Nodal industries are those industries around which other peripheral industries also develop. These peripheral industries manufacture the goods required by the nodal industries.
An iron and steel industry is a typical example of a nodal industry.
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• Nodal anatomy reflects how the vascular tissue of the stem interconnects with the vascular tissue of the leaf.
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A company which possesses a central position in a network (e.g. a multilateral alliance) is called a "nodal firm".
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நோடல் அதிகாரி என்பது தமிழில் அற்புதமானது (Nodal Officer) அல்ல.
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A Px orbital has 1 nodal plane. This nodal plane passes through the nucleus and divides the orbital into two lobes along the x-axis.
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The dxy orbital has two nodal planes perpendicular to the xy plane, passing through the nucleus. These nodal planes result in regions of zero probability of finding an electron in the dxy orbital.
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The d orbital.
An s orbital has one lobe and no nodal plane passing through the nucleus.
A p orbitals has two lobes and one nodal plane.
* A d orbital has four lobes and twonodal planes.
An f orbital has eight lobes of maximum electron probability separated by three nodal planes.
General Chemistry, Atoms First, 1st Addition, McMurry & Fay
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North Nodal Point is Rahu's scientific name. South Nodal Point is Ketu's scientific name.
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A nodal person is a single point person having a set of responsibility. For example, in a company,a documentation manager is a nodal person for all the documents (mails/letters/records, etc.) recieved by the company and also, sent by the company.
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The higher the nodal the more energy spent getting height and then thus less hops.
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A nodal point refers to a point in an optical system such as a camera lens where light rays intersect without creating any lateral displacement in the image. It is important in photography for ensuring that panoramas stitch together seamlessly.
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The nodal agency is situated in the agency area which administrates in the forest to help people. Agency area is normally forest areas where tribals live.
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The nodal system is the second system whose job is to regulate heart activity (the other one is the autonomic nervous system). It sets the basic rhythm of the heartbeats.
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Nodal Analysis is primarily based on the application of Kirchhoff's Laws. Nodal Analysis uses Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) (and even Ohm's Law) to determine the voltage and current between each node of an electric circuit.
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AV node is responsible for the delayin transmission of impulse generated in the SA node.This delay of impulse transmissions is called AV nodal delay. It is about 0.09 sec.
Causes of AV nodal delay
i. Junctional fibres of the AV node are very small in size.
ii. Prolonged refractory periodof AV node.
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Washington DC is a highly connected city, hence a Nodal City. Connections include telecommunications, financial, flight paths, geopolitical influence to name a few.
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Nodal analysis can be used in circuits with capacitors by treating the capacitors as open circuits during analysis. By assigning nodal voltages to each node and applying Kirchhoff's current law, you can determine the voltage distribution across the nodes in the circuit.
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Yes, atrioventricular (AV) nodal cells have fewer gap junctions which results in poor interconnection with contractile cells. However, the AV nodal cells have larger diameters compared to contractile cells, allowing them to conduct electrical signals efficiently.
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Usually in patients with a pacemaker, it happens in the atrioventricular node.
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kindly provide me the email id and name of the nodal officer of Ebay india
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A nodal surface is a region in space where the wavefunction of a quantum system has zero amplitude. It represents a boundary where the probability of finding a particle is zero. Nodal surfaces are important in quantum mechanics for understanding the behavior of particles in different systems.
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Nodal analysis simplifies circuit analysis by directly solving for node voltages, while Kirchhoff's laws require setting up and solving multiple equations. Nodal analysis offers a systematic approach for circuit analysis by focusing on individual nodes, making it easier to handle complex circuits with multiple nodes and branches.
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Normal impulse conduction
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A: Have you try thevenin ?
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This is a bank available in India. You can visit the website to get started with using its services.
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Nodal points in wave interference are points where destructive interference occurs, resulting in minimal or zero amplitude. They are located one-half of the wavelength apart because at that distance, the trough of one wave aligns with the crest of the other wave, leading to complete cancellation of the waves' amplitudes. This is due to the waves being 180 degrees out of phase at nodal points.
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A nodal settlement is a central point within a network where goods or people are transferred between different locations. It is a hub that connects various transportation routes like roads, rail, or waterways, and facilitates the movement of goods and people efficiently. Nodal settlements play a key role in regional transportation and trade networks.
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Maxwell mesh equations otherwise known to most engineers as "loop analysis" is taking the sum of the voltages around closed loops in the circuit and setting them to zero (conservation of energy), then solving for the currents. Nodal equations otherwise known as "nodal analysis" is taking the sum of the currents entering and/or leaving the circuit at any particular node and setting them to zero, then solving for the currents.
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Normal impulse conduction
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It is called inter-nodal stem
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Rafel Nadal is left handed in tennis if that is what you ment
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The negative (or neutral) terminal of the power source.
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Answers does not disclose email addresses.
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