Whe should the cambelt be changes on a shogun pinin 1800
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No the connection that Fiat has with Ferrari is both companies used Battisa Pinin Farina to design cars for them. Pinin Farina was employed by many car makers.
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Pinin Brambilla Barcilon has written:
'Leonardo' -- subject(s): Conservation and restoration, Expertising, Last Supper in art, Mural painting and decoration
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To change your rear tail lights on your Shogun Pinin you will need to open the back hatch. After you open the hatch you will see panels next to where the lights are. You remove those panels and you will see your light bulbs and be able to replace them.
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Trouble code P1221 means: ETV MTR FB
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Pininfarina, a body shop established by Battista 'Pinin' Farina in 1930 designed the Ferrari F50.
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The average cost of a Mitsubishi Shogun Pinin should be about 4 oil changes and a set of tires with free rotation. That would be about $360. Miscellaneous fluids if one lives in temperate climates should add another $50, so the total is about $420 per year.
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Fiat originated from Italy, they are also connected to Ferrari.
Battista Pinin Farina that designed the Ferrari also designed the Fiat 124 spider, lancia
The company itself have no relation other than using the same person to design the cars.
Battista Pinin Farina was employed as a designer by a lot of car makers like Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Cadillac, Jaquar, Peupeot, Alafa Romeo, but there many more.
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Adios Cordera is the story of two children, named Rosa and Pinin, who love their family's cow, named Cordera. The author spends several pages explaining the intelligence of the cow, comparing her to Horacio. The family is very poor, and the father realizes that he must sell the beloved cow in order to pay rent. He, too, loves Cordera and is reluctant to sell her, so he asks an ureasonably high price for her. But finally, a butcher buys Cordera, and takes her away on a train. The story repeats when Pinin is called away to fight in the army, and leaves on the same train. Rosa knows that she will never see Cordera or Pinin again.
This is a story about saying goodbye (represented by the departures of Cordera and Pinin), and about how the progression of technology and society ruin the simple live that was once lived. The need for money, the train, and the telegraph represent the transformation of an older world.
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Ferrari is not part of Fiat.
Battista Pinin Farina that designed the Ferrari also designed the Fiat 124 spider, lancia
The company itself have no relation other than using the same person to design the cars.
Battista Pinin Farina was employed as a designer by a lot of car makers like Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Cadillac, Jaquar, Peupeot, Alafa Romeo, but there many more.
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If it has a carburetor, it is the flush pump on the carburetor. If it's fuel injected it could be a lot of different things.
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I have a similar problem. How do I get to replace the side/brake/fog bulbs in the fitting in the rear lower skirt? Can't see how to get at the lamps at all!
Appreciate an email to elswickvillage@hotmail.com. Thanks
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Take a look on pocuk.com/forums - THE best resource on the internet for owners of Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese SUV 4x4 (import) offroad vehicles ;)
The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club
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Details of the fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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The various fuse layouts for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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I now know! The back lights on the lower 'skirt' are covered by a plate. To remove - remove the three small bolts holding the mud-flap and plate and remove the plate. Access can now be gained to the back of the light cluster. Lamp holders are removed by turning anti-clockwise.
Rusty bolts are your only problem!
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Details of the fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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Details of the fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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Francesco Testi has: Played Himself (2000) in "Grande fratello" in 2000. Played Giancarlo Fontamara in "Il peccato e la vergogna" in 2010. Played Enea Pinin in "Sangue caldo" in 2011. Played Giancarlo Fontamara in "Il peccato e la vergogna - Parte seconda" in 2014. Played Vito Licata in "Furore" in 2014.
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Details of the fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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Details of the various fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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Details of the A/T mode options for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/atmodeswitch.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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The cast of Come ti rapisco il pupo - 1976 includes: Felice Andreasi as Ispettore Sessa Lu Bianchi Massimo Boldi as Pinin Stefania Casini as Rita Egidio Casolari Giuliana Lamberti Gino Mazzotta Umberto Smaila as Dado Teo Teocoli as Elia Dante Trezzi Franca Valeri as Dada Franco Vimercati
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Details of the various fuses for the Pajero can be found here : http://www.pocuk.com/faq/fuses.htm The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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You're probably asking about the common 2.8 cut-out problem? This and other starting issues are detailed on the Pajero Owners Club forums, here : http://www.pocuk.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=67 The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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There can be any number of reasons, including fading batteries, but most likely, one or more of your glowplugs is on the way out. For more information on pajero starting issues, take a look here : http://www.pocuk.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=67 The Mitsubishi Pajero Owners Club is the World's largest, most popular, free-to-join community for owners of the Mitsubishi Pajero, Shogun, Montero, Raider, Challenger, EVO and Pinin ranges of Japanese (import) SUV 4x4 offroad vehicles. http://www.pocuk.com
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If you had a broken wrist pin, the engine would have done blowed apart.
Wrist pins don't brake in a Chevy engine unless it's a really modifyed engine.
You probley are hearing a rod bearing knocking, You may have spun a rod bearing.
You can start the engine and let it idle, Then being careful not to get shocked you can pull the plug wire off of the spark plugs 1 at a time, being sure to put it back on each time. When you pull the wire off of the cylinder that has the knocking noise in it, the noise may quite or get liter, If you find the cylinder when you remove the wire from the plug that makes the noise go away. Then that will be the 1 that the problem is in.
If it's a rod bearing then the noise will almost go away, are even stop. If it does then you have a bad rod bearing. Time to overhaul the engine.
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The cast of Il partigiano Johnny - 2000 includes: Claudio Amendola as Nord Felice Andreasi Marilena Biestro as Rina Flavio Bonacci as Chiodi Andrea Bruschi as Set Ferruccio Casacci as Parroco di campagna Giuseppe Cederna as Nemega Fabio De Luigi as Fascist soldier Andrea Di Casa as Giovane capo della rivolta Michele Di Mauro as Capo formazione in fuga Stefano Dionisi as Johnny Giovanni Esposito as Secondo Siciliano Fabrizio Gifuni as Ettore Alberto Gimignani as Biondo Carlo Giraudo as Ufficiale partigiano Alberto Hoiss Flavio Insinna as Spia Barbara Lerici as Sonia Davide Lorino as Pinco Michele Melega as Ufficiale fascista Fulvio Milani as Geo Massimo Mirani as Blister Gabriele Montanari as Rivella Chiara Muti as Elda Maximilian Nisi as Alessandro Umberto Orsini as Pinin Nicola Panelli as Kira Fausto Paravidino as Gilera Cesare Peracchio as Prete officiante Antonio Petruccioli as Cocito Marco Piras as Tito Umberto Procopio as Fulmine Franco Procopio as Primo Siciliano Andrea Prodan as Pierre Franco Ravera as Ansemo Paola Rota as Madre del bambino Down Maurizio Santilli as Michele Stefano Scherini as Vico Gabriele Tesauri as Partigiano Sergio Trojano as Ivan Lucio Zagaria as Tarzan
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Valeria Milillo has: Played Sasha in "Brivido giallo" in 1986. Played Manuela Bellugi in "Il commissario Lo Gatto" in 1986. Performed in "Il gioko" in 1989. Played Lisa in "Tracce di vita amorosa" in 1990. Played Antonietta in "Americano rosso" in 1991. Played Francesca in "La seconda volta" in 1995. Played Giovanna in "La parola amore esiste" in 1998. Played Valeria in "Solo x te" in 1998. Played Paola in "A casa di Irma" in 1999. Played Virginia Pennisi in "Il commissario Montalbano" in 1999. Performed in "Distretto di polizia" in 2000. Played Marina Ardenzi in "Un colpo al cuore" in 2000. Played Francesca Volta in "Distretto di polizia" in 2000. Played Anna De Angelis in "Onora il padre" in 2001. Played Luisa in "Uno bianca" in 2001. Played Agostina in "Caterina e le sue figlie" in 2005. Played Sandra in "Non aver paura" in 2005. Played Irene in "Non prendere impegni stasera" in 2006. Played Alice in "Mogli a pezzi" in 2008. Played Matilde Chiantini in "Un gioco da ragazze" in 2008. Played Lisa in "So che ritornerai" in 2009. Played Cecilia in "Due partite" in 2009. Played Piera in "Il peccato e la vergogna" in 2010. Played Loretta Pinin in "Sangue caldo" in 2011. Played Piera in "Il peccato e la vergogna - Parte seconda" in 2014.
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The cast of Il santo patrono - 1975 includes: Bruno Boschetti Enrico Chiappafreddo Lucio Dalla as Don Arcadio, the parish priest Guido De Benedetto as Barabba Attilio Dottesio Piera Federici as Gioiamia Antonio Federici as Rubinetto Monica Gravina as Belladinotte Mauro Gravina as Pertica Gina Mascetti Rina Mascetti Gennaro Masini Franco Pesce Mauro Rossi as Pasticca Alberto Sorrentino Luca Sportelli Toni Ucci as Brambilla
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Mario De Simone has: Played Compoagna del scuola in "Lo sai che i papaveri" in 1952. Performed in "La ragazza di via Veneto" in 1955. Performed in "Sette canzoni per sette sorelle" in 1956. Played Pinin in "Ciao, pais..." in 1956. Played City Policeman in "Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo" in 1956. Performed in "I dritti" in 1957. Played Nando in "El Alamein" in 1958. Played Bacchino in "Guardia, ladro e cameriera" in 1958. Performed in "Valeria ragazza poco seria" in 1958. Played Il ricettatore in "I soliti ignoti" in 1958. Performed in "Destinazione Sanremo" in 1959. Performed in "Le bellissime gambe di Sabrina" in 1959. Performed in "Agosto, donne mie non vi conosco" in 1959. Performed in "La banda del buco" in 1960. Performed in "Le olimpiadi dei mariti" in 1960. Played Pinocchio in "Io bacio... tu baci" in 1961. Played Un derubato alla stazione in "I due marescialli" in 1961. Performed in "Le magnifiche sette" in 1961. Played Guardia del corpo in "Scandali al mare" in 1961. Performed in "Twist, lolite e vitelloni" in 1962. Performed in "Gli italiani e le donne" in 1962. Played Passalacqua in "I terribili 7" in 1963. Played Daros in "Ercole sfida Sansone" in 1963. Played Activist of Communist Party (segment "Carmelitane Sprint") in "Le motorizzate" in 1963. Played Client at the supermarket (segment "Medico e fidanzata") in "Gli imbroglioni" in 1963. Played Giovanotto che legge il giornale in "I marziani hanno 12 mani" in 1964. Played Peter in "Romeo e Giulietta" in 1964. Performed in "James Tont operazione U.N.O." in 1965. Performed in "I figli del leopardo" in 1965. Performed in "Scaramouche" in 1965. Played Segretario del Regista in "Scandali nudi" in 1965. Played Trainer of Red Tiger in "Veneri al sole" in 1965. Performed in "James Tont operazione D.U.E." in 1966. Performed in "Ringo e Gringo contro tutti" in 1966. Played Mayor in "Io non protesto, io amo" in 1967. Played The Chubby Executive in "Il fischio al naso" in 1967. Performed in "Odio per odio" in 1967. Performed in "Il grande maestro" in 1967.
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Umberto Orsini has: Played Sailor in "Marisa la civetta" in 1957. Performed in "Giallo club. Invito al poliziesco" in 1959. Performed in "La pisana" in 1960. Played Man in Sunglasses That Helps Nadia Strip in "La dolce vita" in 1960. Played Tommy in "Chiamate 22-22 tenente Sheridan" in 1960. Played Peppino Barlacchi in "Un amore a Roma" in 1960. Played Dr. Fred Steele in "Il pianeta degli uomini spenti" in 1961. Played Paolo in "Io bacio... tu baci" in 1961. Played Miguel in "Noche de verano" in 1962. Performed in "Il mare" in 1962. Played Tom Wingfield in "Lo zoo di vetro" in 1963. Played Philliet in "Les bonnes causes" in 1963. Played Osvald Alving in "Gli spettri" in 1963. Played Tallien in "I grandi camaleonti" in 1964. Played Roberto in "Il mito" in 1965. Played Tullo Aufidio in "Coriolano" in 1965. Performed in "Il re" in 1965. Performed in "Addio giovinezza" in 1965. Played Antonio in "Mademoiselle" in 1966. Played Roberto in "Ta skalopatia" in 1966. Played Timo in "Playgirl" in 1966. Played Pvt. Tarasconi in "La ragazza e il generale" in 1967. Played Postcard Vendor in "The Sailor from Gibraltar" in 1967. Played The Big Guy in "Candy" in 1968. Performed in "Interrabang" in 1969. Played Prince Rubio Marescalli in "Roma bene" in 1971. Performed in "Maddalena" in 1971. Performed in "Tre quarti di luna" in 1971. Played Alex in "Un homme est mort" in 1972. Played Enrico Gagliardi in "Abuso di potere" in 1972. Played Count Von Holstein in "Ludwig" in 1972. Played Diego in "Storia di una monaca di clausura" in 1973. Played Cesare Angelotti in "La Tosca" in 1973. Played Amerigo Dumini in "Il delitto Matteotti" in 1973. Played Erzi in "Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia" in 1975. Played Avvocato Vito Buscemi in "Perdutamente tuo... mi firmo Macaluso Carmelo fu Giuseppe" in 1976. Performed in "Processo a Maria Tarnowska" in 1977. Played Generale Guarnerius in "Racconti di fantascienza" in 1978. Played Robert Usher in "I racconti fantastici di Edgar Allan Poe" in 1979. Performed in "Amo non amo" in 1979. Played Gaetano in "Orient-Express" in 1979. Performed in "Bionda fragola" in 1980. Played Le colonel Neville in "Colomba" in 1982. Played Bruno Spada in "Notti e nebbie" in 1984. Played Alto Magistrato in "Pasolini, un delitto italiano" in 1995. Played Don Diego in "Il viaggio della sposa" in 1997. Performed in "Cinque giorni di tempesta" in 1997. Played Nathan in "Solomon" in 1997. Played Memucan in "Esther" in 1999. Played Tribune in "San Paolo" in 2000. Played Pinin in "Il partigiano Johnny" in 2000. Played Narrator in "La strada di Levi" in 2006. Played himself in "Noi che abbiamo fatto la dolce vita" in 2009. Played Leone in "Benvenuti a tavola" in 2012.
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Massimo Boldi has: Played Il pretino in "Due cuori, una cappella" in 1975. Performed in "La febbre del cinema" in 1976. Played Adamo in "Luna di miele in tre" in 1976. Played Pinin in "Come ti rapisco il pupo" in 1976. Played Una recluta in "Sturmtruppen" in 1976. Performed in "Marcia trionfale" in 1976. Played Carletto in "Il... Belpaese" in 1977. Played Romeo Il Postino in "Tre tigri contro tre tigri" in 1977. Performed in "Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra" in 1978. Performed in "Maschio, femmina, fiore, frutto" in 1979. Played Boxe - the boxer in "Saxofone" in 1979. Played Sandro Rubizzi in "Sono fotogenico" in 1980. Played Vittorio Calvi detto Vic in "Prestami tua moglie" in 1980. Played Pera in "Fracchia la belva umana" in 1981. Played Himself (1981) in "Tutto compreso" in 1981. Performed in "I giochi del diavolo" in 1981. Played Max Bernasconi in "Si ringrazia la regione Puglia per averci fornito i milanesi" in 1982. Played Cicciobello Pannolino in "Sturmtruppen 2 (tutti al fronte)" in 1982. Played Massimo in "Eccezzziunale... veramente" in 1982. Played Himself - Various Characters (1983) in "Drive in" in 1983. Played Severino Cicerchia in "Il ragazzo di campagna" in 1984. Played Occhipinti in "I due carabinieri" in 1984. Played Max Pirovano in "I pompieri" in 1985. Performed in "Grand Hotel" in 1985. Played Lorenzo in "Yuppies 2" in 1986. Played Lorenzo in "Yuppies - I giovani di successo" in 1986. Played Corrado Minozzi in "Grandi magazzini" in 1986. Played Egisto Siraghi in "Scuola di ladri" in 1986. Played Himself -Various in "Fantastico 8" in 1987. Played Himself - Various in "Fantastico 8" in 1987. Played Autista in "Il volatore di Aquiloni" in 1987. Played Egisto Siraghi in "Scuola di ladri - parte seconda" in 1987. Played Max Pirovano in "Missione eroica - I pompieri 2" in 1987. Played Himself - Host (1997) in "Striscia la notizia" in 1988. Played himself in "Una rotonda sul mare" in 1989. Performed in "Il vigile urbano" in 1989. Played Lorenzo Colombo in "Sognando la California" in 1992. Played Himself - Himself in "La strana coppia" in 1992. Played Himself - Host (1994-2005) in "Scherzi a parte" in 1992. Played himself in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played Himself - Performer in "Quelli che... il calcio" in 1993. Played Franco Melis in "Festival" in 1996. Played Walter Colombo in "A spasso nel tempo" in 1996. Played Himself...Various (1999) in "Zelig - Noi facciamo cabaret" in 1996. Played Mimmo in "Cucciolo" in 1998. Played Silvio Galliani in "Tifosi" in 1999. Played Ettore Colombo in "Vacanze di Natale 2000" in 1999. Played himself in "TRL Italy" in 1999. Played Paolo Pecora in "Body Guards" in 2000. Played Enrico Carli in "Merry Christmas" in 2001. Played Enrico Paci in "Natale in India" in 2003. Played Guido Baldi in "Christmas in Love" in 2004. Played Lorenzo Fumagalli in "Un ciclone in famiglia" in 2005. Played Ranuccio in "Natale a Miami" in 2005. Played Himself - Guest in "Siamo Stati Uniti" in 2007. Played Cristoforo Colombo in "Matrimonio alle Bahamas" in 2007. Played Lorenzo in "Un coccodrillo per amico" in 2009. Played himself in "Non smettere di sognare" in 2009. Played Gustavo Godendo in "A Natale mi sposo" in 2010. Played Lorenzo Benvenuti in "Fratelli Benvenuti" in 2010. Played himself in "Io canto" in 2010. Played Lorenzo Manzoni in "Matrimonio a Parigi" in 2011. Played Lorenzo in "Natale a 4 zampe" in 2012.
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Philippe Lemaire has: Performed in "Le capitan" in 1946. Performed in "Roger la Honte" in 1946. Played Un pilote in "Aux yeux du souvenir" in 1948. Played Pierre Porteval in "Scandale" in 1948. Played Pierre in "Bonheur en location" in 1949. Played Patrick Lambert in "Mon ami le cambrioleur" in 1950. Played Alberto Franchi in "Taxi di notte" in 1950. Played Gabriel Lamy in "Ils ont vingt ans" in 1950. Played Lucien Labroue in "La portatrice di pane" in 1950. Played Maurice Laprade in "Mammy" in 1951. Played Pinin in "Il Cristo proibito" in 1951. Played Mario in "Le vrai coupable" in 1951. Played Luc Genevoix in "Minuit... Quai de Bercy" in 1953. Played Philippe in "Cent francs par seconde" in 1953. Played Carlo Mastelli in "Saluti e baci" in 1953. Played Philippe in "Monte Carlo Baby" in 1953. Played Max Trivet in "Quand tu liras cette lettre" in 1953. Played Pierre Vaudouin in "Le feu dans la peau" in 1954. Played Freddy in "Le tournant dangereux" in 1954. Played Pierre Beutin in "Les clandestines" in 1954. Performed in "Tam tam mayumbe" in 1955. Played Michel Artus in "Frou-Frou" in 1955. Played Raimundo Castillo in "Cita imposible" in 1958. Played Gaston de Ferrussac in "Cartouche" in 1962. Played De Vaudreuil in "Le masque de fer" in 1962. Played Henri Negrel in "Germinal" in 1963. Played Max Gilet in "La rabouilleuse" in 1963. Played Hans Streicher in "Le vice et la vertu" in 1963. Played Jim Donavan in "Die Goldsucher von Arkansas" in 1964. Performed in "Assassinio made in Italy" in 1965. Played Rondier in "Brigade antigangs" in 1966. Played Philip Dawson in "Kommissar X - Drei gelbe Katzen" in 1966. Played Colonel Laforet in "Sept hommes et une garce" in 1967. Played Bourbet in "Jean de la Tour Miracle" in 1967. Played Hindley Earnshaw in "Les hauts de Hurlevent" in 1968. Played Philippe (segment "Metzengerstein") in "Histoires extraordinaires" in 1968. Played Max Sorelli in "La nuit la plus chaude" in 1968. Performed in "Die Marquise von B." in 1970. Played Riquiez in "La mort des capucines" in 1971. Played Pierre in "Die rote Kapelle" in 1972. Played Patrick Leroy-Dubois in "Dossiers de Me Robineau: Main basse sur la campagne" in 1972. Played Herdelot in "Les chemins de pierre" in 1972. Played Pipo in "Al otro lado del espejo" in 1973. Played Le commissaire Berthier in "La Nasse" in 1978. Played Louis in "Paris-Chamonix" in 1979. Played Antoine Macquart in "La fortune des Rougon" in 1980. Played Petrus in "Dessin sur un trottoir" in 1983. Played General Laurentius in "Ars amandi" in 1983. Performed in "Dieci registi italiani, dieci racconti italiani" in 1983. Performed in "Western di cose nostre" in 1984. Played Severio Petacci in "Claretta" in 1984. Performed in "Nucleo zero" in 1984. Performed in "Il pentito" in 1985. Performed in "Portami la luna" in 1986. Performed in "Lo scomparso" in 1987. Performed in "Eurocops" in 1987. Played Henri Dubourg (unconfirmed) in "Le chinois" in 1989. Played Le comte in "Oppressions" in 1989. Played Alfonso Caruso in "Un bambino in fuga" in 1989. Performed in "Shijou no tabibito" in 1989. Played Jacopo Pazzi in "La florentine" in 1991. Played Alfonso Caruso in "Un bambino in fuga - Tre anni dopo" in 1991. Played Montgaillard in "La femme des autres" in 1991. Played Marcel Brossard in "Les Cordier, juge et flic" in 1992. Played Farmer in "Une image de trop" in 1993. Played Badal in "Ciudad Baja (Downtown Heat)" in 1994. Played himself in "Eddie Constantine: Cet homme est un sentimental..." in 1999. Played Charles Dupreux in "Mariage mixte" in 2004. Played French Narrator in Cinema in "Ana Begins" in 2009.
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