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The best way is to never let it get hot in the first place, by making sure you have a cooling system designed for an overclocked processor.

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i would say even a low-end core 2 duo is faster than even the fastest Pentium d..overclocked or not

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That means that the CPU was overclocked from 2.1ghz to 3.2ghz. That can be a good and a bad thing.

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The easiest way to put it is that intel processors run at a constant speed like 2.3ghz and they cannot be overclocked etc. AMD processors process information in bursts so their speed fluctuates and they can be overclocked or told to go faster than what they were made to go.

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Computers do not "burn out." If they are treated normally (shut down properly, not overclocked, etc...) they can last indefinitely.

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I got mine up to 550 for memory and up to 650 for core clock.

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yeah but the 6150 has to be at least 512mb and it has to be overclocked.

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Amp means ,,,graphics cards overclocked by company itself for better performance.

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Unfortunatly the Dell 530 can't be overclocked. The Bios is locked to provent you from doing this anyway. Plus even if you could, Dells parts are not the best in the world and OCing your machine would proabably cause irreparable damage to it. It's not a major problem to upgrade it but I'm afraid to saying Ocing it is not a option.


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The overclocked 640mb one made by xfx and for the 320mb version it is the Fatal1ty verson which is clocked at a massive 650MHz

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You will have to know the default processor and system bus frequencies, you can find the specifications for the processor on the manufacturer's website. Once you have that information, go into the BIOS and check to make sure the speeds match, or are close to the manufacturer's specifications. If these numbers are higher, then you have an overclocked system. Just restore the processor and system bus frequencies to default values to correct the issue.

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I think that the best computer would be a Cray 3 supercomputer running Windows 7, overclocked to 150 mhZ, defragged to the limit and reconfigured opcodes. For people who do not have a 3.5 billion dollars, then I would recommend a Acer laptop overclocked somewhat and defragged.

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There are internet groups devoted to overclocking. I suggest you check with them.

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Not really, unless your CPU and/or memory and/or graphics card is overclocked, in which case it might be more prone to damage.

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No. You need an Intel i5 2500k overclocked to at least 5 GHz to run 3dmax.

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Overheating. Is it overclocked, is there dust in the power supply, is there no air flow. Very common in laptops.

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The OC one will provide slightly better performance at increased cost. both coolers on the cards are similar in performance and heat production is similar. Personally, I would get the non overclocked one and overclock it myself. there are many guides online of how to do this. even if you dont overclock it, the performance decrease will be minimal from the overclocked one

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The 2013 Ford Focus ST uses a 2.0 L turbo that was designed for sustained, high-output performance. It is a factory-overclocked turbocharger.

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water cooling. careful of leaks if somewhere if leaking water. If your scared of that happening, try getting good fans and/or good heatsinks

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I want information about Apple A4 processor for my project.

Tank you

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In theory you can overclock most cpu's.In practical terms the manufacturer tries to take measures to prevent this.If you're determined and resourceful you can overcome that,but it's not really practical.

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Atsuro is one of "your" friends from high school.Atsuro follows "you" no matter what ending you pick, unlike "your" female friend Yuzu, who doesn't like the Naoya/Kaido ending

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depends on the CPU unit and if its overclocked.

older CPUs generally use less power.

try looking up the specific CPU.

but its generally around 4v i believe.

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Naoya is "your" cousin and also the reincarnation of Cain, though you only find the latter out in certain endings. He shares an ending with Kaido, in which "you", Atsuro, Naoya, and Kaido make "you" the Overlord of Bel.

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Thermal take is a very good brand to prevent processor's from over heating. Many of there model's are designed to be used with processor's that are overclocked (causing them to run hotter).

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A optimized card that is pushing the limit to a higher point in performance

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Overclocking is a phrase used to describe a computer being pushed passed it's limits. If a computer's microprocessor is run faster than the speed that it's approved for then it's considered overclocked.

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One or more of the computer's cooling fans may have failed, there is restricted airflow in the case, the CPU is overclocked or the heat dissipation paste between the CPU and cooler fan has dried out.

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It depends on what you mean by old. An old Dell desktop from way back in 2011 can probably be easily overclocked, but a recent Dell desktop from 2004 might be impossible to overclock.

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The most effective one is to opt for liquid cooling system. They system itself will depend on your configuration and what your CPU cabinet can accommodate. Air cooling is a cheaper and less effective solution.

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iPhones use ion lithium batteries, along with most phones now, they usually withstand around 400 charges before their ability to charge lessens and lessens.

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Heat is normally the biggest problem when it comes to Overclocking. Overclocking generates more heat within your system. If your cooling is inadequate then the component(s) being overclocked may be permanently damaged.

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Most modern systems use a fan for cooling. Some systems, particularly those that have been overclocked, use water cooling or even a form of refrigeration. These methods are expensive and quite inappropriate for general use.

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Because the procedure is critical and shouldn't be done unless needed. ex.,Hardware isn't supported by old BIOS, RAM upgrade/.. If you have custom settings such as an overclocked PC, it restores the settings to default which is a pain in the %#$

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Of course, I7 is better. First of all, it's cheaper. Second, it does not have problems with heat. Third, if you overclock it, it outperforms (thanks to Hyper Threading) QX9650 even if it was overclocked too.

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I think that the best computer would be a Cray 3 supercomputer running Windows 7, overclocked to 150 mhZ, defragged to the limit and reconfigured opcodes. For people who do not have a 3.5 billion dollars, then I would recommend a Acer laptop overclocked somewhat and defragged.

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In short, No. "Overclocking" is when you edit the setting in your bios to push your CPU further than it was intended to go. Nothing "causes" overclocking. However if you have already overclocked your PC then it may be possible for everquest to push your CPU to ghz above your stock CPU.

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the i7 920 has 2.67 GHZ with 4 cores and 8 threads, and the i7 940 has 2.93 GHZ with 4 cores and 8 threads. both can be overclocked easily. but if you are not planning on overclocking, the i7 940 is faster.

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The highest non-overclocked processor in terms of just sheer speed is a 3.6 GHz quad core processor put out by AMD (AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition), which is the equivalent of having a 14.4 GHz single core processor.

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Intel is a good processor, usually quite fast and powerful. AMD also a good processor, difference between them is that an AMD is easier to overclock (make it run faster than it should) AMD's are made to be overclocked.

No real advantage or disadvantage just matter of opinion, and what you want to do with it.

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Most modern systems use a fan to cool the CPU. In some systems, primarily those that have been overclocked, more exotic methods are sometimes used. These include water cooling and even a form of refrigeration. These methods are expensive and quite inappropriate for general use.

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Alienware Auroro desktops are notable for having high speeds that enable them to play large game files with simplicity. Some of the best specifics of this PC are its dual optical disc drives, 240 pin DDR3 memory slots (four total), and overclocked processors.

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The absolute fastest desktop PCs will likely come from boutique gaming vendors, such as Falcon Northwest. Computers from Falcon, or other small gaming vendors, tend to offer extremely heavily overclocked parts which outperform anything else on the market.

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you need appropriate cooling system, some chips will be better overclockers than others. You should remove the cooler, clean the thermal paste, apply a fresh batch and then re-mount the cooler. You should not need overclocking if you replace youe system with up to date hardware.

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