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there are over 15,000 members if that is what you mean.

1 answer

Louis and Zayn do. Louis and Eleanor Calder. Zayn and Perrie Edwards :)

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Still have questions?
magnify glass

The 1959 cast memers were: James Cagney, Dana Wynter, Don Murray and Glynis Johns,

1 answer

Opec was founded in 1960to coordinate the petroleum policies of its memers ad to provide member states with technical and economical aid.

1 answer

aint sure thats why i came on this stupid website i think -princeton-14 prodigy13 roc royal 13 and ray ray 14

1 answer

President: Nicolas Sarkozy

Prime Minister: Francois Fillon

Both memers of the centre-right UMP Part (Union pour un Movement Populaire)

1 answer

The court can appoint anyone the deem proper. If there are objections, they may appoint a neutral party, which will cost the estate more money.

1 answer

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.


Memers of the EEC = Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Malta.

1 answer

Dahvie Vanity's real name is David Jesus (yes, Jesus) Torres. Jayy Von Monroe's real name is Jeremy Brain Griffis.

~Auddie Dottie Doll-face (Audrey Feltner)

1 answer

After the sixth badge, you have to travel south from Fortree city. This route will have many trainers to battle, and is pretty long. Once you finish it, you will be in Lilycove city. There are a lot of Team Aqua memers there. Talk to all of them and you'll get an idea where to go. Hope I helped! :)

1 answer

There arent any public tracks in Va Beach but ECMX (memers only unless race that weekend) is not too far (located in Elizabeth City NC) If you check out D13mx.com and check out the schedule you will see the main tracks in the area.

1 answer

i dont know but im doing an art history term paper on francois auguse rene rodin and i need the names off all his close family memers ( brothers sisters mom and dad step parents if necessary )

1 answer

preventive measures to be taken to resist earthquake in terms of detailing of reinforcements (ductlity, confinements, etc) and increased sectional properties of concrete memers, etc.. If the building is said to be EQ resistant building, it means EQ loads are to be included in the analysis and design..and the same should be implemented in to the site/construction.

1 answer

You have to get all of King Coal's quests and when you finish them, talk to king coal and he will give you another quest that allows you to go inside his body and kill the germs. When you kill germs, keep killing them until you get the armor. (Plus, i think theres only one or twoe to three non-memers germ armor.

1 answer

Types of connection should be decided before concreting, usually dowel bars, U bars, J hooks to be embeded while making precast concrete, then these are to be concreted (in-situ) with the bearings. Bearing memers are very important to connect two or three precast members. These joints are considered as somply supported or hinged or partial fixed for analysis purpose.

1 answer

Indian National Congress
  • Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, 1st Prime Minister
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Deputy Prime Minister cum Home Minister
  • Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, Minister for Law, Chairman of Drafting committee
  • Maulana Azad, Minister for Education,
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Chairman of the Assembly

2 answers

One AFTP course that provides training for family members new to the Army is the Army Family Team Building (AFTB) Level 1 course. This course focuses on providing basic knowledge of the Army structure, culture, and lifestyle to help family members better understand and support their soldier. It covers topics such as Army acronyms, rank structure, resources, and support services available to Army families.

2 answers

Homo sapiens is the only living species in the genus Homo, with other members such as Homo neanderthalensis and Homo erectus being extinct. Homo sapiens is characterized by higher cognitive abilities, complex language, and advanced tool-making skills, which have allowed them to dominate the planet unlike any other species in the genus Homo.

2 answers

it has changed everyday life because children are less stuck on their homework

it makes it quicker for research and easier to contact faraway family members

such as facebook yes..its dangerous but Yes it has saved people's live's

for example: a young boy age 23 (age not accurate)

he fell off a balcony in 2005 and he lost a dangerously high amount of blood

and there was a comment page on facebook to sign up to give blood

the first week was poor only 38% of people singed up.

but after a term (2weeks)/ forghtnight. there were 4000,0000,0009 memers of facebook that signed up to give blood.

and if u are one of those people..GOOD ON U!!

luv jade xx

2 answers

The Olympics are important because it is a place where you can bring people together from all around the world.
They are important because it is a peaceful competition between almost all of the nations in the world, and many titles of the 'worlds best athletes' are given out during the games of the Olympiad.

9 answers

I am sorry that you have this problem. I have been there and I know that you cannot change them, they must do it themselves. For you, go to Alateens. Its a support group for teens with alchoholic friends/parents. They can help you find the courage to keep going on. Pouring the liquor down the drain doesn't do it, crying doesn't do it, nothing but themselves does it. I know more than most what you are going through and I lost my dad from cirrosis of the liver due to drinking. One thing you can do in a non threatening way is to pull up some pictures of this condition and casually show your family member what s/he is doing to themselves. It's a slim hope, but at least it's something. For you...know that you are not to blame. Alchoholism has nothing to do with you. You are NOT responsible for what they do. You are the young person here, not your family member. You are a strong, important person who is going through a very hard time. Pray and talk to a trusted person and get your feelings out, but NEVER take the blame for what they are doing to themselves. Honey, you didn't start them down this road and you can't stop them. They have to do it for themselves. If you go to Alateen, they can offer you support through this tough time.

1 answer

No. The majority of people in England profess a belief in God - around 70% or more at the last count. However, of these only a small percentage are actually practising Christians who go to church weekly or more often. More attend church at special festivals like Easter and Christmas, and the vast majority of children are expected to attend a daily act of worship in state schools. Of those who attend church, the vast majority attend the Church of England, which is the official Church in the country. The Church of England is one of many Anglican churches worldwide which include the Church in Wales, The Episcopal church of Scotland and the Episcopalians in the USA. The Church of England is a mainstream denomination which is Bible-based, has deacons, priests and bishops, and similar services to the Roman Catholic Church, although the Catholic mass is called ''Holy Communion' or 'The Eucharist' in the Church of England, and in the Church of England there are different beliefs regarding what happens at the mass. In addition to this the Church of England rejects Catholic doctrines such as purgatory, veneration and praying to Saints, veneration of Mary and so on, as they are not scripturally based and therefore the church believes they are wrong. Also, the Church of England clergy can marry unlike Catholic priests. There is a more 'Catholic' wing of the Church of England (known as 'Anglocatholics') but these numbers are very small - the vast majority of Church of England churches being more 'middle of the road' or evangelical. In addition to the Church of England there are a large number of other protestant denominations - all within the Christian religion. These include Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals, United Reformed, Congregationalists, Society of Friends (Quakers) and the Salvation Army. There are also many ''Free Churches' - individual Christian Churches who are not memers of any particular denomination. Most of these tend to be evangelical and Bible-based. Therefore, only a very small percentage of the population are Roman Catholics, and these small numbers tend to be concentrated in certain areas, such as the western ports like Liverpool (which has a large population of Irish - a Catholic Country - immigrants) and large cities again with immigrant populations from Catholic countries in Europe. Apart from Christianity, as England (and the whole of the UK) is a multiculural country made up of people from many different backgrounds, (like the USA) there are significant numbers of other religions too, especially Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, and, for the most part, these ethnic groups have integrated well into the culture of thhe country - so much that in many large cities there could be several Christian churches of different denominations, a mosque and a synagogue all on the same street, the members of which all get on well. Another answer I'm English, and I'm not religious, but I think that Christianity is the main religion in England.

5 answers

Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam with which Allaah sent Muhammad and without which a person's religious commitment is incomplete. The conditions of Hajj being obligatory are five:

1 - Being Muslim, the opposite of which is being a kaafir. The kaafir is not obliged to do Hajj, rather if a kaafir were to do Hajj, it would not be accepted from him.

2 - Being an adult. If a person has not yet reached the age of puberty, Hajj is not obligatory for him. If he does Hajj it is valid and counts as a voluntary Hajj, and when he reaches adulthood he must do the obligatory Hajj, because Hajj before puberty does not fulfil the obligation.

3 - Being of sound mind, the opposite of which is insanity. The one who is insane is not obliged to do Hajj, and Hajj cannot be done on his behalf.

4 - Being free. A slave is not obliged to perform Hajj, but if he does Hajj it is valid and counts as a voluntary Hajj. If he is set free, it is obligatory for him to perform the obligatory Hajj, because Hajj done before being set free does not fulfil the obligation. Some of the scholars said that if a slave performs Hajj with the permission of his master, this is valid and he does not have to repeat it. This view is more correct.

5 - Being able, financially and physically. In the case of a woman, this includes having a mahram. If she does not have a mahram, then she is not obliged to do Hajj. End quote.


For how to perform Hajj rituals, refer to question below

8 answers