No more slavery.
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Same as any other car. The ticket is issed to the DRIVER - not the CAR.
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well depends some people dont like that word some think of it as shutup but to be safe id say yes it is
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When going into riot control or heavy fighting, smoke AND flashbangs are issued.
However, usually only smoke grenades are issed.
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Go to you local DMV fill out application for motor vehicle inquiry , pay fee , but you must show some form of U.S issed ID. In Texas the fee is 2.00
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Heck no. The address came from your driver's license. So the ticket will come back as undeliverable and a warrant will be issed. Next time you're stopped you'll go to jail and pay a hefty fine. No problem!
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When there is reserves as well as retained earnings are also presentaed in balance sheet then price of share is more than its face value and then at that time shares are issed at excess of par value.
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By now ANdorra had planned to implement fiber optic cables that will provide atleast 100mbit/sec internet acces to all andorrans. THis plan was issed 3 years ago and was supposed to be done by now. According to this you can say the whole population of Andorra has internet
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Yes, You can have your marriage certificate issed by our County Clerk, the ceremony performed in Florida and signed. The certificate must either be sent back to the County Clerk for filing by the officary OR yourself.
It is also a good idea to check with your officary.
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Sixpences were issed for each year of Edward VII's reign i.e. 1902 - 1910. In ordinary circulated condition they are worth £2 - £5 each. In mint condition they can fetch anywhere between £50 (for the 1902) to £150 - £160 (for the 1904 which is the rarest year). 1907 and 1908 are also scarce and can make £100 each in mint state.
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They can vary by length from a very short time span all the way up to permanent. The court order will have this information in it somewhere. If it cannot be located contact the Clerk Of The Court which issed the order to see the original decision.
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hey baby wont you look my way i can be your new addiction hey baby watcha gotta say all your giving me is fiction im a sorry sucker and this happens all the time i found out that everybody talks (3*) it stated with a whisper and that was when i issed her and then she made my lips hurt and all i heard was chit chat take me to your love shack mammas always got a back track and everybody talks back
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Misunderstanding, or not, you MUST appear in court. If you did not you would become a fugitive and would have a warrant immediately issed for your arrest - not to mention the fact that whoever posted your bail would lose it by having it forfeited. If this is your first appearance in court the prosecutor will have to present enough evidence to the judge to cause you to be arraigned (or not) and you will be given the opportunity for a public defender (if you qualify). You will be given an oportunity to speak and to plead not guilty. It is not so much as you have to prove your innocence as that the prosecutor will have to prove your involvement.
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Please post a new question with the coin's country of origin. The fact that it has a picture of George VI merely indicates it was issued by a member of the British Commonwealth rather than by a specific country.
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Two developments convinced Secretary of State Adams that the Monroe Doctrine was necessary. First, the expanded Russian exploration and fur trapping south of Alaska, which had been Russian territory since 1741. The Russians built Fort Ross close to Spanish San Francisco and the Czar in 1821 ordered foreign ships to stay 100 miles clear of Russian-American shores.
The second, yet more important problem Adams saw, was the chance that Austria and France would send troops to the Western Hemisphere to help Spain regain her lost colonies in South America.
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the crown (police) will need to have evdince against you first. this has to be solid and then taken to the magatristres court to obtain the warrent. before the warrent is issed they must first convince the judge by entring youre home they will be able to get more evidnce which will later on help porucute you in court. it usally take along time to get warent liek 2weeks and also it very exepsive so if they do do it it has to be something major i.e a muder wepaon
Added: (in the US) The information supportng the request for a warrant is called an AFFIDAVIT and must contain sufficient 'probable cause' to be legally 'sufficient' so that a judge or judicial officer will sign the affidavit. Once the affidavit is signed by a judge the warrant may be issued and served.
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I have worked in grocery for a couple years, and the way money is made in coupon sales is: A manufactorer coupon is one that you clip out from a penny saver or is issued from somewhere other than the actual store in one of their flyers. They have a small box where the cashier enters the amount the item was sold for. The store gives the discount, then later gets reimbursed from the manufactorer for the sale. A store coupon is one issed by the store itself. These are usually done for promotion. And the store counts on people buying other items than those just on the coupons, so they are still making profit. FunFact: If someone has more than a certain amount of coupons, you have to get a store manager approval [check if the coupons are valid] to continue the order as a loss prevention protection protocall.
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It's like a time-line. At this particular time, this number of prints were issed on this date, of this year, etc. The prints can be limited, so that no others will be available until the reprint is scheduled by the artist or their executors. Thus 1st editions, 2nd editions, etc. In printmaking, an artist uses a system by which there can be more than one original. A good example is silkscreening. Using a screen and screen filler, an artist makes out the shapes they would like to print, fills in the rest of the screen to keep ink out, and passes ink over the screen, transfering it to any paper or fabric or surface beneath. This can be done multiple times before the next color and shape are chosen and prepared to be printed on top. There are a certain number of prints made at a time.
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Yes. Since state-issed ID cards and Driver's Licnses are considered to be a vaild form of identification, every state must go through the process of actually identifying you when you request a state ID, or driver's license. This will include a background check on you to determine that you are who you say you are.
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Italian soldiers of WW2 were issued leather front-lacing ankle boots with or without hobnails on the soles. These were the basic construction as those used in WW1 and were called the Model 1912 pattern. The model 1929 grey-green woollen puttees were wrapped from the ankle to just below the knee. Grey-green woollen knitted socks were issued to all ranks. Officers wore this same boot or a higher riding boot that covered the calf. Alpini were issed a pattern 1912 climbing boots of brown leather with extra hobnails for climbing. Some special troops wore a leather leggings that provided better protection of the calf. MVSN troops wore a long black or grey-green woollen hose over which another pair of shorter white socks was rolled down around the ankles.
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NEVER, as is the case for any warrant.
NEVER is not the case for all bench warrants and its certainly not the case for all arrest warrants.....
A Bench warrant will stay active till you are either brought before the court,the court drops the warrant itself, you die or you do some legal action to resolve the warrant.
In some city courts, bench warrants for traffic tickets and unpaid fines are sometimes cleared after a number of years but that is a city by city issue.
There are statute of limitations set on arrest warrants(meaning you committed a crime but have not been arrested by the police) that vary from state to state and once the statute of limitations is reached for that specific crime you can not be prosecuted for that crime and the arrest warrant becomes void,such as an arrest warrant issed in the state of Maryland in 1956 for a person who committed petty theft would no longer be valid in 2012 because the states statute of limitaions on the crime of petty theft is only 20 years..
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Yes, as long as all I.D.'s are issued from the same state. It is also a wise idea to make sure that they all have the same street address. When you have multiple state issued I.D.'s, it is very important that your personal info is the same on all of them.
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Keeping it brief:
Voltaire was a fan of Adam Smith's, and in his journey to England became a proponent of the nascent market system there. He wrote quite a bit about it, and a few themes pervade his writings (alongside an ever-present anticlericalism):
1) Market-oriented economies foster cooperation between disparate groups of people: Voltaire was especially impressed with the fact that dozens of wildly different religious groups traded in the exchange as if they had no real differences, acting (as he put it) as if the only infidels were those who were bankrupt.
2) Luxury is not merely tolerable, but a desirable pursuit: the individual desire for improvement is what drives innovation and moves the economy. This is a common idea now, but at the time the idea had barely been around for a generation, and had never had so vocal and influential a proponent as Voltaire.
3) Sovereign debt service can encourage a national economy with revenue, especially when that lending is from the state's own population: while international sovereign debt can be dangerous for the investor, marketable debt issed by the state can help drive economies. Voltaire often put his money where his pen was in this regard, as a heavy investor in many different European economies at the time.
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Yes, the Army MP badge is still used. That being said.... in MOST cases, its used for MPI (Military Police Investigations). Last I heard, every MP company/Unit has Badges issued, (Per TOE I think), but seldom issed to indv. MP's. You may see them from time to time on MP's working special functions... ( think presidential, or Congress etc..) The Army still has a Spec Sheet on the badges, for the manufacturer of the badges. I think there are two companes that make them. the Specs have changed slightly over the years, but nothing major. Just a few tweeks on the rounding of the edges, or weight, etc. The "REAL" MP badges are east to spot..... they ALL have the words "GOVT PROPERTY" stamped on the pin atachment on the back of the badge, and ALL have a nmber on the bottom....1 letter, and 4 numbers. (My old one was S0459). I have heard some people talk of the number is the First letter of the last name, and last for of the SSN, but I kind of doubt that, it makes the badge usless for the next guy. And they are controlled items, so they are turned in. MPI is real particulare about the MPI creds, so my guess is that somone working MPI must just be ordering Dups, and putting the numbers they want on it... but not sure. hope this helps.
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Two types of title insurance coverage: 1. Mortgage Policy - Covers the Primary Lender for the life of the loan. As the loan is paid down, the coverage goes down with it. When the loan is paid off (either through life of loan payments or refinance) the Policy is no longer in affect. 2. Owner's Policy - Covers the new owner for the history and prior owner acts affecting the property. Owner's Policy is in effect for as long as the new, current owner owns the property 1 year or 100 years. Acts of new owner after issuance are not covered, only prior owner acts at time of purchase. Since each property is unique, the coverage is unique to the property. "Standard" coverage insures the history of the property If a issue creates a cloud on title (marketability, loanability,etc.), that will be shown on the title report along with requirements needed to address the cloud (tax sales, old mortgages,etc). If an issue cannot be removed from title, the buyer has the option of not purchasing the property or accepting it with the known defect and the title agency will "except" that defect from coverage ie: not insure it. Title insurance is non-transferrable. If you sell the property, you cannot transfer your Policy to the new owner. A Lender, however, can usually assign the Loan Policy coverage to an assign or purchasor of the loan if they have purchased Secondary Market coverage at the time the Policy was issed and the original terms, conditions and original loan amount has not changed as part of the purchase of the loan.
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His famous -- or, if you prefer, infamous -- book is titled "Mein Kampf," which means My Struggle in English.
It was first published in 1925 and is about Hitlers political views. this was Mein Kampf or My Struggle, published 1925, part two in 1926 Its Mein Kampf> which translates as 'my struggle' it consists of two volumes, Hitler wrote the first volume in prison. It was issed as a gift at weddings by the church, as prizes in schools etc It sold in excess of 30 million copies.
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guns,gas chambers
the ghewer 43 was a gun in the holocaust it was used to kill Jews and to fight in war
Well, the Nazis tried:
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