the rainbow move is awesome its where you make a rainbow with your hands
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Anies said rainbow is the best in the world,and rainbow is my friend.hear this song i am a gummy bear i am a gummy bear. the end director by Anies rainbow.THANK YOU anies rainbow
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who was the woman singer on love affairs rainbow valley song
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please, group Italo-Disco: Rainbow Team "Bite the Apple lyrics.
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After delivering the ruby to celio at one island you will get a rainbow pass this lets you go to islands 4-7.
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The rainbow seen after rain is due to sunlight being refracted, reflected, and dispersed in water droplets in the atmosphere. The water droplets act as prisms, separating the sunlight into its different colors and creating the rainbow effect.
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Yes, I grew up in San Jose in the 1960s and I do remember seeing the Rainbow Ballroom below the Imperial Hotel on 1st Street (on the right hand side, going south). The Fairmont Hotel now stands in it's place and the back entrance of The Fairmont sits on the same site as the Imperial Hotel (the Rainbow Ballroom was to the immediate left of the doorway of the Imperial Hotel). Both The Rainbow Ballroom and the Imperial Hotel closed around 1975-1976 and have since been demolished.
I used to live and work on San Antonio across the street from the Rainbow ballroom in 1970 to 1972. The restaurant that was across the street was called "La Poblana" were I worked. I remember the Rainbow ballroom closing down late in 1971. In fact the whole side of the block was vacated to be demolished.
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trying to find this out is harder then you think.
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If you are referring to the Neopets Quests, these are random quests given out to users and may be completed for a chance to paint your Neopet at the Rainbow Pool.
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Well, you don't necessarily need cheats to get the Rainbow Wing. What you have to do is after defeating the Elite Four, go to Pewter City. Somewhere there you can find a little ledge with an old guy on it; talk to him, and he will give you a Rainbow Wing. I'm sure you know what that's used for . . . I hope . . . otherwise I have to explain . . . just ask someone else if you don't know what it's for.
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You need the rainbow wing and the a strong friendship of your pokemon.
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Noo. Rainbow trout can not live in pond water. That depends on the temp., oxygen level, and some type of fresh water. like a water change, or a small stream. a fountain, waterfall, and the stream will help with oxygen levels.
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Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers Rainbow Racers
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Rainbow Batter, rainbow frosting and rainbow sprinkles in a rainbow cupcake liner
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the rainbow was a sign of a promise and the erson who made the rainbow was God (Jesus Christ)
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The address of the Rainbow City Public Library is: 3702 Rainbow Drive, Rainbow City, 35906 6324
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Yes, "rainbow" is a noun phrase. It consists of the noun "rainbow" along with any associated adjectives (e.g., "beautiful rainbow") or determiners (e.g., "the rainbow").
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Rainbow fishes have sparkly scales and by the light the reflection gives the rainbow fish a beautiful prism.
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A rainbow above a rainbow is called a double rainbow. It occurs when sunlight is reflected twice inside raindrops, creating a secondary, fainter rainbow above the primary one.
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Rainbow S.r.l.'s motto is 'Rainbow, where girls live!'.
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Rainbows are formed due to the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of sunlight through raindrops in the atmosphere. Each raindrop acts as a tiny prism that separates the sunlight into its various colors, creating the vibrant arc of colors that we see in a rainbow.
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Rainbow Neos is a fusion of Elemental Hero Neos, and either Rainbow Dragon, or Rainbow Dark Dragon.
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rainbow represents the different colors of a rainbow and leprechaun's on saint Patrick's Day
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Iris, the goddess of rainbow could make rainbow appear.
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Rainbow Francks's birth name is Francks, Rainbow Sun.
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