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The piezoelectric crystal is used in transducers in ultrasound medical imaging. The crystal vibrates when an electric field is applied to it, the oscillations of the crystal vibrating occurs at very high frequencies beyond the threshold of human hearing.

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Like this: (piezoelectric-crystal)

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The piezoelectric microphone was invented in 1917 by Aleksandr W. Gurvich and his colleagues. They discovered the piezoelectric effect in Rochelle salt crystals, leading to the development of the first piezoelectric microphone.

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Many piezoelectric crystals can be used in water with no issues.

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Yes, gypsum is piezoelectric. This means that it can generate an electrical charge when mechanical stress is applied to it, such as pressure or squeezing.

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When you squeeze a piezoelectric crystal, electricity forms. This is helpful in products such as watches, microphones, computers, and gas grills.

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Piezoelectric is natural, as acceleration is directly proportional to force. In a piezoelectric accelerometer, charge accumulates on the crystal and is translated and amplified into either an output current or voltage, so this only respond to AC phenomenon such as vibration or shock.

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When an electric current is passed through a piezoelectric crystal, it will cause the crystal to deform or vibrate due to the inverse piezoelectric effect. This effect converts electrical energy into mechanical movement, causing the crystal to physically change shape. This property is utilized in devices such as piezoelectric sensors, actuators, and transducers.

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A. S. DeReggi has written:

'Piezoelectric polymer transducer for dynamic pressure measurements' -- subject(s): Piezoelectric transducers

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The power produced from piezoelectric materials can vary depending on factors like the size of the material, the force applied, and the efficiency of the energy conversion process. Generally, piezoelectric materials can generate milliwatts to a few watts of power.

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Radiation exposure can create defects in the crystal structure of piezoelectric materials, altering their mechanical and electrical properties. These defects can lead to a decrease in piezoelectric performance, such as reduced sensitivity or output. In extreme cases, prolonged or high levels of radiation exposure can permanently damage or degrade the piezoelectric material.

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You can use a piezoelectric device. Piezoelectric devices are commonly used to convert back and forth between mechanical and electrical energy. Examples include cheap electrical buzzers and cigarette lighters (those that create a spark to light the butane). To efficiently use a piezoelectric device you must devise an acoustic amplifier to increase the pressure on the surface of the piezoelectric as much as possible, and then efficiently store the piezoelectric power via diodes (and other marvelous circuit elements) into a capacitor.

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H. S. Tzou has written:

'Piezoelectric shells' -- subject(s): Actuators, Detectors, Piezoelectric devices, Shells (Engineering)

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An instrument used to measure blast pressures resulting from explosions and pressures created in firearms, using a piezoelectric substance that produces a voltage when under pressure.

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Piezoelectric positioning is a technology that uses piezoelectric materials to precisely control and adjust the position of an object. When an electric field is applied to these materials, they undergo a deformation, allowing for very fine movements and adjustments. This technology is used in various applications such as nanopositioning, microscopy, and precision machining.

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To make a piezoelectric crystal, you need to start with a material that exhibits piezoelectric properties, such as quartz or certain ceramics. These materials can be shaped into a crystal form through processes like cutting, grinding, and polishing. Once the crystal is formed, electrodes can be attached to it to allow for the generation of an electric charge when mechanical stress is applied. This process requires precision and expertise to ensure the crystal functions effectively as a piezoelectric device.

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When an electric current is passed through a piezoelectric crystal, the crystal experiences mechanical deformation or vibrations due to the inverse piezoelectric effect. This effect causes the crystal to change shape or generate vibrations in response to the electrical input. Conversely, when the crystal is mechanically stressed, it generates an electric charge along its surface due to the direct piezoelectric effect. This dual behavior allows piezoelectric crystals to convert electrical energy into mechanical motion and vice versa.

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Piezoelectric crystals have unique properties. If you strike them (not too hard), they produce a high voltage pulse. If you apply electricity to them, they swell. If you just tag them with a pulse of electricity, they ring at their modal frequency. These properties allow them to be used in many applications. The following are just a couple examples of their use.

Disposable lighters that don't have flint use a piezoelectric crystal to generate an arc that ignites the gas.

Accelerometers use piezoelectric crystals to generate signals proportional to how fast something is accelerating.

In electronics, piezoelectric crystals are used to generate master timing signals.

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To initiate a piezoelectric reaction, mechanical stress or pressure must be applied to the piezoelectric material. This can be done through activities such as bending, twisting, or compressing the material. When stress is applied, the material generates an electric charge due to the piezoelectric effect.

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Piezoelectric microphones work by converting mechanical vibrations (sound waves) into electrical signals. When sound waves hit the piezoelectric material in the microphone, it generates tiny electrical charges proportional to the sound pressure. These electrical signals are then amplified and processed to produce audio recordings or for use in communication systems.

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There were many types of actuators that are used in robotics, some of which are hydraulic actuator, ultra-piezoelectric, pneumatic actuator and piezoelectric. The actuator is an electromechanical device that converts energy.

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A piezoelectric crystal is a material that can generate an electric charge when mechanical stress is applied to it, or deform when an electric field is applied to it. It is commonly used in sensors, transducers, and actuators in various electronic devices and applications.

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thermocouple,piezoelectric transducer,photoelectric transducer.

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Piezoelectric materials have been integrated with silicon microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in both microsensor and microactuator applications. Some recent and emerging applications of piezoelectric MEMS are acoustic emission microsensors, vibration monitors, molecular recognition biosensors, precision positioners, micropumps, and linear stepper motors. - See more at: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-are-piezoelectric-materials-that-contain-silicon-used-in-science-and-industry#sthash.EpLIkFTw.dpuf

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Piezoelectric biosensors offer high sensitivity, fast response times, and real-time monitoring capabilities. They do not require labeling of the target molecules and can be easily miniaturized for portable applications.

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Yes, all quartz has piezoelectric properties, whether it has been tumbled or not. However, in natural quartz, were optical twinning (equally distributed left and right quartz forms inside the material) is very common, the piezoelectric effect is not strong. That is the main reason why only synthetic quartz is being used by manufacturers, where twinning is almost absent.

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Piezoelectric materials can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, making them valuable in sensors, actuators, and energy harvesting devices. They are also durable, responsive, and operate in a wide range of temperatures. Additionally, piezoelectric materials are used in various industries like healthcare, automotive, and energy due to their high sensitivity and precision.

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If an electric current is passed through a piezoelectric material, it will cause the material to deform or produce mechanical vibrations. An application of this phenomenon is in piezoelectric sensors, where the electrical signal generated by the material's deformation is detected and used for various purposes such as pressure sensing, ultrasonic transducers, and touch screens.

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All fairly pure quartz has piezonelectric properties.

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Piezoelectric discharge (some butane lighters)

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Piezoelectric substances are materials that generate an electric charge when mechanical stress is applied to them. This property allows them to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. Common examples of piezoelectric substances include quartz, ceramics, and certain crystals.

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In a given kind of floor (a plastic one for example) you insert a network of piezoelectric cells made out of a piezoelectric material (like quartz). They're all connected to a substation that transforms all those electrical impulsions in a clean AC power source. When the cell is pressed and relaxed, it delivers a small amount of electricity (a propriety of the matter). That's what you collect.

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Piezoelectric infrared radiation detectors made of triglycine sulfate can convert infrared radiation into detectable electrical signals. When infrared radiation hits the crystal structure of the triglycine sulfate, it creates an electric charge due to the piezoelectric effect, which can then be measured as a voltage signal. This allows the detector to sense and quantify the presence of infrared radiation.

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Quartz is used in piezoelectric transducers because of its unique piezoelectric properties. When mechanical stress is applied to quartz crystals, they generate an electric charge and vice versa. This property allows quartz to convert mechanical vibrations into electrical signals, making it ideal for use in transducers for various applications such as pressure sensors, microphones, and electronic frequency generation.

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thermocouple, photoelectric transducer, photovoltaic cell, piezoelectric transducer

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Measure the impedance with a gain-phase analyzer if you have access to one.

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The cost of a piezoelectric crystal can vary depending on the type, size, and quality of the crystal. On average, a small piezoelectric crystal can range from ₹100 to ₹500 in India. However, for more specialized or higher-quality crystals, the price can be higher.

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Piezoelectric materials can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa, making them useful in sensors, actuators, and energy harvesting devices. Their responsiveness to mechanical stress or vibrations allows for applications in various fields, from medical devices to structural health monitoring. This unique property makes piezoelectric materials a smart choice for applications requiring sensing or actuation capabilities.

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Electricity can be generated using pressure by employing a device called a piezoelectric generator. This generator converts mechanical pressure or vibrations into electrical energy through the piezoelectric effect. When pressure is applied to the piezoelectric material, it generates an electric charge that can be harnessed for various applications.

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All the (pairs of ) surfaces of a piezoelectric crystal do not have the same piezo properties. And the temperature coefficient also alters at different angles through the crystal.

So commonly, the 'BT' cut is the one with the lowest temperature coefficient.

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This is called piezoelectric. The pressure causes an electric charge.

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Piezoelectric materials can produce electrical output from a flapping motion. Piezoelectric devices convert mechanical energy into electrical energy when they are deformed or subjected to stress, making them suitable for capturing energy from vibrations, flapping, or bending movements.

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