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the first letterbox was invented in 1803

1 answer

with a hammer

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Through the Letterbox - 2010 is rated/received certificates of:


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Found a few good sites:

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magnify glass

The letterbox

1 answer

The wide-screen is a letterbox format. There are many different aspect ratios used today.

1 answer

No. The whole point of a letterbox is to give the illusion of wide screen. Making a letterbox full screen would definitely defeat the purpose of the effect.

1 answer

The cast of Letterbox - 2014 includes: Yasmin Khan Cheema Noah Osborne as Ikram as Child Ruby Osborne as Imani as Child

1 answer

The cast of Lipstick and Letterbox - 2000 includes: Julie Bevan as Woman with dogs Steven Postgate as TV Comedian Mike Sherman as Rob Caroline Wildi as Jane

1 answer

Traditional, Mystery, Letterbox and Multi Caches should all contain log sheets.

1 answer

Its not like they have a private letterbox, just post it to the prison and they'll give it to him.

1 answer

a white box at the front of your lot house where your bills, mail etc. are put. (your postman will put the post in them)

a letterbox is a post box, a mail box, somewhere where, if you dont have a slot on your door to put the post through, your postman will put it in there.


come on people! how can you not know what a letterbox is!

1 answer

no, but it could fit up your asss...

Edit: nice XD

1 answer














1 answer

I would first ensure her safety and well-being, then seek appropriate medical assistance and support to address her health needs. It's important to treat everyone with compassion and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

3 answers

In somerset, England. They moved there after a crazy fan peed in their letterbox and tokld Taylor that it was a sign of her love. They wanted to get away from it all

1 answer

The time when the post arrives through the letterbox, and the force of gravity, determines when the bills land on the floor of the house.

1 answer

post office = royal mailmail = post or letters

mailbox = letterbox

to mail a letter = to post a letter

2 answers

Junk mail stuck through the letterbox, Books of all shapes and sizes, Internet served EBooks

2 answers

Simon is doing community service for attempted arson. He tried to set fire to a childhood bully's house. He set a tissue on fire and put it through the letterbox. On realizing that an innocent cat was still in the house, he tried to put out the fire by urinating through the letterbox. Only to be caught by the bully's mother. He panicked and couldn't stop, thus doing community service.

1 answer

Yes, but if it not a widescreen TV, you will see the two black bars (letterbox) at the top and bottom of the screen.

1 answer

Bills are due the day they arrive through your letterbox - you usually have about ten days to pay them before the company starts sending reminders.

1 answer

Dillards coupons can be found from a number of sources, from you local paper, leaflets posted through your letterbox to online coupon sites such as 'Goodcoupon' and 'retailmenot'.

1 answer

The 3DS' 'main' mii is used on the friends list and Letterbox for example, but you can specify a different one for the streetpass games on the Mii plaza.

1 answer

Hello Its under the driver seat look for a letterbox cut out in the carpet trim flap it down you will see the the scaner plug in unit

1 answer

Press CTRL SHIFT C and then a blue bar will area at the top of your screen


mother lode

testingcheatsenabled true - hold shift and click on the letterbox or sims

moveobjects on

1 answer

Turns out that the person who put that sock full of mint in your letterbox isn't able to excrete on demand. Count yourself lucky because if that guy knew you asked such a moronic question on WikiAnswers he probably come back around for a second try.

2 answers

In America, a mailbox on the sidewalk is where personal mail is put into a box outside a person's house.
In Britain, mail is put through a letterbox set in the front door.

1 answer

What you are looking for is called a surface mounted letterbox, they can be fitted on any wall or partition and give a stylish and functional look. You also have the option of fitting them horizontal or vertically.

1 answer

there is no odor that can help. if your dog has blat-er problems or cat or has not got fixed yet you might want to get that checked out and ma by change the food and the outside times or the letterbox.

1 answer

unlucky, seems a bunch of kids dont like you... or the mail man dropped the post.... either way not great you have a bunch of annoying kids

Mmmm thanks kaykay... glad you put the time into that....

1 answer

The time when the post arrives through the letterbox, and the force of gravity, determines when the bills land on the floor of the house.

6 answers

This is a way of displaying a wide screen (16:9 aspect ratio) on a normal television screen (4:3 aspect ratio). It is done with black bars above and beneath the picture. These are sometimes called "popcorn bars."

1 answer

There are a few ways to help reduce draft from doors. One should buy a cover for the keyhole. A brush should be used on both the letterbox and bottom of the door to reduce draft in those places.

1 answer


"Long hand" means hand written (using pen and ink/a pencil)

"Delivery by hand" means putting the letter though someone's letterbox yourself (not using the postal services).

1 answer

A girl walks along a straight path to drop a letter in the letterbox and comes back to his initial position. Her displacement-time graph. Plot a velocity-time graph for the same

1 answer

This is a way of displaying a wide screen (16:9 aspect ratio) on a normal television screen (4:3 aspect ratio). It is done with black bars above and beneath the picture. These are sometimes called "popcorn bars."

1 answer

The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Deane (Deane Church) is on Junction Road, Deane Bolton. It does not have a postcode as there is no letterbox for the Royal Mail to deliver anything. Grid Reference SD693081.

1 answer

you must have sims 2 pets.

type 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' into the cheat bar (ctrl+shift+c) enter.

shift click on letterbox

get leader of the pack

befriend leader of the pack

it will nibble you


1 answer

A proper adjective is a descriptive word derived from a proper noun.

Some examples are:

Asia (proper noun) - Asian (proper adjective)

Brazil (proper noun) - Brazilian (proper adjective)

Canada (proper noun) - Canadian (proper adjective)

Elizabeth I (proper noun) - Elizabethan (proper adjective)

Sigmund Freud (proper noun) - Freudian (proper adjective)

George Orwell (proper noun) - Orwellian (proper adjective)

Proper nouns and proper adjectives are always capitalized.

1 answer