orignal (ou élan) - La femelle élan - le petit élan
- Le chameau - la chamelle - le chamelon
- Le rat - la ratte - le raton
- Le sanglier - la laie - le marcassin
- Le singe - la guenon - le petit
- Le léopard - la femelle léopard - le léopardeau
- Le merle - la merlette - merleau
- Le zèbre - La zébresse - le zèbreau
- Le merle - la merlette - merleau
- L'aigle - l'aigle - l'aiglon
Cas spéciaux :
Noms des petits donnés aux progénitures des équidés
Etalon- Jument - poulain
Âne -ânesse - ânon
En attente de réponse
Le dromadaire - le dromadaire femelle - (à compléter)
Le pélican - le pélican femelle - (à compléter)
La mangouste -
La grenouille -..................., le têtard
La panthère -
1 answer