to ur fat mom from jack maddox, hednesford, staffs. smelly willies
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The shepard walked with two staffs.
Both CEOs promised to loan their staffs to the relief effort.
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Managers are not more important than staffs. They are equally important as managers would need the staffs to meet the objectives of the organizations and staffs need managers for guidance and coordination.
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To stop noobs from getting staffs and swords, they expired.
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there are spy days in staffs or cheshire becaause they just are
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Employment agency staffs many companies.
The shepherds went up the mountain holding their staffs to help stand as they walked and climbed.
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Transport Salaried Staffs' Association was created in 1897.
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Wizard Staffs - 2013 was released on:
USA: 5 May 2013
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On its own right with its staff in front of the other staffs
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The two staffs are located in the storage closet.
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I would put the staffs in an 'X' then put the flag over them
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The cast of Wizard Staffs - 2013 includes: Jeffrey Martini as Jeff
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If you have two separate staffs that are respectively in charge of planning, and of engineering, staffs is correct. You might also have just one staff, that is in charge of both planning and engineering. So this depends upon context.
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All staffs are hard, if u wanna beat one, train necro to full and enter 22 multiple times. You can only duel staffs if u dont have DA. Bye.
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The Mages in the College of Winterhold sell staffs but if you mean an actual shop then some might have them (not quite sure)
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Yes, the direct object 'abilities' are the abilities of the staff: the staff's abilities.
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Well their good for mage in non-members only nobbish members wear them normal staffs and magic staffs are useless but I'm your non-member i would recommend air staff becaise all the fire, earth staffs etc. allow you to have infininte use of that rune (don't even need them in your inventory) and you need air runes for nearly every spell, water staffs are also good because for noobs water runes can get expensive.
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The correct form is "staff's" when indicating possession by a singular staff member. "Staffs'" is used when indicating possession by multiple staff members.
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Three staff if you are referring to people - staff members
Three staffs if you are referring to long wooden walking sticks-
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There are wood staffs and metal staffs available in stores. One place you may find a staff would be a local knife shop. Or you maybe able to find them in stores that sell martial arts materials.
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If you are referring to "staff" as in employees of a company, the word is a collective noun, which can be plural "staffs" to indicate more than one separate staff.
If you are referring to "staff" as being a stick or pole, the plural would be "staves".
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The phrase "tingling shafts of light like gigantic staffs" is an example of a simile, comparing the light to staffs for emphasis and vivid imagery.
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Arnold R. Mountford has written:
'The Sadler Teapot Manufactory site, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ; [and] The Marquis of Granby Hotel site, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ; [and] ... Museum Archaeological Society ; no. 7)'
'The Sadler Teapot Manufactory site, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ; [and] The Marquis of Granby Hotel site, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ; [and] A group of Astbury-type pottery found in Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs' -- subject(s): Antiquities, English Pottery
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Staffs can be gotten as rewards for doing quests and are dropped off of mobs. Staffs are one of the only weapons that can not be made by a profession (along with bows and crossbows).
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Yes, india is a good travel destination for staffs.
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Steps involving to solve circle graphs:
For example take this problem, in an office there are 230 staffs in first floor, 320 staffs in second floor and 150 staffs in third floor. Draw circle graphs to mention the numbers of staffs in each floor.
Step 1: At first take all the given data and add; it is nothing but the Total number.
Total number of staffs in an office = 320 + 150 + 230 = 700
Step 2: After that convert each and every value of the data's into angles by dividing with total number and multiply with 360.
Percentage of staffs in first floor as angles = 230/700*360 = 118.5
Percentage of staffs in second floor as Angle = 320/700*360 = 164.5
Percentage of staffs in third floor as Angle = 150/700*360 = 77
Step 3: Then draw the circle graph by using the solved value in angles.
Then the circle graph is get as,
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The word 'staff' is a singular, uncountable noun as a word for the people who work for a particular company, organization, or institution; employees as a group.
The noun 'staff' (the plural form is staffs) is a countable noun as a word for the set of lines on which music is written; a long stick used for making walking easier on rough terrain; a stick carried by officials on formal occasions; a flagpole.
4 answers
Manpower inventory is the record of staffs in a commercial organisation.
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