No, the style is part of the pistil. The pistil is the stigma, the style, and the ovary of a flower.
1 answer
Seeds are made at the base of the pistil in the ovule. The top of the pistil is sticky an is called the stigma.
1 answer
The Pistil of a flower is:
The female reproductive part of a flower
The pistil includes
the ovary ,style, and stigma
1 answer
staminate = has no pistil
pistilate = has no stamens
1 answer
The pistil is the female part of a flower. It is usually surrounded by stamens. The pistil eventually turns into the "fruit" of the plant.
1 answer
The female part of an angiosperm is called the pistil. It consists of the stigma, style, and ovary, where the ovules are housed and fertilization occurs.
8 answers
The purpose of the pistil is for the female reproductive organ of the flower. The pollen would enter the pistil and start the reproductive process.
2 answers
They are the exact same thing! Pistil is more of a layman term.
2 answers
Yes, lotus flowers do have a pistil. The pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.
2 answers
No, the pistil is the female reproductive part of a flower that includes the stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil where pollen is received during fertilization.
2 answers
Seeds are made in the basal part (ovary) of the pistil.
1 answer
Seeds are made in the basal part (ovary) of the pistil.
2 answers
The stigma, the style, and the overy are the three parts of the pistil.
-Ben Newcombe-
1 answer
Pollination usually involves pollen moving from the stamen to the pistil, where the pollen grains land on the stigma and travel down the style to reach the ovary. This process enables fertilization to occur and the development of seeds.
2 answers
The lowermost portion of the pistil, that is ovary grows when seeds are formed.
1 answer
No, flowers with a pistil but no stamen cannot reproduce on their own. The stamen is needed to provide pollen for fertilization, which is essential for reproduction in flowering plants. If a flower lacks both stamen and pistil, it cannot produce seeds and ultimately reproduce.
3 answers
The pistil is the female part of the flower. It receives pollen, and contains what will become seeds,
1 answer
No, an iris does not have a pistil. A pistil is the female reproductive part of a flower, while an iris is a type of flowering plant that produces male and female reproductive organs separately on the same flower.
2 answers
A pistil is the female reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary. The pistil top typically refers to the stigma, which is the sticky tip where pollen is received during pollination.
2 answers
Pollen transfers from the anther to the pistil in plants during the process of pollination. Pollen grains contain male gametes that fertilize the female gametes in the pistil to initiate seed formation.
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Sepal is a structure not found in a flower's pistil. The pistil consists of the stigma, style, and ovary, while the sepals are located outermost on the flower and protect the developing bud.
3 answers
A white lily typically has 6 petals, 6 stamens, and 1 pistil.
2 answers
Pollination the process in which pollen arrives at the pistil and will stick to the stigma
1 answer
The reproductive part of many plants that contains a pistil and a stamen is the flower. The pistil is the female reproductive organ, while the stamen is the male reproductive organ. These parts are essential for pollination and reproduction in flowering plants.
2 answers
Pollination occurred, where pollen grains are transferred from the stamen to the pistil of a flower. This process is essential for fertilization to take place, leading to the formation of seeds.
2 answers