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Nearsightedness is when the eyes focus incorrectly, making distant objects appear blurred.

Alternative Names

Myopia; Shortsightedness

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

A nearsighted person sees near objects clearly, while objects in the distance are blurred. As a result, someone with myopia tends to squint when viewing far away objects. This characteristic is the basis of the word "myopia," which comes from two Greek words: myein, meaning shut, and ops, meaning eye.

A nearsighted person can easily read the Jaeger eye chart (the chart for near reading), but finds the Snellen eye chart (the chart for distance) difficult to read. This blurred vision results when the visual image is focused in front of the retina, rather than directly on it.

Nearsightedness occurs when the physical length of the eye is greater than the optical length. For this reason, it often develops in the rapidly growing school-aged child or teenager, and progresses during the growth years, requiring frequent changes in glasses or contact lenses. It usually stops progressing as a person finishes growing in his or her early twenties.

Nearsightedness affects males and females equally. Those with a family history of nearsightedness are more likely to develop it. Most eyes with nearsightedness are entirely healthy, but a small number of people with myopia develop a form of retinal degeneration.

  • Blurred vision or squinting when trying to see distant objects (children often cannot read the blackboard, but can easily read a book)
  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches(uncommon)
Signs and tests

A general eye examination, or standard ophthalmic exammay include:

  • Measurement of the pressure of fluid in the eyes
  • Refraction test, to determine the correct prescription for glasses
  • Retinal examination
  • Slit-lamp examof the structures at the front of the eyes
  • Test of color vision, to look for possible color blindness
  • Tests of the muscles that move the eyes
  • Visual acuity, both at a distance (Snellen), and close up (Jaeger)

You can compensate for nearsightedness by wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses, which shift the focus point to the retina. There are several surgical procedures that reshape the cornea, shifting the focus point from in front of the retina to the retina.

Radial keratotomy is a surgical procedure that was popular in the recent past. Now it has been almost completely replaced by LASIK, in which an excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea.

Expectations (prognosis)

Early diagnosis of nearsightedness is important, because a child can suffer socially and educationally by not being able to see well at a distance.

  • Complications can occur in people who use contact lenses (corneal ulcers and infections)
  • Complications of laser vision correction are uncommon, but can be serious
  • People with myopia can, in rare cases, develop retinal detachments or retinal degeneration
Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your ophthalmologist if your child shows these signs, which may indicate a vision problem:

  • Having difficulty reading the blackboard in school or signs on a wall
  • Holding books very close when reading
  • Sitting close to the television

Call for an appointment with your ophthalmologist if your child is having difficulties at school that may be caused by a vision problem.

Call for an appointment with your ophthalmologist if you or your child is nearsighted and experiences:

  • Flashing lights
  • Floating spots
  • Sudden loss of any part of the field of vision

There is no way to prevent nearsightedness. Reading and watching television do not cause nearsightedness. In the past, dilating eye drops were proposed as a treatment to slow the development of nearsightedness in children, but they have never been proved effective.

The use of glasses or contact lenses does not affect the normal progression of myopia -- they simply focus the light so the nearsighted person can see distant objects clearly.

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Essentially it is because the lenses of the eye are too short, which focuses the light in front of rather than on the retina.

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Nearsightedness and farsightedness are caused by light falling somewhere other than directly on the retina. Normally, light enters the eye through the lens and shines directly on the back of the eye called the retina. This is important because the retina is where all the receptors are, and they convert the light into nerve signals that are sent to the brain.

In nearsightedness, light comes through the eye and lands in front of the retina, causing images far away to appear blurred. This can be caused by a curvature in the cornea or lens that is misdirecting the light, or by the shape of the eye itself. If the eye is longer than normal, light may fall in front of the retina.

In farsightedness, light falls behind the retina, so that images close up appear blurred.This can also be caused either by the curvature of the lens or cornea, or by the shape of the eye. In the case of farsightedness, the eye may be shorter than normal.

2 answers

Nearsightedness is called Myopia and farsightedness is called Hyeropia.

3 answers

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Two individuals in Generation II carry the gene for nearsightedness.

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Myopia (nearsightedness). Most patients with Marfan develop nearsightedness, usually in childhood.

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No. Myopia is nearsightedness.

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Nearsightedness or myopia has been known for thousands of years. It was about 400 years ago that glasses or spectacles were invented to combat this common disorder.

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Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is more common than farsightedness, also known as hyperopia.

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Myopia (nearsightedness) is the opposite of hyperopia.

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Myopia can't get worse cause its nearsightedness!

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It is nearsightedness and hyperopia is farsightedness.

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There are a number of professional eye exercise courses available online and through select optometrsits which may offer a solution to curing nearsightedness. It's important that you choose a routine that is designed to treat your condition - there are distance exercises designed to treat nearsightedness and restore naturally clear vision.

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Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the eyeball is too long. This causes light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it, resulting in distant objects appearing blurry.

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Nearsightedness is normally treated with prescription eyewear.

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An eye doctor would need to measure the distance to the retina to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. Nearsightedness occurs when the focal point of light falls short of the retina, so the goal is to adjust the focus point onto the retina. Farsightedness happens when the focal point falls beyond the retina, so the focus point needs to be moved closer to the retina.

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Sph (sphere) is a measurement of refractive error in eyeglass prescriptions, indicating the amount of nearsightedness or farsightedness. It is measured in diopters. Positive sph values indicate farsightedness, while negative values indicate nearsightedness.

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Objects that include a concave lens include eyeglasses for nearsightedness, binoculars, and telescopes. Concave lenses are used to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and to diverge light rays, resulting in magnified and clear images.

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Blurred eyes are caused by nearsightedness, farsightedness and macular degeneration.

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Place a concave lens in front of th eeye

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-They both require glasses

-They both have weak eyes

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Farsightedness is when your vision is good at seeing distances, but needs correction to see clearly the things that are close to you. Nearsightedness is when your vision is good at seeing things that are close to you, but needs correction to see clearly the things that are further away.

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Myopia is a disease that causes dificulty in seeing. It is commonly called nearsightedness .

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A nearsighted person is also referred to as being myopic, or as having myopia.

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The defect is called myopia, also known as nearsightedness. With myopia, the eye focuses the image in front of the retina instead of directly on it, resulting in distant objects appearing blurry. This condition is usually corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses that help focus the image correctly onto the retina.

5 answers

Nearsightedness is when you can only see far and farsightedness is when you can only see close.

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Ametropia means any type of refractive error, such as nearsightedness or astigmatism.

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Radial keratotomy (RK) is a type of eye surgery used to correct myopia (nearsightedness).

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A concave lens is used to correct nearsightedness, also known as myopia. This type of lens diverges light rays before they reach the eye's lens, thus moving the focal point back to the retina for clearer vision.

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In nearsightedness, the eyeball is elongated and the focal point thus falls short of the retina. This results in good vision for objects very close to the face, but poor vision at any significant distance (even beyond a few feet, for any level of nearsightedness.

Conversely, in farsightedness, the focal point is never reached, before the retina. Thus, objects which are near cannot be seen clearly. However, distance sight is preserved.

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"Sph" in an eye prescription stands for sphere, which indicates the amount of lens power needed to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. A negative value indicates nearsightedness, while a positive value indicates farsightedness.

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Farsightedness is the inability to see things close-up. Nearsightedness is the inability to see things far away.

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A vision of -2.75 means that a person has myopia (nearsightedness). This measurement indicates the degree of refractive error in the eye, with higher numbers indicating more severe nearsightedness. It means that objects at a distance are blurry and may require corrective lenses to see clearly.

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There are a number of ways one could be treated for nearsightedness. For most people, it can be as simple as wearing contacts or eye glasses. There are also surgical options, like LASIK surgery or artificial lens implants.

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Upon the assumption you meant "nearsightedness" here is the answer.

Nearsightedness occurs when the physical length of the eye is greater than the optical length.

This makes it more difficult for the eyes to focus light directly on the retina. If the light rays are not clearly focused on the retina, the images you see may be blurry.

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Myopia is an eye condition also known as nearsightedness. It affects you in a negative way as your eyesight gets worse.

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two similar surgical techniques that use an excimer laser to correct nearsightedness (myopia ) by reshaping the cornea.

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nearsightedness, also known as myopia. This condition is caused by the eyeball being too long or the cornea being too curved, making it difficult to focus on objects in the distance. Glasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgery can help improve vision in individuals with myopia.

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Convergence is the movement of the eyes towards each other as they focus on something moving towards the patient's nose.

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Nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism can be corrected using LASIK or PRK.

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