In the song '23' by Mike WiLL Made-It featuring Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & Juicy J, the line "high on Purp" referes to marijuana that is vaguely purple in color. This type of marijuana is also known as Grandaddy Purp or Grapes, and tends to be highly potent.
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The cost of a pound of purp can vary depending on factors such as quality, location, and seller. It is important to conduct research and compare prices in your area to determine the current market value.
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Theres alot of types of weed. I can name a couple, but not even close to all. Theres, Swagg, Nug, Cronic, Hydro, Purp.. Ectt. And theres also different kinds of all those. Like Good Swagg, Bad Swagg. Cali Nug, Purp Nugg. You knoww.
~samanthaa. (:
1 answer
trees, green, bud, pot, sticky, krip, dro, kush, purp, weed
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loud pack, kush , grandaddy kush ,og kush ,reggie , a nick bag which is five is called a Nikki minaj,afghan, purp
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The buds turn purple alot of people think they r getting purp when in actuality, they got ripped off and bought some frostbitten trees.
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I don't know eh... gusto ko ngang malaman kaso ang panget kc ng wiki answers purp nonsense
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Can't answer. Diffenent reasons for feeding, or not. Each goat has a purpose, and that purp[ose determines whether or not to feed, and how much, how often.
Hay and water, 24/7 for ALL is necessary.
1 answer
Theres alot of types of weed. I can name a couple, but not even close to all. Theres, Swagg, Nug, Cronic, Hydro, Purp.. Ectt. And theres also different kinds of all those. Like Good Swagg, Bad Swagg. Cali Nug, Purp Nugg. You knoww.
~samanthaa. (:
2 answers
Codeine alone does. If you are referring to "Purp" or "Purple Drank" that is: Codeine with Promethazine, which is a cough syrup, mixed with (Most commonly) Sprite Soda. Codeine gives you a kind of high in which you are also extremely tired.
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No there is not! There appears to be a company who purp but orts to being a security company called Global Trust & Finance. It is not possible to confirm thier status, They are not a bank as they do not appear my list of legit banks in Ghana.
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To persuade readers to be accepting of others
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The music produing groupd called the 808 Mafia are the one's that produce the majority of Waka Flocka & the rest of Brick Squads beats. The 808 Mafia consists of msic producers Lexus Luger, Souhside Sizzle, and Purp Beats.
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Male plants stink a little, but it's the female with more THC & sap stinks to highheavens.
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To have fun! Mostly to have exercise but also it will increase speed , attention and strength (power)
1 answer
To identify and evaluate the production cost.these r 4 kinds
1.Cost Determination.
2.Fixation pf selling price.
3.Cost control.
4.Helping managerial discussion.
1 answer
Generally, they are used to give additional information about the behaviour of a class.It is just used to "mark" Java classes which support a certain capability . Examples: java.util.RandomAccess
2 answers
Over drive is always to reduce engine RPM at Med to high speed cruise thus saving fuel.
If this is an Automatic car just ignore the Overdrive and let it work.
If this is a manual car use over Drive when maintaining a steady speed and the car will not "Labour" to do so.
1 answer
The dealer surety bond guarantees compliance with federal, state, and local laws, and also protects the consumer against fraud from the dealer. A good white paper on dealer surety bonds can be found here: http://www.suretybonds.com/edu/auto-dealer-guide.html
1 answer
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) oversees campaign finance laws in the United States to ensure transparency and accountability in federal elections. Its purpose is to regulate the raising and spending of money in federal elections to prevent corruption and ensure that the public has access to information about where campaign funds come from and how they are used.
2 answers
It takes one incoming cable and splits it into 2,3,4 outputs. Be aware that there is signal loss in any splitter but they work well with strong signal input.
The losses turn up in two forms :
A. The biggest drop in power (per port) is actually just a way the power is divided
among the ports to keep the coaxial cable's impedance (fancy word for inductive/
capacitance resistance) balance, so the signal is not totally destroyed by a
mis-matched connection. To prevent this, the power of the input port is
consecutively divided between all the output ports in the same balanced way,
and there is a reduction in energy/power that is delivered to all ports (normally
divided equally) and the rule of the thumb here is to buy the size of the splitter you
need, and not use that fancy 4-port or 8-port unless absolutely needed.
Normal losses for this are based on the number of ports that you are splitting to.
Number of Theoretical
Output Ports Insertion Loss (dB)
2 3.0
3 4.8
4 6.0
5 7.0
6 7.8
8 9.0
10 10.0
12 10.8
16 12.0
24 13.8
48 16.0
B. Normal losses in imperfect components inside the splitter. Because of the laws of
physics (and quantum physics), there is no perfect conductor, or electrical opponent.
This amounts to about ~0.2 to ~0.5dB for losses in the electrical components inside
the splitter itself.
Another thing to keep in mind is that when you are worried about power, is to carefully
check the Amplifier's gain and noise figures... don't buy an amplifier if you don't need it.
(amplifiers also add noise into the signal and unless you are using a special type, will
mess with your cable modem's upstream connection.
If you do need it, only put the amplifier on ports you DO NEED amplified, and it's worth
the extra money to buy the amplifier with lower noise power. Cheap ones will only add
ghosting and white snow into the picture as extra noise.
2 answers
The World Wide Web (WWW) functions as a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed through the internet. It serves as a platform for sharing information, communication, and accessing a vast array of resources globally. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, collaboration, and engagement across different websites and online platforms.
2 answers
Trade. Marco Polo was a merchant who like his uncles specialized in the trade of spices and goods from the Far East. They set out to Asia to see if they could open new sources of goods and if they could cut out a middleman here and there.
Scientist have argued that at least a number of his travels and adventures may well have been made up, or rather 'second-hand': using stories and descriptions that he heard from other travellers. It is a fact that while some descriptions are accurate and could only have come from someone who had been there, it is also a fact that Marco Polo seems totally ignorant of other important facts and events that he should have known of and certainly would have told if he had been there himself. Also, there is little or no corroboration to be found in Chinese sources of the important roles he says he had played in the service of Kublai Khan.
1 answer
Carbon is essential for living creatures because it is a key component of biological molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. These molecules are crucial for various biological functions, including energy production, growth, and DNA replication. Carbon's ability to form diverse chemical bonds makes it the backbone of organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.
2 answers
Travel insurance is purchased as a supplement to existing insurance and covers whatever may happen on your trip. This includes delays, emergency medical care (that most likely isn't covered by your own insurance if you are traveling outside of the U.S.), medication, or cancelled flights. It is my personal opinion (as I have had to use it before) that purchasing travel insurance for a trip is a necessity--just in case!
Travel insurance is a particular type of insurance product that protects people when they travel. It is designed to cover the costs associated with unexpected events while travelling either internationally or within one's own country. It refers to trip insurance plan and usually includes coverage for medical, trip cancellation, flight accident and travel assistance. Some insurance policies by "Visitors Insurance Reviews" may also cover other losses such as baggage loss, trip delay and damage to rented equipments.
I hope the above information is clear.1 answer
The real function and purpose of the Circulatory system is to keep us alive (of course working in conjunction with the other systems of the body). The Circulatory system carries food and oxygen to all the cells of the body and then in response to that removes all waste products.
7 answers
pediatric nurses do exactly what nurses caring for adults do. In a hospital setting they can choose to be on a medical team, a surgical team, work in ICU, or post-op. You may want to work in the neo-natal nursery or the new-born nursery. You may choose to work at a physicians office. I am a school nurse.
Pertaining to treatment of a child.
6 answers
Nerves transmit electrical signals between the brain, spinal cord, and other parts of the body. They play a crucial role in controlling movement, sensation, and bodily functions. Nerves also help in the coordination of various processes in the body and facilitate the communication between different systems.
2 answers
The purpose of lighting varies, however, generally, lighting in films and dramtic plays often relate to creating a mood within the audience. For example, a dark scene may envoke a scary mood (obviously sound and music will play a part in this). The brighter the lighting, the happier the mood. However, as briefly mentioned above, lighting needs the support of other techniques to create full effect, such as camera angles and music. Hope this helps. sayed_2193
1 answer
Instructional materials are helpful in reinforcing the learning of new subjects. Often teachers will use materials such as worksheets, outlines, videos, and other aids.
7 answers
The GATT or General Agreement or Tariffs and Trade was signed in 1947. It helped govern and negotiate international trade until it was replaced by the World Trade Organization in 1995.
4 answers
Unless your some important or busy business men(yeah, I said it), then don't waste the money. Home Premium offers plentyfor what most people need. Unless you're feeling spoiled, then don't bother with Ultimate edition.
1 answer
the actual purpose of a ford mustang was for speed and class and also a true American made muscle car which mainly attracted teens and car collecters and was also made to be shown off by others
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It is a secretory organ. It primarily produces digestive enzymes and hormones involved in metabolism, chiefly insulin and glucagon.
1 answer
To change the bill in some way. Usually this means specifying something or making something more clear.
1 answer
The Erechtheum was an Ancient Greek temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon. The building held some of the most sacred Greek holy relics and provided a place for religious functions. History has found the structure also used as a church and a palace. Time and human defamation has destroyed or altered much of the building's original features.
2 answers
They publish book reviews for mystery and thriller books and author interviews
1 answer