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The kallah circling the chatan is symbolic of her building the walls of their home.

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The question is not clear.

1 answer

marriage = Kassena (כאַסענע)...originally spelled חתונה

4 answers

Ibrahim Musa Kallah has written:

'Ba za ta yiwu ba' -- subject(s): Texts, Hausa language

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Malka Kaganoff has written:

'Dear kallah' -- subject(s): Communication in marriage, Jewish women, Religious life

1 answer

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively.

1 answer

Prue Gillett has: Performed in "Parent" in 2005. Played Mother in "Kallah (Bride)" in 2007. Played Josephine in "Total Reaction" in 2009. Played Patricia Thorndyke in "Casting Nina" in 2010. Played Eleanor in "Think Twice" in 2010.

1 answer

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

1 answer

It is considered disrespectful to enter a house of Jewish worship with the head uncovered. This custom is said to have originated in the Middle Ages.

Answer:Actually, the custom goes back at least 1700 years, as it is mentioned repeatedly in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b, Kiddushin 31a, Kallah Rabbati ch.2).

The purpose, in addition to the one mentioned in the above answer, is to show awareness of God's presence.

2 answers

It's called a kippah. "When praying" is the minimum.

Technically, it's to be worn during all waking hours; and that is what the Orthodox (and some others) do.

The kippah (also called yarmulkah) a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

2 answers

During the week before the wedding, the Choson and Kallah do not see each other.

On the Sabbath of that week the Choson is called to the Torah (ufruf), to impress upon the couple the duty to look to the Torah as their guide in married life.

The bride and groom maintain the world by raising children who will busy themselves in Torah study; therefore, the groom is called upon to read the letters of the Torah, which contain the ten utterances of creation.

After his Aliyah, the congregation showers him with raisins and nuts, symbolic of their wishes for a sweet and fruitful marriage blessed with many children.

Meanwhile, on the same Sabbath, the Kallah's family and friends arrange a party (forshpiel) for her, expressing their same wishes for her.

From a few days prior, until a week after the wedding, the couple are considered royalty and are, therefore, not to be seen in public without a personal escort.

2 answers

הכלה של ישו

Laterally Bride of Joshua.

כלה של משיח

This uses the Jewish Messiah (Greek Christ) instead of the Jewish Joshua (Greek Jesus).

Probably neither of these translations is correct as the words "Bride of Christ" is a figurative name for all Christians (both living and dead).

4 answers



Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

3 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16).
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulke," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

3 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

2 answers

It's a sign that he is a Jewish adult.

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

The tallit worn during the morning prayer is an ancient custom based on verses such as Daniel 7:9 and Talmud Rosh Hashanah 17b.

1 answer

It means he is not an Orthodox Jew, though many non-orthodox Jewish men wear yarmulkes (or kippot) on certain occasions.

There is no Jewish law requiring the wearing of a kippah, but it is a very strongly followed custom.


Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. Not wearing a kippah (yarmulkah) would be seen as a mark of impertinence.

This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

1 answer

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

1 answer

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

1 answer


Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.


Tefillin are worn during the morning prayers, in keeping with the command in Deuteronomy ch.6.

2 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

4 answers

According to Jewish tradition, Jewish men should, yes. Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

1 answer

You can call the skullcap often worn by Jewish men and, sometimes, by women, a kippah, kippot, or kipa, a yamulka, yarmulke, or yarmelke.

In the US it is also known as a hech cap.

Different types of skullcap can indicate different religious groups or movements.

More information can be found at the link below.

3 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

The tallit worn during the morning prayer is an ancient custom based on verses such as Daniel 7:9 and Talmud Rosh Hashanah 17b.

6 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

5 answers

Yes, religious Jewish males do. Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

2 answers

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

2 answers

It is a sign of respect being in the presence of God.
It's called a yarmulke, and is a traditional cap worn by Jewish men as a sign of respect in the temple or synagogue, or all day long.

2 answers

Further back than our collective memory, since it is spoken of close to two thousand years ago (Talmud) as an already-ancient practice.

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

1 answer

A yarmulke (pl: yarmulkes or yarmulkas ) is the name for a kippah (Hebrew for skullcap) in Yiddish, and the word is sometimes used by American Jews and often by non-Jews. Most Jews use the Hebrew word which is "kippa."


Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This ancient practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulke," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.


A skullcap worn traditionally by religious Jews. The custom originated as a way of reminding oneself that God is above.


There is considerable debate among Halachic authorities as to whether or not wearing a kippa at all times is required. Jewish law dictates that a man is required to cover his head during prayer, and wearing a head covering outside of the synagogue was originally a custom.

4 answers

When Jews pray on all days aside from Shabbat or Festivals, they wear tefillin. Tefillin consist of two black boxes attached to leather straps. The first box goes on the weaker arm and the leather strap is wrapped around the arm. The second box is placed on the forehead (like in the above image), and the strap goes around the head. Tefillin are also called phylacteries by Non-Jews, but this term is usually seen as derisive by Jews.

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

10 answers

The skullcap (yarmulke, kippah) is worn to remind the person *at all times* that he is under the authority of God. It is a relatively (only about 500 years or so) new custom among the Jews. It is not a commandment, but a custom. The prayer shawl IS a commandment, but the kippah is not.

Jewish answer:

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

1 answer

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

The tallit worn during the morning prayer is an ancient custom based on verses such as Daniel 7:9 and Talmud Rosh Hashanah 17b.

3 answers

They wear kippah/yarmulkes which are a form of skullcap, but they do not wear baseball caps to synagogues. Some Reform Judaism synagogues are more lax about caps, but it is still inappropriate.

Answer 2

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.

The kippa is worn all day, not just during prayers.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

2 answers

Orthodox Jews will always wear a Kippa (Yarmulke) and/or a hat to cover their head. Others will typically wear a Kippa when they enter the synagogue or participate in other religious ceremonies.

3 answers

A hat or a skullcap.

Many Orthodox Men wear top-hats with skullcaps underneath. Any man in a synagogue, regardless of whether he is Jewish or not should wear a skullcap out of deference to the sanctity of the space.

4 answers

The kippah is the Hebrew name for the skullcap that Jewish men wear and the majority of Jews use this word. Another name is yarmulke, which is Yiddish.

It is used to show respect to God as Jews believe God is always above them, watching.

8 answers

A kippah is a hemispherical or platter-shaped cap. It is a custom which evolved as a sign of our recognition that there is someone "above" us who watches our every act.
Traditionally, Jewish men and boys wear the kippah at all times and small children should also be taught to cover their heads.
It has also become custom to wear kippahs or yarmulkes of certain colors, sizes and materials as a sign of allegiance to a certain group.

10 answers

"Kippah" is an extension of "kaf," which means a palm (of the hand), or (by analogy) any rounded, concave or convex item. "Kippah" in modern Hebrew is most often used to refer the cap which male Jews wear.

More information:

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

5 answers

It depends on whether you are discussing Orthodox Judaism or Liberal Judaism.

Orthodox Judaism

As mentioned in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa (skullcap) and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

Women are seen as naturally having less inclination to stray, so the custom of wearing a kippa does not obligate them.

Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

Liberal Judaism

Liberal Jewish women are given the choice as to whether or not they wish to wear the kippa. However, any Liberal Jewish woman who chooses to wear a kippa needs to do so consistently. Additionally, any Liberal Jewish woman who chooses to wear tefillin and tallit, must wear a kippa as well. (Since Orthodox women do not wear tefillin or tallit, this is not an issue for them.)

1 answer

the answer is .no one knows .it certainly the bible or Torah does not direct you to wear one and the israelites did not wear one . the story of avshalom getting his long hair caught with the tree branches gave us a hint .it is a law passed by rabbies,as many other laws they invented ,as each generation bring us another rabbi who need to leave his stamp on Jewish society before he dies.

2 answers

This hat (skull cap to be precise) is called Kippa or Yarmulke. It is a symbolic way to remind men that G-d is above; therefore they most always keep in mind their duties and commandments as Jews. It comes from a Talmudic statement (The Talmud is text that describes the discussions of rabbis pertaining to the rules, philosophies, ethics, customs and history of Judaims) it says: "Cover your head in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you." It has also become a way to recognize male Jews, even though some females in non-orthodox branches wear kippot during services or even all the time.

3 answers

It was a Medieval practice for the pious, of all religions, to cover their heads. They did this to remind themselves that G-d was above them. It was also considered proper in Victorian times that all men should not go out without a hat.

As a Jew should always act in a pious manner and dress in a proper fashion most Jews also did this. This practice spread though out all of Judaism and became a Jewish custom.

4 answers

Answer 1

The custom of wearing a kippah, or yarmulke, is very old, and its origins are lost to time, but today it is generally associated with the idea of reminding the wearer of God's eternal presence, and/or creating a slight separation between the wearer and God.

Answer 2

Why would someone dress formally in the presence of a king or queen. Look at pictures of the ceremonies at Buckingham Palace when the Queen is giving people honors: most people have top hats, formal suits etc.

Jews believe that God is all around us. As a matter of honor, and to demonstrate that He is there, we wear a hat or a yarmulka/kappel/kippa (whatever the local terminology may be) to represent this fact.

Answer 3

It has become a custom in Judaism for men to wear a yarmulke. However it is a fairly recent custom, being only about 400 years old. The purpose is to remind the man that he is a servant of God. A secondary purpose is to identify him as a Jew. Just as the Muslim observes certain customs that are not commanded by the Koran, so the Jew observes certain customs that are not specifically commanded by the Judaic Scriptures. Unless it is specifically forbidden, a custom that honors God is permitted and this is one of them.

Answer 4

Answer 3, stating that the yarmulke is a recent custom, isn't actually true. The yarmulke is mentioned emphatically in the Talmud, 1800 years ago (Kallah 1:16).

The only stated purpose (Talmud, Shabbat 156b) is to add awareness of God (not to "serve as a separation" as said in answer 1).
The correct spelling is yarmulke, also called kippahs, and they are worn as a sort of reminder of god, who is a higher being "above us". In other words they are a "means to draw out one's inner sense of respect for god".

10 answers

Orthodox Jewish men wear them all the time. Conservative and Reform Jews might only wear them when praying in synagogue or in the home.

It depends on your level of observance.

The custom of wearing a kippah, or yarmulke, is very old, and it's true origins are lost to time, but today it is generally associated with the idea of reminding the wearer of God's eternal presence, and/or creating a slight separation between the wearer and God.


The idea of men covering their heads originated in the Middle Ages by French and Spanish Rabbis. The idea then evolved and the popularity fluctuated until the 1800's when the leading recommendation was to always keep the head covered.

A great article outlining the history can be found at the attached link.

9 answers

Zuhar ki namaz ka time kab se kab tak hota hao ..... Aise hi panchon waqt ki namazon ka waqt kab se kab tak ho ta hai ....... Hadith ke hawale se batane ki zehmat karein ..


2 answers

The Kippah has become a symbol of Judaism because of it's association with the Jewish People. The Kippah itself means nothing, it was established as a convienient way to conform with the law commanding Jewish Men to cover their head in respect to God at all times. It has become a tradition because it has been used for over a thousand years, and continues to be the most convienient way to conform to the commandment to cover ones head.

5 answers

There are a few terms for the "beanie" that the Jewish man wears. One of these is the yamulke, a term that the Askenazi community uses. Another is the kippah, which is the term that seems to have become more popular in recent years. In both cases, it is the men's covering to denote his submission to God's Will.

7 answers

Wearing a kippah is a physical recognition that God is always above us.

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa and/or a hat, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.
Note that Jewish married women traditionally cover their hair (Talmud, Ketubot 72b). This is for the purpose of modesty - only her husband should see her beauty - since the hair is considered beautiful (Talmud, Berakhot 24a).

8 answers

I think it was in some parts, but not for all Jews. It was like fasting, you did it sometimes, but not always. And not everyone did it.

Jewish answer:

The answer is: yes.

Jewish males cover their heads with a kippa or other head covering, as a reminder of the presence of God. This practice is twice mentioned emphatically in the Talmud (Shabbat 156b; Kallah 1:16), in statements dating back 1700 and 1850 years, respectively. Even then, covering one's head is spoken of as an established practice, not something new.
The Yiddish word for kippah, "yarmulkah," is a contraction of the Aramaic "yerei malkah": to be aware of the King.

4 answers