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Pyothorax is an accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity. Hemothorax is an accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity.

1 answer

Pyothorax is an infection of the chest cavity. (Pyo = pus, thorax = chest). This effects the space in between the lungs and the ribcage, hence not being a lung infection.

It depends on the cause of the infection, as the term pyothorax is a very general term. It could be due to bacteria, or a forigen body. The latter is unlikely unless there has been an intrusion into the chest cavity.

All in all, it's unlikely this kind of infection can transfer from a cat to a human, as the infection is contained in a closed space of the body.

The only feasable way it could is by direct contact between the infectious fluids (ie. the pus within the chest) and an open wound or mucus membrane of the hiuman, which is extreamly unlikely (unless you're a vet doing an invasive surgical procedure).

Pyothorax is a dangerous condition and should be immediatly treated with antibiotics under direction of a Vet.

1 answer

Empyema means the collection of pus within a body cavity but when you are talking about the pleural cavity it is another word, pyothorax. Pyothorax is the correct term to use when you are talking about the accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.

The term pleurisy (pleuritis) is inflammation or infection in the pleural space around the lungs.

Pyothorax also known as empyema of the pleural cavity is the presence of pus in the pleural cavity between the layers of the pleural membrane Py/o - Pus

4 answers

Empyema in the pleural cavity is also called pyothorax.

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A puss-filled thoracic cavity in cats could be indicative of a serious condition such as pyothorax, which is an infection of the pleural cavity. This condition can be life-threatening and requires prompt medical treatment by a veterinarian, typically involving draining the pus, administering antibiotics, and supportive care to address the underlying cause. Prompt veterinary attention is essential to ensure the best outcome for the cat.

2 answers

The medical term for an abnormal collection of air in the chest cavity is called pneumothorax. This condition occurs when air leaks into the space between the lungs and chest wall, causing the lung to collapse partially or fully. Symptoms may include sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, and a rapid heart rate.

3 answers

Ascites is accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity {abdomen}. Its known by several other names: Hydroperitoneum and believe it or not,...Peritoneal Cavity Fluid. The old-time name was Abdominal Dropsy. It can occur due to cancer, liver disease or other conditions.

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he would burst out crying. if not police will come and put murderer in prison. this is what usually happens. but person would dye, and a luxurious funeral will be put up! hope this helped answer you question...

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