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Absolutely over the counter meds can kill anyone in a high enough dose.

1 answer

The cast of Counter Kill - 1975 includes: Joseph Estrada Tara Fonseca

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You have to press the block button at the exact moment an enemy is about to hit you. War will block the attack and perform a damaging counter attack.

For the challenge that requires you to do five counter kills, you need to keep repeating this. it takes two counters to kill each enemy here, so that would be one 'counter kill'.

1 answer

Counter kill is For PC i tried it,I tried on 360 on friends house,PS3 in Cousins house

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Still have questions?
magnify glass

Be careful here...make sure u dnt kill a hostage...usually a counter terrorist will lead the group..so be sure to stay infront!!

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The blue one- Complete the "Counter C4 III" challenge - Kill 20 enemies by shooting C4 The red one- Complete the "Counter Claymore III" challenge - Kill 20 enemies by shooting a claymore

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CS is a computer game. CS is short for Counter Strike.

In this game there will usually be two teams. The Counter-terrorists and the Terrorists. The primary objective for each team is to kill all the members of the other team, But there are other ways to win. In certain maps there will be hostages. If the counter-terrorists rescues all hostages or kills all terrorists the counter-terrorists win. If not the terrorists win.

In other maps terrorists will be able to deploy bombs. If the bomb is successfully detonated or the terrorists kill all the counter-terrorists, the terrorists win. If the bomb is not detonated, or if the counter-terrorist are able to defuse it, or kill all terrorist before the bomb is deployed, the counter-terrorists win.

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Eosinophils are the formed elements that counter parasitic worms.

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Search and destroy (find 'em & kill 'em).

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There is two:

The blue one- Complete the "Counter C4 III" challenge - Kill 20 enemies by shooting C4

The red one- Complete the "Counter Claymore III" challenge - Kill 20 enemies by shooting a claymore

1 answer

someone who commits terror related crime ex.Evil Muslims bomb a building American soldiers unknowingly kill good Muslims that is an example of unknown counter terrorism

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Challenge: "Counter-C4: I" - Kill 3 enemies by shooting C4.

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No, he dead of natural causes, probably a reaction to an over the counter medication.

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No, it gives you the best counter automatically depending on the position your in the weapon your using and the kind of strike the enemy used.

Hope that was what you were lookin' for.

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No. The only way to get rid of headlice is to use a treatment from over the counter from your pharmacist.

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The AWP, magnum sniper-rifle, inflicts the most damage. It is often a one-hit-kill.

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the first to die is striker in every game but he made his rampage to kill terrorist

and protect his friends

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If you are talking about the final Prestige Challenge for each weapon in Modern Warfare 2, each weapon kill counter stops at 2500 kills, and the challenge for head shots stops at 1000 head shots.

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quizalofop p ethyl is a grass selective herbicide and it WILL kill giant reed otherwise fluazifop will also kill it, not sure if you can buy it over the counter at hardware stores but farm supply eg landmark in Australia sell it.

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You can buy permethrin over the counter at a %1 strength which is strong enough to kill lice but the kind of permethrin (%5 strength) that cures scabies you need a prescription for

2 answers

You go to the enclosed fort at the end of Acre. When you see him, jump down, get in conflict, and counter with the hidden blade

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Umm, I think it was the necklace Mari was wearing when his father attempted to to kill her....

1 answer

Not that you can buy 'over the counter' ! if the animal is REALLY suffering - take it to a vet and ask for it to be euthanised.

1 answer

when he starts to fight you you need to kill the guys first after you killed them you got to fight all lot of illusions of al mualim. when your done you fight him. when he tries to hit you do the counter attack. keep repeating it.you can hit him with your swords if you want to. -not M4est411

Another way to kill Al Mualim that is more risky is to counter him with your hidden blade, this will immediately knock him on the ground where you may then finish him off by using the hidden blade on him while he's on the ground.


1 answer

Most strong fire, flying, ice, and bug type can take down a Serperior. There is no single counter to the regal snake.

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A for loop is just a while loop with a built-in counter. For example, the following programs are functionally identical:

While loop:

int counter = 0;

while(counter < 10)


printf("counter = %d\n", counter);



For loop:

for(int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++)


printf("counter = %d\n", counter);


1 answer

a counter is a counter which counts the data and the decade counter is the counts the decade ones

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counter strike 1.6

counter strike CZ

counter strike Source

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"Counter kill" is a term used in video games or combat scenarios to describe killing an opponent who had the advantage or initiative in the encounter. It involves using quick thinking and skill to turn the tables and defeat the opponent before they can make their move.

1 answer

Have the hidden blade selected, and make sure you're holding the block button. it's the same as countering with any other weapon, but you need to press the counter button almost right before the attack hits you. You can't press it as early as the longer blades allow you to. however, if you are successful, you will automatically kill any enemy except a boss, and even with the bosses you still might kill them.

2 answers

There are several types of poisons that kill bedbugs. As of 2014 over the counter insect ides that treat bedbugs. These include Nixalite and Nuvan Pro Strips.

1 answer

to kill enemy with your knife, press left click 2x then right click 1x! it'll give 100 % damage!

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after counter attacking a person, u press (x) or (square) to perform a one hit kill. if u do this 5 times in quick succsession and dont get hit then it is a kill streak

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Counter-Strike 1.6

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Source

1 answer

A counter variable is "incremented" (the step number, 1 in this case, is added to it) in any of the following four ways:
  • $counter = $counter + 1;
  • $counter += 1; //this is shorthand for the above
  • $counter++; //postfix increment operator
    • $counter = 0;
    • echo $counter++;
    • The output would be 0
  • ++$counter; //prefix increment operator
    • $counter = 0;
    • echo ++$counter;
    • The output is 1

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A counter that is odd!

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Johnson counter is a ring counter, which is a type of counter composed of a circular shift register. Johnson counter provides many shift registers and ring counters.

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A ripple counter is a counter in which state transitions of one or more flip flops are triggered by the outputs of other flip flops in the circuit. If all flip flops in the counter are triggered by a common clock pulse, then the counter is called a "synchronous counter". a ripple counter is a counter that will ripple through the information sequentialy. .

1 answer

"on the counter" relates to the word "keys" in the sentence "The keys are on the counter."

2 answers

Any Counter Trap card, such as Counter Counter or Seven Tools of the Bandit, can chain to/ counter another Counter Trap card; including Solemn Judgment.

Some people might be confused due to Counter Counter being printed without the "Counter" symbol in some countries. This error was fixed and printed correctly in other countries and in later versions.

2 answers

I balanced my checkbook on the counter. (or) I counter-balanced my checkbook.

1 answer