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No the word neared is not a noun. It is a past tense verb.

1 answer

"neared" is the past tense or past participle form of the verb "near".

2 answers

  1. As he neared the finish line, his heart was pounding like

1 answer

Nearer is not a verb and does not have any tenses. Near is a verb, and the past tense is neared.

2 answers

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magnify glass

The past participle is neared.

1 answer

The correct answer is 159.2

1 answer

The past participle is neared.

1 answer

Neared and endear are anagrams for earned.

1 answer

As Spring neared, the flowers began to bloom.

1 answer

5'5 in or 165 cm as he neared age 21.

1 answer

beard, feared, geared, leered, neared, peered, reared, seared, tiered, veered,

1 answer

Yes. Near can be an action verb.

The boys were happy as they neared home. - past tense

1 answer

Yes. Near can be an action verb.

The boys were happy as they neared home. - past tense

1 answer

Yes. I have to get mine trimmed about the same time as my haircuts. This didnt happen until I neared 40.

1 answer

Boys in high school were trying to decide on how to avoid the military draft as they neared graduation.

1 answer

Filled their ears with candle wax so they wouldn't hear the Sirens' song.

1 answer

That's so weird


raised and reared

shaven beard

looked and leered

2 answers

Weird, seared, speared, jeered, feared, geared, leered, neared, peered, reared, steered, veered.




2 answers

Filled their ears with candle wax so they wouldn't hear the Sirens' song.

1 answer

Death marches transported Jews from concentration camp to concentration camp as the Allies neared.

2 answers

Icarus tried to fly with wax wings. As he neared the sun his wax wings melted. I couldn't tell you the moral of the story.

1 answer

They tied him to the mast and they plugged their ears, they let Odysseus listen b/c that is what he wanted, since he is curious.

1 answer

They agreed to give the signal of imitating a crow's call to warn one another as they neared the Huron encampment. This way they could alert each other without raising suspicion or alarming the Huron warriors.

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1 answer

A patient's apprehension before surgery is very normal.

My apprehension increased as I neared the principal's office.

Feelings of apprehension can be reduced when we know facts about the situation.

3 answers

Some words that rhyme with "learning" are churning, yearning, and burning.

4 answers

Pick up the AC 1000 from the gadget room and use it to bring the fuel near you. When it has neared you enough, cut the string with your spy scissors.

1 answer

Irena had a dog she trained to bark when soldiers neared, so the Germans would not hear their cries. She also used various trucks and escape tunnels.

1 answer

he was raise a a god fearing boy at a young age. i supose he realized his christian ways as he neared the end of his life thus giving much away

2 answers

No it was not. China spent from 1927 until the Second World War and after it until 1949 in a brutal, costly civil war that left many homeless and fleeing from Mao's armies as they neared victory.

1 answer

When the ghost became visible, everyone ran from the room.

There was no visible difference between the two samples of metal.

As we neared the coastline, familiar landmarks became visible.

2 answers

there was once a budha called bodhidharman in the 5th/6th century. he went to china to saved the people there. when he was neared china, the chinese sniffed danger.when bodhidharman arrived, the villagers chase him away. but that wasn't the danger. soon one of the

1 answer

These may all be synonyms for the word approached:

(came closer) advanced, closed, came, converged, drew near, loomed, neared, or verged upon.

(came close to) approximated, compared with, equalled, matched, met, resembled, or took after.

1 answer

Total pet industry expenditures neared the $20 billion mark. Dogs, cats, birds, and fish were the most popular types, with about 70 million cats and 60 million dogs

1 answer

Depending on the use, the word near can serve as an adverb, adjective, preposition, or verb. Adverb: Come near. Adjective: in the near future Preposition: near the time Verb. The boat neared the docks.

3 answers

It was the full scale attack on Soviet Union. About 3 million Axis soldiers attacked Russia. First they were flying through russia destroying entire armies but when they neared the Moscow the Russian winter came and they had to stop the advance

1 answer

Not since Larry Rakestraw threw five interceptions against Detroit on Sept. 22, 1968, had a Bears quarterback neared the franchise record of seven, set by Zeke Bratkowski, the last rookie quarterback to start for the Bears.

1 answer

Table is base in the principle of multiple reflection of sound the inner part of the tabla is hollow that allows the maximum area for reflection. When the top is neared the sound travels through the hollow reflects and reaches our ears creating a soothing effect. That's how a tabla works

1 answer