there is none. try the health cheat though, it should help you for everything that doesn't kill you instantly.
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Another way to say invulnerable is untouchable. For example:
The man with the big muscles thought he was invulnerable.
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The opposite of vulnerable is invulnerable, meaning not susceptible to harm or attack.
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Arrogant people appear to be invulnerable to criticism, but it is just a facade.
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Invulnerable refers to something being immune. It means that it is not possible for something to be damaged or injured.
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give the unit/building or whatever the invulnerable (neutral) ability
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You press "edit options" and then find your player and make him invulnerable by putting 2x overshields or more.
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In WW 1, the armor on tanks was not THAT thick, and a heavy machine gun with armor piercing ammuntion COULD disable a tank. They were NOT invulnerable.
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Zatch Bell - 2005 The Invulnerable Robnos 1-16 was released on:
USA: 18 June 2005
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No, Clark is not invulnerable to magic. Just like Kryptonite, magic is a weaknesss for him as was shown in a few Season 4 episodes and in the episodes featuring Zatanna.
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The Medic has a gun called an medigun that heals people. Over time, a bar will charge and at 100% you will have something that is called an ubercharge. Activating an ubercharge (right click) will render you and your patient invulnerable until the bar runs out.
Invuln is short for Invulnerable, when the Medic activates his UberCharge, you become Invulnerable. That's just a game term for it.
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Unassailable, invulnerable, plenipotent, circumspect, dependable.
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safe, protected, sheltered, invulnerable are synonyms for secure.
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In Warhammer 40k, an invulnerable save is a special type of saving throw that a unit can make to avoid damage, regardless of their armor. This save is usually represented by a specific value, such as a 4 or 5, which indicates the likelihood of successfully avoiding damage.
The implications of an invulnerable save in gameplay are significant, as it provides a unit with an additional layer of defense beyond their regular armor save. Units with invulnerable saves are often more resilient and harder to eliminate from the battlefield, making them valuable assets in strategic gameplay. Players must consider the presence of invulnerable saves when planning their attacks and choosing targets, as they can greatly impact the outcome of battles.
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Hi there,
I got this info off of the wow guide site http://www.hiddenstuff.com/ -here's how you can make the invulnerable armor in WoW FT.
Invulnerable Mail is crafted by Blacksmiths with a skill level of 300. The components are: 30 arcanite bars, 30 enchanted thorium bars, 6 huge emeralds, and 6 azerothian diamonds. Hope this helps!
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Immortality and brute strength. Completely invulnerable to heartbreak and Jehovah's witnesses.
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There is no invulnerability cheat for CS:GO
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The giant Antaeus, son of Gaia, wasn't really invulnerable, but extremely powerful when touching the earth (his mother). Hercules fought with him and when he realised the secret of the giant's strength, he held him in the air and squeezed him to death.
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Unassailable means unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated. It suggests that something is secure or invulnerable.
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because that was the only spot that wasn't dipped in the Styx, so it was invulnerable.
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Being invulnerable means you cannot be hurt, physically, spiritually or mentally. This is not achievable, merely a an ideal.
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The had advanced Artillery, and the fighting techniques were incredible. They were virtually invulnerable to arrows
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no. but if in firefight set your damage to invulnerable and stand there it gets you $$$$$$$$$$$$$ about 4000 in 1 minute. helps if in legendary
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invulnerable, indestructible, unconquerable, unbeatable, indomitable, unassailable; impregnable, inviolable; informal bulletproof.
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Inconel Alloy Round Bars, which is oxidation invulnerable to 1800 Degree F in outside.
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It is not physically possible to be invincible and immortal unless you were God.
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Depends on the mutant. Most of them aren't invulnerable, so a bullet to the head should work nicely.
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You would need to edit game options and on shields and health put invulnerable.
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He's not invulnerable, so there's a whole list of options available. Shooting him could work.
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It makes you invulnerable for 1 second... this way if you are about to fall into a box you can use it and you'll just pass through it..
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Yes. Most just unlock costumes, powers, skills, crystals. There isn't one for invulnerable or unlimited force.
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Because diseases are being naturally selected to resist attack and be better infectors of humans.
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There are no "Cheats" only hacks that can do many things from auto training to making you invulnerable along with MANY MANY more things.
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There are no "Cheats" only hacks. You can download a hack and become invulnerable, auto train, and many more "cheats" or hacks.
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Yes, he shows up as an enemy in The Subspace Emmisary. He also appears as an (invulnerable) Assist Trophy.
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Siegfried had killed the dragon Fafner and bathed in its blood. His body became invulnerable because of the dragon's blood. Siegfried had only one vulnerable spot in his body. As he was soaked from the dragon's blood, a large leaf fell and landed between Siegfried's shoulder blades. Only this area was untouched by the dragon's blood. This was the only vulnerable spot of his skin.
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Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him-the proverbial "Achilles' heel."
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You can't get invincibility in that game sorry.only way to bem temporarily invulnerable is to use the shield charger/tesla barrier.
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The bullseye on Achilles was his heel. According to Greek mythology, Achilles was invulnerable except for his heel, where his mother Thetis held him as she dipped him into the River Styx to make him immortal.
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An "ironclad" was a naval vessel constructed during the early Age of Steam. Armored with steel or iron plating, these ships were largely invulnerable to the naval artillery and musketry of the day.
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Super sonic is invulnerable. This means he can't die. However if he loses all his rings he will transform back to Sonic and will most likely get killed soon after.
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