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Scyllarides latus was created in 1802.

1 answer

Persististrombus latus was created in 1791.

1 answer

Polyphagotarsonemus latus was created in 1904.

1 answer

The word latus rectum came from Latin, latus means 'side' or line and rectum means 'straight'.

1 answer

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magnify glass

Sam Latus was born on 1989-10-21.

1 answer

The formula for the Latus rectum is simply

2L = 4a

with a stands for the distance of the focus from the vertex of the parabola.

Given a, you can simply solve for the length of the latus rectum by using this formula..

L = 2a

1 answer

Its latus rectum is its diameter. Since there are infinitely many diameters, the question needs to be more specific.

1 answer

The latus rectum of a parabola is a segment with endpoints on the parabola passing through the focus and parallel to the directrix.

1 answer

Contact information for psychic Timothy Dexter Latus can be found at his website:


1 answer

The root word "latus" means side or wide in Latin. It is often used in words related to length, width, or distance, such as "lateral" (pertaining to the side), "latitude" (angular distance from the equator), or "dilation" (widening or expansion).

2 answers

With meet ,latus,sause,onions,cheez,tomtos.

1 answer

Eight-sided, from Latin octo, "eight", and latus, "side".

1 answer

LATUS Solutions is a highly specialized VAR/Integrator that is focused on networking and security infrastructure solutions that provide application layer visibility, control, security, and optimization.

They are headquartered in San Francisco, CA and have offices in Southern California and the Midwest.

1 answer

You can use latus or use any way u want.

1 answer

Bi-, meaning "two," and latus (genitive lateris), meaning "side."

1 answer

the freedom of the egyptian

42 years of overpower

king latus die

1 answer

The word "latitude" comes from the Latin word "latitudo", which means "breadth" or "width". It is derived from the word "latus", meaning "wide" or "broad".

2 answers

Answer #1 by Ginezumi The English meaning of the Latin word 'latus' is broad. It's pronounced LAH-toos. And its the source for the English word 'latitude'. Answer #2 by Dollhaus As an adjective, 'broad, wide, extensive, etc.' fit. But it might be a noun, meaning 'side, flank', or the past participle of the irregular verb fero, ferre, meaning 'brought, carried, received' and several other meanings. Context is needed to properly translate.

3 answers

Nile perch Latus niloticus grows best in river Nile in Egypt . Habitat is basically lotic water . It was transplanted to lake Victoria but it disturbed natural ecosystem .

1 answer

The word "quad" is short for "quadrilateral," which derives from the Latin words "quattuor" (meaning "four") and "latus" (meaning "side"). It is used to refer to any shape that has four sides.

2 answers

There are quite a number of various places that one can go to place an order for a new Harley Davidson Handbag. Some of these places are Latus Motors Harley Davidson and ReinerWear.

1 answer

Men and women who make laws are called legislators. The rem comes from Old French which, in turn, comes from the Latin phrase "legis," meaning "law" and "latus," meaning "bearer."

1 answer

I'm pretty sure it's Latin.

AnswerIn a bilateral meeting i.e. two countries meet. "bi" - "two" and "latus, lateris" - "side"; and yes, of course, it's latin.

It is Latin.

3 answers

Harley Davidson helmets can be purchased on Cruiser Customizing, Latus Motors Harley Davidson, eBay, The Accessory King, Etsy, DHgate Online, The House of Harley, and Adventure Harley.

1 answer

Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

Alhakumu alttakathuru

Hatta zurtumu almaqabira

Kalla sawfa taAAlamoona

Thumma kalla sawfa taAAlamoona

Kalla law taAAlamoona AAilma alyaqeeni

Latarawunna aljaheema

Thumma latarawunnaha AAayna alyaqeeni

Thumma latus-alunna yawma-ithin AAani alnnaAAeemi

1 answer

The question is incomplete because it is not an equation.

Assume that the expression given equals x, i.e.:


Completing the square on y:

6*[y^2 + 4*y + (+4/2)^2 - (+4/2)^2] + 25 = x,

6*[(y+2)^2 - 4] + 25 = x,

6*(y+2)^2 - 24 + 25 = x,

6*(y+2)^2 = x-1, and

(y+2)^2 = (1/6)*(x-1).

This is a translated parabola with y=-2 its axis of symmetry and (1,-2) its vertex. The domain of the parabola is x >= 1 and the range is that y can be any real number.

If the distance from the vertex to the focus along the axis of symmetry is called p, then, from the equation, 4*p = 1/6 and p = 1/24. That puts the focus at (1+1/24,-2) and the directrix at x = 1-1/24.

The length of the line segment called the latus rectum is |4*p| = 1/6 with endpoints (1+1/24,-2+1/12) and (1+1/24,-2-1/12).

The vertex and the endpoints of the latus rectum are points on the parabola and, in conjunction with the domain and range, are used to sketch the parabola.

BTW, "latus" and "rectum" are latin for "side" and "to lead in a straight-line or in the right direction" (the human large intestine's last, and straight, section is also called the "rectum").

1 answer

The cast of Latus - 2009 includes: Elsie Abella as Palang Joaiza Alpa as Daday Norkie Anadia Nelson Angot as Husband Perla Angot as Wife Grace Apat as Tindera Eddielyn Emnacin as Renen Joel Epis as Ricky Nellie Fe Angot as Jhenelza Evelyn Formarejo as Tsismosa Regine Genilza as Lani Farrah Jane Ferrando as Auntie Yolanda Irish Labod as Rica John Mark Suma as Young Perdic Julius Masayon as Mac-Mac John Paul Seniel as Father of Young Perdic Pepito Rosauro as Papa Perdic Nano Suma Floripis Tornis as Tsismosa Rebecca Tuban as Tsismosa

1 answer

The word "Latin" has been around as long as the language has, and no one knows who coined it. It means "of or pertaining to Latium." The place-name Latium may be related to the Latin word latus, meaning "broad; wide" (stlatus in Old Latin), from the Proto-Indo-European root *stela- "to extend".

1 answer

A quadrilateral is any figure with 4 sides. ("quad" = 4, "latus" = side). It doesn't have to have any parallel lines. If it happens to have two sides that are parallel, then it's a trapezoid. If it happens to have two pairs of parallel sides, then it's a parallelogram.

Common parallelograms are rectangles, squares, and kites.

1 answer

I think you mean Latias or Latios.. Use a Trapinch because of sand arena. or haunter and use mean look or use sudowoodo and use block when you start so it cant escape then fight it and use an ultra ball. if you are using trapinch, dont evolve it or switch it out.

1 answer

An equilateral has three equal sides and angles, hense the term equilateral which comes from the Latin word aequus which means "even" or "level" and latus, stem later-, "side". All sides are the same lengths and all of the angles have the same measures.

Hope this helps:)

Happy mathing!

2 answers

A common name for the latissimus dorsi is the "lats."

4 answers

The word "translation" comes from Latin roots trans- "across" and latus "carried". It has two major uses in English

  • the restating of a message in different terms, usually from one language to another (the meaning is "carried across" the language boundary)
  • a uniform movement from one position to another without change of orientation (the object is "carried across" the intervening space)

1 answer

"Flat land" may be the original meaning of the Italian word Lazio.

Specifically, the Italian word is the name of the central Italian region in which Rome (Roma) the national capital is located. The name comes from the Latin word Latium, as the area inhabited by the Latini, speakers of the ancient Latin language. It is possible that Latium comes from the Latin word latus for the "wide" flat lands of the Latini.

The pronunciation is "LAHT-tsyoh."

1 answer

In English, a tank is a large container for liquids or gases. As of 1915, the word also may refer to an armor-plated, tracked vehicle in which guns and rapid-fire automatic weapons may be carried over difficult terrain. As far as we know, only the first definition finds its linguistic counterpart in the ancient, classical Latin language of the ancient Roman culture of ancient Italy. Back in ancient Roman times, the word 'tank' therefore finds its closest equivalent in the word latus. It's a neuter gender noun in the singular. The plural form is 'lateres', which translates as 'tanks' in English.

1 answer

-(1/4) x2 = y . . . putting this in the standard form x2 = 4cy it becomes :

x2 = 4*(-1)y = -4y.

This tells us that the parabola is a downward opening parabola with its vertex at the origin(0.0).

The focus is at a distance of -1 from the vertex, that is (0,-1).

The directrix is equidistant to the focus but on the opposite side of the vertex and is thus the line y = 1.

The length of the chord passing through the focus and perpendicular to the major axis is called the Latus Rectum and has a length of 4c. As c = -1 then the length is 4 but again shows as a negative value as it is "below" the vertex.

1 answer

  1. acanthocybium,

  2. Acanthurus dussumieri

  3. acanthurus japonicus

  4. Aetobatus narinari

  5. Alloclinus holderi

  6. Amphiprion akindynos

  7. Amphiprion melanopus

  8. Amphiprion ocellaris

  9. Amphiprion perideraion

  10. Amphiprion polymnus

  11. Anisotremus davidsonii

  12. Anisotremus interruptus

  13. Apogon guadalupensis

  14. Apogon leptacanthus

  15. Apogon properupta

  16. Archamia fucata

  17. Arothron manilensis

  18. Arothron meleagris

  19. Azurina hirundo

  20. Balistoides conspicillum

  21. Bodianus diplotaenia

  22. Calloplesiops altivelis

  23. Caranx caballus

  24. Caranx melampygus

  25. Caranx sexfasciatus

  26. Carcharhinus leucas

  27. Carcharodon carcharias

  28. Centropyge loricula

  29. Chaetodipterus zonatus

  30. Chaetodon auriga

  31. Chaetodon lunula

  32. Chaetodon ornatissimus

  33. Chaetodon ulietensis

  34. Chaetodontoplus duboulayi

  35. Chelmon rostratus

  36. Choerodon fasciatus

  37. Chromis limbaughi

  38. Chromis punctipinnis

  39. Chromis vanderbilti

  40. Chromis viridis

  41. Chrysiptera cyanea

  42. Chrysiptera hemicyanea

  43. Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura

  44. Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus

  45. Ctenochaetus strigosus

  46. Dascyllus aruanus

  47. Embiotoca jacksoni

  48. Enoplosus armatus

  49. Forcipiger flavissimus

  50. Galeocerdo cuvier

  51. Ginglymostoma cirratum

  52. Girella nigricans

  53. Gymnothorax mordax

  54. Halichoeres semicinctus

  55. Hermosilla azurea

  56. Heterodontus francisci

  57. Heterostichus rostratus

  58. Holacanthus clarionensis

  59. Holacanthus passer

  60. Hydrolagus colliei

  61. Hypsurus caryi

  62. Johnrandallia nigrirostris

  63. Kyphosus elegans

  64. Kyphosus vaigiensis

  65. Lactoria cornuta

  66. Lutjanus jordani

  67. Lutjanus kasmira

  68. Lutjanus viridis

  69. Medialuna californiensis

  70. Melanotaenia trifasciata

  71. Mola mola

  72. Myliobatis californica

  73. Narcine entemedor

  74. Naso brevirostris

  75. Naso lituratus

  76. Naso vlamingii

  77. Nautichthys oculofasciatus

  78. Negaprion brevirostris

  79. Neoclinus blanchardi

  80. Ophioblennius steindachneri

  81. Ophiodon elongatus

  82. Orthopristis forbesi

  83. Oxycirrhites typus

  84. Oxylebius pictus

  85. Papilloculiceps longiceps

  86. Paracanthurus hepatus

  87. Paracirrhites arcatus

  88. Paracirrhites forsteri

  89. Parophrys vetulus

  90. Phanerodon furcatus

  91. Platyrhinoidis triseriata

  92. Plectropomus areolatus

  93. Plectropomus laevis

  94. Plectropomus maculatus

  95. Pleuronichthys coenosus

  96. Pomacanthus semicirculatus

  97. Pomacanthus xanthometopon

  98. Prionace glauca

  99. Prionurus laticlavius

  100. Pristigenys serrula

  101. Prognathodes falcifer

  102. Pseudanthias hypselosoma

  103. Pseudanthias pascalus

  104. Pseudanthias pleurotaenia

  105. Pseudanthias squamipinnis

  106. Pterapogon kauderni

  107. Ptereleotris zebra

  108. Pterois miles

  109. Pterois volitans

  110. Rathbunella hypoplecta

  111. Rhinobatos productus

  112. Rhinogobiops nicholsii

  113. Scorpaena mystes

  114. Scorpaenichthys marmoratus

  115. Scorpaenodes xyris

  116. Scorpaenopsis oxycephala

  117. Sebastes atrovirens

  118. Sebastes carnatus

  119. Sebastes caurinus

  120. Sebastes chrysomelas

  121. Sebastes constellatus

  122. Sebastes diploproa

  123. Sebastes miniatus

  124. Sebastes nebulosus

  125. Sebastes paucispinis

  126. Sebastes pinniger

  127. Sebastes rosaceus

  128. Sebastes rubrivinctus

  129. Sebastes serranoides

  130. Sebastes serriceps

  131. Sectator ocyurus

  132. Selar crumenophthalmus

  133. Semicossyphus pulcher

  134. Seriola lalandi

  135. Serranocirrhitus latus

1 answer

y = 3x2 - 18x + 16

y = 3(x2 - 6x + 9) + 16 - 27 complete the square

y + 11 = 3(x - 3)2

(4/4)(y + 11)/3 = (x - 3)2

4(1/12)(y - -11) = (x - 3)2

(x - h)2 = 4a(y - k); vertex (h, k), focus (h, k +a), parabola, axis of symmetry parallel to y-axis, opens up.

V(3, -11), F(3, -11 + 1/12) = (3, -131/12)

A parabola is the collection of all points P in the plane that are the same distance from a fixed point F (focus) as they are from a fixed line D (directrix).

If you are looking for the distance of focus from the vertex, it is 1/12, the value of a.

If you are looking for the distance of focus from directrix, it is 1/6, the value of 2a.

If you are looking for the length of the latus rectum, it is 1/3.

Let y = -131/12. Then,

y = 3x2 - 18x + 16

y = -131/12

3x2 - 18x + 16 = -131/12

3x2 - 18x = -323/12

x2 - 6x = -323/36

x2 - 6x + 9 = 9 - 323/36

(x - 3)2 = 1/36

x - 3 = ±√1/36

x = 3 ± 1/6

x = 19/6 or x = 17/6

19/6 - 17/6 = 2/6 = 1/3

1 answer

Try "Things Change" by Patrick Jones or "Dreamland" by Sarah Dessen, both are very good novels about teen relationship abuse. They both start slow, but believe me give them a chance cause once the start to get good they get really, really good. You won't be able to put them down after awhile.

"Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson is a great book of a similar topic, but the issue in this one is far worse then abuse. I won't ruin it for you. This is another good read that will pull on your emotions.

If you want to try something on a higher lever I highly recommend "If I am Missing or Dead" by Janine Latus. This book is more of a true story about how a sister has to deal both with her sister's abusive relationship and her own. It is a great book, and definitely a must read if you like books in this category.

~ Kyrie

Also there's a very good poetry book called "Slamming Open the Door" by Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno which is a collection of poetry written by a mother whose daughter was murdered by her abusive boyfriend.

All of these literary works will really pull you in and you find yourself laughing and even crying with the characters. I very highly recommend all these books and hope that at least one of them will fit in with what you want to read, if not open your mind to reading new things which is always a good thing in my opinion. :]

3 answers

The latissimus dorsi is the broadest muscle of the back. The origin of a muscle is the point of fixed attachment to the bone. Because of it's triangular shape, the multi-points of origin are: the bottom 6 thoracic vertebrae, the last 3-4 ribs, the thoracolumbar fascia, the back third of the lip of hip and a small bit attaches to the bottom angle of the shoulder blade.

8 answers

Ito ay mga kwentong may aral na hango sa bibliya. Halimbawa nito ay ang "Alibughong Anak" o "The prodigal son" sa wikang english.

Ang Alibughang Anak

(Lucas 15 :11-32)

Isang tao ang may dalawang anak na lalaki. Ang wika ng bunso. "Ama, ibigay n'yo na po sa akin ang mamanahin ko." At ibinahagi sa kanila ng ama ang kanyang ari-arian. Pagkalipas ng ilang araw, ipinagbili ng bunso ang kanyang ari-arian at nagtungo sa malayong lupain, taglay ang buo niyang kayamanan, at doo'y nilustay ang lahat sa di wastong pamumuhay. Nang malustay na niya ang kanyang kayamanan, nagkaroon ng matinding taggutom sa lupaing iyon, at nagdalita siya. Kaya't namasukan siya sa isang mamamayan ng lupaing iyon. Siya'y pinapunta nito sa bukid upang mag-alaga ng baboy. Ibig sana niyang punan ang kanyang pagkain kahit na ng bungang kahoy na ipinapakain sa mga baboy ngunit walang magbigay sa kanya. Nang mapag-isip- isip niya ang kanyang ginawa, nasabi niya sa kanyang sarili, " Ang mga alila ng aking ama ay may sapat na pagkain at lumalabis pa samantalang ako'y namamatay na sa gutom dito! Babalik ako sa kanya, at sasabihin ko, "Ama, nagkasala po ako sa Diyos at sa inyo. Hindi na po ako karapatdapat na tawagin ninyong anak; ibilang n'yo na lamang akong isa sa inyong mga alila." At tumindig siya at pumaroon sa kanyang ama.
Malayo pa'y natanaw na siya ng kanyang ama at ito'y labis na nahabag sa kanya, kayat patakbo siyang sinalubong, niyakap, at hinalikan. Sinabi ng anak, "Ama, nagkasala po ako sa Diyos at sa inyo, hindi na po ako karapat-dapat na tawagin ninyong akong anak." Ngunit tinawag ng kanyang ama ang kanyang mga alila. "Madali! Dalhin n'yo rito ang pinakamahusay na damit at isuot sa kanya. Suutan siya ng singsing at panyapak. Kunin ang pinakamatabang guya at patayin; kumain tayo at magsaya! Sapagkat namatay na ang anak kong ito, ngunit muling nabuhay; nawala ngunit nasumpungan." At silay nagsaya.
Nasa bukid noon ang anak na panganay. Umuwi siya, at ng malapit na sa bahay ay narinig niya tugtugan at sayawan. Tinawag niya ang isa sa alila at tinanong: "Bakit? May ano sa atin?" "Dumating po ang inyong kapatid!" Tugon ng alila. "Ipinapatay ng inyong ama ang pinatabang guya, sapagkat nagbalik siyang buhay at walang sakit." Nagalit ang panganay at ayaw nitong pumasok sa bahay. Kayat lumabas ang kanyang ama at inamu-amo siya. Ngunit sinabi nito, "Pinaglingkuran ko po kayo sa loob ng maraming taon, at kailanma'y hindi ko kayo sinuway. Ngunit ni minsa'y hindi ninyo ako binigyan ng kahit isang bisirong kambing para magkatuwaan kami ng aking mga kaibigan. Subalit noong dumating ang anak ninyong lumustay ng iyong kabuhayan sa masasamang babae, ipinagpatay pa ninyo ng pinatabang guya!" Sumagot ang ama, "Anak lagi kitang kapiling. Ang lahat ng ari-arian ko'y sa iyo. Ngunit dapat tayo'y magsaya at magalak, sapagkat namatay na ang kapatid mo, ngunit muling nabuhay; nawala ngunit nasumpungan."

Ang mga iba pang halimbawa ng parabula ay ang mga sumusunod:

Ang Mabuting Samaritano
The Good Samaritan

Ang Publiko at ang Pariseo
The Pharisee and the Publican
Ang maraming parabula (parable in English) ay matatagpuan sa Bibliya gaya ng sumusunod:

* The Sower * The Prodigal Son * The Lost Sheep * The Good Samaritan

Mga halimbawa ng parabula ay ang Torre ni babel, Ang Mabuting Samaritano, Ang Alibughang Anak.

Isang Halimbawa ng Parabula ay: Ang Aso at ang Pusa

Isang araw, ang aso ay nakahuli ng isang ibon. Samantalang pinagpapasasaan niya iyon, isang munting buto ang nahalang sa kanyang lalamunan, Hindi niya maalis ang bikig na napakasakit. Sa matinding paghihirap ay napahalinghing nang ubod- lakas. Tumakbo siya kung saan-saan upang humanap ng makapa-aalis ng kanyang bikig. Parang namamakaawang ipinangangako niya sa kaninumang mahilingan ng tulong na ibibigay niya ang anumang mayroon siya sa makapag aalis ng kaniyang bikig at tinik sa kanyang lalamunan. Tumihaya na ang aso at ibinuka ang kanyang bunganga. Ipinasok naman ng pusa ang kanyang ulo hanggang leeg upang alisin ang bikig. Pagkabunot ng bikig, ang pusa ay nagsalita, "Akin na ang aking gantimpala." Umuungol ang aso. Inilabas ang matatalim na pangil. "Magpasalamat ka, at naipasok mo ang iyong ulos sa aking bunganga at nailabas mo pa rin nang hindi napahamak", wika ng aso na waring nanunumbat.

1. Cartesian
2. Latus rectum, semi-latus rectum at polar coordinates
3. Gauss-mapped

3 answers

Nicolas Copernicus (1473 - 1543) Nicolas Copernicus was born in Torun, Poland in 1473 and died in 1543. He studied both law and medicine in Italy, but spent most of his life as Cannon of Frombork Cathedral in Poland. He published his great work "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres" in 1543, the year he died. In this book he detailed a heliocentric system (sun centered) and described advantages it had over the geocentric system of Ptolemy. Over the space of about 75 years, this new view of the solar system gradually gained acceptance throughout Europe. Copernicus' system:Main features: 1. Planets move in circular orbits around the sun 2. Earth is one of the planets 3. Night and day on the earth are due to the rotation of the earth on its axis (one rotation every 24 hours). 4. The apparent motion of the sun along the ecliptic is due to the revolution of the earth around the sun (one complete revolution in one year). 5. Retrograde motion of the planets is an illusion produced by the earth passing the planets as it journeys around the sun (much like the way the car you pass on the freeway seems to be moving backward relative to your car). 6. Mercury and Venus are always found close to the sun because their orbits lie between the earth and the sun 7. The scale of the solar system can be established in astronomical units(AU - the distance from the earth to the sun). Using the inner planets this is accomplished as in the following diagram: This is how it works: When Venus is at its maximum distance from the sun, the triangle defined by the sun, the earth and Venus is as shown above. The angle a is known because that is the angular distance between Venus and the sun as viewed from the earth. Geometrical theorems can show that the angle at Venus is always 90 degrees when a is a maximum. The length of the hypotenuse of this right triangle is one AU by definition. Knowing all the angles and one side of a triangle allows us to determine the length of all the other sides, in this case the distance from Earth to Venus and Venus to the sun. Scholars were initially attracted to Copernicus' system because it (1) it explained retrograde motion in an elegant way (2) it explained why Mercury and Venus were always close to the sun, and (3) it provided a way for establishing the scale of the solar system. There were, however, two drawbacks: (1) it was hard to explain physically (for example, why don't we notice that the earth is moving?) And (2) although elegant, it didn't predict the future position of the planets any better than Ptolemy's system. Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) With respect to social status and personality, Johannes Kepler was as far from Tycho Brahe (a noble Danish astronomer) as is possible to imagine. Whereas Tycho was a wealthy aristocrat with vast resources and had a voracious appetite for life's pleasures, Kepler was born into abject poverty and practiced a strict and pious form ofProtestantism. Yet Kepler and Tycho ultimately collaborated to sweep away the ancient concept of perfectly circular motion in the heavens and to replace it with planets moving in elliptical orbits. Kepler developed a fascination with the sky and its movements as a student of mathematics in Tübingen, Germany and became a convert to Copernicus' newheliocentric system. He was determined to show how the Copernican system could lead to more accurate predictions than Ptolemy's. Kepler began working with Tycho in 1600 to take advantage of the fact that Tycho had the most accurate planetary position data available anywhere. Using this data, he began trying to fit the orbit of Mars into a curve that could be used to predict positions of that planet in the future as well as to specify its position in the past. Tycho died in 1601, but Kepler stayed with Tycho's organization and wasultimately successful in demonstrating that planets must move in elliptical orbits. With that innovation, Copernicus' heliocentric model was much better at prediction than Ptolemy's and the number of scholars who believed in a sun centered universe began to rise. Kepler was able to formulate three laws of motion that describes how planetsmove about the sun. Kepler's First Law

The first law says: "The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the foci". The mathematics of the ellipse is as follows. The equation is: where (r?) are heliocentric polar coordinates for the planet, p is the semi latus rectum, and e is the eccentricity, which is less than one. For? =0 the planet is at the perihelion at minimum distance: for? =90º: r=p, and for ?=180º the planet is at the aphelion at maximum distance: The Semi-major axis is the arithmetic mean between rmin and rmax: The Semi-minor axis is the geometric mean between rmin and rmax: and it is also the geometric mean between the semi major axis and the semi latus rectum: Kepler's second law

The second law: "A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time". This is also known as the law of equal areas. Suppose a planet takes one day to travel from points A to B. The lines from the Sun to A and B, together with the planet orbit, will define a (roughly triangular) area. This same amount of area will be formed every day regardless of where in its orbit the planet is. So the planet moves faster when it is closer to the sun. This is because the sun's gravity accelerates the planet as it falls toward the sun, and decelerates it on the way back out, but Kepler did not know that reason. The two laws permitted Kepler to calculate the position of the planet, based on the time since perihelion, t, and the orbital period, P. The calculation is done in four steps. 1. Compute the mean anomaly M from the formula 2. Compute the Eccentric anomaly E by numerically solving Kepler's equation: 3. Compute the true anomaly ? by the equation: 4. Compute the heliocentric distance r from the first law: The proof of this procedure is shown below. Kepler's third law

The third law : "The squares of the orbital periods of planets are directly proportional to the cubes of the Semi-major axis of the orbits". P = orbital period of planeta = semi major axis of orbit So the expression P2a-3 has the same value for all planets in the solar system as it has for Earth where P= 1 Sidereal year and a=1 astronomical unit, so in these units P2a-3 has the value 1 for all planets. With P in seconds and in meters: . Thus, not only does the length of the orbit increase with distance, the orbital speed decreases, so that the increase of the Orbital period is more than proportional. The general equation, which Kepler did not know, is be derived by equating Newton's law of gravity with Uniform Circular Motion (a = (4p2r) / t2), which is valid for (near) circular orbits. G = gravitational constant M = mass of sunm = mass of planet Note that P is time per orbit and P/2p is time per radian. See the actual figures: attributes of major planets. This law is also known as the harmonic law.

Kepler's Laws are illustrated in the adjacent animation. The red arrow indicates the instantaneous velocity vector at each point on the orbit (as always, we greatly exaggerate the eccentricty of the ellipse for purposes of illustration). Since the velocity is a vector, the direction of the velocity vector is indicated by the direction of the arrow and the magnitude of the velocity is indicated by the length of the arrow. Notice that (because of Kepler's 2nd Law) the velocity vector is constantly changing both its magnitude and its direction as it moves around the elliptical orbit (if the orbit were circular, the magnitude of the velocity would remain constant but the direction would change continuously). Since either a change in the magnitude or the direction of the velocity vector constitutes an acceleration, there is a continuous acceleration as the planet moves about its orbit (whether circular or elliptical), and therefore by Newton's 2nd Law there is a force that acts at every point on the orbit. Furthermore, the force is not constant in magnitude, since the change in velocity (acceleration) is larger when the planet is near the Sun on the elliptical orbit.

Since this is a survey course, we shall not cover all the mathematics, but we now outline how Kepler's Laws are implied by those of Newton, and use Newton's Laws to supply corrections to Kepler's Laws. # Since the planets move on ellipses (Kepler's 1st Law), they are continually accelerating, as we have noted above. As we have also noted above, this implies a force acting continuously on the planets. # Because the planet-Sun line sweeps out equal areas in equal times (Kepler's 2nd Law), it is possible to show that the force must be directed toward the Sun from the planet. # From Kepler's 1st Law the orbit is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus; from Newton's laws it can be shown that this means that the magnitude of the force must vary as one over the square of the distance between the planet and the Sun. # Kepler's 3rd Law and Newton's 3rd Law imply that the force must be proportional to the product of the masses for the planet and the Sun. Thus, Kepler's laws and Newton's laws taken together imply that the force that holds the planets in their orbits by continuously changing the planet's velocity so that it follows an elliptical path is (1) directed toward the Sun from the planet, (2) is proportional to the product of masses for the Sun and planet, and (3) is inversely proportional to the square of the planet-Sun separation. This is precisely the form of the gravitational force, with the universal gravitational constant G as the constant of proportionality. Thus, Newton's laws of motion, with a gravitational force used in the 2nd Law, imply Kepler's Laws, and the planets obey the same laws of motion as objects on the surface of the Earth!

The ellipse is not the only possible orbit in a gravitational field. According to Newton's analysis, the possible orbits in a gravitational field can take the shape of the figures that are known as conic sections (so called because they may be obtained by slicing sections from a cone, as illustrated in the following figure). For the ellipse (and its special case, the circle), the plane intersects opposite "edges" of the cone. For the parabola the plane is parallel to one edge of the cone; for the hyperbola the plane is not parallel to an edge but it does not intersect opposite "edges" of the cone. (Remember that these cones extend forever downward; we have shown them with bottoms because we are only displaying a portion of the cone.)

We see examples of all these possible orbitals in gravitational fields. In each case, the determining factor influencing the nature of the orbit is the relative speed of the object in its orbit. * The orbits of some of the planets (e.g., Venus) are ellipses of such small eccentricity that they are essentially circles, and we can put artificial satellites into orbit around the Earth with circular orbits if we choose. * The orbits of the planets generally are ellipses. * Some comets have parabolic orbits; this means that they pass the Sun once and then leave the Solar System, never to return. Other comets have elliptical orbits and thus orbit the Sun with specific periods. * The gravitational interaction between two passing stars generally results in hyperbolic trajectories for the two stars. Thus, Kepler's elliptical orbitals are but one example of the possible orbits in a gravitational field. Only ellipses (and their special case, the circle) lead to bound orbits; the others are associated with one-time gravitational encounters. For a given central force, increasing the velocity causes the orbit to change from a circle to an ellipse to a parabola to a hyperbola, with the changes occurring at certain critical velocities. For example, if the speed of the Earth (which is in a nearly circular gravitational orbit) were increased by about a factor of 1.4, the orbit would change into a parabola and the Earth would leave the Solar System.

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