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Otherspace was created in 2008.

1 answer

Otherspace has 342 pages.

1 answer

Because our bodies exert counter pressure and prevents it from bursting.

Because the pressure inside your body is the same and cancels it out.

The entire human body, including all the bones, tubes, sacks, and fluids in it,

is constructed to develop an outward pressure that compensates for the

inward atmospheric pressure.

Which is one of the main reasons why you don't want to take off your space suit during

a space walk ... your body could possibly inflate to the point where it would be tough

for your buddies to squeeze you back inside through the port. (In addition to other

space discomforts, of course.)

1 answer

The pressure of the air at sea level is not high enough for us to be crushed by it. I have put it In a scientific way so that if you have to write in full sentences and this pops up you already have the sentence.🥰🥰

10 answers