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Osteocytes. These cells are housed within the lacunae of the bone matrix and play a key role in maintaining bone health and structure.

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Cells inside lacunae receive oxygen through diffusion from nearby blood vessels. Blood vessels supply oxygen to surrounding tissues, which then diffuse into the lacunae where the cells reside. This process ensures that the cells inside lacunae receive the necessary oxygen for their metabolism.

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The canal that connects lacunae to osteocytes is called a canaliculus. Canaliculi are small channels that allow for communication and nutrient exchange between osteocytes located within lacunae in compact bone tissue.

3 answers

The tiny canals that connect the lacunae are the canaliculi, the larger canals are the Haversian canals.

3 answers

In lacunae, you can find chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cells that are responsible for maintaining the extracellular matrix of cartilage tissue.

2 answers

In biological terms, lacunae can refer to the small cavities within bone tissue where osteocytes reside. In a general sense, lacunae can also refer to any small empty space or gap within a structure.

2 answers

The lacunae is the space that holds the cartilage in the bones of the human body. This allows us to move, walk, run, and jump without feeling pain of the bones hitting each other.

2 answers

Cells in lacunae allow for the exchange of nutrients and waste products with the surrounding extracellular matrix. They also help maintain tissue structure and function by secreting and maintaining the matrix components.

2 answers

Osteocytes and lacunae are found in the mineralized extracellular matrix of bone tissue, not within a specific bone. Osteocytes are the primary cells of mature bone, residing within small cavities called lacunae.

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cytoplasmic extensions

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Connective tissue.... bone!

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guy who discovered them john howship

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bone (osseus) tissue

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When chondrocytes in lacunae divide and form new matrix, it leads to an expansion of the cartilage tissue from within. What is this process called?

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A chondrocyte typically occupies a space within the extracellular matrix of cartilage called a lacuna. These lacunae provide a home for chondrocytes, which are the only cells found in mature cartilage tissue.

2 answers

The bone cells are contained within small spaces called lacunae, which are located within the mineralized matrix of the bone tissue. These lacunae are connected to each other by tiny channels called canaliculi, allowing for communication and nutrient exchange between the bone cells.

2 answers

V. V. Lazarev has written:

'Primenenie sovetskogo prava' -- subject(s): Administration of Justice, Interpretation and construction, Justice, Administration of, Lacunae in law, Law

'Problemy v prava' -- subject(s): Lacunae in law

1 answer

Bone cells found in the lacunae within the matrix are called osteocytes. They are responsible for maintaining the bone structure and communicating with other bone cells to regulate bone remodeling and repair.

4 answers

add me on facebook and i will tell you

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Chondrocytes in the lacunae divide and secrete matrix, allowing the cartilage to grow from within.

1 answer

Circulatory system mainly of closed type, but some emptying into lacunae. Blood is blue and contains haemocyanin.

1 answer

Canaliculi are small, microscopic canals between the various lacunae of ossified bone. The radiating processes of the osteocytes project into these canals

1 answer

None. These things happen in language. They are called lacunae, places where you think there should be a word, but there isn't.

1 answer

The lacunae filled with extracellular fluid in connective tissues is known as the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix is a network of molecules that provides structural support to cells and tissues, as well as facilitating communication between cells. It is composed of proteins like collagen and elastin, along with other molecules like glycosaminoglycans.

2 answers

Superego lacunae refers to gaps or deficiencies in a person's superego, which is the internal structure that represents society's rules and values. These gaps can lead to a lack of moral guidance or ethical development in certain areas of a person's life. Treatment may involve addressing and filling these gaps to promote healthier psychological functioning.

2 answers

The lacunae of osseous tissue contain osteocytes, which are mature bone cells that maintain the bone tissue. These cells are embedded within the mineralized matrix of the bone and are connected to each other and to the blood supply through tiny channels called canaliculi. Osteocytes play a key role in bone remodeling and responding to mechanical stresses placed on the bone.

2 answers

Cartilage, which is a supporting connective tissue

Visual Anatomy and Physiology page 137

3 answers

Lacunae is the plural version of the word, lacuna. A lacuna is a small gap in bone or cartilage similar to a dent or depression. A lacuna can also be a gap in a story line where the reader is left up to their imagination when the plot shifts radically.

2 answers

Canaliculi. More info could be found on websites below.

2 answers

in bones nerve's are found inside the harvesian canal and bone cells are present inside the lacunae surrounding the harvesian system.

1 answer

Osteocytes are arranged in rings in an osteon, the functional unit of a bone. They reside within the lacunae, which are gaps between the osteon's circumferential lamellae.

1 answer

Dieter Hess has written:

'Analogieverbot und Steuerrecht' -- subject(s): Interpretation and construction, Lacunae in law, Law and legislation, Taxation

1 answer

The type of bone you are referring to is compact bone. It contains osteocytes housed in lacunae arranged in concentric circles called lamellae around central canals (Haversian canals). Compact bone is found on the outer wall of the middle portion of long bones.

3 answers

I had a stroke which left me with "lacunae amnesia" that happened after claim number was issued but was never followed up due to loss of memory for specific events. Is claim still valid for collection when it is beyond the time allowed? There was police investigation at that time.

1 answer

Canaliculi. Their function is to allow nutrients and waste to pass between osteocytes within the bone matrix.

3 answers

Bone canaliculi are narrow canals containing cytoplasmic processes of osteocytes. They are located in the space between the lacunae of ossified bone.

1 answer

Peter Speiger has written:

'Interessenjurisprudenz in der deutschen Rechtsprechung' -- subject(s): Interpretation and construction, Judge-made law, Lacunae in law, Law

1 answer

Nutrients, oxygen, etc. diffuse from nearby blood vessels through the matrix of the cartilage to reach the chondrocytes residing in their lacunae.

1 answer

canaliculus is a small channel or canal, as in bones, where they connect to lacunae. Lacuna is a small shallow space in the bones in which the osteocytes lie.

2 answers