yes you can because my friend did that and i think she copied or dragged her songs from her i pod on to her i pod touch
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Pod refers to "foot", because podiatry is the medical care and treatment of the human foot.
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Pod refers to feet or movement. In medical terms, this is seen in the name of a foot doctor, who is known as a podiatrist.
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Okra is a seed pod like peas or beans.
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P.O.D. put out a youtube video in December of 2009 stating they are in the beginning stages of putting out a new album. A few months later a photo was released with 75% of the band standing with producer Howard Benson, who also produces Satellite. P.O.D. claims the new album will be out in 2010, though it is more likely that it will come out early to mid 2011.
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A pod is a small object that holds things like a pea pod or a seed pod, in this case the pod holds music.
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There is no such thing as a ''you pod''.
But if you ask when they made the i pod,I can answer that!
They made the i pod in 2001.
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Variously a Pod, a Herd or a School but mostly a pod.
3 answers
It can be pod, as in part of a plant.(two peas in a pod) It may also mean the root word pod, meaning foot.
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it's meant to say I-Pod not you-pod. stupid site.
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a four letter word for pod from the word president
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ell a black i pod is 199.99 and a white i pod is a199.99 and there must be no fee for that at all so there you have it no fee
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A pea. A pod denizen = what inhabits a pod. Mostly crossword related. Not a common term.
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There isn't a specific kind of dolphin that is in charge of the pod or a leader in the pod.
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No, the new i-pod touch is smaller and has a camera.
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A pod means a inside of a flower & a pod also means the irish name potrisha
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You back up your profill then get a pod the put what you want in it and glue it down the save the pod if it does not come up in goodes bag you have done it go to your pod
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