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"Samui hibi"

Pronounced: sah-mooey hee-bee

1 answer

I'd say that's very unlikely. I don't think women are his type.

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"Naka ni muiteru bakuhatsu" would be pronounced: nah-kah nee mooey-teh-roo bah-koo-ha-tsoo.

1 answer

Here are some cow puns: if it is around Christmas, say "Mooey Christmas!" To do so would be a very mooving experience, and it would help you to cut through the bull.

1 answer

Ray Kingsley has: Played Mick in "Z Cars" in 1962. Played Rosco de Ville in "Play for Today" in 1970. Played Mooey Morgan in "Play for Today" in 1970. Played Cummo in "Second City Firsts" in 1973. Played Himself - Contestant in "Search for a Star" in 1979. Performed in "Mersey Pirate" in 1979. Played "Mooey" Morgan in "Scully" in 1984. Played Bremner in "The Marksman" in 1987. Played First Journalist in "The Zero Option" in 1988. Played Housing Oficer in "The Love Child" in 1988.

1 answer



Mint Oreo

Mooey Gooey

Strawberry Sorbet

Moo-York Cheesecake


Maple Walnut


P.E.I Blueberry

Wowie Cowie

Chocolate Mud

P.E.I Strawberry

Brownie Explosion

Don Cherry

Fluff N Udder

Chunky Chocolate mint

Orange Pineapple


Sea Salted Toffee

Mocha Almond Fudge

Peanut Butter Cup-Cup

Pralines & Cream

Butter Pecan

Oreo Cookie

Birthday Cake

1 answer

eggheads cuz cj de mooey is on it

I too like Eggheads, but not for the above reason. I'm not sure whether to go public with Strictly Come Dancing..... just don't press save....... Ooops ! lol

Well in my opinion the answer is

Hannah Montana! :)

or anythink on the Disney chanel (im twelveee!)

also i do like abit of x-factor!

the tallent is just outstanding and its real entertainmen:

the whole reason for television?

i don't agree with the above as the people often think they are better than others and are rather 'snobby'

this is realy iritating for me.

who agrees?! :) ..

i agree Hannah Montana is the best!

I Think Americas Next Top Model or X factor :) x


i think Doctor Who

1 answer

eggheads cuz cj de mooey is on it

I too like Eggheads, but not for the above reason. I'm not sure whether to go public with Strictly Come Dancing..... just don't press save....... Ooops ! lol

Well in my opinion the answer is

Hannah Montana! :)

or anythink on the Disney chanel (im twelveee!)

also i do like abit of x-factor!

the tallent is just outstanding and its real entertainmen:

the whole reason for television?

i don't agree with the above as the people often think they are better than others and are rather 'snobby'

this is realy iritating for me.

who agrees?! :) ..

i agree Hannah Montana is the best!

I Think Americas Next Top Model or X factor :) x


i think Doctor who

3 answers

He married only once, in 1328, to his second cousin, Lady Philippa of Hainault (1314-1369). She bore him twelve children, and he was faithful to her for over thirty years.

However, when Philippa's health failed in the last years of her life, Edward took a concubine named Alice Perrers. She was his companion until he died - at which point, she stripped the rings from his fingers in order to raise herself some easy money.

8 answers

Katherine McKalip has: Played Ann Hawkins in "Pumpkin Morgue Paranormal Investigators" in 2010. Played Gael in "A Memory" in 2010. Played Belle Mooey in "Moo News" in 2010. Played Older Lady in "Life is a Game" in 2010. Performed in "The Matthew Morrison Story" in 2011. Played Opening Monologue in "Married in a Year" in 2011. Played Wizard Lady in "The Battle of Hogwarts" in 2011. Played Mrs. Astor in "The Horror of Barnes Folly" in 2011. Performed in "Twitter Celebrates its 5th Anniversary" in 2011. Played Cocktail Party Attendee in "Hopelessly in June" in 2011. Played Bar Patron in "Foreignness" in 2012. Played Conference Attendee in "Brahmin Bulls" in 2013. Performed in "My Name Is Asia" in 2013. Played Administrator Ellen in "1 Chance 2 Dance" in 2014. Played Queen Olivia in "Cockroaches" in 2014. Played Woman crossing street in "Audrey" in 2014.

1 answer

Here are some cow puns: if it is around Christmas, say "Mooey Christmas!" To do so would be a very mooving experience, and it would help you to cut through the bull.

7 answers

The cast of Scully - 1984 includes: Judith Barker as Mrs. Heath Gary Bleasdale as Bignall Jean Boht as Gran Angela Catherall as Rita Gilly Coman as Marie Morgan Elvis Costello as Henry Scully Kenny Dalglish as himself Jimmy Gallagher as Arthur Scully Tom Georgeson as Isaiah Bruce Grobbelaar as himself Tony Haygarth as Dracula Paula Jacobs as Florrie Joey Kaye as Dad Ray Kingsley as "Mooey" Morgan Valerie Lilley as Mum Mark McGann as Mad Dog Bob Paisley as himself David Ross as Steve Andrew Schofield as Franny Scully Lucinda Scrivener as Puppy Dog Cathy Tyson as Joanna

2 answers

aero afro aglow ago airflow aloealso although alto ammo Anglo argotarrow auto backhoe bandeau banjo barrowbasso beau bellow below bestow billowbingo bistro blow bolo bongo bordeauxborough borrow bow bozo brando bravobromo bronco bucko bunco bunko bureauburro burrow cairo callow canto cargocastro cello chateau chico chino cockcrowcoco cocoa combo condo Congo cornrowcosmo credo crossbow crow crusoe dadoday-glo deathblow deco depot dido dingodisco ditto dodo doe dough duoecho ego elbow ergo escrow expofallow farrow fellow flambeau floe flowfoe follow forego foreknow forgo francofresco Fresno frisco fro furlough furrowgarbo gaucho gecko ghetto ginkgo gizmoglow go gogo grotto groucho growgumbo gung-ho gusto gyro hallo hallowhalo harpo harrow haymow heave-ho hedgerowheigh-ho hello hero hippo ho hobohoe hollow homo honcho Hugo hypoinflow info jabot jato jell-o jingojoe judo jumbo juneau juno juntokayo keno kilo know kongo kyotolargo lasso lido limbo limo lingoloco logo longbow lotto low machomacro maestro maillot mallow mambo mangomao marrow matzo mayo meadow mellowmemo metro micro minnow mongo monomonroe morrow motto mow mumbo narrownato negro Nero no no-no no-shownolo nouveau oboe oh oslo outflowoutgo outgrow owe oxbow pekoe pesopeugeot pharaoh photo picot pillow pinkopinto plano plateau Plato Pluto pocopoe polo poncho porno presto propronto provo pseudo psycho pueblo quorainbow ratio reflow regrow Reno rhinorio roe rouleau Rousseau row sallowsalvo scarecrow scherzo schizo schmo schmoesew shadow shako shakos shallow shewshinto show sideshow silo sloe slowsnow so so-so solo sorrow sottosourdough sow sparrow speedo steno stowstucco sumo swallow tableau taco tallowtango taro tempo tho thorough thoughthroe throw tiptoe toe torso tototow tricot trio trousseau trudeau turbotypo tyro umbo uno velcro vetovirgo wacko wallow weirdo whoa whosowidow willow window windrow winnow winowoe yellow yo yo-yo zero

6 answers