Gregorian chant with mainly 2-4 notes per syllable is called "neumatic" ("Syllabic" if the chant is primarily one syllable per note and "melismatic" for chant primarily with more than 4 notes per syllable.)
Jim Jordan, DMA
Gregorian Chant Specialist
Paraclete Press
1-800-451-5006, ext. 335
Facebook: Gregorian chant is For everyone: Getting started/Learning more
3 answers
It is sung just before the gospel reading, except during Lent, when it is not sung.
2 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern N--M--I-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 4th letter M and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
sometimes it is hard to nail wood when you are nailing to a board at the center of a long mid-space area where there is no under support --the board will bounce instead of holding solidly and many cases most likely bending the nail before the nail penetrates the wood. Today many smart carpenters are using the neumatic Air Compressed Nailers.
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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern NE--A-I-. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 2nd letter E and 5th letter A and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern N-U----C. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 3rd letter U and 8th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
Guido d'Arezzo the medieval theorist was the inventor of the modern musical staff. His new system, the one we use today, replaced the older system called the 'neumatic system'. This occured somewhere between 1000 C.E. and 1050 C.E.
3 answers
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern NEUM-T--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 2nd letter E and 3rd letter U and 4th letter M and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern NE---TIC. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 2nd letter E and 6th letter T and 7th letter I and 8th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern -E-M--IC. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter E and 4th letter M and 7th letter I and 8th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 51 words with the pattern N----T--. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter N and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are:
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Beyond defying a traditional approach of absolute music (in where music represents nothing other than itself) words do not only add to the atmosphere of program music, but can be used as linguistic instruments in cooperation with the voice itself. Today, vocal music reigns supreme with its instrumental counterpart not seeing the same success. So it can be seen that most view words as the ultimate form of expression therefore it is also a vehicle to more clearly and efficiently declare whichever message an artist chooses to convey. This is known as lyricism, though there are many artists today who choose to ignore this in favour of senseless words with disjointed meanings or no meanings at all.
If you are speaking about music theory, the regimented order is as such:
Syllabic: One note of music per syllable of text
Neumatic: Two notes of music per syllable of text
Melismatic: Multiple (more than two) notes of music per syllable of text.
1 answer
Ideally, a 2/4 time signature means two beats to the measure, and the quarternote gets one beat. That means that a half-note is the longest you could use, as any larger duration note exceeds what a measure can hold.
However, there are certain kinds of notation which attempt to simplify reading, and others which are based on older notation systems, and even some experimental notation systems which allow placing a note which is the length of duration, and leaving empty measures or portions of measures until the next note starts.
A caveat goes with using non-standard notation systems for modern-day musicians: few are interested in dealing with any notation system which acts purely for the benefit of the composer/arranger. Some notation systems complicate reading without providing any real benefit at all (such as tying a note across a bar line to a dot, instead of to a note of half the duration of the first note). The purpose of notation should be to get the composer's intentions across to the performer. It is rare that a departure from the system known well by performers is accepted and used beyond the life of the originator... and who wants to write unforgettable music, then clothe it with a notation system that is doomed to be forgotten?
A small historical note: The idea of the measure, delineated by bar-lines and constrained between them with a strict count of beats, is relatively new. It has evolved from a system (in steps) which relied on mensural signs which included symbols (whole or broken circle, slashes and dots) from which only two have survived, C and slashed-C. The point between the original neumatic notation and our current notation system that is most accessable to modern musicians is probably the White Mensural Notation system that was popular between approximately 1450 and 1530. In this system, vertical lines were used for division of large sections or small sections, but not division of equally-counted measures. If you are, or become, really interested in why music notation looks like it does, find Wily Apel's "Notation of Polyphonic Music, 900-1600" (ISBN-10: 1849028052, ISBN-13: 978-1849028059).
1 answer
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 336 words with the pattern -----TI-. That is, eight letter words with 6th letter T and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are:
1 answer
You will need cedar shims-- caulking-- Auto Body Filler (Bondo)-- 80 grit Sand discs-- Orbital Sander, Neumatic Nailer w/ 2 -1/2 inch nail belts-- w/ air compressor or just a battery operated nailer with 2-1/2 inch nail belts.
Weather I am doing Crown or Baseboard...I myself like to start from behind the door or from the left side of the room working to my right.
As I set my boards and reach the 90 degree inside corners I cut my baseboard corners at 45 degrees for a perfect mating match. I use shims behind the baseboard near the corners edge where I must.. to meet and mate my corners to a perfect match and then I nail it and use my sand-block to sand the top of my mating corner to create an invisible seam line.
sometimes the wall is wavy and so I will use shims to keep the baseboard from setting too close to the wall to avoid creating a wavy look.
sometmes the floor is not so straight and I must use shims to hold up the board above the floor a bit until I nail it in place.
1. rule = always be aware of your surroundings and know if you are nailing into a water way wall (a wall where there are or may be water pipes which lead to showers or other plumbing fixtures and or water lines)
2. rule = find your studs by tapping holes into the wall with a separate nail above the floor but not passing the edge line of the baseboard to be installed.
You must know what type of flooring is going down so that you know how high off the floor you will place your baseboard. The usual height is about 3/8 - 5/8 of an inch above the floor. I just use a scrap piece of base for this and I use the non-contoured edge.
Know your most likely angles to be cut.-- some walls have 1 inch corners these are conrners which are not sharp 90 degree corners but rather are 1 inch round corners which usually require a 1 inch piece of base board with a 21 -1/2 degree miter cut on either side of the 1 inch piece when this id done...The wing boards as I call them will also need 21 - 1/2 degree cuts as well for that perfect mating match
A measuring tip== The hammer is 13 inches long and your studs are 16 inches apart from center of one stud to center of the next stud.
I put my hammer head into the corner and about 1 inch past the butt of the handle I usually find a stud and mark it with a pencil and then I simply use my hammerhead again starting from my stud mark and this time I add 3 inches past the butt of my hammer to find my next stud.
----The reason for this is because in the corner I cannot reach the inside corner stud which is about 1-1/2 inches past my hammers- head behind the drywall where I can't see.
The job is not complete if the ends of the baseboard are not capped ---
to cap the end of a board cut the boards end at 45 degree and from a separate scrap piece cut another piece about 1/2 inch wide with a 45 degree cut and dry fit them together-- if they are a perfect match then use tape to join them and using a 3/32 drill bit dril pilot holes into the joining pieces and then remove the tape, add glue, join the pieces and place nails through the holes you drilled-- these pilot holse are to keep the small thin piece of wood from breaking when you hammer or shoot a nail into it. when this is done drive the nail in with a nail punch and fill in the hole with wood filler and sand smooth. I hoped this helps you. Remember practice makes perfect so always practice with scrap pieces before using the actual pieces.
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Providing that in Medieval times there was no such thing as electricity or any common form or way of recording any kind of music, it's hard to say that there was any specific middle age band noted in history. In the days of kings and knights music was viewed in a completely different way. Music was provided at great gatherings by members of Royal bloodlines. Music was made by peasant wanderers and folks getting together for a good time anywhere. I can, I feel, rightly say that music in the middle ages was less a popularity contest or some sort of capitalistic right endowed to the people, but more a feeling expressed. Obviously it is still a feeling expressed. There are things that time cannot take away from music, which is obviously what makes it such an important aspect of human life, but to say that there were popular artists in the times we are speaking of would be invariably silly. In today's modern times music is predominantly a way to make money, that coming before any intention of expressing feeling or emotion. I don't mean to let my opinion take more of a chunk of this than my basic knowledge of the question, and I apologize for doing so. Essentially, it would be very hard to trace recorded history to find a specific name for a specific gathering of musical talent. If anyone does know a specific name and can provide historical verification of their existence in those times, I would more than encourage them to delete my answer and provide their own. Bologna History: The Lighter Side of History;(Which means some factual history and a whole lot of Bologna) It is actually a little known fact that there were many popular medieval band's during the medieval period including King Arthur and The Roundtable Squares, Conan and the Destroyers, The Carolingian Troubadour's of which Charlemagne was a member but later quit that band to form Charlemagne and the Knights of Rock and Roll. While it hard to find any recordings of these bands as the first answerer pointed out their were no recording devices in medieval times, which is why it is called medieval times, the touring of these bands was very popular amongst royalty and the peasantry alike and many of these bands played arena type concerts including the Roman Coliseum, the Taj Majal and the Winter Palace in Russia.
Editors note: The Society of Uptight and Really Really Serious Historians, (S.U.R.R.S.H.), rejects the claims made above as absolute nonsense and nothing but bologna and while historical figures such as Charlemagne and the Carolingian dynasty did exist, it is not a historical fact that they were in rock groups or any other form of musical band. As far as King Arthur and Conan go, these are mythical figures and there is no substantial historical data to support they ever existed.
May I continue? Very well, please proceed. Thank you.
Since S.U.R.R.S.H. is always so persnickety about things such as facts, this paragraph will confine itself to just the facts and nothing but the facts. Although it should be noted that facts tend to get in the way of a really good answer so please bear with this answer as it will be attempted to assuage S.U.R.R.S.H. of its concerns so they are not up all night drinking popping antacids. In order to discuss the historical music of midieval times, or as it is also known, the middle ages, this paragraph can only discuss that music which was written down and managed to survive the ravages of time. Because parchment was very expensive and due to the tedious and lengthy nature of recording this music on parchment, much of the music of the middle ages that has survived was recorded by wealthy institutions such as The Holy Roman Catholic Church and various monasteries, as well as the courts of royalty across Europe.
The written music of the medieval times that has manged to survive does not seem to reflect the popular music of that time. In the early middle ages much of the written music seems to be monophonic or homorhythmic which would be songs sung in unison. While these texts show some neumatic notations, which clearly gave suggestions for pharasing, rhythm as a whole seems to be sorely lacking in these texts. In the latter part of the middle ages texts began to demonstrate signs of rhythmic modes but rhythm as a part of music did not seem to be a priority among early Europeans. This may be the origin of the saying: "White people can't dance." Editors note: While S.U.R.R.S.H. confirms the accuracy of much of the two paragraphs above they strongly object to the claim that origin of the phrase: "White people can't dance" and wish to make clear that this is just a statement of bias and has no place in historical accounts. Besides, many members of S.U.R.R.S.H. insist that many white people can dance and that within the Society of these historians there are many good dancers. Yeah right. I've been to some of there parties and trust me those guys can't dance. Doing the robot badly is not dancing. At any rate, the simple chant was the most commonly known music of the medieval times because of its unison of voice and its natural declamation. At some point polyphony began to surface and it is generally assumed that polyphony found its roots during the middle middle ages. Harmonies filled with consonant intervals of perfect fifths, unisons, octaves and as time went on perfect fourths were being notated during this time. By the end of this era, rhythm finally began to find use in this music allowing for complex interactions between multiple vocal line done so repeatedly and the use and notation of instrumental accompaniment also found development at the latter part of this time.
In the early middle ages it was chanting that is the closest that would come to medieval bands as the Jewish Synagogue was a heavy influence on the chanting of such groups as the Ambrosian chanters and the Beneventan chanters. The Mozarabic chanters, however, were heavily influenced by the music of North Africa and there were also the Gallican chanters of France and the Celtic chanters of Ireland and Britain. The pop stars of those chanting days included Pope Gregory I, (he of the Gregorian chant), St. Godric, Hildegard of Bengin, Huckbald, Notker Balbulus, Odo of Arezzo, Odo of Cluny and Tutilo. With the exception of Pope Gregory and perhaps Huckbald the rest should have listened to their managers and changed their names and perhaps they would be more famous now.
The Liturgical drama so popular in the middle ages might also be considered a part of the popular bands of medieval times and were performed by traveling actors who sung parts of the drama and spoke others. Sort of like popular bands today such as Ice T's Body Count and the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Hollywood Undead that include rapping in their melodies they sing. There were also the Goliards that were clear influence on the Troubadour traditions that appeared in later times. And both the Goliards and Troubadours might be considered to be akin to local bands and coffee house folk singers of today. These were the best examples of medieval bands in the middle ages and many of them rocked! Some were rocked or rather stoned because of their lack of talent as even then, in the middle ages many people aspired to be American Idols.
Editors note: We are not certain of the veracity of these last few paragraphs as S.U.R.R.S.H. is refusing to take our calls since the answerer made the crack about bad robot dancing. We urge the readers to take this historical account with a grain of salt and to verify any passage that presents itself as fact.The stuff presented as fact is not any of my fiction and I worked hard on the research...besides, those guys can't dance.
2 answers
2-letter words
aa, ad, ae, ag, ai, am, an, at, aw, da, de, do, em, en, et, go, id, in, it, jo, ma, me, mi, mo, mu, na, ne, no, nu, od, oe, om, on, op, ow, pa, pe, pi, ta, ti, to, um, un, up, ut, we, wo
3-letter words
ace, act, add, ado, aga, age, ago, aid, aim, ain, ait, ama, ami, amp, amu, ana, and, ane, ani, ant, ape, apt, ate, awa, awe, awn, cad, cam, can, cap, cat, caw, cep, cod, cog, con, cop, cot, cow, cud, cue, cum, cup, cut, cwm, dad, dag, dam, dap, daw, dei, den, dew, did, die, dig, dim, din, dip, dit, doc, doe, dog, dom, don, dot, dow, dud, due, dug, dui, dun, duo, dup, eat, eau, ecu, ego, emu, end, eng, eon, eta, gad, gae, gam, gan, gap, gat, ged, gem, get, gid, gie, gin, gip, git, gnu, goa, god, got, gum, gun, gut, ice, imp, ion, jag, jam, jaw, jet, jeu, jig, jin, joe, jog, jot, jow, jug, jun, jut, mac, mad, mae, mag, man, map, mat, maw, med, men, met, mew, mid, mig, moa, mod, mog, mon, mop, mot, mow, mud, mug, mun, mut, nae, nag, nam, nap, naw, net, new, nim, nip, nit, nod, nog, nom, not, now, nut, oat, oca, odd, ode, one, ope, opt, oud, out, owe, own, pac, pad, pam, pan, pat, paw, pea, ped, peg, pen, pet, pew, pia, pic, pie, pig, pin, pit, piu, pod, poi, pot, pow, pud, pug, pun, put, tad, tae, tag, taj, tam, tan, tao, tap, tat, tau, taw, tea, ted, teg, ten, tet, tew, tic, tie, tin, tip, tit, tod, toe, tog, tom, ton, top, tot, tow, tug, tui, tun, tup, tut, twa, two, udo, ump, upo, uta, wad, wae, wag, wan, wap, wat, wed, wen, wet, wig, win, wit, woe, won, wot, wud
4-letter words
aced, acid, acme, acne, acta, adit, aeon, aged, agin, agio, agma, agon, ague, aide, amen, amia, amid, amie, amin, anew, anga, anoa, anta, ante, anti, aped, apod, atap, atma, atom, atop, aunt, auto, awed, cade, cadi, cage, caid, cain, came, camp, cane, cant, cape, capo, cate, cedi, cent, ciao, cine, cion, cite, coat, coda, code, coed, coin, coma, come, comp, cone, coni, cope, cote, coup, cued, cute, dace, dada, dado, dame, damn, damp, dang, data, date, dato, daut, dawn, dawt, dead, dean, deco, demo, dent, dice, dido, died, diet, dime, dine, ding, dint, dipt, dita, dite, djin, doat, doge, doit, dome, dona, done, dong, dopa, dope, dote, doum, down, duad, duce, duci, duct, dude, duet, duit, duma, dump, dune, dung, dunt, dupe, eddo, edit, egad, emic, emit, enow, epic, etic, etna, etui, gadi, gaed, gaen, gain, gait, gama, game, gamp, gane, gape, gate, gaud, gaum, gaun, gawp, gent, genu, geta, geum, gied, gien, gimp, gnat, gnaw, goad, goat, gone, gout, gowd, gown, guan, gude, guid, iced, icon, idea, idem, into, iota, item, jade, jane, jape, jato, jaup, jean, jeon, jiao, jimp, join, jota, judo, juga, jump, jupe, jute, mace, made, mage, magi, maid, main, mana, mane, mano, mate, matt, maud, maun, maut, mawn, mead, mean, meat, mend, meno, menu, meou, meow, meta, mica, mice, mien, mina, mind, mine, mint, mite, mitt, moan, moat, mode, modi, mope, mote, mott, moue, mown, muon, mute, mutt, name, naoi, nape, neap, neat, nema, nett, neum, newt, nice, nide, nipa, node, nodi, noma, nome, nope, nota, note, nowt, nude, odea, odic, ogam, omen, omit, once, oped, open, otic, owed, paca, pace, pact, padi, page, paid, pain, pane, pang, pant, pate, pawn, peag, pean, peat, pein, pend, pent, peon, pian, pica, pice, pied, pima, pina, pine, ping, pint, pion, pita, poem, poet, pome, pond, pone, pong, pout, puce, puja, puma, puna, pung, punt, putt, tace, taco, tact, tain, tame, tamp, tang, tapa, tape, tate, taut, team, teat, temp, tend, tent, tepa, tide, tied, time, tine, ting, tint, toad, toea, toed, toga, toit, tome, tone, tong, tope, topi, tote, tout, town, tump, tuna, tune, tung, twae, twig, twin, twit, unai, unci, unco, unde, undo, unit, unto, updo, upon, wade, wadi, wage, wain, wait, wame, wand, wane, want, watt, wean, wend, went, wept, wide, wimp, wind, wine, wing, wino, wipe, wite, woad, wont
5-letter words
aceta, acing, acned, acted, actin, acute, adage, adapt, adept, adieu, adman, admen, admit, adopt, adown, adunc, aecia, again, agape, agate, agent, agone, aided, aimed, ajuga, amain, amend, ament, amice, amide, amido, amiga, amigo, amine, amino, amnia, amnic, among, anima, anime, anode, antae, anted, antic, apace, apian, aping, apnea, atman, atone, attic, audad, audio, audit, await, awing, awned, cadet, cadge, caged, cajon, cameo, campi, campo, caned, canid, canoe, canto, caped, capon, caput, cawed, cento, cited, coapt, coati, coded, coden, coign, comae, comet, compt, comte, coned, conga, conge, conte, coped, copen, cotan, coted, cotta, coude, count, coupe, cowed, cuing, cumin, cupid, cutie, cutin, daman, dance, danio, dated, datto, datum, daunt, dawed, dawen, degum, deign, demit, demon, denim, depot, dewan, diced, dicot, dicta, dined, dinge, dingo, diode, ditto, diwan, dodge, dogie, dogma, doing, domed, domic, donga, donut, doped, doted, douce, douma, dowed, dowie, ducat, dunam, dunce, duomi, duped, dwine, edict, educt, enact, endow, entia, epact, gaddi, gadid, gamed, gamic, gamin, gamut, ganja, gaped, gated, gaunt, gemot, genic, genip, genoa, genom, genua, geoid, getup, giant, gipon, gnome, gonad, gonia, gowan, guaco, guano, guide, gutta, image, imago, imped, inapt, incog, indow, indue, inept, ingot, input, jaded, japan, japed, jaunt, jawan, jawed, jeton, jingo, joint, jowed, judge, juice, junco, junta, junto, jupon, macaw, maced, macon, magic, magot, maned, mange, mango, mania, manic, manta, mated, matin, matte, maund, mawed, meant, media, medic, menad, menta, miaou, miaow, midge, minae, mince, mined, monad, monde, monie, monte, moped, motet, motte, mound, mount, mowed, mucid, mucin, mungo, muted, muton, naiad, named, netop, nicad, nided, nomad, noted, notum, nudge, nudie, oaten, ocean, octad, octan, octet, odeum, odium, omega, onium, ontic, opine, oping, opium, opted, optic, ounce, outed, owing, owned, paced, paean, paeon, pagan, paged, pagod, paint, panda, paned, panga, panic, panto, pated, paten, patin, patio, pawed, pecan, pengo, petit, petti, petto, pewit, piano, picot, pieta, pined, pingo, pinot, pinta, pinto, piton, podia, poind, point, ponce, pound, pudic, punto, puton, putti, putto, tacet, tacit, taiga, taint, tamed, tango, tanto, taped, taunt, taupe, tawed, tawie, tecta, tegua, teind, tempi, tempo, tempt, tenia, tepid, tided, tigon, timed, tinct, tinea, tined, tinge, titan, togae, togue, toman, tondi, toned, tonga, tonic, toped, topic, toted, totem, towed, towie, tumid, tuned, tunic, twain, twang, twice, twine, umiac, umped, unapt, uncap, uncia, undid, ungot, unite, unmet, unmew, unpeg, untie, unwed, unwit, upend, waded, waged, wagon, waned, watap, widen, wigan, wince, wined, wiped, witan, wited, wodge, woman, women, wound
6-letter words
acajou, acedia, acetin, acetum, acnode, acting, action, acuate, acumen, adagio, addict, adding, adduce, adduct, adjoin, adnate, aecium, aeonic, agamic, agenda, agnate, agonic, agouti, aidman, aidmen, ajowan, amadou, amount, anadem, anatto, anemia, anemic, anodic, anomic, anomie, anopia, aoudad, apneic, apnoea, atomic, atoned, atonic, atopic, attain, attend, attune, atwain, auding, augend, augite, auntie, autoed, aweing, caddie, cadent, cadged, caeoma, caiman, camion, camped, canape, candid, cangue, canoed, canted, capita, capote, captan, catena, catgut, cation, catnap, catnip, catted, cattie, caudad, cawing, ceding, centum, cinema, coated, codeia, codein, coding, coedit, coempt, cogent, coigne, coined, comade, comate, coming, comped, conium, copied, coping, coteau, coting, cottae, couped, cowage, cowing, cowman, cowmen, cowpat, cowpea, cowpie, cuddie, cueing, dacoit, daemon, daimen, daimon, damage, damned, damped, dampen, danced, danged, dating, dauted, dautie, dawing, dawned, dawted, dawtie, deacon, decamp, decant, deduct, degami, demand, depict, detain, dewing, diadem, diatom, dictum, didact, dimout, dinged, dinted, doated, docent, dodgem, dognap, doited, domain, domine, doming, donate, dopant, doping, dotage, doting, dotted, dowing, downed, ducted, duding, dumped, dunged, dunite, dunted, duping, dwined, eating, emodin, enatic, encamp, enigma, epigon, etamin, gadoid, gained, gaited, gamine, ganoid, gateau, gaumed, gawped, geodic, giddap, gimped, gitano, gnawed, gnomic, goaded, goddam, godwit, gomuti, gonium, gotten, gowned, guaiac, guided, guidon, guimpe, guinea, guttae, gutted, gweduc, iceman, iguana, imaged, impact, impawn, impend, impone, impugn, impute, incage, incept, income, induce, induct, indued, ingate, inject, inmate, intact, iodate, jading, japing, jaunce, jauped, jawing, jetton, jicama, jocund, joined, jotted, jounce, jowing, judged, jugate, juiced, jumped, jutted, macing, madcap, madden, maenad, magian, magnet, magpie, maiden, manage, maniac, manioc, manito, manitu, mantic, mantid, mantua, mating, matted, mattin, mawing, meadow, mediad, median, medico, medina, meting, mewing, midden, midget, midgut, minced, minded, minted, minuet, minute, mitten, moaned, moated, modica, monied, moping, mowing, mucoid, mudcap, mudcat, muonic, mutant, mutate, mutine, muting, mutton, neumic, nidget, noetic, notate, notice, nougat, nudged, nutate, nutmeg, nutted, octane, octant, omenta, opiate, opined, optima, optime, opting, outact, outadd, outage, outate, outdid, outeat, outing, outman, outwit, pacing, padnag, pagoda, pained, pandit, panged, panted, pantie, patent, patina, patine, patted, patten, pattie, pawing, pawned, peanut, pectin, pedant, pentad, pigeon, pignut, pigout, pinata, pineta, pinged, pitman, pitmen, pitted, pneuma, podite, podium, poetic, pointe, pomace, pomade, ponced, ponded, ponged, pongid, ponied, potage, potent, potman, potmen, potted, pounce, pouted, ptotic, pumice, pundit, punted, putted, taenia, taipan, tamein, taming, tampan, tamped, tampon, tandem, tanged, tapeta, taping, tatami, tauted, tauten, tautog, tawing, tawpie, teacup, teapot, tectum, tedium, tenuti, tenuto, teopan, tewing, tinged, tinted, tipcat, tiptoe, titman, titmen, toecap, toeing, togaed, togate, toited, tomcat, tonged, tongue, toping, toting, toucan, touted, towage, towing, townie, tunica, twined, twinge, umping, unaged, unawed, uncage, unciae, unipod, united, unmade, unpaid, untame, untied, unwept, update, uptime, uptown, upwind, utopia, waddie, wading, waited, wanted, watape, weapon, widget, wigeon, winced, winded, windup, winged, witted, woaded, wonted, wotted
7-letter words
aconite, actuate, adapted, adenoid, adenoma, adjoint, adjudge, adjunct, adopted, agapeic, agatoid, agendum, agitate, agitato, agnatic, amentia, amidone, amniote, anaemic, angioma, animate, animato, antacid, antijam, antipot, apatite, apnoeic, apogean, apogeic, apomict, attuned, auction, audient, audited, augment, autoing, automan, automen, awaited, cajaput, cajeput, camping, campion, campong, candida, candied, cantdog, captain, caption, catmint, catting, caudate, caution, centimo, coadmit, coagent, coaming, coapted, coating, codding, codeina, cognate, coigned, coinage, compend, comping, compted, compute, conduit, congaed, cottage, counted, couping, ctenoid, cutdown, cuttage, cutting, dadoing, damaged, damping, daunted, dauting, dawting, deadpan, decagon, decapod, decidua, decuman, demigod, demonic, demotic, demount, dentoid, depaint, deucing, diamond, dictate, dittoed, doating, dogmata, donated, dotting, ducting, dudgeon, dumping, duodena, ectopia, educing, emoting, encomia, entopic, gametic, gateman, genomic, goddamn, gonadic, gowaned, guanaco, imponed, impound, imputed, incaged, indowed, induced, ingoted, iodated, jaconet, jaunced, jaunted, jauping, jetting, jointed, jotting, jounced, jumping, juttied, jutting, madding, magenta, magnate, magneto, maintop, managed, mandate, manioca, manitou, manteau, matting, mattoid, mediant, megapod, megaton, mendigo, meouing, meowing, metopic, miaoued, miaowed, midtown, mintage, minuted, mitogen, moating, monacid, monadic, montage, mounded, mounted, mudding, mueddin, muntjac, mutagen, mutated, mutined, nametag, nematic, nepotic, nictate, noctuid, nomadic, notated, notepad, noticed, nutated, nutmeat, oddment, omitted, opiated, opuntia, outdate, outgain, outgnaw, outpace, outwait, outwent, outwept, outwind, paction, padding, pageant, painted, pandect, pandied, panicum, pantoum, patient, patinae, patined, patting, pawnage, peacing, peacoat, pemican, petting, petunia, picoted, pigment, pimento, pinetum, pintada, pintado, podding, poinded, pointed, pomaded, potamic, pottage, potting, pounced, pounded, pouting, ptomain, pudding, pudenda, pumiced, putamen, puttied, putting, tacnode, taction, tainted, tamandu, tamping, tampion, tangoed, tapetum, tapioca, taunted, tauting, teaming, tedding, tegmina, tetanic, timeout, timpana, timpano, tinamou, tincted, tiptoed, toadied, togated, tomenta, tonemic, tonetic, tongued, totemic, touting, tunicae, twanged, twinged, twinjet, unacted, unaided, unaimed, uncaged, uncoded, undated, unitage, unjaded, unmated, unpaged, untamed, updated, utopian, wadding, wagoned, wantage, wattage, wattape, wedding, wendigo, wetting, widgeon, windage, wipeout, womaned, wotting, wounded
8-letter words
acetamid, aconitum, actuated, adapting, adaption, adducent, adducing, adjacent, adjoined, adjutant, admitted, adopting, aduncate, agitated, agminate, amidogen, amounted, amputate, anatomic, anecdota, animated, antiatom, antidote, antipode, apatetic, apogamic, aptitude, attained, autacoid, autocade, automate, cameoing, campagne, campaign, canopied, capitate, catamite, catenoid, caudated, coapting, coattend, cogitate, coinmate, comanage, comedian, compting, computed, contagia, contempt, daemonic, decoding, deducing, demoniac, demoting, deputing, diamante, dictated, document, dogmatic, dognaped, dominate, dopamine, downtime, duetting, eduction, egomania, enigmata, guidance, gumption, impacted, impawned, impotent, impudent, impugned, incudate, indagate, inducted, inputted, japonica, jaundice, judgment, maenadic, magnetic, manatoid, mandated, mandioca, megawatt, montaged, mutating, mutation, neumatic, nictated, oceanaut, outacted, outdance, outdated, outpaced, outpaint, pagandom, paginate, pandemic, patagium, patinate, pedantic, pentomic, piedmont, pittance, pomading, poundage, ptomaine, punctate, putamina, taconite, tamponed, tegumina, tempting, tetanoid, tunicate, umangite, uncoated, undamped, undotted, unmatted, unpoetic, unpotted, unwitted, upcoming, updating
9-letter words
actuating, actuation, acuminate, adducting, adduction, amputated, antidoted, auctioned, audiotape, autogenic, automated, automatic, candidate, captained, captioned, catamount, cautioned, coadapted, coempting, cogitated, comanaged, companied, compendia, competing, computing, conjugate, contagium, decamping, decapodan, deducting, deduction, demantoid, diaconate, dominated, educating, education, egomaniac, geomantic, impounded, indagated, jaundiced, judgmatic, magnitude, mutagenic, outacting, outadding, outdanced, outdating, outeating, outgained, outgnawed, outpacing, outwaited, outwinded, paginated, patinated, pneumatic, tunicated, unadapted, undamaged
10-letter words
adjudicate, admittance, amputating, amputation, autodidact, automating, campaigned, coadmitted, conjugated, deputation, outpainted, unadmitted, undogmatic
2038 words found.
1 answer
* Aboon * Actin * Adman * Adown * Aeon * Airn
* Anion * Bairn * Beton * Blain * Bogan * Boron * Boson * Bosun * Cairn * Capon * Coden
* Codon * Cogon * Coign * Daman
* Daven * Devon
* Dawen * Elan * Firn * Fohn
* Foin * Gaen * Girn * Glen * Guan * Haen * Hisn * Hwan * Jean * Jeon * Jin * Jinn * Kain * Karn * Khan * Kirn * Lien * Limn * Linn * Loon * Lown * Mawn * Mien * Morn * Muon * Naan * Pein * Phon * Pian * Pion * Quean
* Quern * Quin * Rein * Ricin * Sain * Sawn * Sunn * Tain * Tern * Toon * Ulan * Upon * Vain * Vein * Wain * Wean * Ween * Wynn * Yean * Yuan
* Zein * Zoon
7 answers
aahing, aaliis, aarrgh, abacas, abacus, abakas, abamps, abased, abaser, abases, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abayas, abbacy, abbess, abbeys, abbots, abduce, abduct, abeles, abhors, abided, abider, abides, abject, abjure, ablate, ablaut, ablaze, ablest, ablins, abloom, ablush, abmhos, aboard, aboded, abodes, abohms, abolla, abomas, aboral, aborts, abound, aboves, abrade, abroad, abrupt, abseil, absent, absorb, absurd, abulia, abulic, abused, abuser, abuses, abvolt, abwatt, abying, abysms, acacia, acajou, acarid, acarus, accede, accent, accept, access, accord, accost, accrue, accuse, acedia, acetal, acetic, acetin, acetum, acetyl, achene, achier, aching, acidic, acidly, acinar, acinic, acinus, ackees, acnode, acorns, acquit, across, acting, actins, action, active, actors, actual, acuate, acuity, aculei, acumen, acuter, acutes, adages, adagio, adapts, addend, adders, addict, adding, addled, addles, adduce, adduct, adeems, adenyl, adepts, adhere, adieus, adieux, adipic, adjoin, adjure, adjust, admass, admire, admits, admixt, adnate, adnexa, adnoun, adobes, adobos, adonis, adopts, adored, adorer, adores, adorns, adrift, adroit, adsorb, adults, advect, advent, adverb, advert, advice, advise, adytum, adzing, aecial, aecium, aedile, aedine, aeneus, aeonic, aerate, aerial, aeried, aerier, aeries, aerify, aerily, aerobe, aerugo, aether, afeard, affair, affect, affine, affirm, afflux, afford, affray, afghan, afield, aflame, afloat, afraid, afreet, afresh, afrits, afters, aftosa, agamas, agamic, agamid, agapae, agapai, agapes, agaric, agates, agaves, agedly, ageing, ageism, ageist, agency, agenda, agenes, agents, aggada, aggers, aggies, aggros, aghast, agings, agisms, agists, agitas, aglare, agleam, aglets, agnail, agnate, agnize, agonal, agones, agonic, agorae, agoras, agorot, agouti, agouty, agrafe, agreed, agrees, agrias, aguish, ahchoo, ahimsa, aholds, ahorse, aiders, aidful, aiding, aidman, aidmen, aiglet, aigret, aikido, ailing, aimers, aimful, aiming, aiolis, airbag, airbus, airers, airest, airier, airily, airing, airman, airmen, airted, airths, airway, aisled, aisles, aivers, ajivas, ajowan, ajugas, akelas, akenes, akimbo, alamos, alands, alanin, alants, alanyl, alarms, alarum, alaska, alated, alates, albata, albedo, albeit, albino, albite, albums, alcade, alcaic, alcids, alcove, alders, aldols, aldose, aldrin, alegar, alephs, alerts, alevin, alexia, alexin, alfaki, algins, algoid, algors, algums, alibis, alible, alidad, aliens, alight, aligns, alined, aliner, alines, aliped, aliyah, aliyas, aliyos, aliyot, alkali, alkane, alkene, alkies, alkine, alkoxy, alkyds, alkyls, alkyne, allays, allege, allele, alleys, allied, allies, allium, allods, allots, allows, alloys, allude, allure, allyls, almahs, almehs, almner, almond, almost, almuce, almude, almuds, almugs, alnico, alodia, alohas, aloins, alpaca, alphas, alphyl, alpine, alsike, altars, alters, althea, aludel, alulae, alular, alumin, alumna, alumni, alvine, always, amadou, amarna, amatol, amazed, amazes, amazon, ambage, ambari, ambary, ambeer, ambers, ambery, ambits, ambled, ambler, ambles, ambush, amebae, ameban, amebas, amebic, ameers, amends, aments, amerce, amices, amides, amidic, amidin, amidol, amidst, amigas, amigos, amines, aminic, ammine, ammino, ammono, amnion, amnios, amoeba, amoles, amoral, amount, amours, ampere, amping, ampler, ampule, ampuls, amrita, amtrac, amucks, amulet, amused, amuser, amuses, amusia, amylic, amylum, anabas, anadem, anally, analog, ananke, anarch, anatto, anchor, anchos, ancone, andros, anears, aneled, aneles, anemia, anemic, anenst, anergy, angary, angels, angers, angina, angled, angler, angles, anglos, angora, angsts, anilin, animal, animas, animes, animis, animus, anions, anises, anisic, ankled, ankles, anklet, ankush, anlace, anlage, annals, anneal, annexe, annona, annoys, annual, annuli, annuls, anodal, anodes, anodic, anoint, anoles, anomic, anomie, anonym, anopia, anorak, anoxia, anoxic, ansate, answer, anteed, anthem, anther, antiar, antick, antics, anting, antler, antral, antres, antrum, anural, anuran, anuria, anuric, anuses, anvils, anyhow, anyone, anyons, anyway, aorist, aortae, aortal, aortas, aortic, aoudad, apache, apathy, apercu, apexes, aphids, aphtha, apiary, apical, apices, apiece, aplite, aplomb, apneal, apneas, apneic, apnoea, apodal, apogee, apollo, apolog, aporia, appall, appals, appeal, appear, appels, append, apples, applet, appose, aprons, aptest, arabic, arable, arames, aramid, arbors, arbour, arbute, arcade, arcana, arcane, arched, archer, arches, archil, archly, archon, arcing, arcked, arctic, ardebs, ardent, ardors, ardour, arecas, arenas, arenes, areola, areole, arepas, aretes, argala, argali, argals, argent, argils, argled, argles, argols, argons, argosy, argots, argued, arguer, argues, argufy, argyle, argyll, arhats, ariary, arider, aridly, ariels, aright, ariled, ariose, ariosi, arioso, arisen, arises, arista, aristo, arkose, armada, armers, armets, armful, armies, arming, armlet, armors, armory, armour, armpit, armure, arnica, aroids, aroint, aromas, around, arouse, aroynt, arpens, arpent, arrack, arrant, arrays, arrear, arrest, arriba, arrive, arroba, arrows, arrowy, arroyo, arseno, arshin, arsine, arsino, arsons, artels, artery, artful, artier, artily, artist, asarum, ascend, ascent, ascots, asdics, ashcan, ashier, ashing, ashlar, ashler, ashman, ashmen, ashore, ashram, asides, askant, askers, asking, aslant, asleep, aslope, aslosh, aspect, aspens, aspers, aspics, aspire, aspish, asrama, assail, assais, assays, assent, assert, assess, assets, assign, assist, assize, assoil, assort, assume, assure, astern, asters, asthma, astony, astral, astray, astute, aswarm, aswirl, aswoon, asylum, atabal, ataman, atavic, ataxia, ataxic, atelic, atlatl, atmans, atolls, atomic, atonal, atoned, atoner, atones, atonia, atonic, atopic, atrial, atrium, attach, attack, attain, attars, attend, attent, attest, attics, attire, attorn, attrit, attune, atwain, atween, atypic, aubade, auburn, aucuba, audads, audile, auding, audios, audits, augend, augers, aughts, augite, augurs, augury, august, auklet, aulder, auntie, auntly, aurate, aureus, aurist, aurora, aurous, aurums, auspex, ausubo, auteur, author, autism, autist, autoed, autumn, auxins, avails, avatar, avaunt, avenge, avenue, averse, averts, avians, aviary, aviate, avidin, avidly, avions, avisos, avocet, avoids, avoset, avouch, avowal, avowed, avower, avulse, awaits, awaked, awaken, awakes, awards, aweary, aweigh, aweing, awhile, awhirl, awless, awmous, awning, awoken, axeman, axemen, axenic, axilla, axioms, axised, axises, axites, axlike, axonal, axones, axonic, axseed, azalea, azides, azines, azlons, azoles, azonal, azonic, azoted, azotes, azoths, azotic, azukis, azures, azygos
847 words found.
4 answers
8-letter words
abacuses, abducens, abducent, abducing, abducted, abductor, abjurers, abjuring, abluents, ablution, aboideau, aboiteau, abomasum, abomasus, aboulias, abounded, abrupter, abruptly, absolute, abstruse, absurder, absurdly, abundant, abusable, abutilon, abutment, abuttals, abutters, abutting, acanthus, acarpous, acaudate, acauline, acaulose, acaulous, accounts, accouter, accoutre, accruals, accruing, accuracy, accurate, accursed, accusals, accusant, accusers, accusing, accustom, acequias, acervuli, aciculae, acicular, aciculas, aciculum, aciduria, aconitum, acoustic, acquaint, acquests, acquired, acquirer, acquires, actinium, actually, actuated, actuates, actuator, acuities, aculeate, acutance, addendum, adducent, adducers, adducing, adducted, adductor, adequacy, adequate, adjourns, adjudged, adjudges, adjuncts, adjurers, adjuring, adjurors, adjusted, adjuster, adjustor, adjutant, adjuvant, adularia, adulated, adulates, adulator, adultery, adumbral, aduncate, aduncous, aecidium, aequorin, aerobium, aeroduct, aeronaut, afflatus, affluent, affluxes, affusion, aflutter, agendums, ageratum, agouties, aguelike, agueweed, aguishly, aiguille, aimfully, airbound, airbrush, airburst, airbuses, alarumed, albumens, albumins, albumose, alburnum, alehouse, aleurone, aleurons, alfaquin, alfaquis, aliquant, aliquots, alleluia, allodium, alluding, allurers, alluring, allusion, allusive, alluvial, alluvion, alluvium, although, altitude, altruism, altruist, aluminas, alumines, aluminic, aluminum, alumroot, alunites, alveolus, alyssums, amateurs, ambulant, ambulate, ambushed, ambusher, ambushes, amiantus, ammonium, amounted, amplexus, ampoules, ampullae, ampullar, amputate, amputees, amusable, amusedly, amygdule, analogue, anchusas, anchusin, anestrus, aneurins, aneurism, aneurysm, anginous, angulate, angulose, angulous, animuses, ankushes, announce, annually, annulate, annulets, annulled, annulose, anovular, anserous, anticult, antinuke, antiqued, antiquer, antiques, antirust, antismut, anureses, anuresis, anuretic, aperture, aphthous, apiculus, apologue, apolunes, applauds, applause, applique, appulses, apterium, apterous, aptitude, aquacade, aquanaut, aquarial, aquarian, aquarist, aquarium, aquatics, aquatint, aquatone, aquavits, aqueduct, aquifers, aquiline, araceous, arborous, arboured, arbuscle, arbutean, arcanums, arcature, archduke, arcuated, arethusa, argentum, argonaut, arguable, arguably, argufied, argufier, argufies, argument, armature, armoured, armourer, arousals, arousers, arousing, arquebus, arsenous, arsonous, artfully, arugolas, arugulas, asbestus, ascidium, assaults, assuaged, assuages, assumers, assuming, assureds, assurers, assuring, assurors, astomous, astounds, astutely, atheneum, attitude, attuning, auberges, aubretia, aubrieta, auctions, audacity, audibles, audience, audients, auditing, audition, auditive, auditors, auditory, augments, augurers, auguries, auguring, auguster, augustly, aunthood, auntlier, auntlike, aureolae, aureolas, aureoled, aureoles, auricled, auricles, auricula, auriform, aurorean, ausforms, auspices, austerer, australs, autacoid, autarchy, autarkic, autecism, authored, autistic, autobahn, autocade, autocoid, autocrat, autodyne, autogamy, autogeny, autogiro, autogyro, autolyze, automata, automate, autonomy, autopsic, autosome, autotomy, autotype, autotypy, autumnal, autunite, auxetics, avicular, avifauna, avouched, avoucher, avouches, avulsing, avulsion, awfuller, ayurveda, azimuths, azoturia, azurites, babassus, babirusa, babushka, bacchius, bacillus, backhaul, backouts, backrush, baculine, baculums, badmouth, baguette, bahadurs, bailouts, balisaur, ballutes, baluster, banausic, bandeaus, bandeaux, bankrupt, banquets, barbecue, barbeque, barbules, barguest, barleduc, baroques, barouche, bascules, basidium, bathtubs, batteaux, baudekin, baudrons, bauhinia, baulkier, baulking, bauxites, bauxitic, bdellium, bearhugs, beauties, beautify, bebeerus, beclouds, becrusts, becudgel, becursed, becurses, bedaubed, bedouins, bedquilt, bedumbed, bedunced, bedunces, beechnut, befouled, befouler, befuddle, begrudge, beguiled, beguiler, beguiles, beguines, begulfed, bejumble, belabour, belauded, beliquor, bellpull, bellyful, bemuddle, bemurmur, bemusing, bemuzzle, benumbed, bequeath, bequests, berceuse, bermudas, berouged, bescours, beshouts, beshroud, besmudge, besought, bespouse, betelnut, bethumps, beuncled, beziques, biannual, bibulous, bicaudal, bicolour, bicuspid, biennium, bigamous, bigmouth, bihourly, bijugate, bijugous, billbugs, bimanous, bimanual, binaural, biovular, biparous, biramous, biscuits, bisexual, bismuths, bistoury, bitumens, biunique, bivouacs, blackgum, blackout, blameful, blastula, blauboks, blellums, blesbuck, blissful, blousier, blousily, blousing, blousons, blowguns, blowouts, blowtube, blubbers, blubbery, bluchers, bludgeon, blueball, bluebell, bluebill, bluebird, bluebook, bluecaps, bluecoat, bluefins, bluefish, bluegill, bluegums, bluehead, blueings, bluejack, bluejays, blueline, blueness, bluenose, bluesier, bluesman, bluesmen, bluestem, blueweed, bluewood, bluffers, bluffest, bluffing, blunders, blungers, blunging, bluntest, blunting, blurbing, blurrier, blurrily, blurring, blurters, blurting, blushers, blushful, blushing, blusters, blustery, boastful, bodysuit, bodysurf, bookfuls, bordeaux, bordures, boroughs, bosquets, bothrium, botulins, botulism, bouchees, boudoirs, bouffant, boughpot, boughten, bouillon, boulders, bouldery, bouncers, bouncier, bouncily, bouncing, boundary, bounders, bounding, bountied, bounties, bouquets, bourbons, bourdons, bourgeon, bourrees, bourride, bourtree, bousouki, boutique, bouviers, bouzouki, bowlfuls, boxhauls, brachium, braunite, bravuras, breadnut, breakout, breakups, brimfull, briquets, brochure, broguery, broguish, bronchus, brougham, brouhaha, brownout, brucella, brucines, bruisers, bruising, bruiters, bruiting, brulyies, brulzies, brumbies, brunched, brunches, brunette, brunizem, brushers, brushier, brushing, brushoff, brushups, bruskest, brusquer, brutally, brutisms, bruxisms, bubaline, bubblers, bubblier, bubblies, bubbling, bubingas, buccally, buckaroo, buckayro, buckbean, buckeens, buckeroo, bucketed, buckeyes, bucklers, buckling, buckrams, bucksaws, buckshee, buckshot, buckskin, bucktail, bucolics, buddings, buddleia, buddying, budgeted, budgeter, budworms, buffable, buffalos, buffered, buffeted, buffeter, buffiest, buffoons, bugaboos, bugbanes, bugbears, buggered, buggiest, bughouse, bugseeds, buhlwork, builders, building, buildups, bulblets, bulgiest, bulimiac, bulimias, bulkages, bulkhead, bulkiest, bullaces, bullbats, bulldogs, bulldoze, bulleted, bulletin, bullfrog, bullhead, bullhorn, bulliest, bullions, bullneck, bullnose, bullocks, bullocky, bullpens, bullpout, bullring, bullrush, bullshot, bullweed, bullwhip, bullyboy, bullying, bullyrag, bulwarks, bumblers, bumbling, bumboats, bumpered, bumpiest, bumpkins, bunchier, bunchily, bunching, buncoing, buncombe, bundists, bundlers, bundling, bungalow, bunghole, bunglers, bungling, bunkered, bunkmate, bunkoing, bunrakus, buntings, buntline, buoyages, buoyance, buoyancy, burblers, burblier, burbling, burdened, burdener, burdocks, burettes, burgages, burgeons, burghers, burglars, burglary, burgling, burgonet, burgouts, burgrave, burgundy, burkites, burlesks, burliest, burnable, burnings, burnoose, burnouts, burriest, burritos, burrowed, burrower, burseeds, bursitis, bursters, bursting, burstone, burthens, burweeds, bushbuck, busheled, busheler, bushfire, bushgoat, bushidos, bushiest, bushings, bushland, bushless, bushlike, bushtits, bushwahs, business, buskined, bussings, bustards, bustiers, bustiest, bustling, busulfan, busybody, busyness, busywork, butanols, butanone, butchers, butchery, buttered, buttocks, buttoned, buttoner, buttress, butylate, butylene, butyrals, butyrate, butyrins, butyrous, butyryls, buxomest, buybacks, buzzards, buzzwigs, buzzword, byssuses, cachucha, caciques, cactuses, cadmiums, caducean, caduceus, caducity, caducous, caesiums, caesurae, caesural, caesuras, caesuric, cagefuls, cajaputs, cajeputs, cajuputs, caladium, calathus, calciums, calctufa, calctuff, calculus, callused, calluses, calquing, calumets, calutron, calyculi, cambiums, campused, campuses, candours, cannulae, cannular, cannulas, canorous, canulate, capitula, capsicum, capsular, capsuled, capsules, captious, captured, capturer, captures, capuched, capuches, capuchin, caraculs, carburet, carcajou, cardamum, caribous, carnauba, carousal, caroused, carousel, carouser, carouses, carryout, cartouch, caruncle, casually, casualty, casuists, catapult, catchups, catechus, cathouse, caucused, caucuses, caudally, caudated, caudates, caudexes, caudices, caudillo, cauldron, caulicle, caulkers, caulking, causable, causally, causerie, causeway, caustics, cautions, cautious, caziques, ceinture, cellular, cellules, cementum, censured, censurer, censures, censused, censuses, centaurs, centaury, centrums, centuple, cerebrum, cereuses, cernuous, cerulean, cerumens, cerusite, cestuses, chabouks, chapeaus, chapeaux, chaqueta, charquid, charquis, chasseur, chasuble, chateaus, chateaux, chaufers, chauffer, chaunted, chaunter, chausses, checkout, checkups, cheekful, cheerful, chemurgy, chequers, cherubic, cherubim, chestful, chestnut, chetrums, chiasmus, chiauses, chibouks, chillums, chipmuck, chipmunk, chirrups, chirrupy, chlorous, chockful, choragus, choregus, chorused, choruses, chousers, choushes, chousing, chromium, chromous, chubasco, chubbier, chubbily, chuckies, chucking, chuckled, chuckler, chuckles, chuddahs, chuddars, chudders, chuffest, chuffier, chuffing, chugalug, chuggers, chugging, chukkars, chukkers, chummier, chummily, chumming, chumping, chumship, chunkier, chunkily, chunking, chunters, churched, churches, churchly, churlish, churners, churning, churring, chutists, chutnees, chutneys, chutzpah, chutzpas, ciborium, ciboules, cincture, cingulum, cinquain, circuits, circuity, circular, circuses, cislunar, cistuses, citreous, citruses, clamours, clangour, claquers, claqueur, claughts, claustra, cleanups, cliquier, cliquing, cliquish, clonuses, closeout, closured, closures, clotured, clotures, cloudier, cloudily, clouding, cloudlet, clouring, clouters, clouting, clubable, clubbers, clubbier, clubbing, clubfeet, clubfoot, clubhand, clubhaul, clubroom, clubroot, clucking, clumbers, clumpier, clumping, clumpish, clumsier, clumsily, clunkers, clunkier, clunking, clupeids, clupeoid, clusters, clustery, clutched, clutches, clutters, cluttery, coagulum, coassume, coauthor, cockshut, cockspur, cocksure, cocoanut, coconuts, coendure, coenures, coenurus, coequals, coequate, cofounds, coiffeur, coiffure, coinsure, coituses, coleuses, coliseum, collogue, colloquy, colluded, colluder, colludes, colluvia, colorful, colossus, coloured, colourer, colubrid, columbic, columels, columnal, columnar, columned, comatula, combusts, communal, communed, communes, commuted, commuter, commutes, compound, computed, computer, computes, conclude, conduced, conducer, conduces, conducts, conduits, confound, confused, confuses, confuted, confuter, confutes, conidium, conjugal, conjunct, conjured, conjurer, conjures, conjuror, conquers, conquest, conquian, construe, consular, consults, consumed, consumer, consumes, continua, continue, continuo, contours, contused, contuses, convulse, cookouts, copihues, copulate, copurify, coquetry, coquette, coquille, coquinas, coquitos, corduroy, coremium, corneous, cornhusk, cornuses, cornuted, cornutos, corrupts, corundum, costumed, costumer, costumes, costumey, cothurni, cothurns, cotquean, couchant, couchers, couching, coughers, coughing, couldest, coulisse, couloirs, coulombs, coulters, coumaric, coumarin, coumarou, councils, counsels, counters, countess, countian, counties, counting, couplers, couplets, coupling, courages, courante, couranto, courants, couriers, courlans, coursers, coursing, courters, courtesy, courtier, courting, couscous, cousinly, cousinry, couteaux, couthest, couthier, coutures, couvades, coverups, covetous, crackups, craniums, crankous, creature, cribrous, critique, critturs, crocuses, croquets, crosscut, crouched, crouches, croupier, croupily, croupous, crousely, croutons, crucians, cruciate, crucible, crucifer, crucifix, cruddier, crudding, crudites, cruelest, crueller, cruisers, cruising, crullers, crumbers, crumbier, crumbing, crumbled, crumbles, crumbums, crumhorn, crummier, crummies, crumpets, crumping, crumpled, crumples, crunched, cruncher, crunches, crunodal, crunodes, cruppers, crusaded, crusader, crusades, crusados, crushers, crushing, crustier, crustily, crusting, crustose, crutched, crutches, cruzados, cruzeiro, cubature, cubicity, cubicles, cubicula, cubiform, cubistic, cuboidal, cuckolds, cuckooed, cucumber, cucurbit, cudbears, cuddlier, cuddling, cudgeled, cudgeler, cudweeds, cuffless, cuisines, cuittled, cuittles, culicids, culicine, culinary, cullions, cullises, cullying, culottes, culpable, culpably, culprits, cultches, cultigen, cultisms, cultists, cultivar, cultrate, cultural, cultured, cultures, cultuses, culverin, culverts, cumarins, cumbered, cumberer, cumbrous, cumquats, cumshaws, cumulate, cumulous, cuneated, cuneatic, cuniform, cunnings, cupboard, cupcakes, cupelers, cupeling, cupelled, cupeller, cupidity, cupolaed, cuppiest, cuppings, cupreous, cuprites, cupulate, curacaos, curacies, curacoas, curarine, curarize, curassow, curative, curators, curbable, curbings, curbside, curculio, curcumas, curdiest, curdlers, curdling, cureless, curetted, curettes, curlicue, curliest, curlings, curlycue, currachs, curraghs, currants, currency, currents, curricle, curriers, curriery, currying, curseder, cursedly, cursives, curtails, curtains, curtalax, curtness, curtseys, curtsied, curtsies, curvedly, curveted, curviest, cuscuses, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, cuspated, cuspidal, cuspides, cuspidor, cussedly, cussword, custards, custodes, customer, custumal, cutaways, cutbacks, cutbanks, cutchery, cutdowns, cuteness, cutesier, cutgrass, cuticles, cuticula, cutinise, cutinize, cutlases, cutlines, cutovers, cutpurse, cuttable, cuttages, cuttings, cuttling, cutwater, cutworks, cutworms, cuvettes, cymatium, cynosure, cypruses, dactylus, daiquiri, dandruff, danseurs, danseuse, dasyures, daubiest, daubries, daughter, daunders, daunters, daunting, dauphine, dauphins, deathcup, deathful, debouche, debruise, debugged, debunked, debunker, debutant, debuting, deciduae, decidual, deciduas, decolour, decorous, decorums, decouple, decupled, decuples, decuries, decurion, decurved, decurves, deducing, deducted, defaults, defrauds, defusing, defuzing, degummed, degusted, dejeuner, delirium, deloused, delouser, delouses, deluders, deluding, deluging, delusion, delusive, delusory, deluster, demilune, demiurge, demounts, demurely, demurest, demurral, demurred, demurrer, denarius, denature, denounce, dentural, dentures, denudate, denuders, denuding, deplumed, deplumes, depurate, deputies, deputing, deputize, desirous, destruct, desugars, desulfur, detinues, detoured, detritus, detruded, detrudes, deucedly, deuteric, deuteron, deutzias, devalued, devalues, devoured, devourer, devouter, devoutly, dextrous, dhourras, dhurries, dialogue, dianthus, diapause, dibbukim, didymium, didymous, diecious, diestrum, diestrus, diffused, diffuser, diffuses, diffusor, digamous, diluents, diluters, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dilutors, diluvial, diluvian, diluvion, diluvium, dimerous, dinguses, dinosaur, dioicous, dirgeful, disabuse, disannul, disbound, disburse, discount, discuses, diseuses, disguise, disgusts, dishfuls, disjunct, dismount, displume, disputed, disputer, disputes, disquiet, disrupts, dissuade, distrust, disturbs, disulfid, disunion, disunite, disunity, disusing, disvalue, diureses, diuresis, diuretic, diurnals, dividual, divulged, divulger, divulges, dizygous, document, doghouse, doldrums, dolorous, dominium, dormouse, doublers, doublets, doubling, doubloon, doublure, doubters, doubtful, doubting, douceurs, douching, doughboy, doughier, doughnut, doupioni, dourines, dourness, douzeper, downhaul, downpour, downturn, draughts, draughty, drawtube, dreadful, dreamful, dropouts, droughts, droughty, drouking, drubbers, drubbing, drudgers, drudgery, drudging, druggets, druggier, druggies, drugging, druggist, druidess, druidism, drumbeat, drumbled, drumbles, drumfire, drumfish, drumhead, drumlier, drumlike, drumlins, drummers, drumming, drumroll, drunkard, drunkest, drupelet, druthers, dualisms, dualists, dualized, dualizes, dubbings, dubonnet, duckbill, duckiest, duckling, duckpins, ducktail, duckwalk, duckweed, ductings, ductless, ductules, dudgeons, dudishly, duecento, duelists, duellers, duelling, duellist, duetting, duettist, dukedoms, dulcetly, dulciana, dulcimer, dulcinea, dullards, dullness, dumbbell, dumbhead, dumbness, dumfound, dummkopf, dummying, dumpcart, dumpiest, dumpings, dumpling, duncical, duneland, dunelike, dungaree, dungeons, dunghill, dungiest, dunnages, dunnites, duodenal, duodenum, duologue, duopsony, duotones, duperies, duplexed, duplexer, duplexes, durables, duramens, durances, duration, durative, duresses, durmasts, durndest, durneder, duskiest, dustbins, dustheap, dustiest, dustless, dustlike, dustoffs, dustpans, dustrags, dutchman, dutchmen, dutiable, duumviri, duumvirs, duvetine, duvetyne, duvetyns, duxelles, dybbukim, dyestuff, dysurias, eardrums, earmuffs, earplugs, earthnut, ecaudate, eclogues, ecraseur, ecumenic, edacious, educable, educated, educates, educator, educible, eduction, eductive, eductors, eelpouts, effluent, effluvia, effluxes, effulged, effulges, effusing, effusion, effusive, electrum, elenchus, elkhound, eloquent, elusions, elutions, eluviate, eluviums, elytrous, embruing, embruted, embrutes, emeritus, emporium, empurple, emulated, emulates, emulator, emulsify, emulsion, emulsive, emulsoid, enamours, encomium, encrusts, encumber, enduring, enginous, engulfed, enormous, enounced, enounces, enquired, enquires, enshroud, ensouled, ensurers, ensuring, entellus, enthused, enthuses, entrusts, enuresis, enuretic, eohippus, epaulets, epicures, epidural, epifauna, epigeous, epigonus, epilogue, equaling, equalise, equality, equalize, equalled, equating, equation, equators, equinely, equinity, equipage, equipped, equipper, equiseta, equitant, equities, equivoke, erasures, eremurus, eructate, eructing, erumpent, erupting, eruption, eruptive, escuages, esculent, espousal, espoused, espouser, espouses, esquired, esquires, estruses, esurient, eucaines, eucalypt, eucharis, euchring, euclases, eucrites, eucritic, eudaemon, eudemons, eugenias, eugenics, eugenist, eugenols, euglenas, eulachan, eulachon, eulogiae, eulogias, eulogies, eulogise, eulogist, eulogium, eulogize, euonymus, eupatrid, eupepsia, eupeptic, euphenic, euphonic, euphoria, euphoric, euphotic, euphrasy, euphroes, euphuism, euphuist, euploids, euploidy, eupnoeas, eupnoeic, eurokies, eurokous, europium, eurybath, eurythmy, eustatic, eusteles, eutaxies, eutectic, eutrophy, euxenite, evacuant, evacuate, evacuees, evaluate, eventful, eventual, evolutes, evonymus, evulsion, excluded, excluder, excludes, excursus, excusers, excusing, executed, executer, executes, executor, exemplum, exequial, exequies, exergual, exergues, exhausts, exhumers, exhuming, exiguity, exiguous, eximious, exoduses, exonumia, exordium, exposure, expounds, expulsed, expulses, expunged, expunger, expunges, extremum, extruded, extruder, extrudes, extubate, exudates, exultant, exulting, exurbias, exuviate, fabliaux, fabulist, fabulous, factious, factotum, factures, failures, faithful, faitours, fallouts, famously, fanciful, farceurs, farouche, fashious, fastuous, fatigued, fatigues, faubourg, faultier, faultily, faulting, faunally, faunlike, fauteuil, fauvisms, fauvists, favoured, favourer, feastful, featured, features, feculent, feluccas, fenurons, fermiums, ferreous, ferruled, ferrules, feruling, fervours, feudally, feudists, feverous, fiducial, figuline, figurant, figurate, figurers, figurine, figuring, filature, finespun, finitude, firebugs, fireplug, fissured, fissures, fistfuls, fistulae, fistular, fistulas, fitfully, fixtures, flambeau, flameout, flaneurs, flashgun, flatuses, flaunted, flaunter, flautist, flavours, flavoury, flexuose, flexuous, flexural, flexures, floccule, flocculi, floruits, flounced, flounces, flounder, flouring, flourish, flouters, flouting, flubbers, flubbing, flubdubs, fluently, fluerics, fluffier, fluffily, fluffing, fluidics, fluidise, fluidity, fluidize, fluidram, flukiest, flummery, flumping, flunkers, flunkeys, flunkies, flunking, fluorene, fluoride, fluorids, fluorine, fluorins, fluorite, flurried, flurries, flushers, flushest, flushing, flusters, flutiest, flutings, flutists, flutters, fluttery, fluxions, focusers, focusing, focussed, focusses, foetuses, fogbound, fogfruit, foldouts, forceful, foreguts, foreruns, forjudge, forkfuls, forksful, formulae, formulas, fortuity, fortuned, fortunes, foughten, foulards, foulings, foulness, founders, founding, fountain, fourchee, fourfold, fourgons, fourplex, foursome, fourteen, fourthly, foxhound, frabjous, fracture, fracturs, fraenums, frakturs, francium, fraughts, fraulein, freakout, fremitus, frenulum, frequent, friseurs, frondeur, frotteur, froufrou, frounced, frounces, frouzier, fructify, fructose, frugally, frugging, fruitage, fruiters, fruitful, fruitier, fruitily, fruiting, fruition, fruitlet, frumenty, frumpier, frumpily, frumpish, frustule, frustums, fubsiest, fuchsias, fuchsine, fuchsins, fucoidal, fuddling, fuehrers, fuellers, fuelling, fuelwood, fugacity, fuggiest, fugitive, fugleman, fuglemen, fuguists, fulcrums, fulfills, fullback, fullered, fullface, fullness, fulmined, fulmines, fulminic, fumarase, fumarate, fumarole, fumatory, fumblers, fumbling, fumeless, fumelike, fumettes, fumigant, fumigate, fumingly, fumitory, function, functors, funerals, funerary, funereal, funfairs, fungible, fungoids, funguses, funicles, funiculi, funkiest, funneled, funniest, funnyman, funnymen, furanose, furbelow, furcated, furcates, furcraea, furculae, furcular, furculum, furfural, furfuran, furfures, furibund, furlable, furlongs, furlough, furmenty, furnaced, furnaces, furriers, furriery, furriest, furriner, furrings, furrowed, furrower, furthers, furthest, furuncle, furziest, fuselage, fuseless, fusiform, fusileer, fusilier, fussiest, fusspots, fustians, fustiest, futharcs, futharks, futhorcs, futhorks, futilely, futility, futtocks, futurism, futurist, futurity, fuzziest, gadabout, galbanum, galliums, gallnuts, gallused, galluses, galumphs, gambusia, garigues, gashouse, gastrula, gauchely, gauchest, gaudiest, gauffers, gauntest, gauntlet, gauziest, gazumped, gazumper, geepound, gemmules, gemsbuck, generous, geniture, geniuses, geoducks, geranium, gerenuks, gestural, gestured, gesturer, gestures, ghastful, ghoulish, glabrous, glamours, glandule, glassful, glaucoma, glaucous, globular, globules, globulin, gloomful, glorious, glouting, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, goitrous, goldbugs, goldurns, gonidium, gorgeous, gouaches, gouramis, gourmand, gourmets, goutiest, graceful, gracious, graduals, graduand, graduate, graduses, grandeur, granular, granules, grateful, gratuity, graupels, gravures, grayouts, greenbug, grievous, griseous, grouched, grouches, grounded, grounder, groupers, groupies, grouping, groupoid, grousers, grousing, grouters, groutier, grouting, grownups, grubbers, grubbier, grubbily, grubbing, grubworm, grudgers, grudging, gruelers, grueling, gruelled, grueller, gruesome, gruffest, gruffier, gruffily, gruffing, gruffish, gruiform, grumbled, grumbler, grumbles, grummest, grummets, grumphie, grumpier, grumpily, grumping, grumpish, grungier, grunions, grunters, grunting, gruntled, gruntles, grutched, grutches, gruyeres, guacharo, guaiacol, guaiacum, guaiocum, guanacos, guanases, guanidin, guanines, guaranis, guaranty, guardant, guarders, guardian, guarding, guayules, gudgeons, guerdons, guerilla, guernsey, guessers, guessing, guesting, guffawed, guggling, guidable, guidance, guideway, guilders, guileful, guiltier, guiltily, guipures, guisards, guitguit, gulfiest, gulflike, gulfweed, gullable, gullably, gullible, gullibly, gullying, gulosity, gulpiest, gumboils, gumboots, gumbotil, gumdrops, gummiest, gummites, gummoses, gummosis, gumption, gumshoed, gumshoes, gumtrees, gumweeds, gumwoods, gunboats, gunfight, gunfires, gunflint, gunkhole, gunlocks, gunmetal, gunnings, gunnybag, gunpaper, gunplays, gunpoint, gunrooms, gunships, gunshots, gunsmith, gunstock, gunwales, gurglets, gurgling, gurnards, guruship, gushiest, gusseted, gussying, gustable, gustiest, gustless, gutsiest, guttated, guttered, guttiest, guttlers, guttling, guttural, guzzlers, guzzling, gweducks, gynecium, gyplures, gypseous, habitual, habitude, habitues, hachured, hachures, hackbuts, hafniums, hahniums, haircuts, halibuts, halluces, halutzim, hamburgs, hamulate, hamulose, hamulous, handcuff, handfuls, handguns, handouts, handsful, hangouts, hanumans, harangue, harbours, harrumph, harumphs, haruspex, hasteful, hauberks, haulages, hauliers, haulmier, haulyard, haunched, haunches, haunters, haunting, hausfrau, hautbois, hautboys, hauteurs, haviours, hazelnut, headhunt, hebetude, hegumene, hegumens, hegumeny, henequen, henequin, henhouse, heniquen, hercules, hereunto, hereupon, hiatuses, hibiscus, hiccough, hiccuped, hideouts, highbush, hindguts, hirudins, hocusing, hocussed, hocusses, holdouts, holibuts, holmiums, homburgs, homespun, honeybun, honeyful, honoured, honourer, hoodlums, hopefuls, hornpout, hothouse, hotspurs, hounders, hounding, houseboy, housefly, houseful, houseled, houseman, housemen, housesat, housesit, housetop, housings, huarache, huaracho, hubrises, huckster, huddlers, huddling, huffiest, hugeness, huggable, huipiles, huisache, hulkiest, hulloaed, hulloing, humanely, humanest, humanise, humanism, humanist, humanity, humanize, humanoid, humblers, humblest, humbling, humdrums, humerals, humidify, humidity, humidors, humified, humility, hummable, hummocks, hummocky, hummuses, humorful, humoring, humorist, humorous, humoured, humpback, humphing, humpiest, humpless, hunching, hundreds, hungered, hungrier, hungrily, hunkered, huntable, huntedly, huntings, huntress, huntsman, huntsmen, hurdlers, hurdling, hurlings, hurrahed, hurrayed, hurriers, hurrying, hurtless, hurtling, husbands, hushedly, huskiest, huskings, husklike, hustings, hustlers, hustling, huswifes, huswives, hutching, hutments, hutzpahs, huzzahed, huzzaing, hymenium, hypogeum, iambuses, icebound, icehouse, ichorous, idoneous, iguanian, illinium, illiquid, illumine, illuming, illusion, illusive, illusory, illuvial, illuvium, imbruing, imbruted, imbrutes, immature, immunise, immunity, immunize, immuring, imperium, imporous, impounds, impudent, impugned, impugner, impulsed, impulses, impunity, impurely, impurity, imputers, imputing, inbounds, inbursts, incisure, included, includes, inconnus, incrusts, incubate, incudate, incumber, incurred, incurved, incurves, incusing, indevout, indicium, inducers, inducing, inducted, inductee, inductor, indulged, indulger, indulges, induline, indulins, indurate, indusial, indusium, industry, inequity, infamous, infaunae, infaunal, infaunas, infecund, influent, influxes, infought, infrugal, infusers, infusing, infusion, infusive, ingenues, ingroups, inguinal, ingulfed, inhauler, inhumane, inhumers, inhuming, iniquity, injurers, injuries, injuring, innuendo, inoculum, inpoured, inputted, inquests, inquiets, inquired, inquirer, inquires, inrushes, insculps, insecure, insomuch, insouled, instruct, insulant, insulars, insulate, insulins, insulted, insulter, insurant, insureds, insurers, insuring, intercut, intitule, intrigue, intruded, intruder, intrudes, intrusts, intubate, intuited, inturned, inulases, inundant, inundate, inurbane, inurning, involute, irefully, iridiums, irrupted, isologue, issuable, issuably, issuance, jacquard, jaculate, jalousie, jambeaux, jauncing, jaundice, jauntier, jauntily, jaunting, jealousy, jejunely, jejunity, jelutong, jiujitsu, jiujutsu, jocundly, jodhpurs, jointure, jongleur, jonquils, jouncier, jouncing, journals, journeys, jousters, jousting, joyfully, joyously, jubilant, jubilate, jubilees, juddered, judgment, judicial, judoists, jugglers, jugglery, juggling, jugheads, jugulars, jugulate, juiciest, jujitsus, jujuisms, jujuists, jujutsus, julienne, jumblers, jumbling, jumbucks, jumpiest, jumpoffs, jumpsuit, junction, juncture, junglier, junipers, junketed, junketer, junkiest, junkyard, juratory, juristic, jussives, justices, justling, justness, juttying, juvenals, juvenile, kabeljou, kajeputs, karakuls, kashruth, kashruts, kebbucks, keelhaul, kerplunk, ketchups, keypunch, kilobaud, kingcups, kinkajou, kistfuls, klutzier, knockout, knouting, knubbier, knuckled, knuckler, knuckles, knurlier, knurling, koumises, koumyses, kreutzer, kreuzers, krullers, krumhorn, kumisses, kumquats, kunzites, kurtosis, kuvaszok, labarums, labdanum, labellum, laboured, labourer, labrusca, laburnum, lacquers, lacqueys, lacteous, lacunars, lacunary, lacunate, lacunose, ladanums, ladleful, ladybugs, laminous, langlauf, language, languets, languish, languors, lapillus, larkspur, larruped, larruper, latitude, laudable, laudably, laudanum, laudator, laughers, laughing, laughter, launched, launcher, launches, launders, laureate, laureled, lauwines, lawfully, lawsuits, layabout, lazulite, lazurite, leaguers, leaguing, lectured, lecturer, lectures, lecythus, legumins, leisured, leisures, lekythus, lemurine, lemuroid, lettuces, leucemia, leucemic, leucines, leucites, leucitic, leucomas, leukemia, leukemic, leukomas, leukoses, leukosis, leukotic, levulins, levulose, libelous, ligature, lightful, ligneous, ligulate, liguloid, lilliput, limbuses, limuloid, linecuts, linguals, linguine, linguini, linguist, linocuts, linoleum, linurons, liquated, liquates, liqueurs, liquidly, liquored, lithiums, litmuses, liturgic, lixivium, loathful, lobulate, lobulose, locknuts, lockouts, loculate, locustae, locustal, locution, locutory, lodicule, lomentum, longspur, longueur, lookouts, loudened, loudlier, loudness, loungers, lounging, lousiest, louvered, lovebugs, lubberly, lubrical, lucarnes, lucences, lucently, lucernes, lucidity, lucifers, luckiest, luckless, luculent, luggages, lugsails, lugworms, lukewarm, lumbagos, lumbered, lumberer, luminary, luminist, luminous, lummoxes, lumpfish, lumpiest, lunacies, lunarian, lunately, lunatics, lunation, luncheon, lunchers, lunching, lunettes, lungfish, lungworm, lungwort, lunkhead, lunulate, lupanars, lupulins, lurchers, lurching, lurdanes, luscious, lushness, lustered, lustiest, lustrate, lustring, lustrous, lustrums, lutanist, lutecium, lutenist, luteolin, lutetium, lutherns, luthiers, luxating, luxation, luxuries, macaques, macrural, macruran, maculate, maculing, madhouse, mahuangs, maieutic, majaguas, malamute, malemiut, malemute, mameluke, mammatus, mandamus, maneuver, manfully, manhunts, manicure, manitous, manteaus, manteaux, manually, manubria, manumits, manurers, manurial, manuring, maquette, marabous, marabout, marasmus, marauded, marauder, marquees, marquess, marquise, marsupia, masquers, masscult, masseurs, masseuse, masurium, matchups, maturate, maturely, maturest, maturing, maturity, maumetry, maunders, maundies, mausolea, maximums, mazourka, mazurkas, mealybug, measured, measurer, measures, meatuses, meconium, medullae, medullar, medullas, medusans, medusoid, megabuck, melanous, meniscus, menseful, menstrua, mensural, merciful, mercuric, merengue, meringue, meshugah, meshugga, meshugge, mesquite, mesquits, messuage, meuniere, mezereum, mezquite, mezquits, mezuzahs, mezuzoth, miaouing, miauling, microbus, microlux, micrurgy, midcults, millilux, millruns, minimums, minuends, minutely, minutest, minutiae, minutial, minuting, miquelet, mirthful, misbegun, misbound, misbuild, misbuilt, miscount, miscuing, misdoubt, misfocus, misgauge, misguess, misguide, misjudge, misquote, misroute, misruled, misrules, missound, missouts, missuits, missuses, mistouch, mistrust, mistruth, mistuned, mistunes, mistutor, misunion, misusage, misusers, misusing, misvalue, mittimus, mixtures, modicums, modiolus, modulate, moistful, moisture, molecule, molluscs, mollusks, momentum, monaural, monofuel, monsieur, monument, monurons, moquette, morceaux, moresque, moribund, mortuary, mosasaur, mosquito, motorbus, mouching, mouchoir, moufflon, mouflons, moulages, moulders, mouldier, moulding, moulters, moulting, mounding, mountain, mounters, mounting, mourners, mournful, mourning, mousiest, mousings, moussaka, mouthers, mouthful, mouthier, mouthily, mouthing, muchacho, muchness, mucidity, mucilage, mucinoid, mucinous, muckiest, muckluck, muckrake, muckworm, mucoidal, mucosity, mucrones, muddiest, muddlers, muddling, muddying, mudflows, mudguard, mudholes, mudlarks, mudpacks, mudpuppy, mudrocks, mudrooms, mudsills, mudslide, mudstone, mueddins, muenster, muezzins, mufflers, muffling, muggiest, muggings, mugworts, mugwumps, mulattos, mulberry, mulching, mulcting, muleteer, mulishly, mulleins, mulligan, mullions, mullites, mullocks, mullocky, multiage, multicar, multifid, multijet, multiped, multiple, multiply, multiton, multiuse, multures, mumblers, mumbling, mummying, munchers, munchies, munching, munchkin, mundungo, mungoose, muniment, munition, munnions, munsters, muntings, muntjacs, muntjaks, muoniums, muraenid, muralist, murdered, murderee, murderer, muriated, muriates, muricate, murkiest, murmured, murmurer, murphies, murrains, murrelet, murrhine, murthers, muscadel, muscadet, muscatel, muscling, muscular, musettes, mushiest, mushroom, musicale, musicals, musician, musingly, musketry, muskiest, muskrats, muspikes, musquash, mussiest, mustache, mustangs, mustards, mustardy, mustered, mustiest, mutagens, mutating, mutation, mutative, mutchkin, muteness, muticous, mutilate, mutineer, mutinied, mutinies, mutining, mutinous, muttered, mutterer, mutually, muzziest, muzzlers, muzzling, mycelium, mystique, nacreous, natriums, naturals, naturism, naturist, naumachy, nauplial, nauplius, nauseant, nauseate, nauseous, nautches, nautical, nautilus, nebulise, nebulize, nebulose, nebulous, needfuls, nelumbos, nervules, nervures, netsukes, neumatic, neurally, neuraxon, neurines, neuritic, neuritis, neuromas, neuronal, neurones, neuronic, neurosal, neuroses, neurosis, neurotic, neurulae, neurulas, neustons, neutered, neutrals, neutrino, neutrons, newfound, ngultrum, nilghaus, nimbused, nimbuses, niobiums, nobelium, noctuids, noctules, noctuoid, nocturne, nocturns, nodulose, nodulous, nonadult, nonequal, nonesuch, nonfluid, nonguilt, nonhuman, nonissue, nonjuror, nonmusic, nonquota, nonrural, nonsugar, nonsuits, nontrump, nontruth, nonunion, nonuples, nonurban, nonusers, nonusing, nostrums, notturni, notturno, noumenal, noumenon, nounally, nounless, nubbiest, nubblier, nubility, nubilose, nubilous, nucellar, nucellus, nuclease, nucleate, nucleins, nucleoid, nucleole, nucleoli, nucleons, nuclides, nuclidic, nudeness, nudicaul, nudities, nudnicks, nudzhing, nugatory, nuisance, numbered, numberer, numbfish, numbness, numeracy, numerals, numerary, numerate, numerics, numerous, numinous, nummular, numskull, nunataks, nunchaku, nuptials, nursings, nursling, nurtural, nurtured, nurturer, nurtures, nutating, nutation, nutbrown, nutgalls, nutgrass, nuthatch, nuthouse, nutmeats, nutpicks, nutrient, nutsedge, nutshell, nutsiest, nuttiest, nuttings, nutwoods, nuzzlers, nuzzling, nylghaus, obduracy, obdurate, obituary, obliqued, obliques, obscured, obscurer, obscures, obstruct, obtruded, obtruder, obtrudes, obtunded, obturate, obtusely, obtusest, obtusity, obvolute, occiputs, occluded, occludes, occlusal, occulted, occulter, occultly, occupant, occupied, occupier, occupies, occurred, oceanaut, ocherous, ochreous, octupled, octuples, octuplet, octuplex, ocularly, oculists, odiously, odourful, oestrous, oestrums, oldsquaw, olibanum, oliguria, omentums, oncidium, onrushes, oogamous, oogonium, opaquely, opaquest, opaquing, opercula, opercule, opiumism, opossums, oppugned, oppugner, optimums, opulence, opulency, opuntias, opuscula, opuscule, oquassas, oracular, organums, orgulous, origanum, osculant, osculate, osmundas, osnaburg, ouabains, oughting, ouistiti, outacted, outadded, outargue, outasked, outbacks, outbaked, outbakes, outbarks, outbawls, outbeams, outbitch, outblaze, outbleat, outbless, outbloom, outbluff, outblush, outboard, outboast, outbound, outboxed, outboxes, outbrags, outbrave, outbrawl, outbreak, outbreed, outbribe, outbuild, outbuilt, outbulks, outbully, outburns, outburnt, outburst, outcaper, outcaste, outcasts, outcatch, outcavil, outcharm, outcheat, outchide, outclass, outclimb, outclomb, outcoach, outcomes, outcooks, outcount, outcrawl, outcried, outcries, outcrops, outcross, outcrows, outcurse, outcurve, outdance, outdared, outdares, outdated, outdates, outdodge, outdoers, outdoing, outdoors, outdrags, outdrank, outdrawn, outdraws, outdream, outdress, outdrink, outdrive, outdrops, outdrove, outdrunk, outduels, outearns, outeaten, outfable, outfaced, outfaces, outfalls, outfasts, outfawns, outfeast, outfeels, outfield, outfight, outfinds, outfired, outfires, outflank, outflies, outflown, outflows, outfools, outfoots, outfound, outfoxed, outfoxes, outfrown, outgains, outgiven, outgives, outglare, outglows, outgnawn, outgnaws, outgoing, outgrins, outgross, outgroup, outgrown, outgrows, outguess, outguide, outhauls, outheard, outhears, outhomer, outhouse, outhowls, outhumor, outhunts, outjumps, outkeeps, outkicks, outkills, outlands, outlasts, outlaugh, outlawed, outlawry, outleaps, outleapt, outlearn, outliers, outlined, outliner, outlines, outlived, outliver, outlives, outlooks, outloved, outloves, outlying, outmarch, outmatch, outmoded, outmodes, outmoved, outmoves, outpaced, outpaces, outpaint, outpitch, outplans, outplays, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outpolls, outports, outposts, outpours, outprays, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outpulls, outpunch, outquote, outraced, outraces, outraged, outrages, outraise, outrance, outrange, outranks, outrated, outrates, outraved, outraves, outreach, outreads, outrider, outrides, outright, outrings, outrival, outroars, outrocks, outrolls, outroots, outrowed, outsails, outsavor, outscold, outscoop, outscore, outscorn, outsells, outserts, outserve, outshame, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outshout, outsider, outsides, outsight, outsings, outsized, outsizes, outskate, outskirt, outsleep, outslept, outsmart, outsmile, outsmoke, outsnore, outsoars, outsoles, outspans, outspeak, outspeed, outspell, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outspoke, outstand, outstare, outstart, outstate, outstays, outsteer, outstood, outstrip, outstudy, outstunt, outsulks, outsware, outswear, outswims, outswore, outsworn, outtakes, outtalks, outtasks, outtells, outthank, outthink, outthrew, outthrob, outthrow, outtower, outtrade, outtrick, outtrots, outtrump, outturns, outvalue, outvaunt, outvoice, outvoted, outvotes, outvying, outwaits, outwalks, outwards, outwaste, outwatch, outwears, outweary, outweeps, outweigh, outwhirl, outwiled, outwiles, outwills, outwinds, outworks, outwrite, outwrote, outyells, outyelps, outyield, overburn, overbusy, overbuys, overcure, overdubs, overfoul, overfull, overfund, overhaul, overhung, overhunt, overjust, overloud, overlush, overmuch, overplus, overpump, overrude, overruff, overrule, overruns, oversoul, oversuds, oversups, oversure, overture, overturn, overurge, overused, overuses, oviducal, oviducts, ovulated, ovulates, oxtongue, pabulums, pachouli, pachucos, paduasoy, pagurian, pagurids, pailfuls, pailsful, palliums, paludism, pandanus, pandours, panduras, panhuman, panicums, pantoums, pantsuit, papulose, paramour, paraquat, paraquet, parlours, paroquet, parquets, parvenue, parvenus, pasquils, passuses, pasteups, pastural, pastured, pasturer, pastures, patagium, patulent, patulous, pauldron, paunched, paunches, paupered, paviours, peaceful, peculate, peculiar, peculium, pedicure, peduncle, pellucid, pendular, pendulum, penguins, penuches, penuchis, penuchle, penuckle, penumbra, penuries, peplumed, pepluses, peponium, perdured, perdures, perfumed, perfumer, perfumes, perfused, perfuses, peridium, perilous, perilune, perineum, periques, perjured, perjurer, perjures, permuted, permutes, persuade, perturbs, perusals, perusers, perusing, pervious, petalous, petulant, petunias, petuntse, petuntze, phaseout, philtrum, physique, piacular, picayune, picquets, pictured, pictures, piecrust, pinchbug, pinnulae, pinnular, pinnules, pipefuls, piquancy, piraguas, pirarucu, pirogues, piroques, pishogue, pitchout, plaguers, plaguily, plaguing, planulae, planular, plastrum, plateaus, plateaux, plateful, platinum, platypus, plaudits, plausive, playsuit, pleasure, plectrum, pleurisy, pleuston, plexuses, ploughed, plougher, pluckers, pluckier, pluckily, plucking, pluggers, plugging, plugless, plugolas, plugugly, plumaged, plumages, plumbago, plumbers, plumbery, plumbing, plumbism, plumbous, plumbums, plumelet, plumiest, plumiped, plumlike, plummets, plummier, plumpens, plumpers, plumpest, plumping, plumpish, plumular, plumules, plunders, plungers, plunging, plunkers, plunking, plurally, plushest, plushier, plushily, plussage, plutonic, pluvials, pluviose, pluvious, poaceous, polluted, polluter, pollutes, polonium, polypous, polyuria, polyuric, pomatums, populace, populate, populism, populist, populous, porously, postburn, postcoup, postdrug, postique, postlude, postural, postured, posturer, postures, pothouse, potlucks, pouchier, pouching, poularde, poulards, poulters, poultice, pouncers, pouncing, poundage, poundals, pounders, pounding, pourable, poussies, poutiest, powerful, poxvirus, pratique, preadult, preaudit, prebound, precieux, precious, preclude, precured, precures, predusks, prefocus, prehuman, prejudge, preluded, preluder, preludes, prelunch, premiums, prepuces, prepunch, prepupal, pressrun, pressure, presumed, presumer, presumes, preunion, preunite, previous, prevuing, prideful, priedieu, primulas, primuses, printout, procural, procured, procurer, procures, produced, producer, produces, products, profound, prologue, promulge, pronotum, pronouns, propound, prorogue, protiums, protrude, proudest, proudful, prounion, provirus, prudence, pruinose, prunable, prunella, prunelle, prunello, prurient, prurigos, pruritic, pruritus, psyllium, pubertal, publican, publicly, puccoons, puckered, puckerer, puddings, puddlers, puddlier, puddling, pudendal, pudendum, pudgiest, pudibund, puffball, puffiest, pugarees, puggaree, puggiest, puggrees, puggries, pugilism, pugilist, pugmarks, puissant, pulicene, pulicide, pulingly, pullback, pullmans, pullouts, pullover, pulmonic, pulmotor, pulpally, pulpiest, pulpital, pulpless, pulpwood, pulsated, pulsates, pulsator, pulsejet, pulsions, pulsojet, pulvilli, pulvinar, pulvinus, pumicers, pumicing, pumicite, pummeled, pumpkins, pumpless, pumplike, puncheon, punchers, punchier, punchily, punching, punctate, punctual, puncture, punditic, punditry, pungency, pungling, puniness, punished, punisher, punishes, punition, punitive, punitory, punkiest, punniest, punsters, puparial, puparium, pupating, pupation, pupilage, pupilary, puppetry, puppydom, puppyish, purblind, purchase, purebred, pureeing, pureness, purfling, purgings, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, puritans, purities, purlieus, purlines, purloins, purplest, purpling, purplish, purports, purposed, purposes, purpuras, purpures, purpuric, purpurin, pursiest, purslane, pursuant, pursuers, pursuing, pursuits, purulent, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pushball, pushcart, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushpins, pushrods, pussiest, pussleys, pusslies, pusslike, pussycat, pustular, pustuled, pustules, putamina, putative, putridly, putsches, puttered, putterer, puttiers, puttying, puzzlers, puzzling, pygidium, pyritous, pyruvate, pyxidium, quackery, quacking, quackish, quackism, quadding, quadplex, quadrans, quadrant, quadrate, quadrats, quadrics, quadriga, quadroon, quaestor, quaffers, quaffing, quaggier, quagmire, quagmiry, quahaugs, quaiches, quailing, quainter, quaintly, quakiest, qualmier, qualmish, quandang, quandary, quandong, quantics, quantify, quantile, quanting, quantity, quantize, quantong, quarrels, quarried, quarrier, quarries, quartans, quartern, quarters, quartets, quartics, quartile, quartzes, quashers, quashing, quassias, quassins, quatorze, quatrain, quavered, quaverer, quayages, quaylike, quayside, queasier, queasily, queazier, queendom, queening, queerest, queering, queerish, quellers, quelling, quenched, quencher, quenches, quenelle, quercine, queridas, queriers, querists, querying, questers, questing, question, questors, quetzals, queueing, quezales, quibbled, quibbler, quibbles, quickens, quickest, quickies, quickset, quiddity, quidnunc, quietens, quieters, quietest, quieting, quietism, quietist, quietude, quillaia, quillais, quillaja, quillets, quilling, quilters, quilting, quincunx, quinelas, quinella, quiniela, quininas, quinines, quinnats, quinoids, quinolin, quinones, quinsies, quintain, quintals, quintans, quintars, quintets, quintics, quintile, quintins, quipping, quippish, quipster, quirkier, quirkily, quirking, quirting, quisling, quitches, quitrent, quitters, quitting, quittors, quivered, quiverer, quixotes, quixotic, quixotry, quizzers, quizzing, quoining, quoiting, quomodos, quotable, quotably, quotient, qurushes, racemous, rackfuls, racquets, radiuses, ragouted, rainouts, rambutan, ramentum, ramequin, ramulose, ramulous, rancours, raptured, raptures, ravenous, reaccuse, readjust, readouts, reargued, reargues, rearouse, reassume, reassure, rebought, rebounds, rebuffed, rebuilds, rebukers, rebuking, reburial, reburied, reburies, rebuttal, rebutted, rebutter, rebutton, rebuying, recluses, recounts, recouped, recouple, recourse, recruits, recurred, recurved, recurves, recusant, recusing, redargue, redouble, redoubts, redounds, redubbed, reducers, reducing, reductor, reduviid, reedbuck, reequips, refigure, refluent, refluxed, refluxes, refought, refounds, refueled, refugees, refuging, refugium, refunded, refunder, refusals, refusers, refusing, refusnik, refutals, refuters, refuting, regauged, regauges, regluing, reground, regroups, regulars, regulate, reguline, rehoused, rehouses, reincurs, reinduce, reinduct, reinfuse, reinjure, reinjury, reinsure, reissued, reissuer, reissues, rejudged, rejudges, rejuggle, relaunch, reliques, relucent, relucted, relumine, reluming, remarque, remounts, renature, renounce, renumber, reoccupy, reoccurs, reoutfit, reovirus, replumbs, replunge, repoured, repousse, republic, repugned, repulsed, repulser, repulses, repumped, repurify, repursue, reputing, requests, requiems, required, requirer, requires, requital, requited, requiter, requites, rerouted, reroutes, resalute, rescuers, rescuing, resculpt, resecure, residual, residues, residuum, resinous, resolute, resought, resounds, resource, resprout, resprung, restruck, restrung, restuffs, resubmit, resulted, resumers, resuming, resummon, resupine, resupply, resurged, resurges, resurvey, retaught, reticula, reticule, retinued, retinues, retinula, retuning, returned, returnee, returner, reunions, reunited, reuniter, reunites, reusable, reutters, revalued, revalues, revenual, revenued, revenuer, revenues, revolute, revuists, revulsed, rheniums, rhesuses, rheumier, rhizopus, rhodiums, rhonchus, rhubarbs, rhumbaed, rictuses, ridicule, rigaudon, rightful, rigorous, ritually, rivulets, rivulose, robuster, robustly, roebucks, rogueing, rollouts, romaunts, rondeaux, rondures, roomfuls, roqueted, rorquals, rosarium, rosebuds, rosebush, roseslug, rosinous, rostrums, rosulate, rotundas, rotundly, roturier, roughage, roughdry, roughens, roughers, roughest, roughhew, roughing, roughish, roughleg, rouilles, roulades, rouleaus, rouleaux, roulette, roundels, rounders, roundest, rounding, roundish, roundlet, roundups, roupiest, rousseau, rousters, rousting, routeman, routemen, routeway, routines, rubaboos, rubaiyat, rubasses, rubbaboo, rubbered, rubbings, rubbishy, rubblier, rubbling, rubdowns, rubellas, rubeolar, rubeolas, rubicund, rubidium, rubrical, rubylike, ruchings, ruckling, rucksack, ruckuses, ructions, ructious, ruddiest, ruddling, ruddocks, rudeness, ruderals, rudiment, ruefully, ruffians, rufflers, rufflier, rufflike, ruffling, ruggeder, ruggedly, rugosely, rugosity, rugulose, ruinable, ruinated, ruinates, ruleless, rumbaing, rumblers, rumbling, ruminant, ruminate, rummaged, rummager, rummages, rummiest, rumoring, rumoured, rumpless, rumplier, rumpling, rumpuses, runabout, runagate, runaways, runbacks, rundlets, rundowns, runelike, rungless, runkling, runniest, runnings, runovers, runround, runtiest, ruptured, ruptures, ruralise, ruralism, ruralist, ruralite, rurality, ruralize, rushiest, rushings, rushlike, rustable, rustical, rusticly, rustiest, rustlers, rustless, rustling, rutabaga, ruthenic, ruthless, rutilant, ruttiest, saboteur, sabulose, sabulous, saccular, saccules, sacculus, sackbuts, sackfuls, sacksful, saguaros, sahuaros, saltbush, salutary, saluters, saluting, samarium, sambhurs, sambucas, sambukes, samurais, sanctums, sandburr, sandburs, sandspur, sanguine, santours, sapajous, saporous, sastruga, sastrugi, satsumas, saturant, saturate, saucebox, saucepan, sauciest, saunters, saurians, sauropod, sausages, sauteing, sauterne, sautoire, sautoirs, saviours, savorous, savoured, savourer, sawbucks, sawdusts, saxtubas, scabious, scabrous, scalenus, scaleups, scandium, scapulae, scapular, scapulas, scarious, scaupers, schedule, schlumps, schmucks, scholium, schussed, schusser, schusses, scirrhus, scissure, sciurids, sciurine, sciuroid, sclerous, scoopful, scopulae, scopulas, scornful, scourers, scourged, scourger, scourges, scouring, scouters, scouther, scouting, screwups, scrofula, scrotums, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrubbed, scrubber, scrummed, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, scudding, scuffing, scuffled, scuffler, scuffles, sculkers, sculking, scullers, scullery, sculling, scullion, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scumbled, scumbles, scumlike, scummers, scummier, scumming, scunners, scuppaug, scuppers, scurfier, scurried, scurries, scurrile, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, scutages, scutched, scutcher, scutches, scutella, scutters, scuttled, scuttles, scuzzier, seamount, seaquake, seascout, secateur, secluded, secludes, seculars, secundly, secundum, securely, securers, securest, securing, security, sederunt, sedilium, seducers, seducing, seducive, sedulity, sedulous, segueing, seigneur, seisures, seizures, selcouth, selenium, selenous, sellouts, semimute, seminude, senarius, senseful, sensuous, sepalous, seppukus, septuple, sequelae, sequence, sequency, sequents, sequined, sequitur, sequoias, setulose, setulous, sextuple, sextuply, sexually, sfumatos, shadbush, shakeout, shakeups, shameful, shamuses, shantung, shapeups, shauling, sheenful, shelduck, shelfful, shiatsus, shiatzus, shlumped, shogunal, shootout, shortcut, shotguns, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shrouded, shrugged, shrunken, shuckers, shucking, shudders, shuddery, shuffled, shuffler, shuffles, shunners, shunning, shunpike, shunters, shunting, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutoffs, shutouts, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, sickouts, siddurim, siffleur, silicium, silicula, siliquae, siliques, sillabub, sillibub, silurids, siluroid, simaruba, simulant, simulars, simulate, sinciput, sinecure, sinfully, singular, sinuated, sinuates, sinusoid, sistrums, situated, situates, skellums, skillful, skinfuls, skulkers, skulking, skullcap, skunking, sleuthed, slipouts, slothful, slouched, sloucher, slouches, sloughed, slubbers, slubbing, sludgier, sluffing, slugabed, slugfest, sluggard, sluggers, slugging, sluggish, sluicing, slumbers, slumbery, slumgums, slumisms, slumlord, slummers, slummier, slumming, slumping, slurping, slurried, slurries, slurring, slushier, slushily, slushing, sluttish, smashups, smeddums, smoulder, smudgier, smudgily, smudging, smuggest, smuggled, smuggler, smuggles, smugness, smutched, smutches, smuttier, smuttily, smutting, snafuing, sneerful, snoutier, snouting, snoutish, snowbush, snowsuit, snubbers, snubbier, snubbing, snubness, snuffbox, snuffers, snuffier, snuffily, snuffing, snuffled, snuffler, snuffles, snuggery, snuggest, snuggies, snugging, snuggled, snuggles, snugness, soapsuds, soilures, sojourns, solanums, solarium, solatium, soliquid, solitude, solubles, solution, sombrous, sonobuoy, sonorous, sorghums, soubises, souchong, souffled, souffles, soughing, soulless, soullike, soundbox, sounders, soundest, sounding, soupcons, soupiest, sourball, sourdine, sourness, sourpuss, soursops, sourwood, soutache, soutanes, southern, southers, southing, southpaw, southron, souvenir, souvlaki, spacious, spadeful, spatular, spatulas, specious, spectrum, specular, speculum, speedups, spelunks, spermous, sphagnum, spherule, sphygmus, spiculae, spicular, spicules, spiculum, spinouts, spinulae, spinules, spirulae, spirulas, spiteful, splenium, splenius, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spoonful, sportful, sporular, sporules, spousals, spousing, spouters, spouting, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spudders, spudding, spumiest, spumones, spumonis, spunkier, spunkies, spunkily, spunking, spurgall, spurious, spurners, spurning, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurting, spurtles, sputniks, sputters, squabble, squadded, squadron, squalene, squalled, squaller, squalors, squamate, squamose, squamous, squander, squarely, squarers, squarest, squaring, squarish, squashed, squasher, squashes, squatted, squatter, squawked, squawker, squeaked, squeaker, squealed, squealer, squeegee, squeezed, squeezer, squeezes, squegged, squelchy, squibbed, squidded, squiffed, squiggle, squiggly, squilgee, squillae, squillas, squinted, squinter, squireen, squiring, squirish, squirmed, squirmer, squirrel, squirted, squirter, squished, squishes, squooshy, squushed, squushes, stackups, stadiums, stageful, stakeout, standout, stannous, stannums, stardust, startups, statuary, statures, statuses, statutes, staumrel, sternums, stewbums, stibiums, stickful, stickout, stickums, stickups, stimulus, stinkbug, stipular, stipuled, stipules, stirrups, stounded, stoutens, stoutest, stoutish, stratous, stratums, streusel, strucken, strudels, struggle, strummed, strummer, strumose, strumous, strumpet, strunted, strutted, strutter, stubbier, stubbily, stubbing, stubbled, stubbles, stubborn, stuccoed, stuccoer, stuccoes, studbook, studdies, studding, students, studfish, studiers, studious, studwork, studying, stuffers, stuffier, stuffily, stuffing, stuivers, stultify, stumbled, stumbler, stumbles, stumming, stumpage, stumpers, stumpier, stumping, stunners, stunning, stunsail, stunting, stuntman, stuntmen, stupider, stupidly, sturdied, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, styluses, suasions, subabbot, subacrid, subacute, subadars, subadult, subagent, subahdar, subareas, subatoms, subaxial, subbases, subbasin, subbings, subblock, subbreed, subcaste, subcause, subcells, subchief, subclans, subclass, subclerk, subcodes, subcools, subcutes, subcutis, subdeans, subdepot, subduals, subduced, subduces, subducts, subduers, subduing, subdural, subedits, subentry, subepoch, suberect, suberins, suberise, suberize, suberose, suberous, subfield, subfiles, subfixes, subfloor, subfluid, subframe, subgenre, subgenus, subgoals, subgrade, subgraph, subgroup, subheads, subhuman, subhumid, subideas, subindex, subitems, subjects, subjoins, sublated, sublates, sublease, sublevel, sublimed, sublimer, sublimes, sublines, sublunar, submerge, submerse, subnasal, subniche, subnodal, suboptic, suborder, suborned, suborner, subovate, suboxide, subpanel, subparts, subpenas, subphase, subphyla, subplots, subpoena, subpolar, subpubic, subraces, subrents, subrings, subrules, subsales, subscale, subsects, subsense, subseres, subserve, subshaft, subshell, subshrub, subsided, subsider, subsides, subsists, subsites, subsoils, subsolar, subsonic, subspace, substage, substate, subsumed, subsumes, subtasks, subtaxon, subteens, subtends, subtests, subtexts, subtheme, subtiler, subtilin, subtilty, subtitle, subtlest, subtlety, subtones, subtonic, subtopia, subtopic, subtotal, subtract, subtrend, subtribe, subtunic, subtypes, subulate, subunits, suburban, suburbed, suburbia, subvened, subvenes, subverts, subvicar, subviral, subvocal, subwayed, subzones, succeeds, succinct, succinic, succinyl, succored, succorer, succours, succubae, succubus, succumbs, suchlike, suchness, suckered, suckfish, sucklers, suckless, suckling, sucrases, sucroses, suctions, sudaries, sudarium, sudation, sudatory, suddenly, sudsiest, sudsless, suffaris, suffered, sufferer, sufficed, sufficer, suffices, suffixal, suffixed, suffixes, sufflate, suffrage, suffused, suffuses, sugarier, sugaring, suggests, suicidal, suicided, suicides, suitable, suitably, suitcase, suitings, suitlike, sukiyaki, sulcated, sulfated, sulfates, sulfides, sulfinyl, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfones, sulfonic, sulfonyl, sulfured, sulfuret, sulfuric, sulfuryl, sulkiest, sullages, sullener, sullenly, sullying, sulphate, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sulphurs, sulphury, sultanas, sultanic, sultrier, sultrily, summable, summands, summated, summates, summered, summerly, summital, summitry, summoned, summoner, sumpters, sumpweed, sunbaked, sunbathe, sunbaths, sunbeams, sunbeamy, sunbelts, sunbirds, sunburns, sunburnt, sunburst, sundered, sunderer, sundials, sundowns, sundress, sundries, sundrops, sunglass, sunglows, sunlamps, sunlands, sunlight, sunniest, sunproof, sunrises, sunroofs, sunrooms, sunscald, sunshade, sunshine, sunshiny, sunspots, sunstone, sunsuits, sunwards, superadd, superbad, superber, superbly, supercar, supercop, superego, superfan, superfix, superhit, supering, superior, superjet, superlay, superlie, superman, supermen, supermom, supernal, superpro, supersex, superspy, supertax, supinate, supinely, supplant, supplely, supplest, supplied, supplier, supplies, suppling, supports, supposal, supposed, supposer, supposes, suppress, supremer, supremos, surbased, surbases, surcease, surcoats, surefire, sureness, sureties, surfable, surfaced, surfacer, surfaces, surfbird, surfboat, surfeits, surffish, surfiest, surfings, surflike, surgeons, surgical, suricate, surliest, surmised, surmiser, surmises, surmount, surnamed, surnamer, surnames, surplice, surprint, surprise, surprize, surround, surroyal, surtaxed, surtaxes, surtouts, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, survival, survived, surviver, survives, survivor, suspects, suspends, suspense, suspired, suspires, sustains, susurrus, suturing, suzerain, swimsuit, swounded, swouning, syconium, syllabub, syllabus, synfuels, tableaus, tableaux, tableful, taboulis, taboured, tabourer, tabouret, tabulate, taciturn, tailleur, takeouts, talmudic, tamandua, tamandus, tamaraus, tamboura, tambours, tamburas, tankfuls, tantalum, tantalus, tantrums, taphouse, tartufes, tartuffe, tasteful, tatouays, taunters, taunting, taurines, tautaugs, tautened, tautness, tautomer, tautonym, teahouse, teetotum, tegument, tegumina, telluric, tempuras, tenacula, tenesmus, tenurial, tequilas, terbiums, terminus, testudos, tetotums, textuary, textural, textured, textures, thalamus, thallium, thallous, thankful, thesauri, theurgic, thiourea, thoriums, thorough, thoughts, thousand, thrombus, thrummed, thrummer, thruputs, thrushes, thrusted, thruster, thrustor, thruways, thudding, thuggees, thuggery, thuggish, thuliums, thumbing, thumbkin, thumbnut, thumpers, thumping, thunders, thundery, thunking, thurible, thurifer, thymuses, timaraus, timeouts, timorous, timpanum, tinamous, tincture, tinnitus, tissuing, tissular, titanium, titanous, titmouse, tittuped, tittuppy, titulars, titulary, toluates, toluenes, toluides, toluidin, toluoles, tomentum, tonguing, tonneaus, tonneaux, tonsured, tonsures, toreutic, torquate, torquers, torquing, tortious, tortuous, tortured, torturer, tortures, touchers, touchier, touchily, touching, touchups, toughens, toughest, toughies, toughing, toughish, touracos, tourings, tourisms, tourists, touristy, tourneys, tousling, touzling, traduced, traducer, traduces, trainful, tranquil, transude, trappous, trapunto, trauchle, traumata, trayfuls, treasure, treasury, tressour, tressure, tribunal, tribunes, tributes, triduums, trillium, trinkums, tristful, triticum, tritiums, triumphs, triumvir, triunity, troubled, troubler, troubles, trounced, trouncer, trounces, troupers, troupial, trouping, trousers, troutier, trouvere, trouveur, truanted, truantry, truckage, truckers, trucking, truckled, truckler, truckles, truckman, truckmen, trudgens, trudgeon, trudgers, trudging, trueblue, trueborn, truebred, truelove, trueness, truffled, truffles, truistic, trumeaux, trumpery, trumpets, trumping, truncate, trundled, trundler, trundles, trunkful, trunnels, trunnion, trussers, trussing, trusteed, trustees, trusters, trustful, trustier, trusties, trustily, trusting, trustors, truthful, tsunamic, tsunamis, tuataras, tuateras, tubaists, tubbable, tubbiest, tubeless, tubelike, tubenose, tubercle, tuberoid, tuberose, tuberous, tubework, tubiform, tubulate, tubulins, tubulose, tubulous, tubulure, tuckahoe, tuckered, tuftiest, tugboats, tughriks, tuitions, tullibee, tumblers, tumbling, tumbrels, tumbrils, tumefied, tumefies, tumidity, tummlers, tumorous, tumpline, tumulose, tumulous, tuneable, tuneably, tuneless, tungsten, tungstic, tunicate, tunicles, tunnages, tunneled, tunneler, tuppence, tuppenny, turacous, turbaned, turbeths, turbidly, turbinal, turbines, turbiths, turbocar, turbofan, turbojet, turfiest, turfless, turflike, turfskis, turgency, turgidly, turgites, turistas, turmeric, turmoils, turnable, turncoat, turndown, turnhall, turnings, turnkeys, turnoffs, turnouts, turnover, turnpike, turnsole, turnspit, turpeths, turquois, turreted, turrical, turtlers, turtling, tuskless, tusklike, tussises, tussling, tussocks, tussocky, tussores, tussucks, tutelage, tutelars, tutelary, tutorage, tutoress, tutorial, tutoring, tutoyers, tuxedoed, tuxedoes, tympanum, typhuses, ubieties, ubiquity, udometer, udometry, uglified, uglifier, uglifies, ugliness, uintaite, ukeleles, ukuleles, ulcerate, ulcering, ulcerous, ulexites, ulterior, ultimacy, ultimata, ultimate, ultradry, ultrahot, ultraism, ultraist, ultralow, ultrared, ululated, ululates, umangite, umbellar, umbelled, umbellet, umbering, umbilici, umbonate, umbrages, umbrella, umbrette, umlauted, umpirage, umpiring, umteenth, unabated, unabused, unafraid, unageing, unakites, unallied, unamused, unanchor, unaneled, unargued, unarming, unartful, unatoned, unavowed, unawaked, unawares, unbacked, unbanned, unbarbed, unbarred, unbathed, unbeared, unbeaten, unbelief, unbelted, unbended, unbenign, unbiased, unbidden, unbilled, unbitted, unbitten, unbitter, unblamed, unblocks, unbloody, unbodied, unbolted, unbonnet, unbosoms, unbought, unbouncy, unboxing, unbraced, unbraces, unbraids, unbraked, unbrakes, unbreech, unbridle, unbright, unbroken, unbuckle, unbuilds, unbundle, unburden, unburied, unburned, unbusted, unbutton, uncaging, uncaking, uncalled, uncandid, uncapped, uncaring, uncashed, uncasing, uncasked, uncatchy, uncaught, uncaused, unchains, unchancy, uncharge, unchaste, unchewed, unchicly, unchoked, unchokes, unchosen, unchurch, uncially, unciform, uncinate, unclamps, unclasps, unclench, unclinch, uncloaks, unclosed, uncloses, unclothe, unclouds, uncloyed, uncoated, uncocked, uncoffin, uncoiled, uncoined, uncombed, uncomely, uncommon, uncooked, uncooled, uncorked, uncouple, uncovers, uncrated, uncrates, uncreate, uncrowns, unctions, unctuous, uncuffed, uncurbed, uncurled, uncursed, undamped, undaring, undecked, undenied, underact, underage, underarm, underate, underbid, underbud, underbuy, undercut, underdid, underdog, undereat, underfed, underfur, undergod, underjaw, underlap, underlay, underlet, underlie, underlip, underlit, underpay, underpin, underran, underrun, undersea, underset, undertax, undertow, underway, undevout, undimmed, undoable, undocile, undocked, undoings, undotted, undouble, undraped, undrapes, undreamt, undulant, undulate, undulled, unearned, unearths, uneasier, uneasily, unedible, unedited, unending, unenvied, unequals, unerased, unerotic, unerring, unevaded, unevener, unevenly, unexotic, unexpert, unfading, unfairer, unfairly, unfaiths, unfallen, unfamous, unfasten, unfeared, unfenced, unfences, unfetter, unfilial, unfilled, unfilmed, unfished, unfitted, unfixing, unflashy, unflexed, unfoiled, unfolded, unfolder, unforced, unforged, unforgot, unforked, unformed, unfought, unframed, unfreeze, unfrocks, unfrozen, unfunded, unfurled, ungainly, ungalled, ungenial, ungentle, ungently, ungifted, ungirded, unglazed, ungloved, ungloves, ungluing, ungotten, ungowned, ungraced, ungraded, ungreedy, unguards, unguenta, unguents, unguided, ungulate, unhailed, unhaired, unhallow, unhalved, unhanded, unhanged, unharmed, unhatted, unhealed, unheated, unhedged, unheeded, unhelmed, unhelped, unheroic, unhinged, unhinges, unholier, unholily, unhooded, unhooked, unhorsed, unhorses, unhoused, unhouses, unhusked, unialgal, uniaxial, unicolor, unicorns, unicycle, unideaed, unifaces, unifiers, unifilar, uniforms, unifying, unilobed, unimbued, unionise, unionism, unionist, unionize, unipolar, uniquely, uniquest, unironed, unisexes, unisonal, unissued, unitages, unitards, unitedly, unitized, unitizer, unitizes, unitrust, univalve, universe, univocal, unjoined, unjoints, unjoyful, unjudged, unjustly, unkenned, unkennel, unkinder, unkindly, unkingly, unkinked, unkissed, unknowns, unkosher, unlacing, unlading, unlashed, unlashes, unlawful, unlaying, unleaded, unlearns, unlearnt, unleased, unlethal, unletted, unlevels, unlevied, unlicked, unlikely, unlimber, unlinked, unlisted, unlively, unliving, unloaded, unloader, unlocked, unloosed, unloosen, unlooses, unlovely, unloving, unmakers, unmaking, unmanful, unmanned, unmapped, unmarked, unmarred, unmasked, unmasker, unmatted, unmeetly, unmellow, unmelted, unmended, unmeshed, unmeshes, unmewing, unmilled, unmingle, unmiters, unmitred, unmitres, unmodish, unmolded, unmolten, unmoored, unmoving, unmuffle, unmuzzle, unnailed, unneeded, unnerved, unnerves, unopened, unornate, unpacked, unpacker, unpaired, unparted, unpaying, unpegged, unpenned, unpeople, unperson, unpicked, unpiling, unpinned, unpitied, unplaced, unplaits, unplayed, unpliant, unplowed, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unpolled, unposted, unpotted, unpretty, unpriced, unprimed, unprized, unprobed, unproved, unproven, unpruned, unpucker, unpurged, unpuzzle, unquiets, unquoted, unquotes, unraised, unranked, unravels, unreally, unreason, unreeled, unreeler, unreeved, unreeves, unrented, unrepaid, unrepair, unrested, unrhymed, unriddle, unrifled, unrigged, unrinsed, unripely, unripest, unripped, unrobing, unrolled, unroofed, unrooted, unrounds, unrulier, unrushed, unrusted, unsaddle, unsafely, unsafety, unsalted, unsavory, unsaying, unscaled, unscrews, unsealed, unseamed, unseared, unseated, unseeded, unseeing, unseemly, unseized, unserved, unsettle, unsewing, unsexing, unsexual, unshaded, unshaken, unshamed, unshaped, unshapen, unshared, unshaved, unshaven, unshells, unshifts, unshrunk, unsicker, unsifted, unsights, unsigned, unsilent, unsinful, unslaked, unsliced, unslings, unsmoked, unsnarls, unsoaked, unsocial, unsoiled, unsolder, unsolved, unsonsie, unsorted, unsought, unsoured, unspeaks, unsphere, unspoilt, unspoken, unsprung, unstable, unstably, unstacks, unstated, unstates, unsteady, unsteels, unsticks, unstitch, unstoned, unstraps, unstress, unstring, unstrung, unstuffy, unsubtle, unsubtly, unsuited, unsurely, unswathe, unswayed, unswears, untacked, untagged, untangle, untanned, untapped, untasted, untaught, untended, untented, untested, untether, unthawed, unthinks, unthread, unthrone, untidied, untidier, untidies, untidily, untilled, untilted, untimely, untinged, untipped, untiring, untitled, untoward, untraced, untreads, untrendy, untruest, untrusty, untruths, untucked, untufted, untuning, unturned, untwined, untwines, untwists, ununited, unusable, unvalued, unvaried, unveiled, unveined, unversed, unviable, unvoiced, unvoices, unwalled, unwaning, unwanted, unwarier, unwarily, unwarmed, unwarned, unwarped, unwashed, unwasted, unweaned, unweaves, unwedded, unweeded, unweight, unwelded, unwetted, unwieldy, unwifely, unwilled, unwinder, unwisdom, unwisely, unwisest, unwished, unwishes, unwitted, unwonted, unwooded, unworked, unworthy, unyeaned, unyoking, unzipped, upbearer, upboiled, upbraids, upbuilds, upchucks, upclimbs, upcoiled, upcoming, upcurled, upcurved, upcurves, updarted, updaters, updating, updiving, updrafts, updrying, upending, upflings, upflowed, upfolded, upgather, upgazing, upgirded, upgraded, upgrades, upgrowth, upheaped, upheaval, upheaved, upheaver, upheaves, uphoards, upholder, uplander, upleaped, uplifted, uplifter, uplights, upmarket, uppercut, uppiling, uppishly, upraised, upraiser, upraises, upreared, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprootal, uprooted, uprooter, uproused, uprouses, uprushed, uprushes, upsetter, upshifts, upshoots, upsilons, upsoared, upsprang, upspring, upsprung, upstaged, upstages, upstairs, upstands, upstared, upstares, upstarts, upstater, upstates, upstream, upstroke, upsurged, upsurges, upsweeps, upswells, upswings, upthrown, upthrows, upthrust, uptilted, uptossed, uptosses, uptowner, uptrends, upturned, upwafted, upwardly, upwelled, uraemias, uraeuses, uralites, uralitic, uranides, uranisms, uranites, uranitic, uraniums, uranylic, urbanely, urbanest, urbanise, urbanism, urbanist, urbanite, urbanity, urbanize, uredinia, ureteral, ureteric, urethane, urethans, urethrae, urethral, urethras, urgently, urgingly, uridines, urinated, urinates, urinemia, urinemic, urochord, urodeles, uroliths, urologic, uropodal, uropygia, uroscopy, urostyle, ursiform, urticant, urticate, urushiol, usaunces, usefully, ushering, usquabae, usquebae, ustulate, usufruct, usurious, usurpers, usurping, utensils, uteruses, utilidor, utilised, utiliser, utilises, utilized, utilizer, utilizes, utopians, utopisms, utopists, utricles, utriculi, utterers, uttering, uvularly, uvulitis, uxorious, vacuolar, vacuoles, vacuumed, valguses, valorous, valuable, valuably, valuated, valuates, valuator, valvulae, valvular, valvules, vanadium, vanadous, vanguard, vanquish, vaporous, vapoured, vapourer, vaqueros, variorum, vascular, vasculum, vaulters, vaultier, vaulting, vaunters, vauntful, vaunting, vavasour, veinules, veinulet, velarium, veloutes, veluring, vendeuse, vengeful, venomous, venously, ventured, venturer, ventures, venturis, venulose, venulous, veratrum, verdured, verdures, verecund, verjuice, vermoulu, vermouth, vermuths, verrucae, vesicula, vestural, vestured, vestures, vesuvian, vexillum, viaducts, viaticum, viburnum, victuals, vicugnas, vigorous, vinculum, vinously, viperous, virgules, virtuosa, virtuose, virtuosi, virtuoso, virtuous, virucide, virulent, viscount, visually, vitellus, vitreous, vituline, vivarium, voiceful, voluming, volutins, volution, volvulus, vomitous, vouchees, vouchers, vouching, voussoir, vouvrays, voyageur, vuggiest, vulcanic, vulgarer, vulgarly, vulgates, vulguses, vultures, vulvitis, waesucks, waftures, walkouts, walruses, wamefous, wamefuls, wammuses, wampuses, warmouth, washouts, washtubs, wasteful, watchful, watchout, watthour, wauchted, waughted, weariful, wellcurb, whiteout, whodunit, whumping, wickiups, wickyups, wilfully, williwau, windburn, wipeouts, withouts, woefully, wondrous, woodcuts, woodruff, workouts, worthful, wouldest, wounding, wrackful, wrathful, wreckful, wrongful, wrothful, xanthous, yamulkas, yarmulke, yoghourt, yoghurts, yokozuna, youngers, youngest, youngish, younkers, yourself, youthens, youthful, yttriums, yuckiest, yuletide, yummiest, zaibatsu, zarzuela, zastruga, zastrugi, ziggurat, zikkurat, zikurats, zucchini
1 answer