The area of Lisse-en-Champagne is 8,289,999.999999999 square meters.
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Lisse's population density is 1,400 people per square kilometer.
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The population of Saint-Étienne-de-Lisse is 287.
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Sira Jokinen Lisse's birth name is Sira Jokinen.
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Sira Jokinen Lisse was born on September 9, 1968, in Raahe, Finland.
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The area of Saint-Étienne-de-Lisse is 7,090,000.0 square meters.
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Kardinaal Simonis was born on November 26, 1931, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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Jenny Arean was born on October 4, 1942, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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Bastiaan Ragas was born on June 30, 1971, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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Harry Mens was born on January 29, 1947, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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Marcelien de Koning was born on May 10, 1978, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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Robert Sobels was born on November 13, 1915, in Lisse, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
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The best way to travel from Amsterdam to Keukenhof is by train to Haarlem and then Connexxion bus No 50 or 51 to Lisse and from there the shuttle bus to the Keukenhof.
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The best time to see tulips in the Netherlands is April. The best place to see them is the "Keukenhof" (litterally meaning the Kitchen Garden), but also in the provinces Noord Holland and Zuid Holland, you can see vast areas covered with tulips in all different colours and shapes.
The Keukenhof (Stationsweg 166, 2161 Lisse, Lisse (Zuid-Holland), 0252 465555) is opened from the middle of March until the middle of May.
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"Lisses" does not have a specific meaning in French. It may be a typo or misspelling of a word. Can you provide more context or clarify the word you are referring to?
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In French, lemongrass is "la citronnelle" or "la citronnelle d'Inde / de Madagascar / de Java). Mind that in mainland France, another completely different plant is also commonly called citronnelle ("la mélisse-citronnelle).
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Chauve is one French equivalent of 'bald'. It may be used as an adjective, or as a masculine gender noun that refers to a bald [headed] man. Lisse is another equivalent of 'bald'. It's the word that's used to describe in French a bald tire.
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The cast of Wenn du Geld hast - 1988 includes: Beate Kiupel as Lisse Kappelhoff Heidi Mahler Rolf Petersen as Fredi Kappelhoff Werner Riepel as Julias Kappelhoff Jens Scheiblich
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Marion Lindt has: Played Gerda Lisse in "Kommissar Freytag" in 1963. Performed in "Seelische Grausamkeit" in 1963. Played Verena in "Lydia muss sterben" in 1964. Played Frau Kramer in "Der Nachtkurier meldet..." in 1964. Played Miss Askin in "Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre" in 1967.
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There is no flight necessary to go to Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse Netherlands from Amsterdam. In fact, a flight isn't necessary to get to any place in the Netherlands because the country is so small. To offer a bit of perspective on the size of the country, the Netherlands is 4 times SMALLER than the state of Florida. Keukenhof Gardens takes about an hour to reach by public transportation from Amsterdam.
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A. M. Hulkenberg has written:
''t Roemwaard Lisse, waarin opgenomen de Lisser Arkadia van Jan de Graaff Szn'
'Kent u ze nog ... de Sassenheimers' -- subject(s): Biography, Portraits
'Het Oude Koningshuys 1628/1978' -- subject(s): History, Netherlands Sassenheim, Sassenheim, Netherlands. Oude Koningshuys
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Well after Keratin treatment you have to use a sodium chloride free shampoo and conditioner and preferably the ones recommended by the manufacturers of the keratin products. Usually they contain hydrolysed keratin which will lengthen the time for which the treatment lasts.
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The cast of Het geheim van de Saramacca rivier - 2007 includes: Henry Carbiere Falls Maureen Chin a Moei Jermaine Cronie John de Boer Jenny Dorn Kenneth Herdigein as Prof. dr. Horatio Treurniet Jurgen Lisse Lucille Roberts as Hortense Treurniet Rachel Rodriquez Murwin Sabajo Sergio Tikai Grace Wirht
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c'est un coefficient qui sert à corriger l'entrefer efficace d'une machine synchrone, dans le but de calculer le rayon interieur stator d'une machine lisse (sans dent) qui serait equivalente à la machine avec denture.
Translated by Google:
is a coefficient used to correct some of the effective air gap of a synchronous machine, in order to calculate the radius of an inner stator Machine smooth (without teeth) that is equivalent to the machine with toothing.
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The best time to see the tulips is from March to May. The best place to see millions of tulips is Keukenhof Flower Garden. The park is open only for about 6 weeks every year.
2012 opening dates: from 22 March to 20 May, daily from 08:00 to 19:30, including Sundays and holidays.
The park is not in Amsterdam, rather in Lisse: Go 37 km S.-W. from Amsterdam and Amsterdam airport, taking the A4 motorway.
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Keukenhof Flower Garden is the largest tulip garden in the world. It doesn't mean that you can see only tulips. From mid March to mid May seven million flower bulbs, all planted by hand, bloom in full colour - crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips in all shades from white to purple.
But Keukenhof is more than just flowers. Every years you can take part in lots of activities - daily flower shows, Easter weekend and Flower Parades, traditional Dutch Costume festival, world's largest lily show and many other events.
Keukenhof Flower Garden are in the village of Lisse. A visit is an easy daytrip from Amsterdam.
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Beate Kiupel has: Performed in "Ein Mann mit Charakter" in 1979. Played Lisse Kappelhoff in "Wenn du Geld hast" in 1988. Played Dele in "Ein Matjes singt nicht mehr" in 1988. Played Jasmin in "Ein Mann ist kein Mann" in 1989. Performed in "Die Deern ist richtig" in 1989. Played Hannelore "Hanni" Hansen in "Nebel im Paradies" in 1994. Played Inga in "Die Ohnsorgs" in 1996. Played Petra Horn in "Die Rettungsflieger" in 1997. Played Christine in "Ein Hansen zuviel" in 1999. Played Abelke in "Hamburger Bier" in 2000. Played Inga in "Morgen wird alles anders" in 2000. Performed in "Thea Witt macht nicht mit" in 2004.
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Four subcellular organelles are the mitochondria, which produce energy for the cell, the nucleus, which contains the genetic material of the cell, the endoplasmic reticulum, which is involved in protein synthesis and transport, and the Golgi apparatus, which modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for secretion.
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Of Course, the Virgin Queen surely merited a state funeral and this was widely covered by the albeit primitive media of the time. Cycloramas were made of Elizabeth"s funeral procession with captions of events and participants such as courtiers, embassy types, Ladies In Waiting, and so on. Lady Catharine knollys- pronounced ( Nawl-lisse) was the principal mourner, she was one of Elizabeth"s ladies In waiting and it is said she not only handled the funeral arrangements for the deceased monarch but actually closed her eyes on her deathbed. Aas Elizabeth had no living relative ( Not having married) this was something of a distinction for a lady In waiting to be the Principal Mourner, immediatly behing the cortege, as normally this would be reserved for a Family member- Crown Prince,,etc. The cyclorama- by no means confined to funerary subjects- but also used for battles, parades, etc was in a very real sense a remote forerunner of both photography and motion pictures, a clockwork device could keep the cyclorama in motion ,giving a movie-like effect. Northing new under the Sun. National Geographic did and excellent feature article on Elizabeth I in l969, should be able to pick it up in Libraries or Book stores. It is, as far as I can see, l00% accurate.
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The cast of HannaHannaH - 2007 includes: Barry Atsma as Wim Luciano Balestra as Paul Kees Boot as Toon John Buijsman as Don Eva Damen as Jantien Sanne den Hartogh as Martin Paul Geusebroek as Mike Janni Goslinga as Trea Marcel Hensema as Bert Kees Hulst as Vader Antonie Kamerling as Victor Maria Kraakman as HannaHannaH Beau Meuldijk as Bob Kars Roland as Charlie Lisse Roland as Willy Bob Seelbach as Harm Jordy van Hartrop Eva van Kleef as Sophie Steef Verheijen as Marty Dominique Vrijhoef as Mel Catalijn Willemsen as Ans Olga Zuiderhoek as Moeder
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Keratin is an extremely strong protein which is a major component in skin, hair, nails, hooves, horns, and teeth. The amino acids which combine to form keratin have several unique properties, and depending on the levels of the various amino acids, keratin can be inflexible and hard, like hooves, or soft, as is the case with skin. Most of the keratin that people interact with is actually dead; hair, skin, and nails are all formed from dead cells which the body sheds as new cells push up from underneath. If the dead cells are kept in good condition, they will serve as an insulating layer to protect the delicate new keratin below them,
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The cast of Komische Geschichten mit Georg Thomalla - 1961 includes: Dieter Augustin as 2. Monteur Edith Behleit as Frau Moosbauer Karl Bockx Ingrid Braut as Gastgeberin Egon Clauder Gitty Djamal as Carola Marquardt Gitty Djamal as Silvia Perelli Hans Elwenspoek as Masseur Moppe Hans Epskamp as Bibliothekar Siegurd Fitzek as Junger Mann Enzi Fuchs as Finerl Hinterhuber Carlo Fuss Jonny Goertz Kurt Haars Erna Haffner as Adelheids Mutter Dierk Hardebeck Bert Hauch Hans Helmut Dickow as Mann in Seenot Rolf Jahncke Frauke Janssen Elisabeth Justin as Nachbarin Ingeborg Kloiber as Frau in Bibliothek Walter Kohut as Leo Fritz Korn Eberhard Lisse Peter Martin Urtel Horst Michael Neutze as Hugo Pia Mietens Eugen Morlock Ursula Oberst as Yvonne Cosinus Hans Odendahl Ruth Papendick as Frau Baronin Ruth Papendick as Passantin Ruth Papendick as Strickende Patientin Horst Pasderski Rainer Penkert Christa Peukert Renate Pichler as Gisela Walter Pott Andrea Rau as Claudia Schadov Brigitte Rau as Junge Frau Uwe Reichmeister Friedrich Schoenfelder as Hugo Friedrich Schwartzkopff Willy Semmelrogge as Sprecher Rudolf Siege Rudolf Siege as Ein Nachbar Wolfgang Spier as himself Doris Steinmueller as Fotoreporterin Max Strecker as 1. Monteur Adalbert Suntinger Tess Teiges Georg Thomalla as Tommi Georgi Hans Timerding as Doktor Hans Timerding as Faszinierter Fernsehzuschauer Hans Timerding as Mann in Bibliothek Hans Timerding as Passant Hans Timerding as Reinhold von Wedel Hans Treichler Hermann Treusch Werner Veidt Ursula von Borsody as Frau von Diebenow Constanze von Dincklage as Edeltraut Alexander Welbat as Paul Ewald Wenck as Oberbibliothekar Ewald Wenck as Opa Dietz Werner Steck as Postbote Elisabeth Wiedemann as Doris Hilli Wildenhain as Alte Dame Hilli Wildenhain as Schwester Anna Gerhard Zech as Silvia Perellis Verlobter
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The cast of Sportman van de Eeuw - 2006 includes: Jan Arendsz as Leraar Heinze Bakker as Heinze Sonja Baum as Serveerster 2 Mark Bohm as Frans Berkhout Henk Bonnet as Scheidsrechter Steven de Jong as Klant Stefan de Walle as Hylke Meinsma Jacob Dijkstra as Gewonde man Hilbert Dijkstra as Vader Boonstra Cris Dinnessen as Chauffeur Robin Douma as Jonge Rintje Marcel Faber as Douwe Thijs Feenstra as Anne Gonny Gaakeer as Oude Marietje Marijke Geertsma as Huisvrouw 2 Bert Geurkink as Buwe Titus Goeman Borgesius as Jonge Peet Rients Gratama as Rients Pepijn Gunneweg as Jonge Sake Wiarda Loes Haverkort as Swobkje Cees Heyne as Commissaris van de Koningin 1997-2000 Yjen Javier van der Werf as Jongen Hugo Konings as Kees Ricky Koole as Tjitske Jeroen Kosterman as Foppe Henk Kroes as Henk Geert Lageveen as Fedde Lieneke le Roux as Vrouw van Rintje Rob Michels as Paalzitter Leon Moraru as Obe Boonstra Rick Nicolet as Oude Tjitske Theo Pont as Commissaris van de Koningin 1955 Ida Poortinga as Jonge Tjitske Bastiaan Ragas as Rintje Carla Reitsma as Baukje Henny Rinsma as Lieske Lisse Roland as Jonge Marietje Wolfgang Schenck as Harm Tamara Schoppert as Serveerster 1 Casper Slabbers as Oude Peet Freark Smink as Pijlsma Valentijn Sohier as Kleinzoon Fedde Jochum ten Haaf as Taeke Ron Termaat as Man uit Woudsend Joke Tjalsma as Gaais Riemer van der Velde as Riemer Willem van Dooren as Chauffeur Commissaris van de Koningin 1955 Hans Van Rijs as Agent Harry van Rijthoven as Gevangenisdirecteur Jehannes Veenstra as Vriend Pieter Verhoeff as Dominee Sipke Visser as Jonge Taeke Harald Warmbrunn as Oude Rintje Rense Westra as Barman Lianne Zandstra as Huisvrouw 1
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Please adjust so correct:
Il y a une belle fille,
Elle a un grand coeur,
Un homme riche tille,
Belle comme une fleur.
Elle marche avec grâce,
Sa peau est plus douce que,
Les pétales de roses délicats,
Si lisse, si dynamique.
Sans le dire, elle a quitté la maison,
Elle exécuter rapidement et malheureusement hors de sa tour,
Personne ne sait pourquoi, cette demi-saison,
Elle laisse tout simplement avec un cri de ce jour.
Jour et nuit, le souci de ville,
Pourquoi ne sont plus aimés congé,
Je crains le plus pour cette belle fille,
Trop dur pour moi de dormir, de manger.
Aujourd'hui, je reçois une lettre,
De la fille qui est maintenant une dame,
Un poème d'amour, avec un promettre,
D'entendre les chants de mariage
Je suis plein de joie,
Mon amour est en attente pour moi,
Dans une robe de mariée en soie,
Avec elle, pour toujours.
Mais où est mon amour?
Attente dans les montagnes,
Ou peut-être qu'elle est ailleurs,
Seul à la campagne?
Partout où elle est en ce moment
S'il vous plaît dites-lui que je la trouverai,
Et je vais trouver l'endroit où elle est
Pour de plus nous sommes en amour.
Jour et la nuit, je recherche pour elle,
Je marche à travers les forêts et les vallées,
Où es-tu mon amour?
La porte de notre amour est bailleés.
Pour les jours, des années que je recherche,
A la recherche du coeur de mon amour,
Mais serons-nous jamais être ensemble,
Après tant de mois et des jours?
Malheureusement, je suis très vieux,
Mais je suis toujours à la recherche de mon amour,
Je vais continuer à chercher pour elle à jamais,
Parce qu'elle sera toujours mon seul amour
Dans le ciel, je vais être, à terme, avec elle,
Mais mon amour pour elle sera immortelle
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