Plip battery is the battery on the remote control of your car. If the battery is going to run out soon, the car gives you a warning "plip battery spent". You need to chamge the battery.
1 answer
Plip battery is the battery on the remote control of your car. If the battery is going to run out soon, the car gives you a warning "plip battery spent". You need to chamge the battery.
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It is probable that the question should read:
Whats does PLIP mean on (or with respect to) Peugeot 307?
and in that case the PLIP is the remote key-fob that operates the car's central locking. So named for the 'plip!' sound the car make when the lock is opened or closed.
Beano UK
1 answer
I have only seen "plip" written as a sound effect.
A light sound or action like liquid hitting a surface.He heard the plips of rain on the roof.
It cold also be an acronym (Acronymfinder.com has 7 definitions)
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The sound of a water drop can be written as "drip" or "plip."
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The PLIP battery on the Peugeot 307 means that the battery is in need of charging. It can also mean there is a problem with the battery cables or the battery needs to be replaced. Not replacing the battery when necessary can also cause problems for the alternator.
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A maximum of four remote controls are allowed to be programmed. Ensure all the doors have been unlocked, either by using a good transponder key or remote control plip key. 1. Turn the ignition switch from Position 0 to ON 6 times within 10 seconds. 2. Then turn ignition switch to OFF position. Leave key in ignition switch. 3. After 2 seconds, the system will enter programming mode and will flash the warning lights twice. 4. Press and HOLD the unlock button on the Plip. 5. While pressing the unlock button, press the lock button 3 times. 6. Release the unlock button. 7. The warning lights will flash once to indicate successful programming. 8. Repeat procedure 4 to 7 for up to 4 plip key's. 9. When completed turn ignition ON, and the warning lights will flash 2 times. 10. Remove key, and check all plip key's for operation. NOTE : The programming mode will stop when either the ignition is switch ON, 4 plip keys have been programmed or no input signal either from the switch or plip keys has been received for 120 seconds.
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1. Garantir que todas as portas são destravadas com a chave.
2. Pressione e segure o botão grande chave plip enquanto o LED pisca continuamente por 20 segundos. Após 20 segundos, pressione o botão pequeno impasse uma vez, enquanto ainda segurando o botão grande.
3. O LED pára de piscar.
4. Solte o botão grande eo LED acenderá constantemente.
5. Pressione o botão grande de uma vez, eo LED apaga.
6. Abra a porta e segure a tecla plip perto do interruptor de ignição, e pressione o botão plip grande uma vez.
7. Agora vire a ignição, e aguarde 10 segundos e ligue a ignição.
8. Após 5 segundos o plip agora deve funcionar.
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i think it's on the passenger side mirror
I know it is a small plip under the drivers side door mirror
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The Central Door locking is controlled by the Multi-Remote Control system which controls the door locking, door super locking and hazard reminder. When the doors are locked and unlocked the unit flashes the hazard lights once for lock and twice for unlock. A maximum of four remote controls are allowed to be programmed. Ensure all the doors have been unlocked, either by using a good transponder key or remote control plip key. 1. Turn the ignition switch from Position 0 to ON 6 times within 10 seconds. 2. Then turn ignition switch to OFF position. Leave key in ignition switch. 3. After 2 seconds, the system will enter programming mode and will flash the warning lights twice. 4. Press and HOLD the unlock button on the Plip. 5. While pressing the unlock button, press the lock button 3 times. 6. Release the unlock button. 7. The warning lights will flash once to indicate successful programming. 8. Repeat procedure 4 to 7 for up to 4 plip key's. 9. When completed turn ignition ON, and the warning lights will flash 2 times. 10. Remove key, and check all plip key's for operation. NOTE : The programming mode will stop when either the ignition is switch ON, 4 plip keys have been programmed or no input signal either from the switch or plip keys has been received for 120 seconds.
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that's a labret piercing... which is NOT a lowbret1 answer
lamp- chibi pet garden
cat- chat room place
candlestick- fountain area 2
egg- plip plop waterfall
but the event is over so i doubt ull need this...
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Program Nissan Nats remotes Details
NISSAN Tino Key Remote Control Programming
The Central Door locking is controlled by the Multi-Remote Control system which controls the door locking, door super locking and hazard reminder.
When the doors are locked and unlocked the unit flashes the hazard lights once for lock and twice for unlock.
A maximum of four remote controls are allowed to be programmed.
Ensure all the doors have been unlocked, either by using a good transponder key or remote control plip key.
1. Turn the ignition switch from Position 0 to ON 6 times within 10 seconds.
2. Then turn ignition switch to OFF position. Leave key in ignition switch.
3. After 2 seconds, the system will enter programming mode and will flash the warning lights twice.
4. Press and HOLD the unlock button on the Plip.
5. While pressing the unlock button, press the lock button 3 times.
6. Release the unlock button.
7. The warning lights will flash once to indicate successful programming.
8. Repeat procedure 4 to 7 for up to 4 plip key's.
9. When completed turn ignition ON, and the warning lights will flash 2 times.
10. Remove key, and check all plip key's for operation.
NOTE : The programming mode will stop when either the ignition is switch ON, 4 plip keys have been programmed or no input signal either from the switch or plip keys has been received for 120 seconds.
Please pay £1.00 if this procedure worked for you.
hope u dont mind... i struggled with pressing the buttons whilst key in the ignition so took the key out to do it and it still worked. took me a while to realise i needed to press the buttons on easch seperate key [my stupidity] put key back in and turned on.. it worked,,,, gr8 thk u.
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Just been in that exact situation. Need to charge battery, but as it's in the boot, you can't get to it!
The way I got around it was to connect up a portable jump start unit under the bonnet which allowed me to unlock car with remote plip.
Once I had removed battery for charging, I just relocked with plip, removed jump start and closed bonnet - all secure.
Do the same to refit battery, but just remember to set ignition to position II before connecting it up. Not sure why, just something Volvo dealer told me I needed to do.
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The flap locks and unlocks with the central locking so it should unlock either with the plip key or the button next to the handbrake. It if fails to unlock then the solenoid is faulty but you can release it by removing the drivers' side light cover in the boot and pulling on the cable.
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Rain makes sound when the droplets hit different surfaces such as the ground, rooftops, or vegetation. The impact of the droplets creates vibrations that produce the sound we hear as rain. The intensity of the sound can vary depending on the size and speed of the raindrops, as well as the material they are hitting.
2 answers
Tbh i dont know but in the older ones they dont have a car alarm!
On a Land Rover that is fairly modern, if you press the "plip" key fob just once, the car locks up. If you press the button again, within 3 seconds, the alarm is set.
If for some reason you don't wish to set the alarm, (dogs loose in the back?), just lock doors with one press.
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Sit in the car with the doors closed and the key in your hand. Press the interior central locking button and hold it in until the doors lock and then unlock, you the have 10 seconds to press the plip button on your key to re synchronise and operate the remote central locking. you can do it at home you need the 4 dig code for you car if you have that get back to me and i will tell you how to do it i did mine at home owljay35@hotmaill.co.uk
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If the steering lock will not unlock with the key you will have to remove the plastic trim, 2 screws found on the bottom side of trim, then you will be able to see the steering lock. The lock is fitted with shear bolts to prevent easy removal, shear bolts have bolt heads on when new and the head snaps off when tightened to a predetermined torque, you will need a small chisel and hammer, gently tap the bolts and remove the lock, this will release the steering lock. You you will have to keep the remote plip next to the lock or the engine won't start.
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Plip Key Re-SynchingThis applies to cars that are too old for transponder keys, e.g. ph1 Meganes.
If the keys battery dies and the key is no longer synchronised.
What does that mean?
That means when you try and plip open the doors it won't happen and you will also not be able to start the car, like I said before newer cars have a transponder key so if the car doesn't start the keys wrong or the aerial around the ignition barrel is dodgy.
The immobilizer light in the dash will flash quickly if you try and start the car
the light is caught in action in this pic.
So what do I do?
Well you need to get the keys code.
You need to open the key to get this
that's a key believe it or not and that key ring is a girls key ring, that girl is my mrs so no comments about a love heart key ring to me please!
When you open the key this is what you will find
my finger is actually pointing to the numbers, you can't make them out in that pic due to the fact its a camera phone but the number is there, get it and write it down.
Then pop down to your local friendly Renault dealer. Ask for the code, they might be reluctant to give it to you but theres a space in the handbook for it and remind them that the code is the property of the car not Renault, if they refuse to give you it or try and charge you a fortune then tell them the small claims court will come down heavily in YOUR favour.
You can use our program to calculate your own code here
So now you have your 4 digit code. In you fat sweaty/well manicured delete as appropriate hand.
Now you need to put it in.
Turn the ignition on, this means dash lights all on and the immobilizer light is flashing quickly.
We shall assume you have a code of 1234
press and hold the central locking button, the flashing will stop then the light will flash again.
Hold it until it flashes once
let go
press again until it flashes twice
let go
press again for 3 flashes
let go
then finally press for 4 flashes
the code is now entered
after you put the last digit in the light will come on then go off for about a second then come back on, this time it will stay on for 30 seconds.
You can now start the car.
If you wish to re-synch the plip enter the code.
When you put the final digit in the light goes out comes back on and back off again (i.e. the 30 second interval) press and hold the central locking button again and the doors should lock and unlock, remove the key and plip away at the sensor, in about 3 tries the doors should lock and unlock again.
The key should now be re-programmed and work as it should.
please follow the instuctions
1. Turn Ignition OFF.
2. Press the central door locking button for more than 5 seconds. Note :
the door should lock then unlock.
3. When this happens, 10 seconds is allowed and the immobilizer warning
light illuminates.
4. Point the 1st key at the receiver and press the button twice, the doors
should lock and unlock. Repeat for other remotes as required.
5. Check the remote control unlocks and locks the doors.
1. Turn Ignition OFF.
2. Press the central door locking button for more than 5 seconds. Note :
the door should lock then unlock.
3. When this happens, 15 seconds is allowed and the immobilizer warning
light illuminates.
4. Point the 1st key at the receiver and press the button once, the doors
should lock and unlock.
5. Point the 2nd key at the receiver and press the button once, the doors
should lock and unlock.
6. Check the remote control unlocks and locks the doors.
1. Turn Ignition OFF.
2. Press the central door locking button for more than 5 seconds. Note :
the door should lock then unlock.
3. When this happens, 10 seconds is allowed and the immobilizer warning
light illuminates.
4. Press the remote control once, the doors should lock and unlock.
5. Repeat for second remote if required.
6. Check the remote control unlocks and locks the doors.
1. Turn Ignition OFF.
2. Press the central door locking button for more than 5 seconds. Note :
the door should lock then unlock.
3. When this happens, 15 seconds is allowed and the immobilizer warning
light illuminates.
4. Press the remote control once, the doors should lock and unlock.
5. Press the second remote control once, the doors should lock and
6. Check the remote control unlocks and locks the doors.
1. Lock Car manually
2. Unlock Car manually
3. Insert key into ignition within 30 seconds.
4. Turn Ignition and start vehicle.
Hold the remote control button down for longer than 10 seconds (until the red telltale
light on the key extinguishes) then press it again 3 times.
Check that the doors lock and unlock correctly.
1. Ignition ON
2. Press and hold the central locking button for 5 seconds
3. LED on the dash board will go off, come back on and begin to flash.
The flashes correspond to the first digit of the 4 PIN security code- release
the button when the first digit has been "flashed" and then press
the button again.
4. Wait for the second digit to be "flashed" then release and re-press the
button - continue until all digits have been entered.
5. If you have entered the code correctly the LED will then go out and the
car can be started- to code the remote, switch off the ignition and
press the central locking button again.
6. Press remote button 2 times within the immediate vicinity of the pick
up (in the roof) On some vehicles you may need to switch the ignition
back on to achieve this however.
Hold the remote control button down for longer than 10 seconds (until the red telltale
light on the key extinguishes) then press it again 3 times.
Check that the doors lock and unlock correctly.
hope this helps tom
1 answer
Mary Manz Simon has written:
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'Who will help?' -- subject(s): Bible stories, Bible stories, English, English Bible stories, Good Samaritan (Parable), Juvenile literature, N.T., N.T. Luke, Parables
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'Little visits for toddlers' -- subject(s): Prayers and devotions, Prayer-books and devotions, English, Christian life, Toddlers, Prayer books and devotions, Children, Families, Family
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'Sit Down: Luke 10'
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'Tarara! Tarara! / Toot! Toot! (Hear Me Read (Concordia))'
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'Little Visits With Jesus (Little Visits Library)'
'Let's Catch Fish'
'Ay, Que Lio! / Jibber Jabber (Hear Me Read (Concordia))'
'Hurry, Hurry!: Matthew 21:1-11'
'What did Jesus do?' -- subject(s): Bible stories, Bible stories, English, Christian life, Christianity, Conduct of life, English Bible stories, Example, Forgiveness, Friendship, Honesty, Juvenile literature, N.T., N.T. Gospels, Obedience, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Forgiveness, Religious aspects of Friendship, Religious aspects of Obedience, Virtues
'Here Comes Jesus! (Stick-With-Me Bible Stories)'
'Miriam watches over baby Moses' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Bible stories, O.T., Loyalty
'The Big Boat'
'Drip, Drop' -- subject(s): Bible stories, Bible stories, English, Biblical teaching, Deluge, English Bible stories, Noah's ark, O.T., O.T. Genesis
'Hurray for the Lord's army!' -- subject(s): Bible, Bible stories, Bible stories, English, Biography, English Bible stories, Juvenile literature, O.T., O.T. Judges
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'Esconde Al Nene: Exodo 2'
'Esconde Al Nene'
'My First Read And Learn Favorite Bible Verses (Read and Learn)'
'Moses crosses the Red Sea' -- subject(s): Bible stories, Courage, Juvenile literature, O.T., Israelites crossing the Red Sea (Biblical event)
'Muy Alto Muy Bajito / Too Tall, Too Small (Hear Me Read (Concordia))'
'Sigue Esa Estrella / Follow That Star (Hear Me Read (Concordia))'
'Thank you, Jesus' -- subject(s): Healing of the ten lepers (Miracle), Miracles, Juvenile literature, N.T., Bible stories
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'Sit Down: Luke 10:38-42 (Mary and Martha) (Hear Me Read Series)'
'Trend-savvy parenting' -- subject(s): Parenting, Christianity and culture, Child rearing
'Quien Ayudara? / Who Will Help? (Hear Me Read (Concordia))'
'Little visits 1-2-3' -- subject(s): Prayer-books and devotions, English, Children, Family
'52 ways to raise happy, loving kids' -- subject(s): Child rearing, Christianity, Parent and child, Parenting, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Child rearing, Religious aspects of Parent and child, Religious aspects of Parenting
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'Who Will Help (Hear Me Read Big Book)'
1 answer