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There has never been a national election in the United States in which the general public voted.

State elections for national offices take place in November.

2 answers

The next national congressional election will occur in November of 2010; the next presidential election will occur in 2012.

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Not in a national election, but in local and state elections, yes.

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November 6th, 2012

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1) It was the first national level election to be held in the United States in 2008.

2) It was the last national level election to be held in the United States in 2008.

1 answer

In the U. S., a general election can mean either any election in which people are elected to fill local, state and/or national offices, as opposed to a primary election, or any election in which people are elected to fill state and/or national offices, as opposed to a local election.

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The Chief Returning Officer.

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the presidential election signaled that the south was losing its national political clout

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There was no national election in the U.S. in 1989. George Bush became president in 1989 after winning the presidential election held in 1988.

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There are elections every day somewhere for something. That could be a national election in a country, or a simpler election, like for a committee.

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1/3 of Senate seats are up for election every two years.

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In presidential election years

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national and state or religional symbols

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In presidential election years.

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national citizens movement for free election

1 answer

America's Election HQ - 2008 Democratic National Convention was released on:

USA: 4 September 2012

1 answer

There wasn't a presidential election that year.

3 answers

Supreme Court is populated by the President.

3 answers

The 1860 election was held in the same place all US National Elections are held....in America.

1 answer

The age requirement to vote in a national election varies by country. In the United States, the minimum voting age is 18. Other countries may have different minimum ages, such as 16 in some countries like Austria and Brazil.

2 answers

A Federal Election... well it's basically where the whole country has to vote on who they want as Prime Minister and Members of Parliament.

In order to have a federal election, the Governor General has to call one. This means, that the current parliament dissolves, leaving Cabinet to run government while the public chooses their new MPS...

2 answers

It is not a primary election. A national party convention is an election convention in which delegates from the 50 states cast their votes in support of the new nominee. This event usually takes place after the primary elections and is considered the beginning of the campaign for the general election.

There was a time when these conventions were important in choosing a nominee. Today presidential nominees are usually known months ahead of a national convention.

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The first time a woman voted in a national election was in the year 1892. Wyoming allowed women to vote when the territory became a state in 1890.

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the national league for democracy won 80 percent of the seats, but the military government refused to reconize the election

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Franklin Pierce was elected President in 1852 . The national election was held on November 2, 1852.

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which National organization is combating the drug problem through education

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The ______ is the last example of indirect voting in national elections

2 answers

presidential elections are every 4 years

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1796 was the first contested election. The two party system began to appear with that election, although it was not until 1828 that two national parties began to rule the election system as they do today.

1 answer

1796 was the first contested election. The two party system began to appear with that election, although it was not until 1828 that two national parties began to rule the election system as they do today.

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Nationalism continued on after the election of 1824. Before election, Adams was best known as an exponent of American nationalism. Nationalists had passed the Bank of the United States and protective tariff bills in 1816. But late in life, especially after his election to the House, Adams was noted especially as the most prominent national leader opposing slavery.

1 answer

Its the First Tuesday after the first Monday in November

1 answer