That really depends upon the kind of damage that you are concerned about. Fire damage: have fire extinguishers on hand. Water damage: fix the roof and the plumbing. Earthquake damage: build stronger buildings. Etc.
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"Several websites offer preventative maintenance software for a fee, which includes support service. Choose a software suite that attends to your needs in preventative maintenance."
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what preventative actively or event would you like to see us do here as part of our daily routine
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Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life
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Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life
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preventative = to stop something from happening
Take the following preventative measures to avoid illness:
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There a few contraception techniques classified as preventative. These include birth control pills, condoms, hormone regulators as well as vasectomies or a tubectomy.
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The two main preventative measures for obesity are exercise and diet. Regular exercise includes 150 to 300 minutes of moderately intense activity to limit weight gain. A preventative diet includes low calorie, nutrient dense foods such as fruits and grains.
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Preventative maintenance software provides systematic inspection, detection and correction of failures in a software environment. It prevents serious malfunction of software in a business.
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The Army preventative medicine functional area is where personnel go for disease control and prevention. It also oversees environmental and occupational health.
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When a person looses their teeth, dentures are both cosmetic and preventative. Dentures are cosmetic as a replacement for missing teeth, and a preventative measure to prevent choking on food items.
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Preventative habits are healthy habits that help you maintain good health. Exercising regularly and eating healthy foods are preventative habits that help improve your health and help you avoid illness.
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No preventative measures are necessary as ghosts do not exist.
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Caplan8hGerald. has written:
'Principles of preventative psychiatry'
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There is not specific time frame as to when Toro snow blowers need preventative maintenance. It depends more on how long and often the snow blower is used.
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The terms are more or less interchangeable. In some instances preventative maintenance such as washing and waxing the vehicle, replacing the wiper blades, replacing a worn drive belt, or inspecting any component is not a scheduled maintenance item, but instead is preventative. Most other scheduled maintenance is preventative maintenance.
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Sorry but homeowners insurance does not pay for preventative replacement of a sewer line. This is an item that would be considered maintenance. Sorry this is not what you want to hear but that's the way it is.
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Preventative, is action taken to stop something unwanted happening. Remedial, is action taken to fix a problem after it occurs. Installing user-control software software on a computer is preventative - it stops unauthorised people using the computer. Running regular disc diagnostic software is remedial - it repairs any detected problems.
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Preventative means taking care of a potential problem before it becomes a real problem. For example, changing the oil in your car is preventative, because if you go months without doing it, your engine will fail. Going to the dentist is preventative as well, because health concerns like tooth decay and gum disease can be detected before they become a serious problem.
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Don't have sex.
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Do all of the preventative maintenance in the owners manual.
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level indicators (for liquids),
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Education and Preventive legislation :)))))
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to hep soliers
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Modern studies show that upwards of one in four people will break a bone at some point in their life due to osteoporosis. This disease not only weakens the bones and increases the chance of fractures, it can also lead to discomfort and a number of other serious medical conditions. For those that are struggling with osteoporosis or know someone that is, here is a closer glimpse at how this disease affects the body and some of the most effective and advanced treatment options that are available today. Symptoms of Osteoporosis This is a disease that is often considered to be silent due to the fact that many people do not know they have it until they break a bone. Even those that seek out regular checkups may not discover that they have osteoporosis unless specific tests and x-rays are given. Without these tests, some of the few symptoms could include a loss of height, back pains, chronic aching around joints, and a curvature of the spine. Reducing One's Risk As with all diseases, preventing osteoporosis is much more effective than treating the disease itself. Those that are at the highest risk include women, the elderly, smokers, those that drink excessively, and even individuals of certain descent such as Hispanics and those with Asian ancestry. While osteoporosis will also be affected by genetics, treating other medical issues such as kidney failure, disease of the thyroid glands, and rheumatoid arthritis will reduce one's risks. Leading Treatment Options When it comes to medical treatments, the bisphosphonates class of medication is the most popular that are currently prescribed worldwide. Examples of this kind of medication include alendronate, risedronate, ibandronate, and zoledronic acid. While this class of medication can be extremely effective, it can also lead to a number of common side effects such as nausea and difficulty swallowing. Outside of medications, hormone-related therapy is another common option and one that could help reduce the chances of both men and women developing a number of medical issues. Within women, both estrogen and raloxifene can maintain one's bone density and the side effects typically include hot flashes or blood clots. For men, osteoporosis can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy, but most doctors suggest the use of testosterone as a last resort due to fewer studies on its side effects.
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The most important preventative measure one can take in order to decrease their chances of cervical cancer is to remember to get an annual Pap smear test.
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washing hands
cleaning surfaces
preventative medicines
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Repair, preventative maintenance, educating car owners.
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He can help by allowing access to free preventative care.
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