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Find your player(s) and select "Draft Player".

2 answers

there are 84 possibilities to select 3 members from 9 players.

Formula n!/m!(n-m)!

Zia khan, Karachi.


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magnify glass

yes you can get computer players without playing online. if you go to the game options menu before you start your game you can select how many enemies or friends you want. and then you can select a difficulty for them.

1 answer

Find the cards on any level and then save.Go to the main menu and move the highlighter ( press left or right to select ) and select the Race track image. You can have up to 4 players at a time.

1 answer

In the NFL draft, teams select players from collage to go to their team.

1 answer

Yes. You go to multiplayer and select 4 players. You need 4 controllers though.

1 answer

Click on a players name and select the "Share Block" button

1 answer

You need to select "local" for your xbox. I forget how to do it though.

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on those days IPL is conducted for, to select the skilled players but now a days IPL is conducted for only earning money and to select the those who are welfare!

1 answer

In a game when you pause you should be able to sub. The pause menu in a game, select substitutions and select players. Remember to accept changes.

1 answer

well i would get referal from players or call your local pro shop

1 answer

I want to know too... I want that phone lol..

1 answer

Go to roster management, and select players, and then there is an option for create a player.

1 answer

for the Xbox 360 version, you change the number of players to 2 at the mission select screen and then you connect the second controller and press start.

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Because they are the players you play with to practice.

To practice further press the 'Select' button on the controller.

If you don't no where the button is, it is near the middle circle.

1 answer

There can as many players as the team wants but the coach can only select 16 players for a match, 11 on field and 5 on the bench. A team is usually allowed to use a maximum number of substitute of 3 players who sit on the bench.

2 answers

If you want to add a friend, go onto the friends section and select to add a friend.

1 answer

yes thre is just go to the options and select 2 player

1 answer

4-player just go to the options and select 4-player

1 answer

1. press start

2. go to players

3. select


1 answer

When you plug in a second controller there should be an option of choosing either one or two players. After selecting which mode (free play, or story mode) select two players and create two Sims.

1 answer

That's easy, when you get a posse invite simply click the select button(PS3) Its next to the start button, the select R1 to see the players in the game find the person who sent you the invite by finding a little card next to there name.

Select them and select Accept posse invite There ya go

1 answer

Yusuf Pathan has not been selected by the ICC because he is overlooked and other players who are better than him are selected.

1 answer

go to the main menu then go to the multiplayer then select 2 player choose ur car then PLAY

1 answer

You pause the game, go onto team management and then squad. Then select the players you want to switch and you have made a sub

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Minnesota Select Volleyball Club!!!!!! we rock!

2 answers

you can play a custom game with computers you can select so they all will be in game with you already or you can add them one by one from consol (`) by typing in add_bot or you can play with other players online through multiplayer.

1 answer

At the start, you can press multiplayer and it will come to a player amount screen. You then choose the amount of players you want to play. You do not have to have that many wii remotes though. You can just use one to rotate around with. Then you come to a mii select screen and you can choose who you want to be in order of the players.

e.g. If you are playing with 3 players and three remotes, first the first player selects their player with their remote. The the second with their remote and so on.

If you are only using one remote, you select players in order of their connection. e.g. P1 first, then P2 and so on.

1 answer

i think you just go to manage roster and select player and then edit player and you can change their stats i don't have it but that's what it is in 2k10

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you must got to college. play your sport there and professional coaches will come and watch you and look to select players for their team.

1 answer

there are boxes next to the players name that you can tick and can you change the player who is the chosen captain to a different player

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All you do is go to the tab Rankings click on General Ranking then just select a person.

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There are no cheats for Championship Manager 2008. An exploit you can do to get money is to select a rich club and buy players from your own club.

1 answer

Plug it in via USB, then make sure that it is on and connected. Start up your game then when you play online, pause and go to the players list then select yours. Now select listen and talk to everyone.

1 answer

Easy, follow these steps:

1. Make your warrior

2. Select empire mode

3. Select either new game or load the previous one

4. Switch the character thinggy to "on"

5. Select next

6. Pick one of the scenario

7. Select "Edit"

8. Use your warrior

That's it, piece of cake

1 answer

You have to 2 memory cards, which decks already configured, then select 2 player mode, pick your stage or if you have a premade stage you can use that, selet whether or not you want the players cards to be showing and then your good to do

1 answer

all you do is have two wii remote on and then select a song that you want to dance to and you'll be able to dance together. xxx

1 answer

i think you just go to manage roster and select player and then edit player and you can change their stats i don't have it but that's what it is in 2k10

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press start at the beginning and select multiplayer and u can play with other player or on xbox live

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just invite everyone into a party and then select to play nazi zombies

1 answer

Nalgas is butt cheeks in Spanish. the lovely hills on the back of women, and baseball players. including select Dominicans. All of the Peña's family.

1 answer

#1:on the file select screen, pick a file, then go to 1-5 players to pick as many players in the game(Note:on multiplayer you can ONLY use wii remotes).

#2:if you are in the middle of a game, go to the menu and switch to wii remote.Then choose "Number of Players".Add as many players(up to 4 players) in the game once chosen the characters,they will appear in the world map.

Enjoy working together:D!

1 answer

Purchase clothing, either from other players or from the Apparel Outlet in Badgeria. Go to your Backpack, select the clothing and move the clothes to your wardrobe. Go to Settings, select Profile Settings then click on Dress Up. From there you can place the clothing you purchased on your profile character.

1 answer

11 players on a soccer team not including coalie.
There can as many players as the team wants but the coach can only select 16 players for a match, 11 on field and 5 on the bench.

5 answers

A Warcraft 3 mutiplayer map was created that allowed players to work as team, players select from a selection of heros and leveled up to fight monsters in large dungeon areas. The map was so successful that eventually the idea of WOW emerged as was created.

W.O.W is now a global game that has over 11 million players :3

1 answer