Sua Nonno [girl]
Suo Nonno [boy]
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La pipa del nonno - 1910 was released on:
USA: 28 December 1910
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Yes, it is possible to add the Christian name of the grandparent that one is calling Nonno. The masculine singular noun in question literally means "grandfather" in English so Nonno Pietro translates into English as "Grandfather Peter." The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Italian.
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"NOHN-no" is the pronunciation of the Italian word nonno. The masculine singular noun may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ("the") or indefinite un, uno ("a, an"). It means "grandfather."
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Yes, nonno can be used in Italian before a surname even though it tends to be used more frequently before a forename. The masculine singular noun is "grandfather" in English and may be said or written as Nonno Carlo ("Grandfather Charles"). The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Pisan Italian.
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The cast of La sorpresa del nonno - 1913 includes: Antonio Grisanti Gigi Mantero Gigetta Morano Bianca Schinini
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The cast of Nonno felice - 1995 includes: Fabio Bonini Gino Bramieri as Nonno Felice Maria Cristina Heller Domenico Fortunato as (1995) Maria Michela Mari Paola Onofri as Ginevra Franco Oppini as Franco Federico Rizzo as Federico Luca Sandri as Dottor Nuvoletti
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Nonno and nono are both Italian equivalents of the English word "grandpa." Birthplace and personal preference determine whether the standard "grandfather" (case 1) or the affectionate "grandpa" in northeastern Italy's Friulian and Venetian languages (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "NON-no" and "NO-no" in Pisan Italian.
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Nonno and Nonna are Italian equivalents of 'grandfather' and 'grandmother'. The masculine noun 'nonno'means 'grandfather'. Its definite article is 'il' ['the'], and its indefinite 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'NOHN-noh.
The feminine noun 'Nonna' means 'grandmother'. It's pronounced 'NOHN-nah'. Its definite article is 'la', and its indefinite 'una'.
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Per nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "to grandad." The prepositional phrase also translates as "for grandfather" in English. The pronunciation will be "per NON-no" in Italian.
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The cast of Cinessino e la pipa del nonno - 1914 includes: Giuseppe Gambardella Lea Giunchi Eraldo Giunchi as Cinessino
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Il perdono del nonno - 1912 was released on:
Austria: August 1912
Italy: August 1912
France: 9 August 1912
UK: 25 August 1912
USA: 20 November 1912
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Nonni is the plural meaning grandparents. grandmother is "nonna" and grandfather is "nonno"
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"Mi nonno" or more formally "il mio nonno" may be Italian equivalents of "my grandfather."
Specifically, the masculine singular definite article "il" means "the." The masculine singular possessive article "mi, mio"* means "my." The masculine singular noun "nonno" means "grandfather."
The respective pronunciations are "mee NOHN-noh" and "eel MEE-oh NOHN-noh."
*The final vowel "o" of "mio" may drop before a noun that begins with a consonant.
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i nonni = grandparents
la nonna = grandmother
il nonno = grandfather
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Yes, 'Poppi' may be an Italian equivalent of 'grandfather'. The word in Italian is pronounced 'POHP-pee'. It's a masculine gender noun whose equivalent in standard textbook Italian is 'nonno', which is pronounced 'NOHN-noh'.
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Arthur A. Levine has written:
'Bono and Nonno' -- subject(s): Stories in rhyme, Grandfathers, Fiction
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"Great-great-great-grandfather" in English is grande grande grande nonno in Italian.
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Dutch: grootvader (formal) / opa (informal)
French: grand-père
German: opa
Greek: Papou
Italian: nonno
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When I was a child and I used to call for my Nonno, he would call back "Que voi?" I though it meant something like: "What do I hear?" or "I hear you!"... He was Tuscano.
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The cast of Nine Times Eight - 2004 includes: Nonno Procopio Joseph Procopio Violet Procopio as Mother
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"Your grandfather loves you" in English means Ton grand-père t'aime in French and Tuo nonno ti ama in Italian.
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"NOHN-nah" and "NOHN-noh" are the respective pronunciations of the Italian words nonna and nonno.
Specifically, the word nonna is a feminine noun. It means "grandmother". The masculine noun nonno translates as "grandfather".
2 answers
Nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "grandfather." The masculine singular noun also translates as "grandparent" according to context. The pronunciation will be "NON-no" in Pisan Italian.
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The cast of Fatten Her - 2011 includes: Alessandro Gassman as Giuseppe Ben Gazzara as Nonno Guidoni Shirley Knight as Mrs. Finkelstein Francesca Prandi as Pinky
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Nonno is an Italian equivalent of 'grandfather', 'grandpop', and 'grandpa'. It's a masculine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'il' ['the'] and as its indefinite article 'uno' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'NOHN-noh'.
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Il nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the grandfather." The masculine singular definite article and noun also translate as "the grandparent" in English. The pronunciation will be "eel NON-no" in Italian.
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The cast of La talpa - 2005 includes: Antonio De Matteo as Guard Maurizio Donadoni as Antonio Franco Giraldi as Nonno Francesco Proietti as Paolo
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The cast of Principessa - 2012 includes: Michele Cafagno as Luca Daniela Ciraci as Maestra Giovanni Ippolito as Nonno Nicola Loiacono as Anziano ospedale Angelica Milillo
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Buon compleanno, Nonno is an Italian equivalent of 'Happy Birthday, Grandpa'. In the word by word translation, the masculine adjective 'buono' means 'good'. The masculine gender noun 'compleanno' means 'year'. The masculine gender noun 'nonno' means 'grandfather, grandpa'. The phrase is pronounced 'bwohn kohm-play-AHN-noh NOHN-noh'.
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"He (one, she) eats at my grandfather's house" and "You're eating at my grandfather's house" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase Alla casa di mio nonno mangia. Context makes clear whether the third person singular (case 1) or the second person formal singular (example 2) suits. The pronunciation will be "AL-la KA-sa dee MEE-o NON-no MAN-dja" in Pisan Italian.
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The cast of Un solo sguardo - 2011 includes: Alberto Brosio as Il nonno Leonardo Del Vecchio as Voice over Massimo Sagramola as Insegnante Martinitt
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The cast of Norma e Felice - 1995 includes: Gino Bramieri as Nonno Felice Paola Onofri as Ginevra Franco Oppini as Franco Franca Valeri as Norma
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The cast of Settembre in Mugello e Val di Sieve - 2009 includes: Amerigo Fontani as Nonno Giuliano Agnese Verdelli as Agnese
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To say 'I miss my grandpa' in Spanish you would say 'Echo de menos a mi abuelo'. In Italian you would say Mi manca mio nonno.
3 answers
Nonno is an Italian equivalent of the English word "grandparent" or "grandfather."
Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine noun. Its singular definite article il means "the." Its singular indefinite article un, uno means "a, one."
The pronunciation is "NOHN-noh."
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Francesco Tissoni has written:
'Nonno di Panopoli' -- subject- s -: Dionysus - Greek deity - in literature, Greek Epic poetry, History and criticism, Pentheus - Greek mythology - in literature
'Cristodoro' -- subject- s -: Statues in literature
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The cast of Lezioni di guai - 1999 includes: Elisabetta Coraini as Giovanna Lorenzo De Angelis as Marcello (1999) Sergio Forconi as Nonno Franco Leonardo Ruta Fabio Sartor as Bruno
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The cast of Il bambino con la pistola - 1999 includes: Claudia Botticelli as La mamma Fabio Camilli as Il cartolaio Mario Donatone as Il nonno Alessandro Greco as Totuccio
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