It's play not pley, and the should play it because they want to and some woman may be better.
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you need a visual game boy to play it on your computer
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Buon compleanno a me, Buon compleanno a me stessa!and Buon compleanno a me stesso! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy Birthday to myself!" Birthplace, context and personal preference determine whether "Good birthday to me!" (case 1) or "Good birthday to myself!" in the feminine (example 2) or masculine (instance 3) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a mey," "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a mey STES-sa" and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a mey STES-so" in Pisan Italian.
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A professional soccer player is someone who is payed a wage to pley the sport.
Effectively someone who plays soccer for a living.
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"To call trendy" is an English equivalent of the French phrase appeler tendance. The pronunciation will be "a-pley taw-dawss" in French.
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Buon compleanno, bebè! and Buon compleanno, amore!are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy birthday, baby!" Context makes clear whether the greetings suits for an infant (case 1) or for a beloved (example 2). The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no bey-BEH" and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a-MO-rey" in Pisan Italian.
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Buon compleanno, cugina! in the feminine and Buon compleanno, cugino! in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, cousin!" Context makes clear which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no koo-DJEE-na" in the feminine and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no koo-DJEE-no" in the masculine in Italian.
3 answers
They kill their prey by either a venomous bite - injecting toxins into the 'victim' or by constriction - squeezing the 'victim' so hard that, when the prey breathes out, it's impossible for them to breathe in again.
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Buon compleanno, Adamo! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, Adam!" The masculine singular phrase literally means "Good Birthday, Adam!" in English, with the result that Italian-Americans may say Felice compleanno, Adamo! The respective pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a-DA-mo" among Italians and "fey-LEE-tchey KOM-pley-AN-no a-DA-mo" among Italian-Americans.
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La canzone di buon compleanno and la canzone di compleanno are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "the Happy Birthday song." Birthplace, context and personal preference determine whether "the song of [a] good birthday" (case 1) or "the song for [a] birthday" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "la kan-TSO-ney dee bwon KOM-pley-AN-no" and "la kan-TSO-ney dee KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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Buon centesimo compleanno! and Felice centesimo compleanno! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy 100th Birthday!" Context makes clear whether a more Italian "Good 100th Birthday!" (case 1) or a more Italian-American "Happy 100th Birthday!" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon tchen-TEH-zee-mo KOM-pley-AN-no" and "fey-LEE-tchey tchen-TEH-zee-mo KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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"Happy birthday!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Buon compleanno! The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Good birthday!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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"Call me" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Appelez-moi.
Specifically, the imperative appelez means "(you) call." The emphatic personal pronoun moi means "me." The pronunciation will be "ah-pley-mwah" in French.
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Buon compleanno, bellissima! in the feminine and Buon compleanno, bellissimo! in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, gorgeous!" Context makes clear which form suits. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no bel-LEES-see-ma" in the feminine and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no bel-LEES-see-mo" in the masculine in Italian.
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Compleanno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "birthday." The masculine singular noun may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or indefinite un, uno ("a," "an"). The pronunciation will be "KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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First Create an EA account on the EA official website. Then in need for speed carbon select
custom match and login. Then select the race settings and play. I could never do this since I have a slow connection.
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Buon compleanno ad un caro amico! and Buon compleanno ad una cara amica! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy birthday to a dear friend!" Context makes clear whether a female (case 2) or a male (example 1) friend suits. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a-doon KA-ro a-MEE-ko" in the masculine and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a-DOO-na KA-ra-MEE-ka" in Pisan Italian.
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Completamente is an Italian equivalent of the English word "completely."
Specifically, the Italian word is an adverb. It is formed by adding the adverbial suffix -mente to the feminine adjective completa. The pronunciation will be "kohm-PLEY-tah-MEHN-tey" in Italian.
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"The (female) employee" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase la empleada. The feminine singular noun also translates as "the (female) worker" in English. The pronunciation will be "la EM-pley-A-tha" in Barcelona, Catalunya, and in Uruguayan Spanish.
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Buon compleanno, zia! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy birthday, Aunt!" The wish translates literally as "Good birthday, Aunt!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no TSEE-a" in Pisan Italian.
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Buon compleanno alla tua bella nipote! in the singular and Buon compleanno alla vostra bella nipote! in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Happy Birthday to your beautiful niece!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suites. The respective pronunciations will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no AL-la TOO-a BEL-la nee-PO-tey" in the singular and "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no AL-la VO-stra BEL-la nee-PO-tey" in the plural in Italian.
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Sessantesimo compleanno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "sixtieth (60th) birthday." The masculine singular phrase may be written numerically as 60mo compleanno. The pronunciation will be "SES-san-TEH-zee-mo KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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Buon compleanno, amore mio! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, my love!" The greeting may be given to a female or male. The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no a-MO-rey MEE-o" in Italian.
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"To be called" or "to be named" is an English equivalent of the French phrase s'appeler. The reflexive verb also translates as "to call herself (himself, itself, oneself, themselves)" or "to name herself" according to context. The pronunciation will be "sa-pley" in French.
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Buon compleanno, ragazza! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, girl!" The greeting also translates into English as "Nice birthday, girlfriend!" The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no ra-GAT-tsa" in Italian.
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Qual è il tuo compleanno? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "What is your birthday?" The pronunciation of the masculine singular phrase in the third person impersonal singular of the present indicative will be "KWA-leh eel TOO-o KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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Canzoni di compleanno is an Italian equivalent of "birthday songs." The feminine plural noun, preposition, and masculine singular noun translate literally by word order into English as "songs of birthday." The pronunciation will be "kan-TSO-nee dee KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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Buon compleanno, bello! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, handsome!" The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Nice birthday, handsome!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no BEL-lo" in Italian.
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Buon compleanno, Mamma! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday, Mom!" The greeting literally translates into English as "Good birthday, Ma (Mom, Mom, Mommie, Mum, Mummie)!" The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no MAM-ma" in Italian.
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Buon settantesimo compleanno! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Seventieth Birthday!" The masculine singular phrase translates literally as "Nice seventieth birthday!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon SET-tan-TEH-zee-mo KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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¡Feliz cumpleaños! is a literal Spanish equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday!" The feminine/masculine adjective and noun may be heard as birthday wishes throughout the Spanish-speaking world, from Spain to the Americas. The pronunciation will be "fey-LEE-SKUM-pley-A-nyos" in Spanish.
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Buon compleanno e volentieri! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy birthday, and I'd love to!" The phrase translates literally as "(Have a) good birthday, and willingly!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no ey VO-len-TYEH-ree" in Pisan Italian.
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Bellissima festa di compleanno! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Have a great birthday celebration!" The phrase translates literally as "(Have a) most beautiful celebration of (your) birthday!" in English. The pronunciation will be "bel-LEES-see-ma FEH-sta dee KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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The first step to become a rock star is to learn the basics theory of music. Today is not necessary to learn to pley the instruments because with application such as garage band is only necessary to know the key on the piano. The last step to become a rock star is to learn to write lyrics for the songs and adapt the music to it.
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-noun1.the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
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È oggi il tuo compleanno? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Is today your birthday?" The question models a difference between the two languages whereby Italian employs definite articles -- in this case, il -- where English does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "eh OD-djeel TOO-o KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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"Happy Birthday, my love!" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase ¡Feliz cumpleaños, mi amor! The wish may be given to either a female or a male since the masculine singular noun for "love" refers to both genders as an endearment. The pronunciation will be "fey-LEES KOOM-pley-A-nyos mee a-MOR" in Uruguayan Spanish.
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Buon compleanno a te! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy birthday to you!"
Specifically, the masculine adjective buon is "good" literally and "happy" loosely. The masculine noun compleanno means "birthday." The preposition ameans "at, to." The emphatic personal pronoun tetranslates as "(informal singular) you."
The pronunciation will be "bwohn KOM-pley-AN-no ah tey" in Italian.
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"The Pope's birthday" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase il compleanno del papa. The masculine singular definite article and noun, preposition and masculine singular definite article, and masculine singular noun translate literally into English as "the birthday of the Pope." The pronunciation will be "eel KOM-pley-AN-no del PA-pa" in Italian.
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Spero che passi un bellissimo compleanno! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I hope you have a very happy birthday!" The greeting translates literally as "I hope that you spend a most beautiful birthday!" in English. The pronunciation will be "SPEY-ro key PAS-see oon bel-LEES-see-mo KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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"Hello, Happy Birthday!" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ciao! Tanti auguri per il compleanno! The greeting translates literally into English as "Hi! So many regards (wishes) for the birthday!" The pronunciation will be "tchow TAN-tee ow-GOO-ree pey-reel KOM-pley-AN-no" in Italian.
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Buon compleanno, fratellone! is an Italian equivalent of the English wish "Happy birthday, older brother!"
Specifically, the masculine adjective buon literally means "good". The masculine noun compleanno means "birthday". The masculine noun fratellone translates as "big brother".
The pronunciation will be "bwon KOM-pley-AN-no FRA-tel-LO-ney" in Italian.
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Auguri di compleanno con amore! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Birthday with love!" The greeting translates literally as "Greetings of birthday with love!" in English. The pronunciation will be "-ow-GOO-ree dee KOM-pley-AN-no ko-na-MO-rey" in Italian.
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Buona festa del papà e Buon compleanno! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday!" The declaration translates literally as "Good Festival of the Daddy and Good Birthday!" in English. The pronunciation will be "BWO-na FEY-sta del pa-PA ey bwon KOM-pley-AN-no" in Pisan Italian.
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