"Pareil" means 'identical' and "même" means 'same (than)'. They can be used quite in the same situations.
The expression: 'c'est du pareil au même' means that despite there was talk of some change, things are in reality just the same than before.
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== == unique,singular,unequalled,non-pareil,prototype,unduplicateable
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Nonpareil almonds are the most popular commercial variety grown in California. It has a higher kernel weight to total weight (65%) than paraeil varieties (35%). Nonpareils also have smoother skins than pareil varieties.
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Merci pareil, even if it's not correct french, means thanks too
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"Same to you" in French is spelled as "pareil pour vous."
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English : It will not be the same without you
French : Se ne seras pas pareil sans vous
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Gilles Desharnais has written:
'La vie et les vrais films, c'est foutrement pas pareil--'
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Certainment! NOn pareil! La pucelle D"orleans! Certainly, without paralell!, the Maid of Orleans!
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France Dupuis has written:
'Dans la vraie vie c'est pas pareil' -- subject(s): Viol, Femmes
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L'ecole n'est plus la meme sans toi / Ce n'est plus pareil a l'ecole sans toi
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"de la vaisselle dépareillée" (from the word "pareil, pareille" meaning same, plus the negative prefix "un")
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The main coat of arms is based on the ( usually Black) Double headed eagle of the Russian Imperial House, in the center of the Eagle is a vignette of a Knight fighting a dragon, ( St.George) It mainly is the Knight on horseback in the design. around the rim of the main crest are the coats of arms of the various constituent provinces of Russia. the motto- rarely used, was in French- NON PAREIL ( without paralell) this motto also claimed by the Boxer Jack Dempsey and a type of candy. small world. In the song( I saw her standing there< there is a coupling with- she was just seventeen... and the line the way she looked, was way BEYOND COMPARE> ( same meaning as NON PAREIL) it"s Roubles to Kopecks, that Mcartney was singing about Anastasia!
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This is a difficult one to answer - Trevithick's steam train seemingly had no power issues, but it smashed the cast iron rails that it ran on. The first ever reliabilty records for the railways can be found at the Rainhill Trials of 1829, and it was here that George Stephenson's Rocket appeared to perform the most reliably, particularly against its main rivals, Novelty and Sans Pareil.
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Je suis désolé, mais je ne comprends pas votre question. Pouvez-vous me donner plus de détails pour que je puisse mieux vous aider?
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Three. Olga- l895-l9l8 The Crown Princess, Tatiana l897-l9l8 honorary Intelligence officer of IKGB ( I stands for Imperial) Maria- or Marie- sometimes called ( Apples) and of course, Anastasia, She was just seventeen, and you know what I mean, and the way she looked was way beyond compare... ( by the way one of the Romanov mottos was Non Pareil ( also used by the Boxer Jack Dempsey) Non paralelled- beyond compare- in a sense.
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Mount Fuji means 'Wealth' or 'abundant' or 'a man with certain status'. The exact meaning of the name is still unclear. A 10th century text says the name came from 'immortal' abundant soldiers ascending the slopes of mountains. Another folk etymology claims the meaning as 'non pareil' or 'without equal' and another claims it to be 'never ending'.
English speaker refer to the mountain as Mount Fuji while Japanese speaker call it 'Fuji-San'.
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George Stephenson didn't actually invent anything from scratch, but he greatly improved steam locomotive design to the level whereby the steam train was able to become a viable mass transportation vehicle as oppose to the slow, cumbersome engines they had been before. He became famous as a result of the steam locomotive trials held at Rainhill, in the English county of Lancashire in October 1829. The Liverpool & Manchester Railway was nearing completion, and it's owners were trying to decide whether the new line should be serviced by locomotives or by stationary winding-engines hauling trucks and coaches by cable. A total of 10 locomotives were entered for the trials, of which only 5 made it to the final trials- two of these subsequently broke down and had to withdraw. The remaining three were George Stephenson's locomotive the Rocket, Tomothy Hackworth's Sans Pareil and the Novelty, built by John Ericcson & John Braithwaite. The contest was a close-run thing between the three engines, and the Novelty was actually set to win for much of the time, being faster and more efficient than the others- however, she and the Sans Pareil were forced to withdraw after they broke down within minutes of completing the course, leaving the Rocket the winner by default. George Stephenson was awarded the £500 First Prize, and received the contract to build further steam locomotives for the Liverpool & Manchester Railway. Stephenson went on to become famous as a steam engineer, improving and perfecting his locomotive designs and developing steam technology to increase speed, efficiency and tractive power. The Rocket survives to this day, preserved in London's Science Museum.
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"Le jeune homme" (the young man), by Paul Géraldy in "Les petites âmes" (The little souls), Paris, 1908. The poem and whole book is available in Google Books.
It is beautiful, thanks for your question.
Mon corps étire gauchement ses maigreurs grêles
dans la gêne et l'ennui de mes membres trop longs.
J'ai grandi !... J'étais beau jadis, je me rappelle...
J'avais des yeux plus clairs et des cheveux plus blonds.
Et maintenant je suis pareil aux autres hommes.
Mon enfance est en moi comme un jouet cassé.
J'ai des vêtements noirs. Le nom dont on me nomme
n'est pas celui qui rit au fond de mon passé.
Je traîne mes sommeils et mes chagrins sans cause
dans un air lourd de ciel et de mélancolie.
Je pleure mes gaietés, mes jeux, mes robes roses,
et le temps où ma mère était jeune et jolie...
J'ai froid... J'ai mal à tout ce qui fut jeune en moi.
Et comme un gros sanglot me serre en m'étouffant,
je cours me regarder au miroir d'autrefois,
et n'y retrouve plus mon visage d'enfant.
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; habitué : one who regularly frequents a place ; haute couture : "high sewing" : Paris-based custom-fitted clothing; trend-setting fashion ; haute cuisine : a manner of preparing food; literally "upper cooking". ; haute école : advanced horsemanship; literally "upper school" ; hauteur : arrogance; lit. height ; haut monde : fashionable society, the "upper world" ; Honi soit qui mal y pense. : "Shame on him who thinks ill of it"; or sometimes translated as Evil be to him who evil thinks; the motto of the English Order of the Garter (modern French writes honniinstead of Old French honi) ; hors concours : "out of the running"; a non-competitor, e.g. in love ; hors de combat : out of the fight : prevented from fighting, usually by injury ; hors d'œuvre : "outside the [main] work" : appetizer ; huis-clos : "closed door" : an enclosed space such as a room or cell, where action or speech can not be seen or heard from outside; title of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre ; habitué : one who regularly frequents a place ; haute couture : "high sewing" : Paris-based custom-fitted clothing; trend-setting fashion ; haute cuisine : a manner of preparing food; literally "upper cooking". ; haute école : advanced horsemanship; literally "upper school" ; hauteur : arrogance; lit. height ; haut monde : fashionable society, the "upper world" ; Honi soit qui mal y pense. : "Shame on him who thinks ill of it"; or sometimes translated as Evil be to him who evil thinks; the motto of the English Order of the Garter (modern French writes honni instead of Old French honi) ; hors concours : "out of the running"; a non-competitor, e.g. in love ; hors de combat : out of the fight : prevented from fighting, usually by injury ; hors d'œuvre : "outside the [main] work" : appetizer ; huis-clos : "closed door" : an enclosed space such as a room or cell, where action or speech can not be seen or heard from outside; title of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre
4 answers
Bonjours , bonjours.
j'ai moi même étudie la question .
alors oui il y à des soupçon qui disent que cette fameuse Carmen Winstead et morte dans les égouts poussé par quelque irresponsable mais l'histoire raconte que toute les filles sont morte par la vengeance de Carmen, C'EST DU N'IMPORTE QUOI !! n'allez pas croire une chose pareil c'est une fin d'histoire inventé par des internaute et divers personne idiote juste pour que l'histoire fasse encore plus peur .
et il y a se David Gregory qui et mort car il n'as pas posté un message sur facebook ! lol ? c'est juste pour avoir du buzz sa ! (buzz : popularité )
maintenant je m'adresse au personne passionné du paranormale (moi même je suis passionné par sa et j'y crois ) mais qui irais croire qu'une revenante envéré des e-mail sérieux ? ... -_-
et l'histoire dit que la police croit les fille qui on poussé Carmen dans les égouts
la police et fait pour enquêté donc cela m'étonnerais fortement que la police ne cherche pas a vraiment découvrir se qui c'est réellement passé !
une dernière chose qui me parais vraiment mais alors vraiment BIZZARD !
qui ? vraiment QUI irais laissé une bouche d'égout ouverte dans une école faut m'expliqué la. Les adultes irresponsable à se point dans l'Indiana quand meme ...
VOILA VOILA j'espère que se petit texte vous fera comprendre que c'est une histoire inventé de toute pièce :)
On fini par une petite "blague" pour détendre l'atmosphère :P
Selon une recherche Scientific la moitié des personnes sur 6457898434568 aurons la fléme de lire se chiffre !! ;P
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Far from visions of pigtailed Heidis, alphorns and cowbells, Switzerland’s posh ski vacations are sans pareil. Thousands of miles of ski slopes invite you to explore Switzerland’s prime skiing regions in the cantons of Valais, Berne and Graubuenden. Snowed-in alpine villages are tucked between rocky summits in ski areas ranging from charming and cozy to luxurious and fashionable. St. Moritz, Gstaad, Zermatt, Crans-Montana and Klosters, playground of the British royals, will cater to your most opulent desires with lavish spa treatments, first-class shopping, exclusive nightlife and elegant horse-drawn sleigh rides. Attend the popular St. Moritz Polo World Cup On Snow with horses traversing frozen Silvaplana lake. If your taste is for the more traditional, try Scuol, Obersaxen and Muerren, where you’ll find great skiing and snowboarding, but where snowshoeing, ice-skating, and fondue in a rustic chalet is the local flavor.
Prime skiing season in Switzerland extends from Christmas to Easter, beginning in December and ending in April, with the most favorable snow conditions in January and February. The native Swiss take to their mountain chalets during their Christmas and Easter holidays, as well as during February’s “Sportferien,” Swiss students’ version of Spring Break. Outside these dates, you’re sure to find plenty of untouched powder and uncrowded lifts.
Many owners of private chalets rent their properties to tourists when they’re not staying in the mountains themselves. Arranged far in advance and shared with a group of friends or family members, private chalet rentals are fantastic and affordable accommodations at as little as 1,000 Swiss Francs ($800–900) per week. Check the tourism websites for each Swiss canton, county or mountain village you plan to visit for private rental listings. Hotel costs run the gamut, from 100 to 500 Swiss Francs (CHF) per night to thousands for the more posh.
Lodging accommodations won’t be your only cost consideration. You can expect to pay 50 to 70 CHF per day for a ski lift pass, with discounts for family, multi-day, senior and student passes. Ski school, after-skiing parties, upscale restaurants, and bars and nightclubs charge a premium. Even a simple Schnitzel or Bratwurst can cost 15 to 20 CHF, so bring plenty of bank.
1 answer
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1 answer