Microcephaly is a condition in which a person's head is significantly smaller than normal for their age and sex, based on standardized charts. Head size is measured as the distance around the top of the head.
ConsiderationsMicrocephaly most often occurs because the brain fails to grow at a normal rate. Skull growth is determined by brain growth. Brain growth takes place while in the womb and during infancy.
Conditions that affect brain growth can cause microcephaly. These include infections, genetic disorders, and severe malnutrition.
Common CausesThese conditions cause microcephaly:
These additional conditions may indirectly cause microcephaly:
There are no specific home care procedures for microcephaly. Care depends on the condition that caused the microcephaly.
Call your health care provider ifMicrocephaly is often diagnosed at birth or during routine well-baby examinations when the infant's height, weight, and head circumference is measured. If you suspect your infant's head size is too small or not growing normally, consult your health care provider.
What to expect at your health care provider's officeMicrocephaly is usually discovered by the health care provider during routine examination. Head measurements are part of all well-baby examinations up to 18 months (longer in certain circumstances). They are painless and take only a few seconds while the measuring tape is placed around the infant's head.
Documenting microcephaly in detail may include:
Note: A record of the head circumference should be maintained over time.
Although the health care provider maintains records on your baby, it may be helpful to maintain your own records, and bring them to the health care provider's attention if you notice that the infant's head growth pattern seems to be decreasing.
If your health care provider diagnoses your child with microcephaly, you should note that in your child's personal medical records.
ReferencesKinsman SL, Johnston MV. Congenital anomalies of the central nervous system. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 592.
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No, larvicide does not cause microcephaly in infants.
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Head circumference is a direct reflection of head growth When the growth is below norms it is classed as microcephaly. The result of microcephaly is a degree of retardation in growth. If the microcephaly is benign, the limitation is not significant in development.
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Diagnosis of craniosynostosis and microcephaly is made by a physician, typically during examination after birth. A physician may also be alerted to the presence of microcephaly based on the appearance of the head at birth
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Microcephaly is a rare neurological condition and occurs worldwide. Little detailed information on the prevalence of the disorder is available. Microcephaly does not appear to be more prevalent among any race or one gender
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As microcephaly is often associated with chromosomal abnormalities, the specific genetic cause for a person's microcephaly should be determined, if possible. Genetic counseling is available to help parents
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Microcephaly is an extremely rare condition in which the fetus's head circumference is lower then one percentile.
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Microcephaly can be caused by genetic factors, infections during pregnancy (such as Zika virus), exposure to harmful substances, or certain medical conditions.
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Scientists made skull casts of modern individuals with microcephaly to study the physical characteristics and differences in skull shape compared to normal individuals. By examining these casts, researchers can better understand the condition of microcephaly and how it affects the development of the skull. This research can also help in diagnosing and distinguishing microcephaly from other cranial abnormalities.
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Research has shown that there is no direct link between the use of pyriproxyfen and the development of microcephaly in infants. Pyriproxyfen is an insect growth regulator commonly used to control mosquito populations, but studies have not found evidence to suggest that it causes microcephaly in infants.
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Microcephaly in infants can be caused by genetic factors, infections during pregnancy (such as Zika virus), exposure to harmful substances, or certain medical conditions.
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they live to be 20 or to aleast 35 if they are lucky
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Other possible causes of microcephaly include infections during pregnancy (rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis), adverse effects of medication, and the excessive use of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy
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The damage from microcephaly comes because of the cramped interior of the skull. This lack of space exerts pressure on the growing brain. This causes impairment and delayed development of functions such as speech and control of muscles
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Microcephaly in infants can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic abnormalities, infections during pregnancy (such as Zika virus or rubella), exposure to harmful substances, and certain medical conditions.
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20 to 35 years of age if you are lucky
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In most people it doesn't cause much of a disease except some flu like systems but in unborn babies it can cause the cortex of the brain to not develop. Since the brain is now much smaller, the skull forming around the brain becomes smaller. This condition is called microcephaly. Children with microcephaly often have developmental issues. Generally there's no treatment for microcephaly.
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Microcephaly is a condition that causes a baby to have a normal size body and a really small head before birth. Microcephaly can also occur after birth.
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The biggest problem with Zika is that Zika virus infection during pregnancy can cause a serious birth defect called microcephaly. Microcephaly is a condition where a baby's head is much smaller than expected. Babies with microcephaly can have a range of other problems, depending on how severe their microcephaly is. Microcephaly has been linked to:
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I don't think so. I think it's a congenital (present at birth) defect caused by a mutation in the genes.
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Infection during pregnancy causes microcephaly and other brain malformations in some babies.
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The Zika virus can cause birth defects, such as microcephaly, when pregnant women are infected.
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Microcephaly can be caused by genetic factors, infections during pregnancy (such as Zika virus), exposure to harmful substances, or certain medical conditions. These causes can disrupt normal brain development, leading to a smaller than average head size and potential cognitive and developmental delays.
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Microcephaly is primarily caused by genetic factors, infections during pregnancy (such as Zika virus), exposure to harmful substances, or certain medical conditions. It impacts brain development by restricting the growth of the brain, leading to a smaller head size and potential cognitive and developmental delays.
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An individual is considered to have microcephaly when their head circumference is significantly smaller than average for their age and sex. This condition typically indicates that the brain has not developed properly, which can lead to various developmental challenges. Microcephaly can be diagnosed at birth or later in infancy.
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The Zika virus has been linked to a rise in cases of microcephaly in babies born in Brazil. Microcephaly is a condition where babies are born with abnormally small heads and underdeveloped brains, leading to lifelong disabilities. This has caused significant concern and public health efforts to prevent the spread of the virus.
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If the gene defect(s) are expressed during fetal development, the condition is present at birth. This is the congenital form of the disorder
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Genetic diseases are called heredity diseases . They may be congenital or may appear later on eh hare lip , microcephaly etc.
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You are probably experiencing the early symptoms of microcephaly. It's not too serious, no worries.
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Speech therapists and audiologists can help with hearing and language development. Physical and occupational therapists provide aid in walking and adaptive equipment such as wheelchairs
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Individuals with this syndrome have unusual facial features, poor muscle tone (hypotonia), small head size (microcephaly), and mental retardation.
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With surgery, the prognosis for children with craniosynostosis can be good. However the outlook for children with other forms of microcephaly is poor, and the likelihood of having normal brain function is likewise poor.
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10-15% of CMV-infected newborns may exhibit low birth weight; jaundice; enlarged liver and spleen; hernias; microcephaly or hydrocephaly; and brain damage.
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The medical treatment team can consist of family and more specialized physicians and nurses. Parents and care-givers play an important role in supportive care
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Potential side effects of the Zika virus include fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. In pregnant women, Zika can cause birth defects such as microcephaly in babies.
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Two most common: microcephaly ( small head), triangular face with pointed, recessed chin. Can also include webbing of digits and unusually formed genitals, as well as others. It is a rare disorder.
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RADIATION. Exposure of the mother to high levels of radiation can cause small skull size (microcephaly), blindness, spina bifida, and cleft palate. How severe the defect is depends on the duration and timing of the exposure.
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Ultrasonic examination of the fetal brain has made early detection of holoprosencephaly common. In infants born live, a preliminary diagnosis may be based on extremely small head size (microcephaly ) and on examination of the face.
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Babies with lissencephaly may appear normal at birth, but then progress to severe developmental delay, seizures , and failure to thrive at several months of age. There may be abnormally small head size, known as microcephaly
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These include the excessive build-up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain (a condition called hydrocephalus ), paralyzed arms and legs (spastic quadriplegia), an abnormally small head (microcephaly ), difficulty in tasks like walking and reaching.
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The condition can be present at birth or may develop during the first few years of life. In the latter situation, the growth of the head fails to keep to a normal pace. This produces a small head, relatively large face
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This is quite rare but I have nursed one. The diagnosis is made usually by identifying the abnormal signs of the infant. It is confirmed by skull x-ray (microcephaly) and genetic testing (abnormal chrosome 5). Treatment is symptomatic, there is no cure.
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Zika virus causes flu like symptoms, a rash, blood shot eyes, and can cause microcephaly in unborn babies. It is spread by mosquitos, but after a person is infected, they can also spread it through sexual contact. In some extreme cases, zika can be fatal.
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Zika virus causes flu like symptoms, a rash, blood shot eyes, and can cause microcephaly in unborn babies. It is spread by mosquitos, but after a person is infected, they can also spread it through sexual contact. In some extreme cases, zika can be fatal.
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The pinheads were a group of fictional mutant characters in the movie "Freaks" from 1932. They were portrayed as sideshow performers with microcephaly, a condition characterized by a smaller than average head size. The term "pinhead" is now considered derogatory and offensive when used to describe individuals with disabilities.
2 answers
The Zika virus has been linked to birth defects in babies in Brazil, such as microcephaly, which is a condition where babies are born with abnormally small heads and brain damage. This can lead to developmental delays and other health issues for affected babies.
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The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause birth defects and neurological complications. It has been linked to microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers. Public health efforts focus on preventing mosquito bites and controlling the spread of the virus.
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Feingold syndrome has been known as "microcephaly-digital anomalies-normal intelligence syndrome."
Smart people acting stupid because of personalities flaws is described as "self-destructive intelligence syndrome."
There are also joking references to intelligence syndromes, such as "excessive intelligence syndrome" and "delayed intelligence syndrome."
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The Zika virus can cause a condition called microcephaly in babies, which results in smaller heads and potential developmental issues. This is because the virus can affect the developing brain of the fetus during pregnancy, leading to abnormal growth and potential neurological problems.
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Babies born to mothers infected with the Zika virus in Brazil have been affected by a condition called microcephaly, which causes abnormally small heads and potential developmental delays. This has led to long-term health and developmental challenges for these babies.
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