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Bonnes moeurs en Flandre - 1990 TV is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

Moeurs et coutumes arabes - 1911 was released on:

France: 8 July 1911

USA: 12 May 1912

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La vie aux Indes Moeurs villageoises Ceylan - 1912 was released on:

France: 18 October 1912

USA: 17 April 1913

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Rosita Matza has written:

'Autre temps, autres moeurs'

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Raymond de Dalmas has written:

'Les Japonais, leur pays et leurs moeurs'

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Panage has written:

'Manners' -- subject(s): Ethics

'Les moeurs' -- subject(s): Ethics, Conduct of life

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R. P. A. Raignier has written:

'Vie et moeurs des fourmis' -- subject(s): Fourmis

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Roger- Henri Guerrand has written:

'Moeurs citadiens : histoire de la culture urbaine, XIXe=XXe siecle'

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Lucien de Burlet has written:

'Au Canada' -- subject(s): Descriptions et voyages, Moeurs et coutumes

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Eva Fournier has written:

'Pologne' -- subject(s): Pologne, Social life and customs, Descriptions et voyages, Moeurs et coutumes

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John Grand-Carteret has written:

'La voiture de demain'

'Les Moeurs et la caricature en France'

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J. Vleugels has written:

'Moeurs et coutumes des Batabwa' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Tabwa (African people)

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The cast of Brigade des moeurs - 1959 includes: Abadie Michel Beaufort as Le journaliste Pierre Cap Marcel Charvey as Le prince Tilda Ellen Teddy Jeffries Pierre Moncorbier Jacqueline Nero Claire Nevers Pierre Repp Louis Roman Fernand Sardou as Le commissaire Masson Emile Stern Jean Tissier as Clovis Vera Valois

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Rachel Vigier has written:

'Autre temps, autres moeurs' -- subject(s): Sex role, Sex discrimination in education, Sex differences in education

'The book of skeletons'

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Tsewang Y. Pemba has written:

'Tibet, ma patrie ; Young days in Tibet' -- subject(s): Moeurs et coutumes, Tibet

'Idols on the path'

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Yva Momatiuk has written:

'In a sea of wind' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Photojournalism, Moeurs et coutumes, Descriptions et voyages, Vues, Pictorial works

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Germain Laisnel de la Salle has written:

'Le Berry' -- subject(s): France, Berry (France), Berry, Folklore, Moeurs et coutumes

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Ernst Karl Guhl has written:

'The life of the Greeks and Romans' -- subject(s): Social life and customs

'La Vie antique' -- subject(s): Moeurs et coutumes

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Nicolas Perrot has written:

'Memoire sur les moeurs, coustumes et relligion [sic] des sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale' -- subject(s): Indians of North America

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Wojciech Czechowski has written:

'Colonies of hybrids and mixed colonies' -- subject(s): Behavior, Fourmis, Fourmis des bois, Insect societies, Moeurs et comportement, Nests, Wood ant

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Lloyd Raymond Brown has written:

'A lingering look behind' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Moeurs et coutumes, Biographies, Histoire, Enfance et jeunesse, Childhood and youth, Biography, History

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Eustache Louis Joseph Toulotte has written:

'Histoire de la barbarie et des lois au Moyen Age: de la civilisation et des moeurs des anciens ..'

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Hyacinthe Hecquard has written:

'Coup d'oeil sur l'organisation politique, l'histoire et les moeurs des peulhs du Fouta-Dialon' -- subject(s): Fula (African people), Social life and customs

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Albert Lecoy de La Marche has written:

'La France sous saint Louis et sous Philippe le Hardi' -- subject(s): Histoire, France, Moeurs et coutumes

'Saint Louis'

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Maillard has written:

'An account of the customs and manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets savage nations, now dependent on the government of Cape-Breton' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Micmac Indians, Description and travel, Moeurs et coutumes, Descriptions et voyages, Micmac (Indiens), Malecite Indians, Malecite (Indiens)

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Oscar Comettant has written:

'Trois ans aux Etats-Unis: e?tude des moeurs et coutumes ame?ricaines'

'La musique, les musiciens et les instruments de musique' -- subject(s): Musical instruments, Music, Paris (France). Exposition universelle, 1867, Paris (France)

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Olivia Dutron has: Performed in "Merci Bernard" in 1982. Played Anita in "Aldo et Junior" in 1984. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985. Played Various characters in "Collaricocoshow" in 1985. Performed in "Pas de secrets entre nous" in 2008. Played Sophie (2012) in "Lignes de vie" in 2012.

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Elizabeth Warnock Fernea has written:

'Women and the family in the Middle East' -- subject(s): Conditions sociales, Vrouwen, Social Conditions, Femmes, Social life and customs, Families, Mujeres, Family, Vida social y costumbres, Moeurs et coutumes, Familie, Gezin, Frau, Familia, Recueils d'articles, Sociale verandering, Women, Famille, Aufsatzsammlung

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Laure Sabardin has: Played Sophie in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987. Played Chevreuse in "The Return of the Musketeers" in 1989. Played Isabella in "Aldo tous risques" in 1991. Played Marianne Hautepain in "Julie Lescaut" in 1992. Performed in "Amour fou" in 1993. Played Christelle in "Quatre pour un loyer" in 1995.

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Francis Terzian has: Performed in "Les bonnes causes" in 1963. Performed in "Les murs ont des oreilles" in 1974. Played La vision du Dr. Lartigue in "Folies bourgeoises" in 1976. Performed in "Le choix des armes" in 1981. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985. Played Quentrill in "Riviera" in 1987. Played Jacques in "Family Matters" in 1989. Performed in "Le gorille" in 1990.

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Constance Brittain Bouchard has written:

'Every Valley Shall Be Exalted\\'

'Knights' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Art et science militaires, Moeurs et coutumes, Histoire, Knights and knighthood, Chevalerie, Military art and science, History

'Holy entrepreneurs' -- subject(s): Cistercians, Commerce, Economic conditions, History, Nobility

'Sword, miter, and cloister' -- subject(s): Monasticism and religious orders, Social history, Church history, Nobility, History

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Yves Jouffroy has: Performed in "Lovely Lovely" in 1973. Played Philippe Villeneuve in "Glamour" in 1985. Played himself in "La classe" in 1987. Performed in "Spirale" in 1987. Played Adonis in "Pattes de velours" in 1987. Played Savary in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987. Performed in "Domino" in 1988. Performed in "Une famille formidable" in 1992. Performed in "Dose mortelle" in 1993. Played Le client Bentley in "Les parrains" in 2005.

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Kaj Birket-Smith has written:

'Knud Rasmussen som Eskimo-Forsker'

'Ethnographical collections from the Northwest Passage' -- subject(s): Eskimos, Antiquities

'... Anthropological observations on the central Eskimos' -- subject(s): Anthropometry, Eskimos, Inuit

'Geschichte der Kultur' -- subject(s): Ethnology, Civilization, History

'An ethnological sketch of Rennell Island' -- subject(s): Ethnology

'Ethnography of the Egedesminde district' -- subject(s): Inuit

'Moeurs et coutumes des Esquimaux' -- subject(s): Eskimos

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Pierre Oudrey has: Played Inspecteur Berlier in "Bye bye, Barbara" in 1969. Played Frederic in "Tout va bien" in 1972. Performed in "Les ardentes" in 1974. Performed in "Les liaisons perverses" in 1975. Played Claude in "Emilienne" in 1975. Performed in "Blanche Fesse et les sept mains" in 1981. Played Paul in "Guerra sucia" in 1984. Played Paulo in "Rosa la rose, fille publique" in 1986. Played Sparren in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987.

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Philippe Loffredo has:

  • Played George Greeves in "The Hitchhiker" in 1983.
  • Played Philippe in "The Hitchhiker" in 1983.
  • Played Inspecteur in "Police" in 1985.
  • Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985.
  • Played Louis in "Ying xiong wu lei" in 1986.
  • Performed in "Katts and Dog" in 1988.
  • Played Tanguy in "Trop belle pour toi" in 1989.
  • Performed in "La neige et le feu" in 1991.
  • Performed in "Homo automobilis" in 1996.
  • Performed in "Les couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs II" in 1998.

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Unni Wikan has written:

'Tomorrow, God willing' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Poor, Unterschicht, Sociale situatie, Armen (personen), Conditions sociales, Pauvres, Selbsthilfe, Soziale Situation, Armut

'In Honor of Fadime' -- subject(s): OverDrive, Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality, Sociology

'Behind the veil in Arabia' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Women, Marriage, Sex customs, Femmes, Seksen, Moeurs et coutumes, Gebruiken, Vrouwen, Mariage, Vie sexuelle

'Life among the poor in Cairo' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Poor

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Jules Bertaut has written:

'L'opinion et les moeurs' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, History

'Madame de Genlis'

'La Bourse anecdotique et pittoresque' -- subject(s): Bourse de Paris

'Les dessous de la \\' -- subject(s): History

'Victor Hugo' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Amoureuses et femmes galantes' -- subject(s): Biography

'Le faubourg Saint-Germain sous l'Empire et la Restauration'

'Le roi bourgeois (Louis-Philippe intime)' -- subject(s): Courts and court life, History

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Pierre Bonzans has: Played Frinville in "Commissaire Moulin" in 1976. Played M. Morin in "Blue jeans" in 1977. Played Roger Sylvestre in "Brigade des mineurs" in 1977. Played Un officiel in "La machine" in 1977. Played Girard in "Le jeune homme vert" in 1979. Played Le commandant Debiez in "Sept hommes en enfer" in 1981. Performed in "Mesrine" in 1984. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985. Played Le maire in "Le prix du silence" in 1989. Performed in "Maria Vandamme" in 1989. Performed in "La milliardaire" in 1991.

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Elisabeth Steiner has: Played Hannchen in "Annoncentheater - Ein Abendprogramm des deutschen Fernsehens im Jahre 1776" in 1962. Played Cherubino in "Die Hochzeit des Figaro" in 1967. Played Ninon - a young widow in "Die Teufel von Loudun" in 1969. Played Herself - Singer in "Anneliese Rothenberger gibt sich die Ehre" in 1971. Played Euridyce in "Orpheus in der Unterwelt" in 1971. Played Rachel in "Ein Stern geht auf aus Jaakob" in 1972. Played Margaret in "Wozzeck" in 1972. Performed in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987.

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Michel Morano has: Played Heini in "La servante du passeur" in 1960. Performed in "Les dossiers du professeur Morgan" in 1970. Played Le valet de Claudio in "Les caprices de Marianne" in 1970. Played La Truite in "Les brigades du Tigre" in 1974. Performed in "Jo Gaillard" in 1975. Played Le client in "Mini-chroniques" in 1976. Played Archangelo in "Comme le temps passe" in 1980. Played Le quidam in "Tout le monde peut se tromper" in 1983. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985. Played Le chauffeur de taxi in "Monsieur Hire" in 1989.

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Denis Karvil has: Performed in "Garofano rosso" in 1976. Played Rapha in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985. Played Simon Lecoq in "Big Man: Polizza inferno" in 1988. Played Simon Lecoq in "Big Man: Diva" in 1988. Played Simon Lecoq in "Big Man: La fanciulla che ride" in 1988. Played Simon Lecoq in "Big Man: Boomerang" in 1988. Played Simon Lecoq in "Big Man: Polizza droga" in 1988. Played Collard in "Nestor Burma" in 1991. Played Mallet in "Van Loc: un grand flic de Marseille" in 1992. Played Stef in "Vertiges" in 1997. Played Philippe in "Vertiges" in 1997. Played Castain in "Vertiges" in 1997. Played A producer in "Tortilla y cinema" in 1997. Played Jeff Dubois in "Vertiges" in 1997. Played Denis in "La voie de Laura" in 2005.

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James B Martin-Schramm is an author and has written books such as "Christian Environmental Ethics: A Case Method Approach" and "Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy and Public Policy". He focuses on topics related to environmental ethics and social justice from a Christian perspective.

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Alexander H. Japp has written:

'Thomas De Quincey' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'German life and literature in a series of biographical studies' -- subject(s): Accessible book, German Authors, German literature

'Offering and sacrifice' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Sacrifice

'Days with industrials'

'Thoreau: his life and aims' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Thomas De Quincey: his life and writings' -- subject(s): Correspondence, English Authors, Biography

'Our common cuckoo and other cuckoos and parasitical birds' -- subject(s): Cuckoos, Birds, Behavior, Coucous, Oiseaux, Moeurs et comportement

'Hours in my garden' -- subject(s): Natural history, Nature study, Outdoor books

'Good men and true' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'On making the best of things' -- subject(s): Conduct of life, Conduct of life.

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Dominique Hulin has: Played Le garde du corps du ministre in "Q" in 1974. Performed in "Le roi des bricoleurs" in 1977. Performed in "Moonraker" in 1979. Played Mameluke Giant in "Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story" in 1987. Played The Giant in "Crossbow" in 1987. Performed in "Crossbow" in 1987. Played Arthaud in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987. Played Dablin in "Street of No Return" in 1989. Played Ivan in "Highlander" in 1992. Played Pierrot Delgado in "A Year in Provence" in 1993. Performed in "Les visiteurs" in 1993. Played Le popin in "Francorusse" in 1997. Played Morold in "Il cuore e la spada" in 1998. Played Werewolf in "Relic Hunter" in 1999. Performed in "Elie annonce Semoun" in 2000. Played Le chauffeur de Bennet in "Narco" in 2004. Played Le Patron in "Le jour du festin" in 2006. Performed in "Bain de minuit" in 2006.

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Bill Wade has written:

'Cade's gold'

'West by Boot Hill'

'Southern blood, northern gold'

'Return to Spanish Hill'

'Flare up at Battle Creek' -- subject(s): Fiction in English

'Haven for hellions'

'Killing at Black Notch'

'Canyon of gold' -- subject(s): Fiction in English

'Sam Colt and Parson Ford'

'The last round up'

'Rancho blood'

'Terror at Black Rock'

'Guns in quiet valley'

4 answers

Pierre Repp has: Performed in "Une femme au volant" in 1933. Played himself in "Discorama" in 1957. Performed in "Le colonel est de la revue" in 1957. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1959. Played The English Teacher in "Les quatre cents coups" in 1959. Played Le satyre in "Les petits matins" in 1962. Played Le marquis de Griffe in "Cartouche" in 1962. Played Ravanel in "Un roi sans divertissement" in 1963. Performed in "Bob Morane" in 1964. Played Jauffrey in "Sous le signe de Monte-Cristo" in 1968. Played Tibia in "Les caprices de Marianne" in 1970. Played Le premier ministre in "La grande maffia..." in 1971. Played Bernier, le sous-directeur in "Je sais rien, mais je dirai tout" in 1973. Played Le garagiste in "Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres" in 1979. Played himself in "Les grands du rire" in 2005.

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C'est Tartuffe ou l'imposteur, présentée pour la première fois en mai 1664. Les dévots s'indignent de son contenu dans lequel ils voient une critique de leurs valeurs, moeurs ainsi que leurs roles très influent. Ils font interdire la pièce. En 1667, Molière rebaptise sa pièce Panulphe ou l'Imposteur mais elle elle est très vite de nouveau interdite pour cause de « ce n'est pas au théâtre de prêcher l'Evangile », selon la police. Toute personne tentant de représenter la pièce ou d'aller la voir, se voit menacé d'etre bannie par l'eglise, pour cause de critique de la religion.
Le Tartuffe

2 answers

Jean-Henri Fabre has written:

'The wonder book of plant life' -- subject(s): Botany

'The insect world of J. Henri Fabre' -- subject(s): Insects, Biology, Social behavior in animals, Insect societies, Behavior

'The secret of everyday things' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Science, Industrial arts

'Field, forest and farm' -- subject(s): Natural history, Agriculture, Juvenile literature

'Les ravageurs' -- subject(s): Insects, French language, Readers, Science

'The life of the spider' -- subject(s): Spiders

'La plante' -- subject(s): Botany

'The insect world of J. Henri Fabre'

'Moeurs des insects' -- subject(s): Insects, Behavior

'Das offenbare Geheimnis' -- subject(s): Insects, Biology

'Our humble helpers' -- subject(s): Domestic animals

'Here and there in popular science' -- subject(s): Natural history, Science

'Illustrations' -- subject(s): Insects

'The mason-bees' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Mason bees, Mason-bees

'Bramble-bees and others' -- subject(s): Bees

'Moeurs des insectes'

'The story book of birds & beasts' -- subject(s): Popular works, Poultry, Zoology, Domestic animals

'The life of the fly, with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography' -- subject(s): Flies

'The life of the weevil' -- subject(s): Beetles

'More beetles' -- subject(s): Beetles

'Curiosities of science' -- subject(s): Science, Juvenile literature

'Skik og brug hos insekterne' -- subject(s): Insects, Biology

'The wonders of instinct' -- subject(s): Insects, Instinct, Behavior

'The hunting wasps' -- subject(s): Wasps

'Instinktets mysterier hos insekter og ederkopper' -- subject(s): Insects, Instinct

'Souvenirs entomologiques'

'The life of caterpillar' -- subject(s): Larvae

'La vie des insectes' -- subject(s): Insects

'Farm friends and foes' -- subject(s): Agricultural pests, Economic Zoology, Zoology, Economic

'Social life in the insect world' -- subject(s): Insects

'Skorpioner og andet kryb' -- subject(s): Insects, Biology, Scorpions, Beetles

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Patrick Palmero has: Played Le toubib in "Commissaire Moulin" in 1976. Played Le docteur Guersant in "Commissaire Moulin" in 1976. Played Patrick in "Une voix la nuit" in 1982. Played Etienne in "La tribu des vieux enfants" in 1982. Performed in "Police des moeurs: Les filles de Saint Tropez" in 1987. Played Le photographe in "Camille Claudel" in 1988. Performed in "La grande cabriole" in 1989. Played Victor Lacarrierre in "Maigret" in 1991. Performed in "Une famille formidable" in 1992. Played Juge Besson in "Les Cordier, juge et flic" in 1992. Played Bertrand in "Seconde B" in 1993. Played M. Gautrat in "La philo selon Philippe" in 1995. Performed in "La philo selon Philippe" in 1995. Played Le recruteur in "H" in 1998. Played Da Costa in "La poursuite du vent" in 1998. Played Antoine in "Le secret de Saint-Junien" in 1999. Played Me Junot in "Justice pour tous" in 2003.

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Yves Massard has: Performed in "La rose de la mer" in 1946. Played Bit part in "Ruy Blas" in 1948. Performed in "Jean de la Lune" in 1949. Played Un gentilhomme in "Nez de cuir" in 1952. Played Henri Brenner in "Je suis un mouchard" in 1953. Played Franck in "La cage aux souris" in 1954. Played Federico Rivas in "Calle Mayor" in 1956. Played Inspecteur Louis Vignon in "Les suspects" in 1957. Played Froment in "S.O.S. Noronha" in 1957. Played Juan in "Los cobardes" in 1959. Played Inspecteur Duret in "La nuit des suspectes" in 1960. Performed in "Rouge" in 1960. Played Yves Chardin in "Les hommes veulent vivre" in 1961. Performed in "Los culpables" in 1962. Played Tony Fabien in "Vampiresas 1930" in 1962. Performed in "Les chevaliers du ciel" in 1967. Performed in "Le passager de la pluie" in 1970. Played Jacques Carpentier in "Ton amour et ma jeunesse" in 1973. Played 1st Man at Party in "Once in Paris..." in 1978. Played Baron Orloff in "Aphrodite" in 1982. Performed in "Brigade des moeurs" in 1985.

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