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Mayor Johnson's tenure as mayor was mired in controversy.

After hurricane Katrina, much of the south was mired in poverty and destruction.

The plane was mired in mud and snow at the end of the runway.

1 answer

I am sorry but you need to clarify your question. People don't get mired in years.

1 answer

I jumped down from the rock to what I thought was solid ground, and found myself mired waist-deep in a gigantic pit of squishy, slimy mud.

She has spent most of her life mired in self-doubt, so it's a wonder she's become as successful as she is.

He blamed his mistress for the ruin of his political career, saying that she had mired him in scandal.

1 answer

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hired, mired, tired, perspired?,

1 answer

Tagalog of people mired her because of her fairness: Ang mga tao ay naiilang sa kanya dahil sa kanyang kagandahan.

1 answer

mired in poverty, jobless rate high,

1 answer

Crap! It can also mean "sh*t" depending on how you use it.

2 answers

If you are a Bill Clinton fan or not, it's important to note that for much of his time in office, he was mired in scandal.

1 answer

It basically means 'stuck in a swamp' . Now it could simply mean being in a very awkward fix.

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His past mistakes were inextricably linked to his current situation.

2 answers

Although many people think that they know what an obelisk was used for, it was mostly used for inscribing the names of the Pharaoh's. But back then it was also ed mired for it beauty.

2 answers

A quagmire could be a bog, swamp, marsh.

Or metaphorically, a trap, quandary, entanglement, or predicament.

Adjectives could include mired, caught (as in a quagmire), stuck, or trapped.

1 answer

No official reason was given, but the show was increasingly mired in controversies which caused a lot of problems for A&E.

3 answers

Lacking a director or other leader, one could assume that the production would become mired in opinions as to how to follow the script, how to interpret the characters' arcs and so forth.

1 answer

As the industry progressed past the mid-1970s, when it was mired for several years in a global recession, its growth during the 1980s continued at a moderate rate.

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worng that's hes wife and he have 3 children by her they got married when he was 17..

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Based on the very narrow part of the spectrum where the colours we humans can observe reside, technically black is not a colour and white is all the colours. But for all practical intents and purposes (and without getting mired in semantics), both can be considered colours.

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Meaning "debased behavior or thinking" or, more simply, "wickedness," the term "turpitude" is not common in contemporary English but can still be usefully employed. One example-sentence for it is the following: "One does not have to judge one's political opponents as mired in turpitude in order to disagree with them. "

1 answer

Stalingrad wasn't the turning point for the war in North Africa. Stalingrad is in Russia, not North Africa. Stalingrad was a turning point for the war on the Eastern Front because it ground the German Army's advance to a halt and mired them in a nasty stalemate.

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Tanks did serve to break the stalemate, allowing Allied troop to break once-formitable German lines, however, most tanks were unreliable and became easily mired in the muddy and pockmarked terrain of the battlefield, and there fore, their role, although of note was fairly limited.

1 answer

Because the military leadership of other nations were mired in lessons learned from the previous major war, as always. Those lessons were, hunker down in an impregnable fortress and let the enemy beat their heads against it. So the Nazis simply went around them. easy.

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The Pilgrims that came on the Mayflower landed at Plymouth rock in 1620. They are the most famous in American folk lore. Many others wishing for religious and other freedoms left before and after that date. They are still doing it today. Fed up with a government mired in royal entrapments they come here.

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Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to establish the theory that the Sun, and not the Earth, was the center of the solar system. This heliocentric theory changed the former one set in 150 AD by Ptolemy. It had a huge impact, forcing the Catholic Church, mired in Ptolemaic thought and timekeeping, to admit wrong and institute change.

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They were progressivist institutions that sought to acculturate (forcibly?) immigrants and raise the standard of living for those mired in poverty. Prime examples are Jane Addams and Lillian Wald in Chicago and New York respectively

3 answers

Franklin D Roosevelt won in a landslide because Herbert Hoover failed to understand the feeling of the general population. Hoover had a tendency to listen to insiders and the wealthy. He was doing nothing to allay the fear of the general populace mired in the worst of Depressions.

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- Familiar with the application of standards but able to adapt them to the project and environment as appropriate

- Disciplined and organized but flexible

- Familiar with the project details without getting mired in them

- Willing to accept the expertise of others

- Has a good understanding of the organizational politics but does not play political games

- Always holding themselves as accountable as they hold others

- Credible and honest

1 answer

I just got off the phone with Safeway Customer Relations, and they do not have an email address for complaints. This is their purported fax line for complaints: 623-336-6123. It seems they're mired in the 1980's. Good to know their IT department doesn't move any quicker than their store employees.

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I assume the question refers only to major league baseball. It's nostalgia! There is no major sport more mired in and wired to tradition than major league baseball. e.g., the new Fenway looks like the old Fenway. Perhaps the thinking is that the manual scoreboards soften the blow of the ten $ beer.

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Because most other Europeans were using outdated defensive tactics

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Some countries grow rapidly because they have more to offer in terms of export goods which is often a major income to a country. Those that are in poverty already often have little to offer to help them get back on their feet meaning they rely on aid which is really only to sustain them, sadly not to make them affluent.

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HL Gokhale (Hemant Laxman Gokhale) was a chief justice of Madras Highcourt before being promoted to Supreme Court as a Judge in 2009. He is currently mired in a controversy concerning Former Union Telecom Ministry trying to influence Mr. Reghupathy (A Former Judge in Madras Highcourt) in a case C.Krishnamoorthy & his Son Kriba Shankar pertaining to a fake Mark sheet case.

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Lake Saif-Ul-Malook located in the Kaghan Valley in Pakistan. It is a well known tourist destination due to its beauty and its connection to a mythical story about Persian prince Saif-Ul-Malook.

The depth of the lake is currently mired in controversy as no official numbers have been released. However, estimations of the depth range from 1 mile to 50 feet deep.

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Following the US Civil War, the Northern states accelerated their manufacturing base. New inventions helped make production faster and with less cost. For the most part, the Northern states expanded their economies and the US became an economic power in the world. The South, however, was mired down in internal conflicts and resentment of Reconstruction acts that they believed were too harsh.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern M-RED. That is, five letter words with 1st letter M and 3rd letter R and 4th letter E and 5th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:




1 answer

some states are In sovereignty because they are independent states or the people have the right to vote

5 answers

He wasn't considered the worse. Actually, he was a man who had many connections in Congress,knew where the bodies were buried, and was very powerful in his way. He and Kennedy didn't like each other, but Johnson was very competent for his role. He held the country together in a very bad time and took to steps needed when they were required. He did get mired down in Vietnam, but he was the 3 president to be engaged in the problems there. He had to contend with the problem he inherited.

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The cast of A Day Without Cancer - 2013 includes: Bryan Adams as Narrator Paul Alofs Sanchia Aranda Sylvia Asa Otis Brawley Franco Cavalli Elizabeth Eisenhauer Chinyere Eni Emmanuelle Gattuso Mary Gospodarowicz Jonathan Irish David Jaffray Anne Lise Ryel Benjamin Neel Homer Pearce Hrh Princess Dina Mired Lisa Ray as herself Gary Rodin

1 answer

Simply put, you cannot MAKE anyone have feelings that they dont already have. If you have a relationship that you wish to make into something more, but dont seem to be getting any response from the other person to elevate it to another level, then those feelings you seek may not exist or are mired in the cautious nature of the other, and so to TRY TO FORCE the issue would most certainly not bring the desired result. So, it might be better to want what you have rather than have what you (think you) want. Good luck.

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Nigeria has the potential but not the political will to implement it unfortunately.

Its a member of OPEC and has large reserves of oil which could greatly benefit the people. The problem is that the government is notoriously corrupt and inefficient and the population is exploding-it has the highest birthrate in Africa!

There is also a Marxist guerrilla force that continues to pressure the government and has repeatedy shut down oil production. Nigeria and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, except South Africa, are doomed to remain mired in poverty and high population rates and rampant corruption.

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We have learned already that the 21st century will overturn many of our basic assumptions about economic life. Comparably, the same conclusion applies to education in general, and in our case, AC Flora High School, specifically. Some people believe schools are immovable objects mired in an earlier century. However, informed parents recognize that while this perception misses the mark, meaningful systemic change that narrows the achievement gaps, raises academic standards, and provides support equally among the students does not come painlessly or quickly.

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"Light horse" Harry Lee, Robert E Lee's father, was an important cavalry commander under George Washington during the American War of Independence. Robert E Lee was born very late in Harry Lee's life. Harry Lee's life was mired in a scandal about the time of Robert Lee's birth and the family fortune ruined. Many historians believe that Robert Lee's great drive stemmed from the desire to redeem the family name, which he did magnificently.

1 answer

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 23 words with the pattern MI-E-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter M and 2nd letter I and 4th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are:
























1 answer

Ancient Egyptian royal women played many roles. First if she was the kings wife she would give birth to his children and if she could not conceive and or a son another woman would give birth to the kings children hopefully bringing a son. Second if she was queen she would have to play the same role as a man and she would be expected to have a husband and children of her own.

4 answers

The end of history thesis said that there is only one type of government left after Fascism and Communism have been defeated which is Liberal Democracy. All other states who have not yet changed are "mired in history"

A theory put forward by Francis Fukuyama, 1989, that with the triumph of capitalism over communism, ideological differences are, for the most part, over; that viewed as a stage in a Hegelian progression based on the struggle between various ideologies, liberal, capitalist democracy is the final stage of this process; hence history, in that view, is over.

Samuel P. Huntington wrote in relation "the clash of Civilizations."

1 answer

Oginga Odinga and Tom Mboya were two nationalists that served on the Legislative Council. They worked slowly towards nationalism. Many of their problems were caused by other nationalists that preferred more rapid and violent change.

3 answers

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 31 words with the pattern M--ED. That is, five letter words with 1st letter M and 4th letter E and 5th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are:
































1 answer

Ronald Noble was the chief of Interpol from 2000-2014. Before that, he had a long history in law enforcement - having worked for the Department of Treasury as an investigator.

The last years of his tenure as Secretary General of Interpol were mired in scandal. First, many rebuked Noble's conscious support of the Belarusian government in their execution of two young boys following what many consider to be a forced confession and dubious investigation.

The media has also rebuked Noble's personal involvement with notably corrupt individuals such as India's Lalit Modi and Sepp Blatter from FIFA.

Noble now runs a printing company with different branches around the world.

1 answer

Tajikistan as part of the former Soviet Union has its own problems:

1 - corruption and bribery at the highest level.

2 - the economy does not work and stays at the expense of several million migrants working in Russia.

3 - do not have their own production, only backward agriculture.

4 - the legal system does not work. regionalism and tribalism everywhere. the power of the natives of the town of Kulyab.

To change this, they need political will, and its Tajik politicians have not, because they are mired in corruption.

Should grow a new generation of people who receive education in the U.S. and Europe, who do not want to live.

Or whether they need the Orange Revolution to quickly resolve all.

1 answer