Overclockers UK is a computer store specializing in high-performance parts. These powerful computers, components, and accessories are meant to be used with computer games.
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One great place to fulfill your computer shopping needs in the UK is Overclockers UK (Overclockers.co.uk). At Overclockers UK, you can find everything from a basic replacement laptop to a high-powered gaming machine.
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OCZ DDR2 is a memory product made by OCZ. OCZ entered the memory market in 2002 and was built around the determination to manufacture the very best high-speed memory for overclockers.
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Mini-ITX cases are PC cases, which are generally smaller than the typical PC towers one may see. The cases can be purchased from the Overclockers' website, Amazon, and Ebay.
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Use Memtest86+, you have to boot it from bios. It's used by many Overclockers to check ram stablitity and consistency, while changing timings and volts.
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If you are unsure, there is a company called Overclockers who will build a gaming PC for you from individual components, or allow you to select a pre-built desktop PC. This means you are able to see exactly what goes into the PC, and exactly what you are getting for your money.
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If your looking for a good gaming computer try alienware.
If you're looking for an expensive gaming computer try alienware. If you're looking for a good one try Overclockers.
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The primary place which sells Antec power supplies is Antec itself. Antec has a store on its main website. Amazon, ebuyer and overclockers uk also sell Antec power supplies. Stores such as PC World may also stock these products.
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Antec Twelve Hundred Black Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case has very good cooling. It has 3x12" fans on the front and a fan on top and more on the back. It is quite an expensive case, but the airflow is considered to be one of the best. This is why it is usually used by overclockers.
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you need appropriate cooling system, some chips will be better overclockers than others. You should remove the cooler, clean the thermal paste, apply a fresh batch and then re-mount the cooler. You should not need overclocking if you replace youe system with up to date hardware.
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Seagate hard drives are available online at many electronics retailers. Some of these online retailers are, amazon, allhdd, yobitech, sillworks, usapartsdirect, serversupply.
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It is and it isn't. Intel has packaged a large number of different processors as "pentium 2" and "celeron." The celeron tended to be the "budget processor," but due to availability the Celeron frequently was actually a real Pentium 2. The Celerons were labeled and set to report that they were weaker than they really were. This is where overclocking comes in. Overclockers found that Celerons could be overclocked just as well as the Pentium 2 chips on certain production runs. A little more research showed what actually was going on.
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AMD have added performance-per-watt as one of their competitive benchmarks ° still a big step below the alter of high performance, but at least the parameter is now in the cathedral. The testing and writing took several weeks. Turion 64s work on many desktop socket 754 motherboards. Not many people realize that the Turion 64 can also be used in this way. In fact, it doesn't even require a special motherboard ° many Socket 754 boards that support desktop processors can also run Turions.The effect of the optimizations is to reduce the maximum potential clock speed that the Turion 64 can support; clock for clock, there should be no difference. The effect of the slower transistors can be seen in the range of clock speeds for each processor: 1.6 ~ 2.4 GHz for Turion 64 chips, and 1.8 ~ 2.8 GHz for Athlon 64 and Athlon 64 FX chips. In theory, the regular Athlon 64 chips should be better overclockers than the Turion 64 chips.
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Intel is always be the best across all other company processor. till date i5 and i7 are processor with more speed for home and office use.., more over these processors doesn't need any graphics card
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Overclocking is a process by which internal components on a computer's motherboard are "tweaked" in order to improve the manufactures specifications and overall performance of the machine. Components that are overclocked are the CPU and the system bus. Information supplied by wisegeek.com/what-is-overclocking.htm explains the overclocking process. Overclocking the CPU - In general CPU chips are tested by the manufacturer to see at what speed they fail. They are then rated at a speed one step lower than this. Since the tests are quite stringent the idea is that it may be possible to push the CPU somewhat faster than its rating while maintaining stability in the system. Sometimes, when manufacturers are short on stock, they package faster GHz chips as slower ones; overclockers perceive this as a windfall. Results from overclocking the CPU alone must be balanced against the rest of the system's specifications, namely the bus speed of the motherboard, memory, et cetera. For example, a 20% increase in processor speed does not usually translate to a 20% overall improvement. The CPU might be running faster than the rest of the system, operating in a "hurry up and wait" environment. Therefore the increase might deliver a nice benchmark improvement but little real-world difference. Unsuccessful overclocking can result in an unstable system at best, and in the worst case scenario can damage the CPU. Though the latter is less common, it happens. Pushing also reduces the lifetime of the processor an indeterminable amount, as it forces the chip to work harder and hotter. Cooling fans and a good heatsink become even more important in this case. Overclocking the System Bus - Changing the motherboard bus speed successfully can create a noticeable improvement on the entire system because all components will run faster. Since the processor's effectiveness is helped by the bus speed, an improvement here can also utilize the full benefit of the CPU. However, overclocking the system bus is risky because it means pushing every component on the motherboard. Some people mistakenly believe that if a motherboard offers varying bus speed options they must be supported and therefore safe to use. The problem is that the components you install may not be tested at, or rated for the higher bus speed. Changing this setting affects the CPU (unless you adjust the clock multiplier), the chipset, memory bus, system cache, system memory, built-in IDE hard disk controllers, PCI I/O bus slots, and all peripherals. All components must be able to handle the change for the system to successfully perform without hardware failures. Manufacturer warranties do not cover problems created by overclocking. While pushing a system might start out problem-free, several months down the road when components have aged due to use and temperature changes, instability can crop up. This is more likely to occur when the overclocking was already at the brink of what the system could withstand. When problems do arise - even a program crash - it can no longer be taken for granted that the crash is due to a software glitch. Troubleshooting a system that is overclocked can be an exercise in frustration. The variables increase exponentially and the ability to rule out potentials is made more difficult as hardware might be acting in unpredictable ways.
AnswerOverclocking is running a processor at a higher frequency than its recommended by the manufacturer which can result in an unstable system but its is a popular thing to do when a computer is used for gaming.cduarte305
AnswerOverClocking is a process in which you tweak the CPU and other components on your motherboard (such as northbridge , vdimm etc) What you are doing is over speccing.. or raising the voltage and frequency of your CPU and certain chipset components to obtain a frequency that is above manufacturers spec... resulting in a higher speed and or fronts side bus... dangerous for novice users just remember that COOLING is your biggest worry so if you overclock be sure to have your cooling laid out and that it will regulate at the new temps you will get... it goes alot deeper than this but these are the basics...By |-|3x@|_o7
AnswerFor newer motherboards and processor, you can override the default frequencies by changing a setting in CMOS setup. Running a motherboard or processor at a higher speed than the manufacturer suggests is called over clocking and is not recommended because the speed is not guaranteed to be stable. Also, know that running a processor at a higher-than-recommended speed can result in overheating, which can damage the processor.4 answers