The prostate gland encircles the neck of the bladder in teh male.
7 answers
Semen is made in the prostate. No gland-no semen.
1 answer
The secretions from the prostate gland ACTIVATE SPERM and NEUTRALIZE URINE.
1 answer
No, testosterone is not secreted by the prostate gland, it is secreted by the testes.
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It is endoscopic surgery of the prostate gland - Transurethral resection of prostate carried out for enlarged prostate gland
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The prostate is considered a gland in the human body.
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The prostate gland is composed of smooth muscle cells, glandular cells, and cells that give the gland structure
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An enlargement of the prostate gland may restrict the flow of urine from the bladder. The prostate gland grows larger due to an increase in the number of cells, hyperplasia.
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A normal healthy prostate gland is about the size of a walnut.
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No, not all male mammals possess a prostate gland.
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The male reproductive system has an unpaired structure called the prostate gland. It is located below the bladder and contributes to the production of seminal fluid that nourishes and carries sperm during ejaculation.
4 answers
When men reach their mid-40s, the prostate gland begins to enlarge.
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Yes, can. It is possible through external digital massage of prostate gland.
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The seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland all contribute fluids that make up semen. These fluids help to nourish and transport sperm during ejaculation.
4 answers
You can produce semen without a prostate gland, but its contents will be slightly different.
Semen contains fluids from the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands). Only about 25-30% of the volume of semen comes from the prostate.
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Dihydrotestosterone (commonly abbreviated as DHT) is the hormone that promotes the development and growth of the prostate gland, as well the external genitalia (penis and scrotum) in men.
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The gland near the bladder that adds fluid to semen is called the prostate gland. It produces a milky fluid that contributes to semen volume and helps nourish and protect sperm.
4 answers
The seminal vesicle is not a paired gland. It is a single, midline structure located behind the bladder in males and plays a crucial role in producing seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.
4 answers
Mens have prostate glands. These glands are near their bladder. Some men can have prostate cancer that prevents them from having a normal daily life. It is always good to go and get yourself check.
7 answers
My size of my prostate gland measure 4.8 cm in size and that is big
1 answer
No, testicles and the prostate gland are not the same thing.
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The glands that add other fluids to the sperm to make semen are located in, or near, the prostate gland. One of these is the bulbourethral gland.
2 answers
The enlargement of the prostate gland interferes with a male's reproductive function in the sense that it makes it impossible for the gland to produce semen.
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Yes, women do have prostates. However, the prostate in women is typically underdeveloped and sometimes non-functional. It is known as the Skene's gland.
3 answers
The prostate gland is not a paired accessory gland of the male reproductive system. It is a single, unpaired gland located beneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra.
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The prostate gland is unpaired, as it is a single gland located below the bladder in males. The vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands are paired structures in the male reproductive system.
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Most of the seminal fluid is produced by the seminal vesicles, as well as by the prostate gland and the bulbourethral gland.
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At the base of a male's bladder is the prostate gland. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out of the body, and plays a role in the production of semen.
2 answers
Your answer is the prostate gland.
1 answer
The seminal vesicles and the prostate gland add secretions to sperm to create semen. The seminal vesicles contribute a fluid that contains sugars and proteins to nourish the sperm, while the prostate gland adds a milky fluid that helps protect and nourish sperm.
4 answers
Yes, the urethra passes through the prostate gland in the male reproductive system.
1 answer