The teen wore cute jeans and a tight shirt that revealed her midsection.
1 answer
The three types of seam are Plain seam, French seam and Ancient or Old German flat seam.
2 answers
An open seam is a general purpose seam.
An open seam is two pieces of fabric sewn together, and then the seam allowances are pressed open, creating a flat and clean seam line on the right side of the fabric.
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An enclosed seam, or a French seam, is a seam that is sewn with the wrong sides of the fabric together. A second seam is usually sewn with the right sides together so that the first seam is enclosed.
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The seam to seam length in a horizontal vessel refers to the distance measured from one seam to the opposite seam of the vessel along its circumference. It is an important measurement for determining the size and capacity of the vessel. This measurement is typically used in the fabrication and design of horizontal vessels such as tanks or pressure vessels.
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You need to explain what seam you mean? A seam of coal? A seam in a jacket?
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A seam is where two or more bits of cloth are overlapped. A seam consists of cloth.
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There are 11 types of seams which include: abutted, enclosed, exposed, false french, flat-felled, french, fused, glued, hairline, lapped seam with raw edges, and finally overedged seam.
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A self-enclosed seam is a seam that does not result in a raw edge but a finished, enclosed seam. See related links for more details.
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flat seam is used for decorative purpose. Seam edges do not overlap but flatted together. Seam is constructed with a minimum of 3 fabrics.
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The fabric between the seam and the cut edge is referred to as the seam allowance.
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they are the visible seam which are seen on both wrong and right side (eg) machine fell over laid
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Word that can be made with the letters in 'seam' are:
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Jeans are constructed with several seaming techniques but the seam you are probably inquiring about is the "flat-fell" seam. Sewmetheway
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A conspicuous seam is a visible seam that is intentionally highlighted as a design feature, whereas an inconspicuous seam is a seam that is hidden or blended into the fabric to create a seamless look. Conspicuous seams are typically used for decorative purposes, while inconspicuous seams are used for a more polished and refined finish.
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The seam on the inside of the leg from the crotch to the bottoms of the leg.
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A seam with no seam allowance. Right sides are the same side up and you you zig zig stitch the pieces together with or without an underlay.
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A welt seam is a seam that is pressed open and then is cut on one of the sides and then they are sewn together. This is done so that the width of the material is lessened.
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4 answers
To make a French seam you sew your seam right sides together. at 5/8th in.... Then you trim away half of one side of the seam.... Then you press the seam towards the shorter half. Then you fold the longer half over the narrower half and press..... then you stitch up the flat open side..... that makes a double sewn seam called Frenched seaming.
1 answer
Row cut it
Seal the seam
Hot melt seam
Check the vendors web site for detailed instructions.
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A homonym of seam is seem. "Seam" refers to a line where two fabrics are sewn together, while "seem" means to appear or give the impression.
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I think she started working as a seam in 1957 till 1965 so she worked for 8 years as a seam
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A hem creates a seam. A seam is the intersection between two pieces of cloth or two parts of the same piece of cloth.
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A slot seam is very simple. First baste a plain seam together. (A plain seam is simply two pieces of fabric sew together. You need to make sure that the seam is at least a half an inch wide.
Second, press open the seam along its full length.
Third, cut a strip of fabric as long as the entire seam and as wide as the now open seam width. This means it will be twice the width of seam.
Fourth, pin or paste the strip of fabric to the opened seam, ensuring that the strip sits directly over the center of the opened seam.
Fifth, turn the fabric so that the strip is underneath and you can sew from the 'finished' or right side of the project. Sew a quarter inch on both sides of the seam line.
Finally, remove your basting. You have made a slot seam.
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its just the seam grip, they don't really have a official name.
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a double seam is when your sewing and you run over the stiching a second time.
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In ship building a seam that runs forward and aft not side to side.
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